June 28, 2012, - 12:15 pm

Obamacare Supreme Aftermath: Will GOP Really Repeal? Roberts Turns Out to Be Lib; Obama Tax on Middle Class

By Debbie Schlussel

And so ObamaCare is upheld . . . with the help of no less than Chief Justice John Roberts. Why is it that every Bush in the White House gives us a big liberal Supreme? Regardless of the answer, as I’ve said before, Americans are now Ned Beatty in healthcare “Deliverance” . . . er, delivery.


Bend Over: Supremes Back Dr. Feelgood

You probably noticed that I wrote nothing recently about ObamaCare before the Supreme Court, as its decision approached. That’s because, unlike the rest of the overly giddy right, I wasn’t so sure it would be overturned. And I was right. A ton of people claiming to have “inside sources” that it would be overturned, or claiming they could tell from the Justices’ questions which way they would go, were simply clueless. I know from years as a lawyer in civil and criminal trials that you never know how a judge will decide . . . until he/she decides. Prognosticating otherwise–especially on a big issue like this–is just fertilizer.

Even more fertilizer-rich ground were the mouths of the Obamaniks, who’ve been telling us for years that this healthcare mandate is not a tax. Today, the only reason it was upheld is because the Supremes said it’s indeed a tax. So, now the lying Obamaniks are saying, hey, yeah, it’s a tax. And it’s a tax on the middle class–you know, the group that Barack Obama promised NOT to tax. The wealthy can afford this tax. The rest of us–including the middle class–cannot.

And then there is Roberts. He sided with the majority in emasculating the Arizona immigration law. Now, he sides with them on ObamaCare. And he’s been slimy and squirmy on a number of other less important decisions. Is he the David Souter or Anthony Kennedy of the George W. Bush administration? It’s shaping up that way. He’s our “wise (non-)Latina.” Behind the businesslike movie star looks lurks a liberal we can never count on and can usually count to rule on the wrong side. Alito, who was sloppy seconds, after the Harriet Miers fiasco, is turning out to be the only good thing Bush did in eight years, and even he sided with the majority on one of the Arizona immigration law neuterings.

Will the Republicans really have the guts to repeal Obamacare, as they’ve now declared they will do? After ObamaCare was passed, top Republicans, like Eric Cantor, said they wouldn’t repeal the pre-existing condition and children-on-parents’-insurance-to-age-26 provisions because those are “popular.” Will their “repeal” include repealing those? If not, then there’s no point, since those are a huge part of what’s wrong with Obamacare’s mandate. And even so, will they have enough votes? Will Mitt Romnesty have the guts to issue an executive order repealing it as Prez? Or will he only sign a watered down “repeal” that really isn’t a repeal?

We shall see. But I’m not hopeful. Just as, unlike the rest of the right, I wasn’t hopeful about today’s decision. Optimism is great. I’m an optimist. But realism is better. And I’m definitely a realist.

Will this law be repealed? What do you predict?

Do you think the death panels and ruination of medicine–a la Europe, Canada, and everywhere else with socialized medicine–will go away with a few Republican votes? I don’t. I wish.

Don’t look for the best and brightest to go into medicine anymore. That’s now officially a thing of the past (though it’s been a trend since HMOs began this quick slide down the slope of American healthcare).

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145 Responses

Skzion…if you’re on this thread I just realized your query about my AVATAR was prolly not about the picture itself but HOW TO GET ONE.

Ok, if you want an avatar HERE you need to create an acct. with BOTH WordPress & Gravatar. Use the same e-mail at both those sites AND HERE (all 3 must be the same) and VOILA! You’ll have an avatar!

Skunky on June 28, 2012 at 5:25 pm

    Thanks Skunky. 🙂

    skzion on June 28, 2012 at 5:41 pm

      (Just testing)

      skzion on June 28, 2012 at 5:57 pm

        try again

        skzion on June 28, 2012 at 6:00 pm

          Sorry, skunky, no can do. There are evidently so many moving parts that I have been stumped.

          skzion on June 28, 2012 at 6:00 pm

          Never mind, Skunky. Just a delay, apparently.

          Debbie, feel free to delete these posts from me, if you wish.

          skzion on June 28, 2012 at 6:06 pm

So-called conservatives would rather be popular than true to the Constitution.

Jonathan E. Grant on June 28, 2012 at 5:26 pm

More healthcare mandates that will be found Constitutional.

Ration cards for each American so they don’t eat more calories than the government says is good for them.

Bans on sodas and cigarettes, but legalization for marijuana.

Taxes on salt (and soda, if soda is not banned).

Taxes on fatty foods.

Federal taxes on fast foods.

Federal taxes on the number of miles you drive (because walking to work is better for you…)

Legalization and registration of prostitution, to make sure that disease is not being spread into society.

Taxes on sugar.

Removal of parental rights for parents of children who are too heavy (this has already happened) or for parents who allow their children to eat candy bars.

Who knows what else? The power to tax is the power to take away freedoms.

Jonathan E. Grant on June 28, 2012 at 5:31 pm

I would say that G.W. Bush has struck again. Justice Roberts has probably handed Barack Obama another four years. I would agree with Debbie on this. We are seeing a new David Souter emerge. The original one did not immediately expose himself for what he was either. The Republicans had banked on Obamacare being overturned as their key to retaking the White House. That is gone now. In retrospect, the Arizona immigration ruling should have provided a clue as to where the U.S. Supreme Court was going. I would also suspect that Barack Obama’ intimidation tactics worked.

Worry01 on June 28, 2012 at 5:47 pm

At least this time they can say “its Bush’s fault” and they would be right.

John on June 28, 2012 at 5:47 pm

You have to think of the people like me who have disabled children. Now my son can stay on my insurance until he is 26, instead of 21. That gives him 5 more years of primo medical care, to stay healthy, before crappy Medicaid kicks in–if its even still around.

The voucher system being kicked around right now would not even cover 2 months of his medications, then he is screwed. He will die without them—literally! That is why so-called Obamacare is so important to my family. He is always qualified to be insured, pre-existing conditions included and no lifetime cap. He is safe.

If the Repubs fight this further, it’ll add 1.3 trillion to the deficit! Know when to say when!

Lee on June 28, 2012 at 6:25 pm

    So all of us should have our lives, present insurance and doctors, and tax bills altered to fix that one mistake? A little selfish, I think. Laws couild have been passed to cover necessary situations without this. Many people, in that “sweet spot” where they are not poor enough for medicare, but don’t make enough to buy insurance, are shot. Now instead of $800 to spend on rent, they’ll have $200, if they’re lucky, after buying insurance.

    How are these people supposed to live on thousands of dollars less a year? And that doesn’t even cover those of us who will have their health care dropped because it’s cheaper to pay the penalty. Nor does it cover the fact that the court approved a law that was NEVER WRITTEN. The argument was, that it is NOT a tax. So it’s held up because of congress’s taxing power? Yeah, makes sense.

    The poverty this will cause in this country is incredible. Any couple making, say, $25,000 — not much — will not be eligible for a subsidy or medicare — they make “too much.”. Where the hell are they going to come up with the money? Go without food?

    obama MUST be stopped. He is getting bolder every day. The people are living under tyranny.

    Living in perilous times on June 28, 2012 at 6:44 pm

    It would help the discussion if we knew what your son had. There are better ways to help your son than to bankrupt the country.

    Jonathan E. Grant on June 28, 2012 at 8:10 pm

    Lee (of the upper case…the moron…) just as JEG said…just because YOU want it easier for YOUR family does NOT make it ok to bankrupt and take from others who want the best for THEIR family. You’re stealing from them for YOUR benefit!

    Also, with the Obamacare that you so love, your disabled child MAY be considered a non-contributer. That means the Gubmint does NOT see him as worthy and they will NOT provide him with the best care he can get. The system may be effed up but as it is, but you’ll benefit more from it NOW than under Obamacare.

    Plus Obama-Putin has the gut the totally over-spent Medicaid to get his horrid Obamacare up and going. What are you talking about? Did you even know that? My gosh! These ignorant Liberals are so dumb!!!!

    Shame on YOU for not seeing this. You should since you have a dog in the fight but you only care about your dog and not the other dogs who have their own lives to live.

    Skunky on June 28, 2012 at 9:27 pm

    Actually, he could go on Medicaid if he is as diabled as you say he is Lee. Yous would not even have to carry him. Also, being able to keep someone on a medical insurance policy until they are 26 is not worth the cost to everyone else who will have to suffer from high insurance premiums and reduced access to necessary care. Socialized medical systems are not kind to the disabled. NHS, in the United Kingdom, is a classic example of that.

    See how cancer patients fare under NHS: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/aug/24/avastin-too-expensive-for-patients

    Also, that article is from the The Guardian, which ia a Labour Party oriented newspaper.

    I could also find you examples dealing with leukemia, kidney dialysis, etc. No, you will not be getting primo care in the future. You will receive managed and rationed care that will be allocated on the basis of probable outcomes for the investment made. The handicapped and elderly do not fare well under such systems. They are deemed to be “crumbly eaters” who take resources away from others.

    Worry on June 28, 2012 at 11:49 pm

    Lee, Chill. Where did Living in Perilous Times say your son was a mistake? Is this a Freudian slip that tells us more about you than the one you targeted? Hmm – Oh, please forgive us for not realizing it is all about you. Indeed, you are in good company with your hero in the WH. Perhaps you and PO(S)TUS could have a summit on just who it really is all about. Please let us know.

    dammad on June 29, 2012 at 7:19 am

And let’s not forget the timidity of the Republicans when they controlled both houses and the presidency. Does anyone really think things would be different with Romney? There would be tremendous pressure for him to ‘work with’ the Democrats. If anyone thinks he or all but a very very few Republicans would resist such pressure, I have a bridge to sell you.

Little Al on June 28, 2012 at 6:27 pm

We have a choice this November. Replace the crony socialists with the crony capitialists? What a dilemma.

Brian on June 28, 2012 at 6:41 pm

    Apparently you haven’t figured out that Obama is both a crony capitalist as well as a crony socialist. Without a doubt he is biggest liar this country has ever known and I seriously can’t understand how people can’t see this. Yes Brian you have a choice one or the other. As Ron Paul has stated Obama is a dictator. Only an insane or sadly misinformed American would chose to re-elect this scum.

    Jason on June 29, 2012 at 8:11 pm

As poor a choice as we have in November, at least Romney won’t appoint muslim brotherhood members or black supremacists. Other than that, what is left? Seccession?

Living in perilous times on June 28, 2012 at 6:48 pm

to: Living in perilous time: My son is NOT a mistake! He is a loving caring boy who is making his way in the world. For you to suggest he is one mistake makes you an ASS!!!!

Lee on June 28, 2012 at 6:58 pm

Insurance used to mean insurance, not welfare.

Little Al on June 28, 2012 at 7:07 pm

And if the Republicans fight this further it will cut the deficit? Sounds like space alien logic — cutting costs increases the deficit? Sounds like you’re a little math-challenged, Lee. (if what you’re saying is actually authentic and you’re not just an Obama plant, making something up).

Little Al on June 28, 2012 at 7:17 pm

    In the original article, the words “Republican,” and “Guts” were used in the same sentence. I laughed ’till I cried. The repubs “Repeal” Obamacare? They will quickly “Show the flag,” ….then run like hell back to their rabbit holes! The usual suspects have made their obligatory appearance on TV – McConnell, Boehner, Cantor and company to rail against Obamacare and “Swear” to repeal, etc. Never happen! Unfortunately, we have one party government now, not two. Term limits, anyone?

    herbster on June 29, 2012 at 9:12 am

mr roberts

enemy of the people

it is funamental
gov’t is created by the
consent of the people

ergo gov’t can never be greater
than the will of the people

gov’t has no legitimacy to demand
anything the people do not acknowledge
it also can cannot impose that to which
the people do not consent

the very thought
tht gov’t can be greater than
the will of the people
is the fundamentality of


and it matters not if you call it


it is all the same

obama and all his
democrat cohorts
are all the same

they are communists
they must be driven from office
if we are to have a republic
where freedom reigns

the democrat party is the
communist party usa

there is no such thing as an
indepent democrat

they are all the same and
they lock step vote
with their demi-gods

this is how the obamacare “law”
was passed in under extreme coercion
in both the house and senate

prestigio on June 28, 2012 at 7:52 pm

First of all people you are making this like it’s the worst thing in the world. It isn’t. Like Lee said, a person will be guaranteed to have health insurance now.

Secondly, Justce Roberts did what he was supposed to do. Make a decision based on his interpretation of the constitution, not make a decision based on whether he was appointed by a Republican or Democratic President. That’s why we have an independent Supreme Court, so they can make decisions on their own, without politics getting in the way.

We also have life time appointments, so that each justice does not have to be fearful of losing thier jobs based on whether a President likes thier decisions or not.

Has anybody on this board taken a class on the constitution or a civics class in High School?

A Reader on June 28, 2012 at 7:55 pm

“A reader” must be one of the poorly educated loafers who can’t get a job. Notice that the people supporting Obama have never learned how to write in coherent English — this certainly doesn’t help them get a job or contribute to the economy. Basically they are bums who mooch from hard-working taxpayers.

But again, “a reader”s comments about the Supreme Court are so disingenuous that this is probably a planted letter also.

Can’t even spell “their”? Not a typo since the same misspelling occurs twice. Folks, our economy used to be based on working to get benefits. But no more. We are moving quickly towards the Marxian “from each according to their ability; to each according to their needs”. And we are now hearing from those with needs, but apparently without ability.

Little Al on June 28, 2012 at 8:10 pm

Little Al,

First of all I am a very well educated person with an MSW/MBA. Secondly, I am one of the many unemployed who you read about. Not that I want to be unemployed. I am paying wayyy to much in insurance costs as it is.

Secondly, it seems many on this board don’t understand what they are talking about and don’t give a damn about others. “Obamacare” as you opponents call it, will assist those in need. We need health care reform in this country. Face it!! What alternatives do you offer?

Thirdly, I wish everybody here would stop with the name calling. It’s infantile and does not add to the discussion.

A Reader on June 28, 2012 at 8:35 pm

    Please note that none other than DAVID AXELROD on NBC’s “Meet the Press” called the “Affordable Care Act”, “ObamaCare”!!! I think that we can all assume that he wasn’t an opponent of the healthcare law?

    Neils60 on June 29, 2012 at 2:07 am

    Why do we need health care as it is designed in Obama care? Many of us grew up in a time where there was no healthcare, no food stamps no entitlements period. Even if there had been my parents would have never reached out to the government for a hand out. The poor and needy got the help they need from churches and the Salvation Army,etc. When you had to go to the doctor and you couldn’t pay the whole bill you paid what you could and they would bill you and you paid it out. The worst thing that happened to this country is entitlement and that include health insurance or healthcare however you want to label it. I know, I must be from the stone age but people were more self sufficient then and didn’t depend on the government for anything because they knew it would lead to this very thing.

    Chloe on June 29, 2012 at 7:46 pm

Oh, a social worker. Well, that profession is notorious for having people with by and large useless skills, and the MBA has also been cheapened in the last few decades, unless one goes to a top school like Harvard or Stanford. And it just shows the dumbing down of these degrees. (you apparently do not know the difference between “to” and “too” or the difference between “who” and “whom”.

And we are not talking about health care reform. We are talking about handouts, and increases in welfare. You have insurance, you just want everyone else to pay for it, in addition to paying for their own.

What’s next? Welfare mothers writing in saying that they ought to get paid more for all the babies they are having on the taxpayers’ dime?

Little Al on June 28, 2012 at 8:45 pm

Little Al,

Can’t even spell “their”?

Where are the mispellings in my original post?

Maybe someone here should read the postings more closely?

A Reader on June 28, 2012 at 8:46 pm

Debbie this may be good for the Jews. As America becomes more of a shit hole with less of a job market, more young Jews will move to Israel. I’ve already seen it in the last few years but this should bury our economy even further.

A1 on June 28, 2012 at 8:51 pm

    I congratulate A1 in avoiding obscenity this once.

    As for Israel, its problems make the US’s look trivial. Israel is not even a true democratic republic. I don’t expect it to last much longer.

    skzion on June 28, 2012 at 10:58 pm

Readers are responsible for their posts. It is not up to Debbie or any of her assistants to edit postings of others.

And you misspelled ‘their’ the fourth line from the bottom.

I’m not happy that you’re unemployed, and hope you successfully find a job. But welfare societies are always doomed to failure. Look at the Soviet Union, and what’s happening in Europe. When individual incentive is removed or stifled, everyone suffers.

But, of course if I was one of the 50% who did not have to pay income tax,I would probably expect everyone else to pay my way.

But more and more jobs will just move overseas, more companies will stop paying for health insurance, and health care will become a bureaucratic nightmare, except, I guess, for birth control, abortions, breast cancer and other politically correct expenses. But woe to anyone with cataracts. The death panels will get them.

Little Al on June 28, 2012 at 8:56 pm

    Little Al your posts on this thread are brilliant. In Canada we have “free” healthcare. Wait as you die healthcare is the proper term. It is so free in fact that I have the pleasure of paying about 70-80000 year in taxes in order to fund it.
    Need an MRI 6-8 weeks
    Hip or knee replacement? 1-2 YEARS!!

    Canadian Steve on December 9, 2012 at 9:59 am


Skunky on June 28, 2012 at 9:02 pm

Little Al, you have discarded more intelligence today than “A Reader” ever had.

Trouble with that moron is that his “opinions” are old and stupid and are only for those who wanna argue his point 25 years ago.

What a moron. It’s funny to see him/her think they are enlightening us because we are “mean and evil” Conservatives. The earnestness is funny if it were not so DUMB!!!

Skunky on June 28, 2012 at 9:06 pm

Yes A Reader wezza edumacated in the fine arts of civuc class. No matter what the dopey liberals are saying Obamacare will be the biggest tax increase on the middle class when it comes down the pike. To see our smug and odious el presidente slinking his way up to give his speech about his “prized” legislation made me want to hurl. I have never seen a president who loves sticking it to the American people and lie about it like this doofus. And speaking of doofuses. We can thank president Bush for putting one on the bench. Chief Justice Roberts the “conservative” is slowly morphing into another David Souter. It makes you wonder what our Gungan-in-Chief has on him. As far as the spineless republicans in Congress carping that they will repeal it forget that. They have not the stomach to do anything but bend over and take it in the shorts. Crybaby Boehner knows whatever he does will not get passed the democrap controlled Senate with Harry(the pugilist)Reed in control. The same can be said of Mitt Romney. He often says that he will repeal and replace Obamacare. Replace it with what. So far he has been a little etch a sketchy on that topic. So once again America we’ve just been given the big BOHICA by the Obamanation via the Supreme Court. But at the same time if Romney becomes president it will be business as usual.

Ken b on June 28, 2012 at 9:38 pm

    You said it, KenB! I think this will bolster Obama-Putin and that asshat Holder. Nothing will stop ’em now. They don’t care about Jihad Darrell and the House of Rep holding him in contempt. They’ve bullied and got their way with bigger fish (Chief Justice Roberts). Can’t keep Chicago Politics down! The media is not holding them up to the light either. The foxes have overrun the hen-house!

    Funny how hardly any Liberal is clued into the machinations of this disgusting step into Socialism.

    How it’s crafted to make businesses slowly get out of paying for their employees private insurance plan. The “tax” is quite low for not playing ball at first and over a 4 to 6 year time becomes bigger than the cost of an insurance plan. And how the IRS will be the junk-yard dogs making sure they get their vig.

    When all the “private” plans slowly die there will be only the Gubmint plan. Here comes “single payer”.

    And with single-payer the big Gubmint is now all up in your grill about your habits and stuff. Think Nanny Bloomberg is bad? He’s only NYC…when the Federal Big Brotha gets it’s mitts in your biz then where do you go?

    They have no idea about how the elderly, very young and disabled will be treated. You’re only as good as your contribution to the society. Some animals are more equal than others.

    It also makes me sick that it feeds into the “Mommoni” culture (Mommonis are adults who live with “Mama”) by keeping losers on ’til 26 years old. Disgusting!!!

    They take our freedoms when they have no right to. I hate it. I don’t smoke and wouldn’t but I hate how the Liberals creeping incrementalism has made smoking into evil, restricted thing…while they get fat on the cigarette taxes. THAT’s how you slowly erode FREEDOM!!!! I’d rather all the bad that came with smoking than what is now a collapsed freedom!

    Skunky on June 28, 2012 at 10:11 pm

      Thanks Skunky. You’re right that this will only embolden the losers Obungler and Holder. I was watching the Bill Loofah Show aka The OReily Factor this morning and it had Eric the Red’s reaction to the House contempt vote. He was his usual arrogant and lying self. He needs to go down in flames but like you said they fried the bigger fish in Roberts. It also strikes me as funny how the gimme crowd(mostly airheaded liberals) have no idea what is about to be implemented and how much freedom was lost with Obamacare. Also whether the dummies know it or not if Obowma gets reelected the stomp on the Constitution train will keep on rolling. I myself would like it stopped in its tracks.

      Ken b on June 29, 2012 at 8:06 am

This is BS! I have listened to silly so-called Conservatives all day debate (???) Liberals on this horsesh** that happened today and they act like it’s tea-time and let dumbo LIBERALS get away with their DUMB talking points.

Andy Dean did it with TJ Walker (that effete sounding sing-songy dope!) and David Webb with Rick Unger! I’m done with both shows! This is bogus!

I tweeted David Webb and he just read my complaint that he did not dismantle Ungers’ STUPID liberal talking points and said he wants US to know what the Liberals point will be! Is he for real??? THE SMART ONES KNOW!!! For crying out loud. 10 years ago!!!!! My goodness.

This is sad. Are there any credible Conservatives out there? There is no way the two idiots tonight should have let Liberal dopes like Unger and Walker get away with stupid Liberal talking points and not breaking them up right in front of them.

They are doing this (today) and wanting people to donate to Romney! What does this tell you???????? We are effed.

Skunky on June 28, 2012 at 10:36 pm

Benedict Arnold’s treason wasn’t successful, and so he was forced to flee in order to escape justice. John Roberts’ was successful, but, he will remain in his position to be heralded as a great and courageous jurist by his new left-wing buds.

John Roberts – BURN IN HELL!!!

CornCoLeo on June 28, 2012 at 10:40 pm

After this, I am expecting to see new political bumper stickers for this presidential election: Obama/Bush 2012.

Pats on June 28, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    No my friend it will be Obama/Roberts.

    Ken b on June 29, 2012 at 7:22 am

      Ken, I stand by my “Obama/Bush”. Without Bush, there would be no Roberts. Without Bush’s TARP, Obama would not have had the initial spending-spree cash that Bush let him have. Without Bush’s unconstitutional “Patriot Act”, Obama would not have or would be able to do some of the things he has/able to do. Without Bush, Obama would not have been able to kill bin Laden. I can go on and on and on. So, I think Obama should stop blaming Bush after this last incident and put him on the ticket rather than Biden. Bush would give Obama the military “gravitas” that he desperately needs and perhaps get the military vote this coming election.

      Pats on June 29, 2012 at 7:40 am

        Pat that was a little tongue and cheek on my part. I agree with you about this one actually being Bush’s fault. Due to his weakkneedness we got Souter Jr on the high court. Also thanks to him we got one of the most destructive presidents in modern history in Obumbler.

        Ken b on June 29, 2012 at 8:16 am

      Roberts may be a RINO but strategically thinking, he may have handed the Senate and the WH to Republicans. Barry has been saying for years, this isn’t a tax and he will have an incredibly difficult time doubling-back and convincing otherwwise. I don’t agree w/ the outcome, as I don’t agree w/ their SB1070 outcome or the ruling on the stealing valor act but maybe Roberts is playing chess and not checkers. Maybe he is telling Republicans to get off their a$$es and the Supreme court is not going to do their heavy lifting for them. This could be the re-motivation we need.

      jdiz on June 29, 2012 at 9:23 am

        C’mon jdiz. That is what the DUMB so-called Conservative talk show hosts are struttin’. It’s stupidity because ultimately the court ruled that the federal gubmint can tax whatever the hell they want. It also opened the door for the gubmint to be all up in our grill about EVERYTHING.

        Please don’t follow the DUMB way of thinking. Use your head. This is NOT good if you dislike Socialism and Communism.

        It’s like saying I wanna serve Obama-Putin a cake with dog poo in it but every American has to eat it FIRST! And Obama-Putin will NEVER have to eat the dog poo cake because he gets top service! No “Victory” cigarettes and chocolates for him!

        C’mon people!!!!!

        Skunky on June 29, 2012 at 10:28 am


This old picture pretty much sums it up. It’s even more distressing to think that veterans who served from the end of WW II until now have seemingly done so in vain. The Bolsheviks have won. Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin, Pol Pot, Che Guevara, Kim Philby, the Rosenbergs and countless others are cheering with delight from the luxury booth in Hell that they are all partying in.

CornCoLeo on June 28, 2012 at 11:01 pm

When it comes to Liberals they are very predictable and will be as Liberal as they want to be (Ginsberg, Sotomeyor, Kagan et al…) but when it comes to the so-called Conservatives, it’s a crap shoot.

Liberals are predictable and rarely go against their base. So called Conservatives (Republicans) can really put a fly in the ointment.

Skunky on June 29, 2012 at 12:15 am

    Dear Skunky:

    Ponder this: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/01/health/01seizure.html?_r=1

    Worry on June 29, 2012 at 12:40 am

      Thank you for that link Worry. EVERYONE read it please.

      I heard Savage allude to it last evo. His show had been annoying me lately (I pay for it.) but last night he was on FIRE. Good stuff and he didn’t go down the DUMB path many so-called Conservatives did.

      Little Al I am w/you. We’ll see what the HOR does. I bet NOTHING!!!

      Skunky on June 29, 2012 at 10:21 am

Yes, the US healthcare system needs fixing… No, Obamacare is not the fix…

Hans on June 29, 2012 at 1:17 am

Since most everything that needed to be said here has already been said, I’ll make this short and sweet:

Like most of you, I am disgusted by the SCOTUS decision on Obamacare, and in particular with the traitor John Roberts. I also–again like most of you–think it very unlikely that Obamacare will be overturned even if Romney wins in November and I am disgusted by that as well.

JeffE on June 29, 2012 at 1:54 am

    I think the new name for SCOTUS should be “SCREWED US” with the Neb Beatty “Deliverance” image Debbie used as their new seal.

    Pats on June 29, 2012 at 12:38 pm

Well, Khrushchev was right when he said our grandchildren would live under Communism.

Little Al on June 29, 2012 at 6:53 am

It appears that certain religions are exempt from Obamacare.
Can anyone verify this,’ Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be “gambling”, “risk-taking” and “usury” and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this.’
Well if the above is true, it might be better to cash in all the assets, hide the money and sit at home on welfare……

Eyes Wide Open on June 29, 2012 at 7:40 am

I worried about the decision, but I was unaware that Comrade Roberts would be “Souterized” so soon. yes, another black mark against the Bush clan, and the RINOs in the GOP are after
Jeb Bush to run!

Roberts too medicated? (Savage view), or simply a red plant.
they infiltrate the government, the military, the Tea Party
and other groups,so why not the courts?

With the Supreme Court now on the socialist bandwagon, the
Obama march to totalitarianism will proceed at full speed.

Along with it will be the increased aid and comfort 9and munitions) for the Moslem brotherhood, Taliban, Hamas and
all their allies.

Otto Schaden on June 29, 2012 at 8:08 am

Now if the Republicans were really serious, they would start a legislative campaign to curb the jurisdiction of the judiciary, something they have the power to do. Their failure to do so shows that all of their talk is just for show.

Little Al on June 29, 2012 at 8:59 am

    Little Al–

    As you probably know, at first Jefferson was thrilled with Marbury v Madison, since it went his way. Some years later, though, he regretted it and feared for the Republic in light of an all-powerful Supreme Court.

    How can there be checks and balances, if the Supremes trump all?

    Sort of like rock, paper, scissors, where “rock” always wins.

    Red Ryder on June 29, 2012 at 1:26 pm

Roberts decision is shear sophistry. The fact is that the law was intended as a compulsion to buy insurance as a mandate and hence a violation of the commerce clause. It was never touted as a tax but as a penalty for not buying insurance which is a discriminatory and unequal penalty to compel obtaining insurance. Roberts took it upon himself to redefine the case as a tax which was not in the legislation. What other taxes will be levied to compel us to engage in commerce?

Besides the fact this is a bad law intended to make medical care available to all, it will have a paradoxical effect. Doctors will not accept the reimbursement of this health care law and will move to concierge care which is happening now. Even under the present system doctors wait up to six months for reimbursement from conventional insurance so many now accept only cash. Accordingly fewer doctors will be available to serve the public leading to rationing. Now we will have to pay more for services not available. This is bad law and the Supreme’s are culpable in destroying what ever was left of a marginal system.

Put what ever spin you want on Roberts decision, it was incorrect. Fuck Obama, Fuck Pelosi, Fuck Harry Reid, Fuck Debbie Wasserman Shultz and the other dhimmi commies of the Democratic party.

rjkatz on June 29, 2012 at 11:10 am

Everyone can write paragraph after paragraph about the good, bad and the ugly of OBAMACARE, but the picture from “Deliverance” says it all.

alive in Cyprus on June 29, 2012 at 1:30 pm

10 Benefits of ACAs Passage:

1) Insurance companies can no longer impose lifetime coverage limits on your insurance. Never again will you face the risk of getting really sick and then, a few months in, having your insurer tell you, “Sorry, you’ve ‘run out’ of coverage.” Almost everyone I’ve met knows someone who had insurance but got really, really sick (or had a kid get really sick) and ran into a lifetime cap.

2) If you don’t know someone who has run into a lifetime cap, you probably know someone who has run into an annual cap. The use of these will be sharply limited. (They’ll be eliminated entirely in 2014.)

3) Insurers can no longer tell kids with preexisting conditions that they’ll insure them “except for” the preexisting condition. That’s called preexisting condition exclusion, and it’s out the window.

4) A special, temporary program will help adults with preexisting conditions get coverage. It expires in 2014, when the health insurance exchanges—basically big “pools” of businesses and individuals—come on-line. That’s when all insurers will have to cover everyone, preexisting condition or not.

5) Insurance companies can’t drop you when you get sick, either—this plan means the end of “rescissions.”

6) You can stay on your parents’ insurance until you’re 26.

7) Seniors get $250 towards closing the “doughnut hole” in their prescription drug coverage. Currently, prescription drug coverage ends once you’ve spent $2,700 on drugs and it doesn’t kick in again until you’ve spent nearly $6,200. James Ridgeway wrote about the problems with the doughnut hole for Mother Jones in the September/October 2008 issue. Eventually, the health care reform bill will close the donut hole entirely. The AARP has more on immediate health care benefits for seniors. Next year (i.e., in nine months), 50 percent of the doughnut hole will be covered.

8) Medicare’s preventive benefits now come with a free visit with your primary care doctor every year to plan out your prevention services. And there are no more co-pays for preventative services in Medicare.

9) This is a big one: Small businesses get big tax credits—up to 50 percent of premium costs—for offering health insurance to their workers.

10) Insurers with unusually high administrative costs have to offer rebates to their customers, and every insurance company has to reveal how much it spends on overhead.

Lee on June 29, 2012 at 1:36 pm

    10 Benefits of ACAs Passage:

    1) Insurance companies can no longer impose lifetime coverage limits on your insurance. Never again will you face the risk of getting really sick and then, a few months in, having your insurer tell you, “Sorry, you’ve ‘run out’ of coverage.” Almost everyone I’ve met knows someone who had insurance but got really, really sick (or had a kid get really sick) and ran into a lifetime cap.

    Oh, that’s great. But the cost of that coverage will increase premiums and cause insurance companies to stop offering health care insurance.

    2) If you don’t know someone who has run into a lifetime cap, you probably know someone who has run into an annual cap. The use of these will be sharply limited. (They’ll be eliminated entirely in 2014.)

    No problem, just increase the cost of health insurance

    3) Insurers can no longer tell kids with preexisting conditions that they’ll insure them “except for” the preexisting condition. That’s called preexisting condition exclusion, and it’s out the window.

    Another increase in the cost of healthcare insurance

    4) A special, temporary program will help adults with preexisting conditions get coverage. It expires in 2014, when the health insurance exchanges—basically big “pools” of businesses and individuals—come on-line. That’s when all insurers will have to cover everyone, preexisting condition or not.

    Uh no. What happens is that businesses that offered health insurance will dump their employees into the state exchanges by 2014. They’d rather pay the penalty than the increased premiums

    5) Insurance companies can’t drop you when you get sick, either—this plan means the end of “rescissions.”

    This rarely happens anyway. But this is just another increase in the cost of health insurance

    6) You can stay on your parents’ insurance until you’re 26.

    Get the fcuk out of the house, get a job, and pay for your own insurance. Plus this adds to the cost of healthcare insurance

    7) Seniors get $250 towards closing the “doughnut hole” in their prescription drug coverage. Currently, prescription drug coverage ends once you’ve spent $2,700 on drugs and it doesn’t kick in again until you’ve spent nearly $6,200. James Ridgeway wrote about the problems with the doughnut hole for Mother Jones in the September/October 2008 issue. Eventually, the health care reform bill will close the donut hole entirely. The AARP has more on immediate health care benefits for seniors. Next year (i.e., in nine months), 50 percent of the doughnut hole will be covered.

    The “doughnut hole” can be removed by canceling Medicare Part D.

    8) Medicare’s preventive benefits now come with a free visit with your primary care doctor every year to plan out your prevention services. And there are no more co-pays for preventative services in Medicare.

    Yippeee! I gots some free stuff…NOT. Another increase to one’s premiums.

    9) This is a big one: Small businesses get big tax credits—up to 50 percent of premium costs—for offering health insurance to their workers.

    You’re joking right? 50% is gonna make a difference? You obvisouly know NOTHING about bussiness.

    10) Insurers with unusually high administrative costs have to offer rebates to their customers, and every insurance company has to reveal how much it spends on overhead.

    Who the fcuk is the government to say how much “admin” costs should be? Instead, this may force companies not to offer health insurance. But that’s really what the liberals want anyway.

    The schmuck that wrote these 10 benefits has his head up his a$$.

    FrenchKiss on June 29, 2012 at 2:05 pm

      Thank goodness someone else had a brain explosion like I did!

      Good job FK!!!

      Skunky on June 29, 2012 at 2:21 pm

    Lee, you huge, Liberal dopey rump-swab YOUR retarded list does NOT make it ok that Americans will have MORE Gubmint intrusion in their lives. You’re so dumb! You’re all hot an horny about the lollipop the child molester uses to lure in his prey! Get a Clue for f***s sake!

    1) America CANNOT protect everyone from tragedy at the expense of OTHERS. Sure your story makes one sob but we are NOT guaranteed a rose garden in life. Grow UP! We can’t solve everything and as it is NOW EVERYONE (even illegal aliens) can get their ailments treated. Unlike in England and Canada. Paying for it is another deal as I just described!

    2)IBID. See above…so it’s really ONE, BIG DUMB LIBERAL POINT!!!

    3)IBID AGAIN! Now your ONE, BIG DUMB LIBERAL POINT is more huge than the behemoth Gubmint you love!!!

    4) & 5) OMG IBID AGAIN!!!!! Nice try dumb DB!!!

    5) How nice of you to wanna support the rotting “Mommoni” culture by thinking it’s equitable for hard workers to carry little infantile man-children and girl-children. How many of those “Mommonis” are having sex? If they are old enough to get that thrill they should be adult enough to pay for their OWN health insurance!!!

    7) & 8) Obama-Putin is GUTTING Medicare…an already blotted and moribund behemoth. Do you even know that? So you have to gut and limit something already just about dead to support even MORE people? Why can’t you see this will lead to sub-par care for ALL?????? You are soooooo dumb!!!!! Go look at Cuba!!!

    9) Oh really? Since when is 50% of a tax CREDIT getting one more bang for your fu**ing buck when one can have a 100% savings by jettisoning private health care and telling their employees to get their’s via the GUBMINT option???? DUMB!!!!! You raging dope, can’t you see your lovely #9 is not a deal but will help erect SINGLE PAYER??????????????

    10) IN THE END THERE WILL ONLY BE THE GUBMINT NO PRIVATE INSURERS!!!! Like 6 years after 2014…even less!!!

    Lee, you piss me off because you are sooooo dumb but think you are so good and ernest and better than we are. You’re a moron and a dangerous one because you don’t know the FACTS and put all your blind faith in your Liberal Overlords…who have to lie to you to keep you on their lying side! Trying studying things for yourself you moron!!!!

    You useless idiot!!!!!!

    Skunky on June 29, 2012 at 2:14 pm

Proverbs 29, verse 2

“When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan.

John on June 29, 2012 at 4:24 pm

Jesus instructed his disciples to go into towns and “cure the sick who are there” (Luke 10:9). Religion, caste or payment is not a consideration; instead, mercy and healing is extended to everyone.

In the whole of the gospels, there are 41 distinct stories of physical or mental healing. Jesus heals the blind, cures the withered hand and stops the bleeding.

Lee on June 29, 2012 at 5:00 pm

    “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”

    You’re a big, freakin’ moron Lee. This isn’t for you. You’re too stupid. It’s for anyone DUMB enough to think you have a brain cell in your empty head!

    Skunky on June 29, 2012 at 5:23 pm

You’re right. Jesus only wanted the rich to live, fkuc the poor and handicapped! How could I forget!

Lee on June 29, 2012 at 5:52 pm

    You think Jesus was the messiah? Look around this country and the world. Does it look to you like the messiah has been here? Really, you are an errant ignoramus.

    FrenchKiss on June 29, 2012 at 6:17 pm

Jesus forgot to put a brain in your empty head.

FK and I dismantled your silly Liberal talking-points and now you’re back to emotions. It’s all you got you Spastic Idiot!

Jesus will drop-kick you into the gates of where all the stupid people reside. You dope!

Skunky on June 29, 2012 at 6:21 pm

FK and Skunky, excellent comments.

Little Al on June 29, 2012 at 7:46 pm

    Thank you Little Al. I also appreciate FK’s go at moronic Lee (of the upper case).

    That dumb-ass is looooooong on emotions and short on facts. You can tell Lee hasn’t a clue about Obamacare other than emotional stuff. That means Lee is a dumb, know-nothing loser!

    Skunky on June 29, 2012 at 9:11 pm

I think Lee is equating Obama with Jesus. That’s really twisted.

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