April 28, 2009, - 1:58 pm

Great Americans: Sean Vannity Hosts Porn Star, Calls Her “Role Model,” “Gutsy,” “Great Head on Your Shoulders”

By Debbie Schlussel
Hey, did you know that FOX News is the new “champagne room” in your national strip club? It is on “Hannity.”
When “conservative” Sean Hannity starts following the Loofah King (Bill O’Reilly) in hosting and drooling over porn stars, you know that what’s going on behind the scenes in his personal life isn’t much than that of the O’Loofah Factor star.
Several readers informed me how disgusted they were that Vannity hosted and pimped his viewers on porn star Kim Kardashian, on his FOX News show, last night. Kardashian’s sole claim to fame is that she produced and starred in a sex tape with rapper Ray J, in which they had anal sex. But, to me, that’s no surprise because I learned long ago that while Sean Vannity professes conservatism, his personal life and values are anything but.
Meet Yet Another of Sean Hannity’s “Great Americans” . . .



Sean Vannity Calls Slut Kim Kardashian “Role Model,” Gutsy”

That’s why it was no shocker to me that the vain and vapid Vannity gushed and drooled over this girl almost half his age who got everything she has–her reality TV shows, photo shoots, etc.–because she took her clothes off and did the nasty on camera, then sold it (and still is) for profit at her website, with marketing once reserved for New York’s 42nd street and Times Square: “XXX Hardcore and Candid!” She sold the rights to the “film” for $1 million. (You can watch the very R-Rated preview here).
But instead of asking her why she starred in and directed a porn video, Vannity simply gushed over this porn bim, calling Kardashian “a role model,” “gutsy,” lauding her “counsel and advice,” and telling her “you have a great head on your shoulders.” Yes, Sean, we know with which head you were thinking, and it wasn’t the one on your shoulders. Dude, get a room.
I guess “Fair and Balanced” these days refers to big rumps matching up with big boobs. No worries, though. Sean told us how virtuous this human disease incubator is because she doesn’t drink. Thank Heaven for small favors.
Can’t wait until Sean Vannity’s daughter makes a porn tape with her rapper friend. That’ll be the ultimate poetic justice, since he has no problem pimping this girl on America as a “role model.” It’s only fair if she’s Sean’s girl’s role model, too.
Disgusting. If only Jenna Jameson had a reality show. Or maybe she doesn’t need one. Someone call Vannity. I’m sure this deeply, morally committed conservative can find a drool bucket and a time slot for her on his show, too. What’s that? Oh, it’s the ghost of Linda Lovelace whispering that she wished she hadn’t checked out so early. Who knew there’d come a day when “conservative commentators” would be pimping porn?
Read the full foreplay, er . . . transcript here.
By the way, it’s no coincidence that, this morning on ABC hag-fest, “The View,” Vannity’s BFF and fellow vapid, faux-conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck also fawned and gushed over porn star Kardashian.
Maybe they can re-run this episode of “The View” to replace the episode from L.A. that Homeland Security had to ask ABC to destroy after airhead Hasselbeck disclosed the name and identity of a Federal Air Marshal on national television.
Reader Steve:

Just another reason to hate that a-hole Sean Vannity. Tonight’s announced guest is Kim Kardashian, a whore whose only claim to fame was to let a guy have anal sex with her in a porn flick (which I did not see).
Yeh, I want to her her opinion on everything. As you say, puh-lease (sic)!

Reader Barry Popik:

Heard just now: “Kim Kardashian, tonight on Hannity!”
… Miss California was not available?

Nope. She’s too busy working on new words and phrases, like “Opposite marriage”.

14 Responses

What a schmuck. Seanitty wants credentials as a worldly dude. He couldn’t buy those.
ATR = Anything For Ratings

supercargo on April 28, 2009 at 3:24 pm

When I heard the promo for that show, my reaction was agreat big WTF???????
Of all the possible choices for a female role-model, he picked her????
Is Hannity losing his mind?
……and Judge Napolitano is hanging with Alex Jones????
What’s in the water-coolers over at FOX?

guitarguy on April 28, 2009 at 3:36 pm

I lost all respect for this man. I thought he’d never stoop to this low. What could Alan Combs be thinking when he found out that the one-tricked whore would appear on Fox News tonight?

Squirrel3D on April 28, 2009 at 3:43 pm

Yep. If this what Sean Hannity means by “conservatism in exile” – it will remain in exile because its leading role models (like him) have no principles and no real values. Liberals are laughing their asses off!

NormanF on April 28, 2009 at 4:48 pm

Anal sex is very unnatural and quite dangerous. That is why homosexuals get so sick.
Since her father is a doctor, she knows that the thin tissue of the posterior opening to the alimentary canal is not the same thing as the tough plates of the vagina.
Incidentally, sex symbol, Tanya Roberts, is a Republican. Her real name is Victoria Leigh Blum.
Guess what is her ethnicity?

Underzog on April 28, 2009 at 9:02 pm

Debbie, I agree this is gross, and no thanks for the pictures, but Fox has a lot of jiggle segments and they may be on to something. More importantly, did you just watch AI? I think it’s unfair that straight men have to compete against Adam Lambert. He could win just for his sashay down the stairs. Maybe DS.com could add an AI thread Tuesday and Wednesday, or you could just call me on my cell.

Anonymous1 on April 28, 2009 at 9:42 pm

“…..and Judge Napolitano is hanging with Alex Jones????”

NEPatriot on April 29, 2009 at 5:40 am

My point?
Alex Jones is a flaming conspiracy nutjob.
I thought it was obvious…..

guitarguy on April 29, 2009 at 12:27 pm

I have never watched Hannity and I will continue to not watch him. I heard the preview for his show with her on it and I was disgusted. It’s sad that all you have to do in this day and age to be famous is make a porn. What’s even more disgusting is it gives this piece of trash a low-rent tv show. Does anyone watch her show? I’ve seen clips of it on The Soup and it always looked like it was full of spoiled dumb twits. Not that it requires brains to make a porn or a VH1 reality show.

Minnie Mouse on April 29, 2009 at 4:46 pm

What do you expect from him? This moron on his radio show talked all this crap about GM and the Government takeover then went to a commercial in which HE is promoting GM their new masters and how America is picking up the tab should your new GM break down. Sean is the biggest idiot out there so this porn chick thing does not surprise me. I wonder when she’s older will she show her kids how she became famous? maybe point her daughters in the same direction

mfee01 on April 30, 2009 at 12:04 pm

Debbie, this guy is now in the douchebag category. You were right about this guy all along. To think I thought he had some character. 20 lashes for me.

californiascreaming on April 30, 2009 at 1:03 pm

I knew Fox was really going the wrong way when Brit Hume retired from Special Report to do “guest senior political analyst spots” on all the other one hour shows… ( I really.. REALLY have liked Brit Hume as a journalist all my life.. I remember beign very young and seeing him moderate the Reagan-Carter presidential debate with my Dad) and he impressed the hell out of me at age 7)..
Now if all FOx has to offer is Bill (“I’m not right wing, I just look out for the folks” O’Reilly and Sean “the Pawn” Hannity, it’s really starting to swirl the drain.Oh well, at least Greta still seems relatively stable emotionally in the 3rd spot of the primetime lineup.. lol

Mistress_Dee on April 30, 2009 at 1:13 pm

I’ve said it for years…….., Hannity, while not a full blown leftist, is far from conservative. The fraud just pretends to be. The pompous poseur is, in the final anal-ysis, all about his mouthy puss before the camera, shuck & jiving his bogus ratings oriented obama apologist bilge to no end. I just wish this joker would evaporate.
Michael Savage more than called it right on Hannity, as well!
Thanx Debbie……., we love ya!!
John Teeter

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