March 9, 2007, - 5:00 pm

How To Adjust Your Computer to the Time Change

Menorah Blog sends this link on how to patch your computer system for daylight savings time. Watch the video. Very helpful.

4 Responses

I know this has nothing to do with daylight savings times but I have to say that I support you 100% Debbie!
I was born in Pakistan and immigrated here when I was a year old. I love my country and will defend it against cold hearted monsters.
Eventhough my family is Muslim, I am personally not religious, perhaps I can even be considered an Agnostic.
American Muslims need to realize that
1) They are free to practice their religion as long as they dont force it on others.
2) Need to realize that the constitution is the law of the land. They cant follow Islamic principles that go against American laws and norms.
4) They must protect this land at all costs.

agnosticpakistani on March 11, 2007 at 12:09 am

I am also a fan, and I keep you in my prayers. Just wanted to let you know that on Rush Limbaugh’s 24/7 member’s site, you are now listed as an additional source for his show prep. Specifically, it says: “These are resources that I have added to everything else that I use for show prep. Show prep is, of course, an ongoing and never-ending thing.” Rush then lists the following additional news sources (plus the ones he already uses): ? NR’s The Corner ? Hugh Hewitt ? Captain’s Quarters ? Power Line ? Red State ? Little Green Footballs ? Strata-Sphere ? Michelle Malkin
? DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL ? Hot-Air ? Insta-Pundit ? The American Thinker.
Don’t know if you knew that or not!

The Phoenix on March 11, 2007 at 6:47 am

So glad you spoke up! ftr, Two of my favorite ex-Muslim sites online are and

Jeremiah on March 12, 2007 at 11:48 am

I would like to point out that none of these posts are about Daylight Savings Time.
We should be grateful that we have DST. When I was living in the northeast corner of Japan (where they have only one time zone and don’t have DST), even in the middle of summer it got dark at about 6:00-6:30. I went out one Saturday night a couple years ago the week of June 21st, and it was already getting light a little bit after 2:00 AM.
So, if anyone you know ever complains about having to reset their clocks, just tell them, “Hey! It could be worse!”

Dan on March 12, 2007 at 10:29 pm

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