July 23, 2012, - 4:17 pm
Michele Bachmann Attack: McCain Has History of Muslim Bro’hood Support; But This is Future (& Present) of GOP
*** UPDATE: Marco Rubio joins the chorus of Islamo-pandering Republi-dhimmis attacking Michele Bachmann (maybe Muslims helped him avoid criminal charges for illegally charging tens of thousands of dollars in personal expenses to his Florida GOP credit card)***
Readers have been clamoring for me to write about John McCain’s attack–and that of other prominent Republicans–on Michele Bachmann for over a week. But I had other things going on, and plenty of also-rans wrote about it. However, since you’ve repeatedly asked for it, since I have information on this no one else has, and since I was asked for my comments on it, this morning on Tulsa, Oklahoma’s “The Pat Campbell Show,” here is my take. It shouldn’t be a surprise or shock to any regular reader of this site that McCain attacked Bachmann for asking the government to investigate top government officials with direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. As I’ve detailed on this site for a year-and-a-half, McCain supports the Muslim Brotherhood and even met with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt long ago, encouraging them to field a candidate in the Presidential elections. And he’s supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, much as he did the Al-Qaeda operatives in Libya. Nor should the fact be surprising that other Republicans stepped up to the plate to beat Bachmann with their PC, Islamo-pandering baseball bats. As I’ve noted on this site for more than ten years, this is not just the future of the Republican Party. It’s the present.
John Boehner’s joining of the McCain attack on Michele isn’t a surprise, either. He’s a liberal Republican. There’s nothing conservative about him. His own recent Republican Party Chairman of Ohio, a descendant of President Taft, pandered to HAMAS CAIR Muslims, co-conspirators in HAMAS terrorism.
Some of you seem to have forgotten that George W. Bush sought the Muslim endorsement against Al Gore, and he was such an Islamo-panderer that he got the endorsement. The Bush Campaign sent representatives to CAIR events in 2004, seeking the Muslim vote again. I attended one of those events, and the porcine Paul Welday, a perpetual losing candidate and flamboyant lobbyist, represented the Bush White House at the Michigan HAMAS CAIR event, praising Yasser Arafat. The Republican Party of neighboring Michigan reaches out regularly to the most extremist Muslims, including HAMAS CAIR. A recent Republican Party of Michigan chairman, Saul Anuzis, recruited Nasser Beydoun, a Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah supporter (who led Hezbollah rallies,) to run for the U.S. Senate as a Republican. Hezbollah’s not the Muslim Brotherhood, but it’s the Shi’ite counterpart and just as bad (and it worked with Muslim Brotherhood spawn, Al-Qaeda, to attack Americans in several operations, including the bombing of the Khobar Towers and US soldiers throughout Iraq). When I confronted Anuzis on this, he said he would actively recruit the votes of Shi’ite Hezbollah supporters in Dearbornistan and do what it takes to get them. That’s what these attacks on Michele Bachmann are all about: Muslim votes, in addition to political correctness. And that’s stupid because, at least for now, Muslim votes are small and irrelevant . . . unless you are running for Judge in Dearbornistan or Dearbornistan Heights. As I reported on this site, Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder hosted a Michigan Muslim Capitol Day event sponsored by HAMAS CAIR and he and Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette appeared at campaign events sponsored, hosted, and populated by open Hezbollah and Muslim Brotherhood supporters. And they knew with whom they were meeting, as they refused to respond to inquiries about it.
And that’s the problem Michele Bachmann won’t call out. She has never had the courage to ask why Republicans pander to jihadists. She was in Congress during part of the Bush Administration. And yet, she never sent such a letter when President Bush was regularly appointing Muslim Brotherhood supporters to top positions in Homeland Security and even a man, Suhail Khan, whose father raised money for Al-Qaeda and brought Ayman Al-Zawahiri into the U.S., to jobs in the White House and at a Department of Transportation job which oversaw transports of nuclear weapons and biohazards on U.S. highways. Because I exposed that on this site and in a National Review Online article, I was banned by National Review, at the request of the Bush White House and with the acquiescence by National Review Editor Rich Lowry. Lowry admitted to me that, even though he acknowledged that my article was 100% accurate, he was banning me at the request of Al-Qaeda progeny Suhail Khan.
This kind of thing goes on throughout the conservative movement that regularly fetes and honors and hosts Grover Norquist (he is the honored guest of an NRO/American Spectator cruise this summer). That’s even though Norquist took money he knew came from Al-Qaeda and laundered other money for Jack Abramoff. This pandering to Muslim Brotherhood acolytes went on throughout the Bush Administration, which set the record for appointing dangerous Muslim Brotherhood figures to positions involving national security and high-level security clearance. That was the time to complain and raise holy hell. We expected that from Obama. We shouldn’t have expected it from Bush. But we–that means Michele Bachmann, not me–did nothing, said nothing. In fact, Bachmann still helps elevate Norquist because she continues to sign his no tax pledge. That’s despite the fact that more and more Republican candidates have refused to sign it. She gives credence to Norquist and won’t denounce him. I guess she doesn’t care that, under Bush, he got a good deal of Muslims (including his beard . . . er, wife) high-level jobs with top secret clearance and access to national security information and intelligence.
And one of the biggest phonies “angry” at Michele Bachmann (but not the four other Congressman who signed letters to the State Department) is Mike Rogers, the Michigan Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee. He is a completely useless tool, who pretends to fight terrorism and rants on “60 Minutes” about it while ogling Lara Logan, but actually does everything to enable Islamic terrorism supporters to reach all levels of government. He’s no surprise either, just a complete phony who pretends to be a conservative. As I wrote on this site a while ago, this hypocrite, Rogers, had no answers for me and my Lebanese Christian friends, when we asked him at a fundraiser they foolishly hosted for him, why he refused to do anything to get patriotic Christian Lebanese Arabic speakers as FBI and ICE agents and government translators. They and Sephardic Jews have been routinely shut out in favor of extremist Muslim Shi’ites and Sunnis who support Hezbollah and HAMAS and who tip off Muslims about impending investigations and lie when they do translations. Rogers guffawed and promised to do something, but it was all cheap talk. He’s an Islamo-panderer as his acquiescence in the attack on Michele Bachmann starkly demonstrates. I challenge anyone to show me one thing Mike Rogers has ever done to make the country safer from Islamic terrorists.
The letter Michele Bachmann and a handful of other Republican Congressmen signed and sent requesting an investigation into individuals like Huma Abedin Weiner was legitimate. Huma Abedin has top secret security clearance and access to the most important intelligence and national security information. Information she gleans from, for example, intelligence the Israelis send us, she could easily send to her mother and sister, both of whom are involved in the Muslim Brotherhood’s women’s auxiliary in neighboring Egypt. Not exactly what we’d want to happen. And, in fact, as I’ve repeatedly said over the years, the Muslim Brotherhood is the proud parent of HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, Al-Qaeda, and a number of other Sunni terrorist organizations. That’s not a secret. It’s absurd that a person that close to the Brotherhood is that high up in the U.S. government. But, like I said, the same thing happened in the Bush Administration, and Michele Bachmann never wrote a letter, never said a word, never let out a peep about that.
That’s one of her mistakes. The other is that she relied on Frank Gaffney to write the letter. He’s one of the biggest phonies, nastiest people, and most loathsome individuals who pretends to fight jihad, but actually is in this to fill his bank account. He pays himself nearly a half million a year, and while he does that, he endlessly promotes jihad-enablers and Arab Spring con artists like Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser a/k/a M. Zuhdi Jasser. Read the details about this fake, Jasser, in my expose on this fraud. (Jasser also recently defended the jihad of a Muslim boy band member and attacked me for exposing it.) Gaffney continues to embrace the fakery that Muslims are nice peaceful people and that the only bad ones are a few “Islamists.” He won’t admit what he knows is the truth because it would hurt his bottom line in fundraising and he wouldn’t be making a half million a year to put out plagiarized, uninformed columns and studies. Yup, that’s right. Plagiarized. Gaffney admitted to me in writing that he plagiarized one of my columns (down to the ellipses I inserted in a quote), but since he plagiarized it from a blog that plagiarized it, that made it okay and he wasn’t going to give credit. Then, one of his publicists admitted to me that they ripped off, uncredited (per usual), all of the stories I broke about Caribou Coffee and the Muslims that own it (which I broke in my New York Post column), for his completely ripped off “sharia study.” And then after repeatedly stealing from me, he and his staff have for years engaged in a whispering campaign against me. This is after they repeatedly threw me under the bus after insisting I go out on a limb against Grover Norquist, and I lost my TownHall.com column because of it. Dealing with Gaffney personally, you’ll see what a complete asshole he is. After repeatedly demanding things from me (as if I were his servant) and then blowing me off, he immediately took one of my calls, years ago, when he wanted to appear on FOX News’ “O’Reilly Factor,” instead of me, when it was the Jewish Sabbath and I couldn’t be on. I didn’t recommend that gigolo and he wasn’t on the show. (I wasn’t surprised when, as we were both speakers at an Arizona immigration forum, Gaffney held a public temper tantrum and repeatedly abused the poor, kind Hispanic office worker who made our travel arrangements. It was like a two-year-old, who badly deserved to be spanked but never had been, was in front of me. Of course, he only does this with the little people, not donors who can pay his half-mill annual salary.)
After publicly pretending to know all about Sami Al-Arian and Grover Norquist’s involvement with him, I quickly realized that Frank Gaffney was lying, knew nothing, and he then demanded that I tell him “the Cliff’s Notes.” This is a guy who knows little about Islam, and for years referred to Hezbollah terrorists and all Islamic terrorists as Wahhabis (which are strictly Sunnis). He’s never done a damned thing to stop Islam or sharia. But plenty of theft to line that bank account. After years of trashing me, stealing from me, lying, and throwing me under the bus, he referred to me as “my friend, Debbie Schlussel” on some stupid radio show. Uh-huh, he’s my friend like a king cobra’s my friend. Actually, I prefer the cobra, since it’s the lesser snake of the two. He simply doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but he’s built a phony industry to make money and get fame. Ask any of Rush Limbaugh’s phone screeners and right-hand man Kit Carson how many times Gaffney’s called demanding to be a guest so he can talk about the Law of the Sea Treaty. They laugh at him. They think he’s a nut. And he is (in addition to being a sleazebag and a fake). The guy is a trouble maker, but not for the right reasons or even against the right target, since he still says Islam isn’t a problem, just Islamists. Michele Bachmann shouldn’t have signed anything he drafted. She should have written her own letter. She has a giant staff for that.
I know first hand how dealing with Frank Gaffney will bite you in the butt. And then he’ll throw you under the bus. Now, Michele Bachmann is learning that first hand. That all of the phony Republicans and fake conservatives are rushing to share the steering wheel shouldn’t be news to her.
This is the Republican Party she’s tolerated for the last six years in Congress. Now that’s come back to bite her in the rear, too.
And note that she isn’t responding or calling them out. And that’s the third return bite on her bottom.
Again, this isn’t just the future of the Republican Party. It’s the present. And Michele Bachmann made a mistake when she only spoke out about the Obama side of this. She needs to openly question the Republican glass house.
And allying with Frank Gaffney and his laughable Center for Security Policy is a losing move. For us all.
Tags: Frank Gaffney, Huma Abedin, Huma Abedin Weiner, Huma Weiner, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann, Muslim Brotherhood
Michele Bachmann does need to respond to the attacks made, especially by her own colleagues in the Republican Party. Her silence is a response. Michele Bachmann does not have the self-confidence to defend herself.
Worry on July 23, 2012 at 4:58 pm