April 17, 2009, - 4:27 pm
HA! PhotoShop of the Year: David Lunde Shows Us New Obama Bumper Sticker
By Debbie Schlussel
We’ve all seen those annoying, fantasist “CoExist” bumpers stickers and t-shirts sported by drug-addled celebs and pothead liberals, which sprung up after 9/11.
Now, that it’s official that Barack Hussein Obama wants to erase Christianity–he insisted on covering up Jesus with a drape at a Georgetown University speech this week–PhotoShop Master of the Universe and extremely talented artist, David Lunde of Lunde Designs, has designed a new, more appropriate bumper sticker for the IslamoPanderer-in-Chief:

Says David Lunde:
I suppose I should have put a drape over the Star of David. Wouldn’t want to offend the Muslims!
Sadly, too true in the IslamObama Era.
Debbie, while the Obama Administration is obsessed with pressuring Israel to commit national suicide, it is oblivious to the prospect of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal falling into the hands iof the Taliban/Al Qaeda Islamists. That’s the gist of a commentary by Caroline Glick today. But as every one knows, the real danger to world peace and stability are the f*ckin’ Joos. They need to be put in their place! Its the real meaning of the ObamaIslam Era.
NormanF on April 17, 2009 at 5:38 pm