April 13, 2009, - 11:50 am

HOprah Watch: Oprah Says, “You Need to Buy a Vibrator for Your Teen Daughter”

By Debbie Schlussel
While I was away for the first days of Passover, I missed a lot. And I missed a lot of garbage.
In the latter category, on her daytime talk show, Thursday, Oprah Winfrey had a mother give her ten-year-old daughter the “birds and bees” talk. That was bad enough.
Worse was Oprah’s sex therapist, “Dr.” Laura Berman (who is not a real doctor, she has a Ph.D.). Berman, who hosts the “Better in Bed” show on Oprah’s XM channel, told parents

you can also introduce your daughters about self-stimulation, orgasm, masturbation . . . . And think about getting a vibrator [for your daughters] when they’re fifteen. . . . I’m a big believer in a vibrator for every woman. Every woman should have one.

And, of course, big fat Oprah was the one-woman giant amen crowd for this outrageous advice to buy sex toys for your kids.

What is the big deal about a vibrator?


Fake Doctor Laura Berman, Oprah:

Dirty Old Hags Tell You to Buy Vibrators For Your Daughters

For you, Oprah, probably nothing, since it’s your eternal bedmate.
Yup, this is what Oprah wants you to teach your ten-year-old. Who needs Larry Flynt’s filth, when you can hear this gross fantasy on daytime television? Where the heck is the FCC? So, Howard Stern has to be censored, but this goes on the airwaves, interruption-free?
Oh, and get the “feminist,” anti-male excuse for teaching your young kids to masturbate.
“Dr.” Laura Berman:

Teach your daughters to self-stimulate . . . so that they never have to depend on a boy to do it for them.

Uh-huh. This is what your kids watch on afternoon TV when they come home from school.
I seem to remember a similarly obtuse person recommending this “teach your kids to masturbate” BS. Remember Joycelyn Elders, President Clinton’s incompetent, affirmative action project surgeon general?
Remember her? We’d rather not.


Keep Their Sex Advice Away From Your Kids

24 Responses

We can’t teach kids self-restraint and modesty. And adult authority isn’t exactly enhanced when adults act like children themselves. Its not only about the message; its how adults want to be viewed these days.
How embarrassing!

NormanF on April 13, 2009 at 12:26 pm

Memo to HOprah, if this is good for the masses, it should be good for Obama’s daughters, you think?

californiascreaming on April 13, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    Obama is not is the kind of position to go public with that. But Oprah is.


    David L on January 13, 2012 at 5:53 pm

How about Oprah issuing vibrators to her girls’ school in South Africa – remember, the one that was embroiled in a sex scandal?

C. Gee on April 13, 2009 at 1:08 pm

    They probably will not issue vibrators at the school, but they probably give them the best sex education since that is there role.


    David L on January 13, 2012 at 5:56 pm

i knew their was a reason i did not watch her… she has her own morality

mindy1 on April 13, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    Oprah’s morality about sex education is not her own morality but it is the morality of logic about sex education.

    Speaking of morality as many of you are probably Christians.

    I use to be Christian until I saw that the bible is fallible. The evidence speaks for itself. You can see even contradictions in what Jesus says. The morality of Christians of is the morality of a fallible book.


    David L on January 13, 2012 at 6:03 pm

This gives a whole new meaning to “toys for tots”.
And we thought she couldn’t dumb down the culture any further.
Thanks Oprah

Southernops on April 13, 2009 at 2:46 pm

Oprah is icky.
Nuff said.

There is NO Santa Claus on April 13, 2009 at 10:14 pm

Doesn’t the suggestion of parents or guardians teaching their kids to masturbate, self-stimulate, or even purchasing them a sex toy constitute “aiding in the deliquency of a minor” all the way up to “child endangerment”? If the parents, most likely their mothers, had to teach their kids to masturbate or how to use a sex toy, isn’t that against most States child porn or child sex abuse laws?
Once again, Oprah has proven she needs separation from mainstream society.
NormanF hit it on the head – these adults are acting like children themselves, and not the kind of immature people polite society interacts with.

bhparkman on April 14, 2009 at 3:47 am

    bhparkman what planet are you living on? Who taught you about sex? Your Sunday school pastor? Or let me guess your Christian parents that think the earth is 6,000 years old and God created the earth in 7 days.

    You think teen masturbating is considered “delliquency” and “child endangerment”.

    What is so dangerous about teen masturbation when taught by a mature adult? Uummm let’s see, teens learn through experiential experience how there bodies work, priceless. Teens release a lot of tension and stress through masturbation. Teens learn to love and appreciate there bodies.

    If kids are going to masturbate, they are going to masturbate. What ever you all have been trying is not working. We did it while president bush was in office and IT DIDN’T WORK.

    They don’t call them sex hormones for nothing.


    David L on January 13, 2012 at 6:44 pm

Ph.D.’s are real doctors. The term doctor was used by academics before there was any organized medical education or medical degree. Although most of us are more familiar with the term being used for medical doctors, if you are looking for a quibble, the Ph.D.’s are more acurately described as real doctors than the M.D.’s.

PapaBear on April 14, 2009 at 1:38 pm

    The idea, Papa Bear, is that PhDs in psychology should not be discussing anatomy and physiology. That’s part one. The second part is that this advice is completely imbecilic. That’s part two. The third part is that Debbie, whose late father was an opthalmologist (among the most selective of medical specialties), is well aware of the time and gruelling physical demands required to train an MD and the comparative easy life of most PhDs in comparison, both in total time and in physical comfort during training and practice.

    The fourth part is that medical training is a lot more intellectually challenging than any PhD program outside of Math, Physics, or Chemistry.

    In short, Papa Bear, you couldn’t do what I did and do.


    A proud UTMB MD and UCLA Psychiatry graduate (Diplomate 1995, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology)

    Occam's Tool on November 10, 2011 at 8:23 pm

There is discrimination against men in schools.
There is discrimination against men in hiring.
There is discrimination against men in promotions.
Now, Oprah Winfrey wants to make us totally unnecessary.

chsw on April 14, 2009 at 4:38 pm

I watched Laura Berman on a FoxNews show and all I can say is she is a man hating bitch that uses her personal opinions as fact when talking about her brand of “pop” psychology.
On her bio page she says;”has been working as a sex educator and therapist for 20 years and is considered a thought leader in her field.”
Thought Leader?? She has no shame. What the hell is a thought leader….She makes this shit up as she goes along citing her expertise as being booked on stupid shows like Oprah and the Today show.Translation huckster.
She should be drummed out of the profession as a quack and self promoting feminist bitch but since there are no standards any longer in this field, any charlatan can set themselves up as an expert and get away with it.
The media is responsible for touting this obvious circus clown as an expert and having her on TV to spout her ridiculous opinions about Sex as fact.
She is in the same league of slime balls as Dr Phil and Jerry Springer.

ScottyDog on April 15, 2009 at 7:45 pm

ok, a lot of people have made many good points, but just one kind of out in left field; if the kid can’t figure out how to provide ‘self pleasure’ how the hell will they learn to have sex? if they cannot figure it out on their own, they just aren’t ready!

McLovin on April 17, 2009 at 9:20 pm

Why do yall think this is a disgrace. Would you rather have her run off to some dude for enjoyment. Look i dont agree with the you teach them how to do it, there is always the internet. But whats so bad about a girl from the ages of preteen to teenage wanting to please themselves when they are going through hormonal changes. Then people get all mad when they have episodes like this. The reason they have episodes like this is because there are more than a million girls out there that go running to thier boyfriend for sex because they couldnt plz themselves. Then after they have sex the guy ends up dumping here because he got what he wanted. Sex toys can be helpful because they show girls that they can have enjoyment by themselves instead of getting knocked up by some guy who hurts her. All in all sex toys arent a bad idea and wouldnt look down on any mother who gave her daugter a sex toy.

think on June 21, 2010 at 2:12 pm

While I don’t think this is the horrible scandal you make it out to be, I think there are better solutions. Most of the kids I grew up with started masturbating as young children and became sexually active around middle school, so it IS very important that your kids understand sex and its implications at an early age. Kids are exposed to sex constantly on the TV and Internet and if you think they’re not curious about experimenting, you are wrong! It’s your responsibility as parents to make sure they understand right from wrong and fact from fiction. If you’re not doing it, someone else will. When I reached reproductive age, my mother bought my brother and I books that explained all about our reproductive systems, intercourse, masturbation, safe sex, etc. There was no awkward birds and the bees talk and she certainly wasn’t buying us sex toys or porn. Parents risk alienating and embarrassing their kids when they are too invasive of their private sexuality. I think it’s important for kids to learn what they like sexually by spending time fantasizing and pleasing themselves. It certainly helps teenagers deal with their sexual urges without having sex before they’re ready. And please, tell your children early on how to obtain birth control and condoms so that they won’t engage in risky practices because they’re too embarrassed to tell you they’re having sex. That would certainly prevent a lot of unplanned pregnancies and STDs in this world!

Jessica on September 18, 2010 at 5:15 pm

I think kids should be informed about sex but not everything should come from that awquard talk that they would get if there parents did it. Maybe if you catch them mastrubating one time and there old enough then you should leave an info book about the risks of sex a small vibrator not expensive because they may hate it and a letter tellling them that your there for them if they ever have queations then list a couple of websites to check out if theyre not comfortable with that then leave it on there bed when there not home and if you never catch them mastrubating then just leave it when ever you think there old enough ( somewhere from when they have theyre first period to 14) btw im 12 and wish i would of had a mother supportive enough to do this.

Jenna on January 29, 2011 at 9:56 pm

I believe that you are very close minded-I watched that episode, and I believe that mothers should have a better judgement. I believe that mothers should do this-compare a plastic case with a motor and battery contraption to teen pregnancy, STIs, and school dropout-to a teenager owning a simple vibrator (and condoms), if a mother were sure that the teenager has reached that stage. 15 was an arbitrary age; I agree that may be too young, but late 16 and 17 are real-life ages when real teen moms get pregnant. Do not try to turn a blind eye-this solution may actually be beneficial to stop this very real problem. Please be a little more considerate and open minded; give a little more thought before calling Oprah a ho. That is very childish, and this is coming from a 17 year old, non-masturbating/virgin, offended teen.

Blue on August 10, 2011 at 1:19 am

You all seriously would rather have your children go off and lose their virginity? Although i don’t agree with “teaching” kids how to do it, why would you look at it as a disgrace? I am positive that most, if not all of you have used a vibrator in your lifetime. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it and it is natural.

youdon'tneedtoknow on November 30, 2011 at 1:03 pm

dude. you are clueless. did you ever think when you were a kid what it was like to get in your pants or has your panties just been in dusty and old forever? anyways, you do not even know who oprah is and you are just judging her. girls and guys who do not get sex education will be clueless and go off and get hiv or with a baby at 16. things just need to come naturally and what she was saying was a bit direct, but understandable.

NONEOFYOBUSYNESS on December 10, 2011 at 11:50 pm

I am appalled at this article by Debbie Schlussel and some of the comments here. Calling Oparh a ho, makes them sound unintelligent. We have tried suppression, IT DOES NOT WORK. I grew up as child in a Christian family that suppressed many sexual things. I had low self esteem for years around girls and even later in life. I was ashamed at myself when I would masturbated many times. I tried so hard to stop masturbating, but the hormonal urge was to strong almost all the time. I could not talk to my family because I didn’t feel comfortable at all talking to them about it. I wish my parents told me everything from the start. Then told me the truth, that masturbation is a natural effect of hormones at that time in life for many kids.

Dr. Laura Berman is world renown as a sex therapist. She has a Ph.d which is really respectable.

There was a recent study that linked teen masturbation with safe sex.

On top of this terrible article, they give no solution. Many Christians have been terribly brain washed. And are drunken with the cup of irrational thoughts and beliefs.

As a solution, why don’t most of you Oprah haters read some of Laura’s books, and see if you can understand the science and theories as to why Laura is right.

I have been on both sides of this I have some real issues with suppression.


David L on January 13, 2012 at 6:59 pm

It seems to me that when it comes to sex and teens we are taking the approach of “what’s the ‘least bad’ option out there”? Well standards evolve and our society has slowly been lowering the bar and now we are seriously considering encouraging teaching our young kids to masturbate on day time television while also prosecuting people for viewing those same kids as sexual beings?

The double standard here is completely unreal.

As for me, I prefer not to go with the “least bad” approach when it comes to teens and sex. I draw my line in the sand but I also remember what it was to be that age. I recognize that perhaps masturbation will happen, but me encouraging it is an entirely different matter.

When I was growing up my sisters didn’t have vibrators. Yes they probably did masturbate but for pete’s sake kids these days don’t need ‘designer orgasms’ pot and paid for by mom and dad and justified by “well at least they’re not…” excuse rather than actually taking a stance

Chris on November 1, 2012 at 6:56 pm

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