May 27, 2009, - 2:18 pm
Weird Site of the Day . . . or Some People Have Too Much Time on Their Hands
By Debbie Schlussel
You know how sometimes you just have to go? And yet, you’re in the middle of a movie in the movie theater or watching a live TV show or sporting event you’re not taping. Well, if you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go, and you’ll miss part of the movie/show/game, etc.
To me, if that’s your biggest problem in life, you’re either batting 1,000 or not living (or both).
But to the people at, that is life’s biggest problem. To solve it, the site lists lulls in movies and TV shows so that you can avoid missing the “good parts.” And they’re considering expanding to sporting events, too.
So, here’s my question: If you have time to surf the web and read what is the right time to go to the bathroom, then you might as well just go to the bathroom.

Apparently, you’re supposed to visit the site before you head to the theater. Um, let’s see, tickets . . . check. Nope, honey, we can’t leave until I check to see when I can leave for the restroom during “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian.”
Sad. Silly. Very silly. Life is too short to worry about something like this.
Is this really necessary?
Just go. You didn’t miss a thing.
Sorry, but I have to point out this typo … you said they will expand it to “spotting events”. Bahahahaha. Good one Debbie.
Leah on May 27, 2009 at 2:58 pm