March 12, 2007, - 1:24 pm

Not the Best Choice for Walter Reed Probe

She may have run Health and Human Services under Hillary Rodham Cankles and hubby, but Donna Shalala wasn’t exactly the best choice to lead (or even sit on) the commission reviewing military and veterans’ hospitals and healthcare.
This is the same chick who at her University of Miami. This is the same chick who despite on-field thuggery and stomping, last fall. If she can’t do a damned thing when criminals are blatantly attacking each other on videotape, don’t expect much at the VA, Walter Reed, or elsewhere, where the problem is less blatant and more insidious.
Yep, Donna Shalala was appointed by the Prez to Chair the Military Healthcare Commission along with .
Wounded Soldiers, don’t hold your breath.

Donna Edna Shalala & Mr. Erectile Dysfunction Have the Last Laugh

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5 Responses

Another moment of “brilliance” displayed by Bush.
He also named Bob Dole as co-head. Bob Dole – nice man, genuine war hero, but he’s also an ineffectual “country club” Republican who couldn’t get anything done while in office. I’m so tired of Bush pulling political hacks from their political graves to sit on yet another pointless commission to come up with ideas and recommendations that won’t be implemented, anyway. Can’t he find younger political hacks who at least have new ideas and have proven themselves? Crying-out-loud, I’ve have enough of this crap! I’m tired of seeing Jim Baker, Lee Hamilton, Tom Kean, Bob Kerrey, Slade Gorton, et al….now, Dole and Shalala.

Thee_Bruno on March 12, 2007 at 1:41 pm

Donna Shalala ugghh! She as once President of my alma mater – Hunter College. I always imagined her (being played by Linda Hunt in the movies) as the girl friend of Janet “Stretch” Reno.

Ripper on March 12, 2007 at 1:54 pm

Boy George has always been a country club Republican just like his useless and ineffectual father.

Ripper on March 12, 2007 at 1:59 pm

I feel so bad for the wounded/disabled vets being used as pawns by these #@^&ing asshole politicians. The question on everyone’s mind must be…is Bush “juiced” up??
He appoints a “stalinist whore” and a RINO ex-senator, who along with his RINO wife have been on the islamofascist payroll for years, to oversee reforms in the medical care of our vets. These are political elites so burnt out on drugs, they probably haven’t had a sane thought in years…looking after the welfare of our wounded young people.
Bush has been dysfunctional since at least the 2004 election and probably before…as though he’s been “juicin up” on mind control drugs.
I strongly support Michael Savage’s proposal for drug testing of ALL public officials from the top down.

joesixpack31 on March 12, 2007 at 3:19 pm

“President Bush ANNOUNCED the names Friday of seven people appointed to the military healthcare commission chaired by University of Miami President Donna Shalala and former Kansas Sen. Bob Dole.” (emphasis added)
On so called bi-partisan commissions, both Dems and Repubs choose a co-chairman. Shalala is the DEM’S, not Bush’s, choice for the role. Notice that the story says Bush ANNOUNCED the names.
Having said that, I notice a pattern on these commissions. Repubs choose an old, inoffensive, milquetoast guy, while the Dems choose an attack dog. No wonder these commisions come up with meaningless recommendations.

WillPower on March 13, 2007 at 2:02 am

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