April 28, 2009, - 12:09 pm

HA! ESPN Easily Duped, Broadcasts False Report Based on Phoned in Fake Tip

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s not just the mainstream liberal media that’s easily duped and which spreads false stories as “news.” It’s also the mainstream liberal sports media a/k/a ESPN.
Remember when ESPN told us that the people who voted for John McCain are racist? Well, it’s not the only false info the sports network spreads.

Somebody posing as a Washington Post reporter convinced ESPN on Monday that one of the Washington Capitals’ star players had been suspended for tonight’s decisive Eastern Conference playoff Game 7 against the New York Rangers.
“I was on my way to the rink this morning and my buddy called me and was a little upset I was missing Game 7,” said Capitals defenseman Mike Green, a finalist for the Norris Trophy given to the NHL’s top defenseman.


“I had no idea what for. It kind of caught me off guard.”
ESPN SportsCenter hosts Josh Elliot and Hannah Storm relayed that Green and teammate Donald Brashear were suspended under a “Breaking News” banner Monday at 9:52 a.m.
Within a half hour, ESPN retracted the story.
“Our news desk received the call from someone representing themselves as a Washington Post reporter,” ESPN spokesman Dan Quinn said.
“We didn’t follow our own fact-checking procedures and mistakenly reported the story.”

Quick, somebody call ESPN and tell them O.J. Simpson plans to return to pro football.

3 Responses

I wonder if the reporter was Baba Boo-ey!

Marc on April 28, 2009 at 2:02 pm

Yah, tell them anything. If it sounds shocking, they will report it. To hell with the reputations of the innocent.

supercargo on April 28, 2009 at 3:26 pm

Good, but not as good as when the Howard Stern fan called Peter Jennings during the OJ car chase. Peter Jennings was a total moron and Al Michaels had to clue him in. That was priceless.

lexi on April 28, 2009 at 6:28 pm

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