April 22, 2009, - 3:17 pm

BARF: The Pope Pulls a Rachael Ray/Megan McCain; UPDATE: Keffiyeh Photo Op Was Pre-Arranged

By Debbie Schlussel
Yes, I know the Pope was “ambushed” by these Palestinians [CORRECTION: No ambush, this was pre-arranged, see below], but do you think he’d don a swastika scarf if he was ambushed by Neo-Nazis who gave him such a gift? Don’t bet on it. He should have exercised the same common sense here. So, why did the Pontiff pull a Megan McCain jihad fashion victim move?
Unfortunately, the Vatican has been a mouthpiece for anti-Israel, pan-Palestinian sentiment, even though the Palestinian Muslims continue to persecute and drive out the Pope’s own Palestinian Christian followers. It’s ridiculous. Even more so than these photos. But the scarf of jihadist murder and violence deserves no place anywhere near St. Peter’s Basilica, let alone on the shoulders of the world leader of Catholicism.
I guarantee you if Israeli Christians tried to put an Israeli flag scarf on the Pope’s shoulders, those priests behind him not only wouldn’t have assisted (as they visibly do with this keffiyeh), they’d have nixed the whole thing.




**** UPDATE: This photo is no accident, no “ambush.” It appears that Vatican authorities and the Pope’s staff pre-arranged this. The Pope has tremendous security, and you can’t get close to him unless you have an arranged appointment or top Vatican officials getting you to the Pontiff. And, as my friend, Fred Taub of Boycott Watch points out, there are no crowds visible in the background. This was very obviously a pre-arranged photo-op, and NOT an ambush. Shame on the Vatican.

Pope Benedict XVI met in the Vatican on Wednesday with a group of Palestinian Catholics who presented him with a kaffiyeh, a traditional Palestinian scarf, as a gift. The 27 faithful from a Bethlehem parish were among thousands attending the pope’s weekly audience in St. Peter’s Square.
At the end of the service, two youths from the group were brought to the pope and draped the black-and-white checkered scarf on his shoulders. Benedict chatted briefly with them while wearing the scarf.


18 Responses

Father, forgive him because he doesn’t know what he is doing. At least I hope not.

rickster on April 22, 2009 at 6:09 pm

Let’s face it, the Catholic hierarchy isn’t particularly Jew-friendly. Never has been. Neal Bascomb documents how highly-placed Church officials help Eichmann escape to Argentina:

sonomaca on April 22, 2009 at 7:05 pm

Correct: not spontaneous, a prearranged meeting. Those were Palestinian Catholics, which are generally about as moonbatty as Palestinian Arabs. They were earlier trying to convince the Pope not to make the trip at all because of Israel’s defending herself against rockets. Here’s Haaretz’ take: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1080454.html (I’m no Haaretz fan, but they seem to be the ones with the story.)

homebrewer on April 22, 2009 at 7:26 pm

Don’t expect any help from popes (including this one) in our fight against the muslims. Sorry catholics, but the popes are and have been as corrupt as the politicians.

norman on April 22, 2009 at 7:54 pm

Being Jewish, I can’t comment on what is proper, but I do think that this new pope will not be so jewish friendly.

mindy1 on April 22, 2009 at 8:03 pm

Give the pope a break–he was a member of the Hitler Youth, after all. He hates Jews. That’s how he was raised. The guy is an idiot–he believes in the global warming fraud.

lexi on April 22, 2009 at 8:44 pm

I had respect for this pope. This diminishes him in my eyes. He knows, surely, what the kefiyyah represents, unlike so many ignorant kefiyyah-wearing Western youngsters who are utterly clueless. How distressing. Events like this underscore one thing, however…that the Jewish people must never rely on anyone else’s support for their survival. If Israel and the Jewish people are to prevail, they must be self-reliant, insofar as this is possible.

commonsense on April 22, 2009 at 9:17 pm

One thing more. These Palestinian Catholics who presented the pope with the kefiyyah are in all probability not Arabs, but more properly should be viewed as Arabized, Arabic-speaking Christians who, in their attempt to survive in a Muslim-dominated society inevitably hostile to indigenous non-Muslims, emphasize their Arabness and deemphasize their Christianity; this usually extends to embracing, often with great zeal, the prevailing Muslim antisemitism and its natural offshoots, hatred of Israel and Zionism. This tactic, however, is not working. Ever since Israel turned over the administration of some of the “occupied” territories to the Palestinian Authority, persecution of indigenous Christians became normative, and the Christian populations of such towns as Nazareth and Bethlehem have largely fled. Churches have been desecrated, and attempts to extract jizya (tribute paid to Muslims by subjugated infidels) have become more persistent and audacious. German Jews, it may be recalled, also hoped that placing emphasis upon their being German citizens and de-emphasizing their Jewishness would help them gain acceptance as a religious and ethnic minority in an increasingly antisemitic (and ultimately genocidal) Fatherland. They soon learned otherwise. The path chosen by the antisemitic, anti-Israel Islamochristians will not save them from implacable Muslim supremacism. It never has, and it never will. Look, for example, at Lebanon, a “binational” country, now a failed state, with Hezbollah in ascendancy and Christians, not long ago a majority or a near-majority, leaving in droves.

commonsense on April 22, 2009 at 10:09 pm

Those who have paid attention, know that the popes have been sucking up to the muslims for some time. Here is John Paul II actually kissing the koran!!
Benedict was on his muslim suck up tour in November 2006–where he actually laid a wreath at the tomb of Attaturk, the muslim architect of the Armenian genocide! Benedict (arnold) also prayed toward Mecca with his shoes off, per the muslim tradition with the islamic clerics who took him to the muslim converted hagia sophia–uhuh!
My point–the Arafat dish rag is just one more act of betrayal to the the true Christian faith.
The true apostles (per the tradition the Catholics claim for the pope to be in the direct lineage of Peter) of the Christian faith was to suffer death rather than bow to a false god. My how times have changed. Now, the pope leads the apostasy!

BB on April 22, 2009 at 11:17 pm

Just when I thought the Pope might be inclined to oppose Islam, he dons a jihadist head-rag. We should have seen this coming after he quoted the Byzantine emperor Manuel II’s derisive comment about Mohamad ibn Abdullah (May he burn in hell forever), the creator of Islam. Days later, he backpedaled after Mohamadans starting whining. How sad that the Catholic Church’s leader has kowtowed again to Mohamadans.

Defeat_Islam! on April 23, 2009 at 12:45 am

Just when I thought the Pope might be inclined to oppose Islam, he dons a jihadist head-rag. We should have seen this coming after he quoted the Byzantine emperor Manuel II’s derisive comment about Mohamad ibn Abdullah (May he burn in hell forever), the creator of Islam. Days later, he backpedaled after Mohamadans starting whining. How sad that the Catholic Church’s leader has kowtowed again to Mohamadans.

Defeat_Islam! on April 23, 2009 at 12:45 am

Just when I thought the Pope might be inclined to oppose Islam, he dons a jihadist head-rag. We should have seen this coming after he quoted the Byzantine emperor Manuel II’s derisive comment about Mohamad ibn Abdullah (May he burn in hell forever), the creator of Islam. Days later, he backpedaled after Mohamadans starting whining. How sad that the Catholic Church’s leader has kowtowed again to Mohamadans.

Defeat_Islam! on April 23, 2009 at 12:47 am

What does the Pope and Palestinians have in common???
Hint: Michael Jackson knows…..

EminemsRevenge on April 23, 2009 at 8:57 am

First, every child living in Nazi Germany, was in the Hitler youth.
Second, one could argue that Rabin, Peres, and Barak were also clueless and weak.
As a catholic, I am also disturbed and nauseated by the way the church (both this pope and the last) has dealt with Islam; however, Catholics, Protestants, and Jews must guard against fighting with each other. Our enemy is Islam.
The Pope’s actions have nothing to do with religion (doctrine), rather, with how he tactically feels peace can be accomplished. There are just as many liberal Jews and Protestants as there are Catholics. They make me equally sick.

Rick on April 23, 2009 at 10:24 am

Christians in “Palestine?”
Why do I doubt this?

SamAdams on April 23, 2009 at 2:57 pm

Well, I think at the Pope is only acknowledging Palestinian culture by “briefly” donning the scarf.
If he starts wearing it all the timeÖthen we’re in trouble.
Since those “gang colours” are now chiefly associated with worldwide Islamic terrorism and not just from Pali-IslamistsÖit really shouldn’t be donned by the worldwide leader of Kingdom of God, the Vicar of Christ for all of ChristendomÖand not only Catholicism.
Now it would be easy for the Pope to refuse, but what of the safety for the already vulnerable Christians in Islamic lands? The Pope must consider their safety as the visible leader of Christendom. Many eyes are upon him. We all know how that brainwashed and reactionary crowd reacts to any perceived slight.
The Pope will remain safeÖbut will theyÖif he even mildly reacts?
Therefore, the Pope must turn a blind eye at times. Both here, and in Biram.

The Canadien on April 23, 2009 at 6:34 pm

I am Christian and I wear a kefiyyeh and all Arab Christians, I find nothing wrong with what he did, and it’s absurd to assume there’s anything nonChristian about wearing one. Remember that Jesus was born in Palestine, and if you don’t acknowledge that at least Christians do. I find your dissatisfaction with it not only ignorant but also offensive.

Hareega on December 25, 2010 at 10:24 am

The pope comes from a nazi family who helped to kill Jews during WW2. By the way I am Jewish and x-tians are NOT our friends, on the contrary most have been just as bad as the mudslimes.

Shaun Goldstein on June 19, 2011 at 9:07 pm

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