April 22, 2009, - 3:17 pm
BARF: The Pope Pulls a Rachael Ray/Megan McCain; UPDATE: Keffiyeh Photo Op Was Pre-Arranged
By Debbie Schlussel
Yes, I know the Pope was “ambushed” by these Palestinians [CORRECTION: No ambush, this was pre-arranged, see below], but do you think he’d don a swastika scarf if he was ambushed by Neo-Nazis who gave him such a gift? Don’t bet on it. He should have exercised the same common sense here. So, why did the Pontiff pull a Megan McCain jihad fashion victim move?
Unfortunately, the Vatican has been a mouthpiece for anti-Israel, pan-Palestinian sentiment, even though the Palestinian Muslims continue to persecute and drive out the Pope’s own Palestinian Christian followers. It’s ridiculous. Even more so than these photos. But the scarf of jihadist murder and violence deserves no place anywhere near St. Peter’s Basilica, let alone on the shoulders of the world leader of Catholicism.
I guarantee you if Israeli Christians tried to put an Israeli flag scarf on the Pope’s shoulders, those priests behind him not only wouldn’t have assisted (as they visibly do with this keffiyeh), they’d have nixed the whole thing.

**** UPDATE: This photo is no accident, no “ambush.” It appears that Vatican authorities and the Pope’s staff pre-arranged this. The Pope has tremendous security, and you can’t get close to him unless you have an arranged appointment or top Vatican officials getting you to the Pontiff. And, as my friend, Fred Taub of Boycott Watch points out, there are no crowds visible in the background. This was very obviously a pre-arranged photo-op, and NOT an ambush. Shame on the Vatican.
Pope Benedict XVI met in the Vatican on Wednesday with a group of Palestinian Catholics who presented him with a kaffiyeh, a traditional Palestinian scarf, as a gift. The 27 faithful from a Bethlehem parish were among thousands attending the pope’s weekly audience in St. Peter’s Square.
At the end of the service, two youths from the group were brought to the pope and draped the black-and-white checkered scarf on his shoulders. Benedict chatted briefly with them while wearing the scarf.
Father, forgive him because he doesn’t know what he is doing. At least I hope not.
rickster on April 22, 2009 at 6:09 pm