June 12, 2012, - 4:07 pm
WTF?! USA Today Sob Story Over Jane Fonda’s “Haunting” By “Hateful Nickname” Hanoi Jane
As we all know, Jane Fonda committed treason during the Vietnam War. She aided and abetted the Viet Cong, laughed with them, and aimed their weapons in the direction of U.S. soldiers. She also attacked U.S. soldiers–many of whom died or lost limbs–on Viet Cong loudspeakers and radio. And she’s never apologized (despite pretending that she did). But apparently Susan Wloszcyna and/or her editors at USA Today’s fluffy “Life” section forgot. They are upset that Jane Fonda is “haunted by a 40-year-old photo” and “decades of enduring the hateful nickname ‘Hanoi Jane.'” USA Today actually has the nerve to liken Jane Fonda’s Viet Cong stint as a “fashion faux pas.” A “wardrobe malfunction,” like when Janet Jackson displayed her tata on the Super Bowl telecast, not something that put American lives at risk while we were at war.

First of all it wasn’t “a” photo. It was many photos. And it was more than photos, as I’ve noted above. She laughed and danced with the Viet Cong and she smiled as she posed on their anti-aircraft gun, which was used to shoot down and kill our men. It’s the same as if she’d done this for the Nazis or Al-Qaeda or the Taliban. She was the Vietnam War’s Tokyo Rose and committed overt act after overt act to demoralize American soldiers on behalf of America’s enemies. If she is only “haunted,” she is lucky. She should have been tried and executed like the Rosenbergs, or, at the very least, sentenced to life in prison. Many of the American boys who suffered because of her words and actions in Vietnam are dead. And we’re supposed to shed a tear because she is “haunted”?! Sick. While they are worm food because they served America in Vietnam, she is still enjoying facelift #3,755 and royalties from bad exercise videos (she was thin from bulimia, NOT aerobics). She’s bragging about her “third act” and we’re supposed to sob for her when many of the American boys she betrayed never got to live their first act? Incredible.
Read this rich fertilizer:
Jane Fonda has been delayed by a slight wardrobe malfunction. . . .
In the past, she might have shrugged off such a minor fashion faux pas. But image is more important than ever to Fonda. The onetime political firebrand and war protester who is still haunted by a 40-year-old photo of her smiling atop a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft weapon learned the hard way after decades of enduring the hateful nickname “Hanoi Jane.”
“Only now am I paying attention to how I come across, how I look and how I am in the world,” says Fonda.

PUH-LEEZE. This uber-vain traitorous witch never ever cared about how she came across, unless it was to her rich, far-left, hoity toity Hollywood friends and nuts like Tom Hayden and Ted Turner, for whom she agreed to engage in threesomes.
As for American patriots who risked–and in too many cases, gave–their lives on the battlefields of Southeast Asia, she never cared then. And she doesn’t care now. She was always a cold-hearted bitch. And all the plastic surgery in the world won’t mask that.
This wasn’t a “fashion faux pas.” Jane Fonda’s behavior in Vietnam was an outrageous betrayal of massive proportions in a day and age where there were far fewer media outlets and her hateful words were replayed and echoed on all of them.
Her nickname, “Hanoi Jane,” is quite appropriate and the least we can do. In fact, it’s too nice. If only she were haunted. She’d still be better off than the American soldiers she demoralized as she whored herself out to the Viet Cong.
She still deserves to be spit on everywhere she goes. The ghosts of the soldiers she spit on demand no less.
Go to Hell-a, Barbarella.

Tags: Anti-American Mosque, bitch, enduring the hateful nickname, fashion faux-pas, Hanoi Jane, haunted by a 40-year-old photo, Jane Fonda, Jane Fonda is a bitch, Susan Wloszcyna, USA Today, Viet cong, Viet Cong anti-aircaft, Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun, Vietnam, wardrobe malfunction
USA Today is not fit to serve as the paper upon which my dog is trained. This bitch was a complete and total traitor, but because of her fame, the fact that her daddy was Henry Fonda (which is how a limited talent like her got into the business), and the fact that Nixon was too much of a pussy to have her tried and executed, she is still getting rich marrying billionaires, selling fitness videos while relying on facelifts to look good in them, and making bad movies that only brainless simpletons would watch.
Jonathan E. Grant on June 12, 2012 at 4:16 pm