July 20, 2012, - 3:50 pm
Black Bloc / Occupy James Holmes: Was Aurora Batman Killer Part of Occupy Extremist Offshoot?
Early this afternoon, I was on “The Jack Riccardi Show” on KTSA-AM, San Antonio’s ABC Radio station, to talk about “The Dark Knight Rises” (read my review) and this morning’s massacre of moviegoers at a showing of the movie in Aurora, Colorado. On the show, I was asked by Jack if I thought the attack was based on the content and message of the movie or if, as he thought, it was just done there because the killer, Jack Holmes, knew there would be a crowd. I agreed with Jack. But I also said that it was ridiculous to paint Holmes, about whom we knew nothing, as a Tea Party activist. I added that if he were any sort of activist and if his attack were based on the movie, he’d have to be from Occupy or Occupy Wall Street, since the movie’s villain, a terrorist named, “Bane,” has an Occupy message against the rich, and he’s a violent, murderous terrorist. Since then, Twitter’s been lit up with attacks on me by pro-Obama Occupy activists (check out some of the attacks, below). But, now, it turns out I may have been on to something. Private Investigator Bill Warner believes that Holmes was an activist in Black Bloc, the extremist offshoot of the Occupy movement. Here’s why Bill thinks Holmes is part of Black Bloc, whose members often wear all black and gas masks:

“There’s no public information available on James Holmes anywhere. No car, no credit card, no nothing. I checked. Black Bloc members use cash and don’t buy cars so that they can go underground.
(Holmes’) age, the black clothes and gas mask he was wearing, the facts he is white and underground, the facts he is a drifter prone to over-the-top violence, it all fits. Batman features an Occupy-type bad guy and this nut job may have taken it personally.”
One federal investigator told CBS this morning that Holmes indeed remained “under the radar.” He dropped out of medical school recently.
So, was James Holmes part of the Occupy offshoot, Black Bloc? Stay tuned. But if, indeed, he is, then he’s a terrorist and my statement earlier today about his not being a terrorist would be incorrect. Black Bloc is a terrorist group, plain and simple.
Tags: Aurora, Batman Killer, Batman Killer posted OWS videos, Batman Killer was member of Occupy, Bill Warner, Black Bloc, Colorado, Dark Knight Massacre, Jack Riccardi, James Holmes, James Holmes posed Occupy videos, KTSA, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street, OWS, Tea Party, The Dark Knight Rises
I just read an article that quoted police saying terrorism wasn’t a motive. But they said he meticulously planned the attack, donned a protective vest and a gas mask, got in through a fire door he propped open earlier (nice security, guys!), set off an incendiary device and shot movie-goers with an AR-15, a shotgon and a .40 cal Glock. Heck, I was terrified just writing that! Oh and he booby-trapped his apartment to kill.
I wonder, does Colorado have a concealed carry law? I’m thinking they don’t although I don’t know. If somebody was legally armed I would think they would have put this guy down, or tried to.
The first tragedy is all the innocent movie-goers who were shot. it would be a second tragedy if we scape-goated some other innocent group (like the Tea party) or let an actual guilty group LITERALLY get away with murder.
Sean M on July 20, 2012 at 4:14 pm