June 6, 2012, - 3:52 pm

Boy Band Jihad: Mega Pop Star Pimping Islam on Your Daughters

By Debbie Schlussel

Jihad is sneaking into American girls’ favorite pop band.

If you have young daughters, then you know that the boy band, “One Direction,” is all the rage to young girls around the world, especially in the United States. As big, if not bigger than Justin Bieber. Recently, President Obama’s daughter, Malia, was photographed attending their Washington, DC-area concert. And screaming tween and teen girls greet them all over America. But, even if you’ve heard of the band, you probably don’t know that one of its members, Zayn Malik, is pimping Islam on your kids. That’s in addition to his Arabic tattoos and frequent donning of the keffiyeh, the official garb of Islamic terrorism.


One Direction’s Zayn Malik Proselytizes Islam to Your Kids

Malik, a devout British Muslim whose family is from Pakistan, has used social media to proselytize Islam to his primarily female fans around the world. He not only tweeted about fasting for Ramadan, but told fans that allah is the only god and that only Mohammed is G-d’s true prophet. Not the kind of thing you expect your kids to hear sandwiched in between cheesy, saccharin-sweet songs coming out of the mouths of over-moussed and over-gelled boy band tools. But that’s what’s happening. Check out the tweets, below, from Malik. “La ila ha ill lalla ho muhammed door rasoolalah,” is the militant statement Muslims say in their prayers every day, meaning, “There is no god but allah and Mohammed is the prophet of G-d.” He also retweeted this in Arabic from the extremist Islamic Thoughts Twitter account. The phrase is meant to say that only Islam is the true religion and only Mohammed is a real prophet of G-d. It’s part of the “Shehadah,” the Muslim oath of martyrdom that comprises conversion to Islam. Muslims constantly chant the sentence at anti-Israel, pro-HAMAS, and pro-Hezbollah rallies. I’ve heard them chant it, for example, at almost every such rally I’ve attended undercover in the Detroit and Dearbornistan areas.

And the scary thing is that millions of girls in America and around the world are infatuated with the members of One Direction, including Malik. He’s no dummy. He knows the power he has over these mindless girls and is using that influence to preach the Islamic faith to them and try to convert them. It’s dangerous. And there’s a reason he tweeted that he didn’t have a girlfriend on the same day he tweeted Islamic preaching. Hey, if you convert to Islam, you can be my girltoy. And it appears that Malik, after he was did well on Great Britain’s “X Factor,” was chosen for the boy band specifically because he’s a Paki Muslim, to appeal to that rapidly growing demographic in the UK. Managers, marketers, record companies, and agents aren’t stupid. They know that Islam sells in Britain, and they picked an Islamic face for the band. Who cares if he’s trying to convert your daughters? They gotta get paid.

When I was a kid, teen heartthrobs. like Rick Springfield and Shaun Cassidy, were far more innocuous and limited to TV shows, concerts, and fan magazines, like “Tiger Beat.” They didn’t try to impose their religious cult upon their female fans. Now, parents have far less ability and little time to read through the mostly innocent-sounding social media messages of boy bands to find the pan-Islamic propaganda tweets in between. But they must. Know the pop culture that is infecting your kids and know what it stands far.

Keep your daughters away from Zayn Malik’s enticing jihad. With the boy band One Direction, it’s all about pimping Islam amid the deceptive visage of angelic, effeminate boys in a band. Yup, for them there is definitely One Direction: facing Mecca.

And if you’re ever curious to see One Direction in concert, you can get tickets online here.

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1,944 Responses

Are you fucking retard, you racist bigoted slut. How dare you try to criticise islam and make it seem like anyone is imposing islam on peoples kids. Its typical if fucking americans to find some stupidd nonsense and make it seem like its a legitimate thing. Get life you peice of shit and leave other peoples religion alone.

fuck you on July 21, 2013 at 11:33 am

    Then leave us alone and we’ll get along just fine, you mindless zombie retard.

    Pray Hard on September 3, 2013 at 10:01 pm

It’s outrageous to me that Europeans and their descendants feel entitled to spin overtly racist tales about people’s children whom they know nothing about. How surprising that this clueless Amerkkkan (tongue-in-cheek) would write such an absurd article – she obviously is ignorant of Islam, it’s followers and most of all the true intention of Amerikkkah ~ to own all the worlds oil resources for their greedy capitalist selves – to the detriment of the whole world. Your own government bombed the twin towers – haven’t you done your research.
Amerikkkah was not happy just to kill, poison, rape and kill the indigenous of the New World – no, they continue their campaign against the cultural populations of the entire world. Everywhere they go to disenfranchise, steal resources, rape and kill mass populations . . .
While Americans continue to send mass armies and killing machines over to the Middle East to exterminate whole populations of Muslims including innocent women and children this article is concerned about a kid who loves his culture? Wow . . .

The woman who wrote this obviously only cares about white people and Christianity – Remember the new World was founded on the extreme racism of Europeans who killed in the name of Christianity and the queen without a thought when all they wanted was gold for the rich elite. Nothing has changed apparently.

Zayn Malik is the product of the British Invasion of India/pakistan to steal their riches, tea, and make slaves of the Indian population for the enjoyment of the British who had NO right whatsoever to be in their country.

Amerikkkan racist bigot STOP writing garbage when it’s obvious you are an ignoramus who knows nothing of history and GO BACK to your country and leave North America for the Native people you all stole it from!!!!!

Outraged on July 21, 2013 at 1:58 pm

u no u daft tatti he has a scarf like that but ive seen white ppl wearing it and he’s got a tattoo in arabic but in our religion u daft git its forbiddon.

y dya need ta no on July 22, 2013 at 1:10 pm

How is it fucking terrorist when hes clearly just expressing his views and thoughts? Idiot.

Rabbb on July 22, 2013 at 2:40 pm

Flipping retard. Just by him saying laa ilia aha ilallah muhammadur rasoolullah which is what you say when you becum a Muslim . What you’re saying is racist you shit head. Go flip off

Musli, on July 22, 2013 at 10:44 pm

U fucking slut you are just trying to put Islam in the wrong it’s what all u white people fucking do u bitch president bush is not Muslim yet he is a terrorist u fucking racist slut

Mazhar choudhry on July 24, 2013 at 6:08 pm

I hope you die you Jewish bitch. Leave islam
Alone you yahudi whore. We need hitler back.

Mesh on July 24, 2013 at 7:56 pm

You Know What Just Learn The Facts Before You Say anything about this issue of yours because there’s a lot of misunderstanding here

Zainab on July 24, 2013 at 8:38 pm

My my my. I love how she is making out that Zayn is trying to promote Islam…yet she doesn’t mention the fact that most celebrities of other religions don’t get the same slack. They can say ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christ’ yet we cannot say ‘Allah (swt)”? How biased is that?

“La ila ha ill lalla ho muhammed door rasoolalah” is not a militant statement. It’s something every Muslim says to show their beliefs. I don’t see why that should be such a problem.

Why should Zayn not be allowed to tweet about fasting and Ramadan? Celebrities tweet about christmas so why the double standards?

No, he wasn’t implying that if you become Muslim you could be his ‘girltoy’…he was replying to someone’s question. That’s you reading into it in the sick twisted way your mind works.

Errrr, no…Zayn did not pass through the X-Factor because he’s a minority – it’s because he’s a damn good singer with a voice that sounds like hot chocolate and EVERYONE knows it.


Tania on July 25, 2013 at 9:10 pm

Wow! Lool that shows how insecure non Muslims are about their religions! If u had strong faith in your religion u wouldn’t be scared of zain malik ‘trying to convert girls to Islam’ ?! I mean what the fuck? You are such a dumb white blonde!! How the hell are u trying to say the scarf he wears is promoting islamic terrorism!! Go see what the fucking Israel dogs are doing to Muslims in Palestine..then you’ll see terrorism!! It’s just a frikkin scarf that even non Muslims nowadays wear!!! I find it absolutely hilarious how u can even say Muslims are terrorist!? Who started WW1? Was it Muslims? Who started WW2? Was it Muslims? Who captured thousands of black people and used them as slaves? Was it Muslims? NOO!!! And if people can say ‘merry Christmas’ on social sites then why can’t zain malik say ‘Ramadan Mubarak’ ?! What’s the problem? Why are u so insecure that u think he will brainwash u and turn u into a muslim?! If your mentally unstable about your religion then that’s your problem! After all he is a muslim and it is his twitter so he can post anything about Islam! If people’s belief in their own religion is so weak that zain malik can change it through statuses on twitter then that is their problem for being so insecure like U!!! Islam is trending worldwide at the moment and soo many people are converting and by putting up your racist article u can’t change it!! U are literally the dumbest white chick I know! Before u say anything about Islam or Muslims get your facts right and look at half u white Christians messing up the world! How do u feel about hitler sharing your faith?

Tania Ahmed on July 27, 2013 at 1:04 pm

Oh and I definetly suggest you go watch Alioffical1 video about your artical :’) lol he literally slapped you across the face in a well mannered way :’) shame! Oh and please don’t say the word Islam or Muslims out of your disgusting white mouth again 🙂 we know your a racist little blonde bitch that supports isreal who are the real terrorists in this case

Tania Ahmed on July 27, 2013 at 1:11 pm

We know u can’t handle the fact that a beautiful talented muslim won the X factor for which you are trying to attack him with this baseless artical which is actually so stupid :’) he is a frikkin beautiful singer and u can’t handle it! Btw u said something about his tattoo trying to promote Islam? Well what about half the white people who frikkin half some next up cross as a tattoo? And even David beckham has a tattoo written in Hindi on his arm but that doesn’t make him a Hindu does it?! Mann u a seriously such an embarassment to white people lol such a dumb blonde… I pity u but u are from America so I don’t blame ya…u are probs a little confused and brainwashed. Just to let u know, America funds all the terrorists and Obama is a terrorist himself

Tania Ahmed on July 27, 2013 at 1:42 pm

This is MAD! Seriously, who is gonna believe this rubbish? We all know Zayn would NOT do something like this! He’d loose Fans, duh! I mean, Zayns my favourite member, and, correct me if you THINK I’m wrong, Zayn is one of the few sweetest guys on earth. So, to whoever writes this nonsense, get a life and stop posting junk about other people. Thanks!

Billie Jo on July 31, 2013 at 11:49 am

BTW, There’s nothing wrong with the scarf he wears. I actually find it quite cute. This article is absolutely bogus.

Billie Jo on July 31, 2013 at 11:52 am

Hi Debbie
You are evil, It aint gonna make me hate Zayn any more, I still love him, Islam is not a terror religion its a way of life, thanx for pointing that one out to me.
Happy Ramadhan and Eid Mubarak

Sofie on August 1, 2013 at 2:03 pm

I dont understand ur goal from doing all this. Are u jelouse that one direction are biggest boyband and you seem to hate zayn being in the band…. All the other memebers of the band treat him as a brother. So y would u post such a stupied article which u think may make the directioners change their minds about liking them. Espically zayn after what racket u have caused. Do you think u have acheived something by this? I am muslim and a directioner thing will change that for me not even ur pethic article. U said the scarf tht he wears for him to be a terriost is that american starts also wear like chris brown…. so would u say chris brown is now a terroist i dont think u would because u would say he is not a muslim. SO that now come to being the conculsion that u are a rascit women …. I love zayn malik and one direction this article of urs will never change that if that was ur goal for teenage girls to stop being directioners. I would say shame on u for all you have caused.
Signed ; Zaynmalikgirl xxx

Arfah-zainab hussain on August 3, 2013 at 3:26 am

    The shahadah the sentence declares that “there is no god but Allah,and PROPHET Muhammad is the last messenger of Allah”
    We dont hate you nonMuslims so why do u guys hate us i butine day you guys will Inshallah get to know what will happen Muslims will go to heavenand nonmuslims in the Hell. And if Zayn malik wanted to spread Islam nothing is bad in it

    muslimbeliectioner on November 12, 2013 at 8:23 am

YOU BITCH .you have NO fucking idea about how great ISLAM is , so you can’t talk about zayn like that , he didn’t ask or tell his fans to be Muslim , just because he tweeted a few muslim tweets doesn’t mean that he doesn’t respect other religions , as every fan of zayn malik know he has a CHRISTIAN girlfriend and if he wants his fans to be Muslims, he would start with her of course so shut the fuck up .. and respect his religion like he respect yours .. YOU BITCH

fuck you whour on August 9, 2013 at 1:41 am

I’m not a Muslim myself but I do not agree with the point you are making. Zayn may be a Muslim, and his tweets are a reflection of that. He isn’t trying to push his religion onto his adoring fans. Why shouldn’t he be allowed to have tattoos and wear what reflects his beliefs and personality?

Just because you tweet something, doesn’t mean you are trying to convert people into following your view. For example, an individual may tweet a reading from the bible, or from their favourite pop song, or even, God forbid, a ‘merry Christmas’ message. That is what twitter is about – discussing what is in your mind, giving followers a morsel of your personality.

Ok, if he was actively tweeting that all his fans should follow Islam, that is when you need to make a hoo-hah about it. He’s a young guy growing up in front of millions of people. Leave him to do what a normal guy his age would do!

RB on August 10, 2013 at 11:54 am

It’s drivel like this they invented *FACEPALM* for.

Ms Schlussel, with the very greatest of respect, this article is one of the single most silly things I have ever read on the internet. And I actively seek out the real batsh*t crazy stuff. I’m tempted to call Poe’s Law on this mess of brainwarped f*ckwittery.

Please. It has to be a parody. Please.

dh on August 10, 2013 at 12:01 pm

I can’t believe I’m reading this. this is bullshit, u r so dumb if you think you can make somebody to hate Zayn like this. Find a life man.

Mateja on August 11, 2013 at 7:34 am

You should be ashamed of yourself. Your a cruel person for having thoughts like this on SOMEONE just because their religion isn’t the same as yours. He can express whatever he wants on his twitter just like how other celebrities do. It makes him a terrorist for wearing a scarf? WOW HELLA STUPID. Why can’t he have a tattoo in Arabic? other people have tattoos of a cross. Have respect for everyone no matter what they are.

Kat on August 26, 2013 at 2:52 am

Dear Muslim Idiots,
Debbie Schlussel’s little toenail has a higher IQ than a mosque full of you camel fornicators.
Come and get me, bedwetters. You’ll be screaming for your mama AND your pedophile daddy before I’m through with you.
Pray Hard

Pray Hard on September 3, 2013 at 10:10 pm

    dear pray hard
    you are a stupid child.

    person on September 7, 2013 at 6:26 pm

    “And indeed you knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday). We said to them: “Be you monkeys, despised and rejected.”” [2:65]

    OBO YHWH, Adonai, El Shaddai on September 16, 2013 at 5:14 pm

I’m a Muslim and I love zayn so much he is Muslim and I’m proud of it love u zayn forever and ever <3 <3

zahra batool on September 9, 2013 at 3:39 pm

Debbie you ultimate thick illiterate twat! Yes zayn is amuslim so does that make him a bad person or a terrorist. Your views regarding zayn are laughable because he wears an arabic scarf around his neck that is a sign of future muslim terrorist and think you will find he is following a fashion trend like many non muslims but its ok for a nin muslim to take on eastern influenced fashion trends but god forbid if its a muslim then we have a potential terrorist nut. Many non muslims have arabic tatoos on their bodies. Reciting a verse from the quran does not make you into a muslim terrorists. My god its paranoid people like you who are the root of the pronlems muslims and islam is facing

Laila on September 9, 2013 at 8:24 pm

sweety, thats not even his real twitter, and im pretty sure that tattoo is photoshopped. i am following him on twitter and he NEVER forces his religion on anyone. This whole article is false. And his whole family isnt muslim, just his fathers side. his mum is british.If he was trying to push christianity on people it wouldnt be an issue. Im christian myself and i absolutely have no problem with zayn. So why do you?

emma on September 10, 2013 at 8:52 pm

To all the mums out there, Zayn isn’t promoting Islam, so let me do it properly. If you love your daughters and sons, and want them to have the best in the hereafter, then you should convert to Islam and be a good example to them by following the truth, so that you may all live in Paradise for Eternity. If you don’t want to, then that’s fine. You can be losers. Nothing will go of ours or Zayns. We know the truth and we love it – THERE’S NO GOD BUT ALLAH AND MUHAMMAD WAS HIS MESSENGER. Simply beautiful. Salaam to all my dear Muslim brothers and sisters out there xxx

M.David on September 16, 2013 at 4:56 pm

“Say (Oh Muhammed to the people of the Scriptures): “Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allah: those (Jews) who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, and those of whom (some) He transformed into monkeys and swines, and those who worshipped Taghut (false Gods); such are worse in rank (on the Day of Resurrection in the Hell-fire), and far more astray from the Right path (in the life of this world).”” [5:60]

OBO YHWH, Adonai, El Shaddai on September 16, 2013 at 5:15 pm

“So when they forgot the remindings that had been given to them, We rescued those who forbade evil, but We seized those who did wrong with a severe torment because they used to rebel against Allah’s command (disobey Allah)” [7:166]

OBO YHWH, Adonai, El Shaddai on September 16, 2013 at 5:16 pm

“And ask them about the town that was by the sea; when they transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: when their fish came to them openly on the Sabbath day, and did not come to them on the day they had no Sabbath. Thus we made a trial for them, for they used to rebel against Allah’s command.” [TMQ 7:163]

OBO YHWH, Adonai, El Shaddai on September 16, 2013 at 5:17 pm

Debbie Schlussel (born April 9, 1969) is a Jewish-American attorney, film critic, political commentator, and a conservative blogger. She has been noted for linking controversial incidents to Arabs, Islam and American Muslims such as immigrant Syed Ali who she speculated “went on a jihadist rampage” in Orange County.[1] She is also critical of anti-semitism and violence on the part of Christians such as John Zawahri, the Santa Monica shooter. She has further made the controversial claims that “White supremacists and neo-Nazis work with Muslims” in the case of James W. von Brunn, the Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter.[2][3] One target is the largely Muslim population of the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, which she refers to disparagingly as “Dearbornistan”.[4] Her columns are often provocative and controversial, specifically those detailing what she considers the unsavory elements of Islam, the objectionable activities of American Muslims, illegal immigrants, as well as liberal and “faux-conservative” politicians.

OBO YHWH, Adonai, El Shaddai on September 16, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Debbie Schlussel, just want you to know that there’s only one God and He’s the same God for everyone. He has different names due to different languages. El, Allah, God, same Creator. Can you handle that? He loves the righteous followers of Muhammad. He cursed the jews!!! You are all cursed!!! And you Debbie are a very unstable, emotionally immature and angry jew. Your dad has brainwashed you into his way of thinking. All conspiracies and paranoia about people trying to ill jews or take over the world. Very ignorant was your dad, and you’re a product of him. And stop abusing us behind your ‘pray hard’ identity. You’re not even man enough to say it under you’re own identity. Coward.

OBO YHWH, Adonai, El Shaddai on September 16, 2013 at 5:39 pm

Any other Hittlovers out there?

Hittlover on September 16, 2013 at 5:41 pm

Immature racist Debbie wrote this:

Dear Muslim Idiots,
Debbie Schlussel’s little toenail has a higher IQ than a mosque full of you camel fornicators.
Come and get me, bedwetters. You’ll be screaming for your mama AND your pedophile daddy before I’m through with you.
Pray Hard

She thinks she’s smart but this says it all.

a on September 16, 2013 at 5:43 pm

nice HOT pit in Hell for you, your dad, and your family from ‘both sides’ hehehe

a on September 16, 2013 at 5:44 pm

Zayn is sharing the good things from his life with his fans and followers. Debbie Schlussel is sharing her Islamophobia and hate for Pakistanis and Arabs. Calling us Pakis and terrorists and camel fornicators, what sort of role model are you being? A trashy one. Zayn has class.

Hello on September 16, 2013 at 5:54 pm

Lol I love how Muslims call anybody racist who says something negative about their religion, but when proseltyzing, say that Islam is not a race, but rather a way of life that welcomes everyone. Which is it? It is not racist to criticize a way of life that advocates pedophilia, polygamy, and brutal terrorism against those who don’t share their views and aren’t in their cult.

The other thing would be comical if it weren’t so disturbing is the words used by those calling Debbie a racist. Many call her a “cunt,” clearly indicating the way that Muslims view women who don’t know their places. They constantly make horrifyingly anti-Semitic remarks, including calls to bring back Hitler. BTW what is it Muslims, are you going to deny the Holocaust or are you going to praise Hitler for orchestrating it? You can’t have it both ways. Then you call her a retard, as if there is anything wrong with people who are developmentally disabled.

My favorite quote – “Don’t say the word Islam or Muslims out of your dirty white mouth again. You’re a racist little blonde bitch…” Now I understand why the Koran didn’t seem to go in any order that made any kind of sense. Only people with that kind of (il)logical thought process could possibly find the Koran remotely coherent.

I’ve never agreed with you much, Debbie. I feel that you are often unfairly harsh against liberal Democrats like myself, blaming everything on Obama and acting as if all liberals and feminists support Islamization. And I also feel a sense of resentment against Middle Eastern Christians, and in many of your articles, I can almost sense an “I told you so” smirk on your face when they are brutalized by The Religion of Peace. But I totally support you after seeing what you have to go through here.

Raj on September 25, 2013 at 8:15 pm

    Dear Raj,
    I just read your rather intriguing comment. As for your question, Islam IS a way of life. It’s a belief, a faith, a set of direction that helps us maneuver through our lives. Simply put, it’s a RELIGION.
    Facing your rather enraging comment on our HOLY BOOK, it stuck me how hypocritical it is for you to say “But I totally support you after seeing what you have to go through here.” What she has to go through in here?! What about those comments she made about something that’s precious to millions out there. True, calling her names doesn’t seem fair, after all she’s doing her job, right?
    WRONG!!! I dare you to post something remotely insulting about another religion, say Christianity, as a Muslim under the pretense of “journalism”. The comments and names wouldn’t compare, I guarantee that.
    Another issue you have, many people wanting Hitlter back. If you had any ounce of the common sense, you would have realised that none of them were actually serious about it. No one denies the holocaust- it was a brutal killing spree where millions of HUMANS died.
    But, do you realise that what she’s doing is no better? Of course, she’s not forcing Muslims into gas chambers, but this widespread publishing of her warped ideas can affect many people. People with similar viewpoints have been the bane of the existence for people they consider different, be it people from different religions, countries… Many deserving people are not given jobs, a proper pay, the respect they deserve, or treatment as a fellow human being. Living through such animosity isn’t fun. She’s receiving only a little piece of what we have to go through every day.
    Islam teaches us to be honest, to treat all people with respect and equality, to be kind. So does every other religion. All of them teaches us MORALITY. If we really did follow our religions, this world would have been a perfect place. So don’t blame the religion, blame the people who carries out the horrific deeds. And not all these deeds are carried out by Muslims, fyi.

    Farial Samira Rahman on November 4, 2013 at 5:33 am

When i have a bit of spare time, you’ll get your reply to this garbage you wrote above debbie ‘raj’ schlusell.

me on September 27, 2013 at 3:04 pm

Have you seen how fuckin sexy that dude is?! He can indoctrinate me with whatever he’d like 😉

Nietzschean on October 10, 2013 at 12:43 am

You’re very2 rude… !!! Let him be… Why don’t you face to face with zayn malik and ask him about his relegious… if you DARE ENOUGH to see him… I don’t ever met people stupid like you debbie…!!! COWORD !!!!

Dr.Math on October 22, 2013 at 5:30 am

Reading this article AND the comments confirms to me how screwed our world is. For one, you cannot comment on an article that is obviously narrow minded and laughable by ALSO being narrow minded and laughable.
You should all read over your comments like an outsider so you can understand just how ridiculous you sound. You can’t call someone a ‘sl*t’, ‘wh**e’, basically every derogatory term you know, and expect for your opinion to be taken seriously.
Also, I can’t even begin to explain how contradictory and hypocritical many of you sound.
I’m going to stop typing before I pass out from hysteria.

D on October 23, 2013 at 11:31 am

personally, I think this is complete and utter crap. I’ve got to ask Debbie, do you think about what you post? I realize you’re a critic but if you wanna criticize someone… Step away from my Muslim okay? He has absolutely no influence over people’s religions and not once has he EVER told ANYONE, DIRECTLY to become a Muslim. Which means, you don’t needs to be all suggestive about what he does and doesn’t say… He’s not Osama Bin Laden for petes sakes, leave the kid alone. He is perfection, He’s smooth as caramel, and he’s Jesus sliding down a rainbow.


Hazzamattack on October 26, 2013 at 2:41 pm

    oh and I also see that you’ve criticized Barack Obama about an apology towards Pakistan… Great job Deb, you really know how to single out the people you do not like. Here’s a tip… Make FAIR critisms

    Hazzamattack on October 26, 2013 at 2:43 pm

uh Zayn’s aloud to say whatever he wants about his religion because its his twitter. If any of the other boys had posted something about being Christian you wouldn’t have made it into a big deal. And Zayn is not trying to push anything on his fans. I am a directioner and I am more faithful to my faith then I am to 1D just like zany’s more faithful to his faith then he is to his fans or to One Direction which is the way it should be.
And thinking that Directioners are stupid enough to swich faiths just because their idols posting stuff about his own faith is insulting. And if someones parents make them stop listening to 1D just because Zayn’s tweeting about his religion then that parent obviously doesn’t belive that their kid is faithful to their religion and should be taking then to Church more often or wherever jews and muslims go to practice the faith. This article doesnt prove that hes trying to make his fans muslim if anything it just proves how racist and ignorant you are about zayn and islam. Zayn is the nicest guy ever and to the racist person who wrote that article you deserve all of the hate that your getting

1dlover on October 26, 2013 at 3:11 pm

So, what was the point of this article again? Hmmm, let’s see, to warn the innocent girls all over the world of the evil, Muslim singer boy/terrorist/ extremist? You do know that an extremist is someone who wants to force their beliefs on others, right?
So, aren’t you the one who’s implying that Muslims should not portray their beliefs like all other people from different religions? So you can celebrate Christmas, but Muslims performing their own religious duties are a big no-no? You guys can stroll around in Christian garments, but any article of clothing that Muslims wear is open to criticism? You people can go to the church, but scream that Mosques should be bulldozed? You can wear crossed around your necks, and scream “Jesus” at every opportune moment, but us showing our religious marks are forbidden?!
You talk of violence in Islam, yet can I just point out that none of the major participants in both the World Wars were Muslim?
You blame an innocent boy of terrorism. I’m not so naive as to think that you’re the only one. The fact that he’s who he is now means that he has to face raving bitches like you every day and still had been successful. That commands respect.
So, yeah, you fucking extremist, get your head out of your ass and think twice before slamming other people’s beliefs. At least, for the sake of being a journalist, get your facts straight- real journalists would actually delve into the actual sayings of Islam and not spout crap like you. No one has the right to criticize other people’s beliefs, or does the American rights, namely, the right of speech & individual beliefs, not apply to Muslims? Don’t judge everyone depending on a few spare examples, or we could clearly judge whatever community you are from based on that crap you wrote and declare them to be narrow-minded, racist and in extreme need of therapy.

Farial Samira Rahman on November 4, 2013 at 4:14 am

Ignore this bitch…. She can’t stop us from believing in Islam.. All i can do is, pray to allah that one day she will see the truth about islam. Amin..

ProudMuslim on November 8, 2013 at 2:30 am

Loool how stupid of u …hes free to express his beliefs in any way…u look well stupid for even posting this ur just jelous muslims are getting somewhere in this world and you cant take that can u! Always tryna diss them frm somwhere

Pure racist u are!!!! What does that say for urself commenting about muslim people that makes u a good christian..or whateva u are…how about u straighten ur religion out first and go by the bible…doesnt it teach to be kind to one another…u cant even get the basics right…atleast muslims are trying and majority and practicing

So well done all the muslims out there doing it the right way (except the odd few ruining it for everyone, all religions have the odd few) media just focusing stupidly on islam only and as far as i see it they jelous of the practicing good followers

God bless u all (whichever god u belive in he is still one god whatever we call him)

Fizzy on November 10, 2013 at 4:08 pm

You delusional racist cow. I know this is old but seriously? Its people lile YOU who ruin the world we like in. Racist narrow minded pathetic excuse of a lady. Goodbye.

fuck off rn on November 12, 2013 at 11:56 am

Tbh whoever is ready this stuff is all fake. All zayn wants to express that his proud to Muslim his not trying convert his fans to islam.. one last thing if you dont know anything Islam then dont even talk about it….last i am sure you learned this in grade 3 if you dont nothing nice to say then just your mouth shut….

Afghan_Angel on November 13, 2013 at 10:16 am

You are so incredibly uneducated and ignorant. Not only is this sad, but I think you are a fanatic and hypocrite. If you think Zayn is so evil, what makes you so angelic? You sit here behind a computer and ridicule a boy you don’t even know? Morons like yourself make me fear for my safety because you probably think Hindus are terrorists too. Who are you to judge him? I feel bad for your children if you have any, because they have to deal with a delusional mother. If you actually were smart, you’d know that Zayn’s tattoo is his grandfather’s name in Arabic and that the tweets aren’t verified– its a fake account. So what if he practices Ramadan? Because you imply that practicing Islam is terrorism. Those are extremists. Go find something to do with your time, like take a WORLD RELIGION CLASS. Maybe then you will understand that Muslims are not bad people and maybe then you will have no time to fantasize about Zayn. You are such a moron.

Anjali-Lauren on November 21, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Islam is a religion of peace. The comments of some Muslim people don’t convey that because they are mad about the racism they get.
Debbie Schlussel,first of all, Zayn Malik is only trying to show people that he’s a proud Muslim. He’s free to tweet whatever he wants and you have no say in it. Remember, ”America is the land of liberty”?
you can’t write an article when you know nothing about Islam. You are obviously ignorant of the good side of it. Islam is a religion where God praises you if you smile at someone, where learning is counted as worshiping. It’s about the little things you do. It’s not only about Jihad and fighting for the sake of God. You only see the terrorists who are hiding their plans of spreading terror under the name of Islam. ”la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah” is what people say when they convert to Islam . It’s means Allah is the only God Muslims worship and it has NO RELATION TO TERRORISM. So next time you write an article, don’t look at one side of something.I know you’ve written this article ages ago, but I just had the time to read it. Peace.

Just another Muslim. on November 29, 2013 at 6:45 am

    Ok. Thank u!!! Someone who understands. All she is is a racist beyotch. If u see her twitter account she is always talking shit. About one d. On one page it says ” there is One direction-facing Mecca.” Racist bitch. She needs a life lesson to learn about the fact tht she sucks at her job and needs to go to the dump to clear her mind. I honestly couldn’t read past the first couple paragraphs. I wanna hurt her.

    AC on May 15, 2014 at 9:53 pm

      “I wanna hurt her” Are you a member of the Religion of Peace?

      Mary El Eph on July 29, 2014 at 11:03 am

    Ok listen here, I am sick of Muslims being accused of terrorism! You are a fool to think anyone would by your shit. I mean seriously? A Muslim saying’Ramzan Mubarak’ is like a Christian saying ‘merry Christmas’ I have so much to say but instead I’m going to direct you to this AMAZING video…watch it, I dare you. http://youtu.be/guMgwj_U7k8

    ProudMuslim on June 22, 2014 at 5:55 pm

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