May 11, 2009, - 7:01 pm
Na-Na-Na-Na, Na-Na-Na-Na, Hey, Hey . . .
By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Good-Bye.
**** UPDATE, 7:09 p.m. Eastern: YAY! The plane is taking off. Good work, ICE! ****
Live Coverage of the deportation of Nazi mass murderer John Demjanjuk a/k/a Ivan the Terrible, who helped snuff out 29,000 lives at Sobibor Concentration Camp. (Thanks to reader Mary for the tip.) Check out the video of Deported Nazi Airlines. Reports are that the flight is scheduled to leave tonight. Thanks to the tireless Fred Taub of Boycott Watch for his constant Demjanjuk Watch updates.
Rot in Munich prison, scumbag. And then, rot in hell.

It’s about f’kn time.
And thanks to Fred Taub, I realize that Demjanjuk really is Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka, too.
What a bloody and evil career he had, but perhaps I should be ashamed because Pat Buchanan compared this Ivan the Terrible to the Jews, Jesus Christ and Alfred Dreyfus: (the referenced hyperlink mentions Buchanan’s comparison of Dejmanjuk to Jesus on the cross; the “American Dreyfuss” quote is not referenced here but well known to us).
Underzog on May 11, 2009 at 8:17 pm