June 6, 2012, - 3:52 pm

Boy Band Jihad: Mega Pop Star Pimping Islam on Your Daughters

By Debbie Schlussel

Jihad is sneaking into American girls’ favorite pop band.

If you have young daughters, then you know that the boy band, “One Direction,” is all the rage to young girls around the world, especially in the United States. As big, if not bigger than Justin Bieber. Recently, President Obama’s daughter, Malia, was photographed attending their Washington, DC-area concert. And screaming tween and teen girls greet them all over America. But, even if you’ve heard of the band, you probably don’t know that one of its members, Zayn Malik, is pimping Islam on your kids. That’s in addition to his Arabic tattoos and frequent donning of the keffiyeh, the official garb of Islamic terrorism.


One Direction’s Zayn Malik Proselytizes Islam to Your Kids

Malik, a devout British Muslim whose family is from Pakistan, has used social media to proselytize Islam to his primarily female fans around the world. He not only tweeted about fasting for Ramadan, but told fans that allah is the only god and that only Mohammed is G-d’s true prophet. Not the kind of thing you expect your kids to hear sandwiched in between cheesy, saccharin-sweet songs coming out of the mouths of over-moussed and over-gelled boy band tools. But that’s what’s happening. Check out the tweets, below, from Malik. “La ila ha ill lalla ho muhammed door rasoolalah,” is the militant statement Muslims say in their prayers every day, meaning, “There is no god but allah and Mohammed is the prophet of G-d.” He also retweeted this in Arabic from the extremist Islamic Thoughts Twitter account. The phrase is meant to say that only Islam is the true religion and only Mohammed is a real prophet of G-d. It’s part of the “Shehadah,” the Muslim oath of martyrdom that comprises conversion to Islam. Muslims constantly chant the sentence at anti-Israel, pro-HAMAS, and pro-Hezbollah rallies. I’ve heard them chant it, for example, at almost every such rally I’ve attended undercover in the Detroit and Dearbornistan areas.

And the scary thing is that millions of girls in America and around the world are infatuated with the members of One Direction, including Malik. He’s no dummy. He knows the power he has over these mindless girls and is using that influence to preach the Islamic faith to them and try to convert them. It’s dangerous. And there’s a reason he tweeted that he didn’t have a girlfriend on the same day he tweeted Islamic preaching. Hey, if you convert to Islam, you can be my girltoy. And it appears that Malik, after he was did well on Great Britain’s “X Factor,” was chosen for the boy band specifically because he’s a Paki Muslim, to appeal to that rapidly growing demographic in the UK. Managers, marketers, record companies, and agents aren’t stupid. They know that Islam sells in Britain, and they picked an Islamic face for the band. Who cares if he’s trying to convert your daughters? They gotta get paid.

When I was a kid, teen heartthrobs. like Rick Springfield and Shaun Cassidy, were far more innocuous and limited to TV shows, concerts, and fan magazines, like “Tiger Beat.” They didn’t try to impose their religious cult upon their female fans. Now, parents have far less ability and little time to read through the mostly innocent-sounding social media messages of boy bands to find the pan-Islamic propaganda tweets in between. But they must. Know the pop culture that is infecting your kids and know what it stands far.

Keep your daughters away from Zayn Malik’s enticing jihad. With the boy band One Direction, it’s all about pimping Islam amid the deceptive visage of angelic, effeminate boys in a band. Yup, for them there is definitely One Direction: facing Mecca.

And if you’re ever curious to see One Direction in concert, you can get tickets online here.

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1,944 Responses

fucking racist

so on February 26, 2013 at 4:58 pm

Your are a serious asshole, thinking you can just make dumb stuff up. Not once has Zayn said, ” Hey become a Muslim’. I am a American girl and I’m neither dumb nor ” brainless” and Zayn has yet to convert me. By the way, wearing a keffiyeh is a style nowadays , I used to own one and I’m not a Muslim. I may not know much about Muslims but I know Paki is offensive to them

A Zayn Malik lover on February 27, 2013 at 6:28 pm

I really cannot believe what I am reading in this modern day! I bet if one of the others members had a christian cross tattooed on their arm you wouldn’t complain. Why shouldn’t Zayn mention fasting? It is part of his life and he should not have to hide that. I really dont think any girl who is not muslim would fast just because they like Zayn. If anything, they may google it and learn more about another religion which doesn’t hurt anyone. There is not enough religious education out there so many children know little about other relgions and I think this is a great way of them finding out about Islam in a way that is interesting to them. Also I see no problem with the scarf that Zayn is wearing. A young white girl could wear that scarf and no one would bat an eyelid, I don’t think it looks like a “terrorist” scarf at all, rather a fashion piece. Also, I highly doubt Zayn was chosen because he was Muslim, he was chosen because he can sing and probably because he is good looking. I would be interested in you writing a response piece to the comments on this page.

Emma on March 8, 2013 at 3:04 pm


Müslüman on March 9, 2013 at 5:12 am


melisa on March 9, 2013 at 2:24 pm

American PIG ! Leave Zayn and The Muslims alone you stupid slut go read a book before you judge my religion and guess what ? Whatever you Racist people do You won’t achieve anything ! You White people will burn in hell anyway ! We’re much better then you all can ever be ! I mean what the fuck Zayn has to do with all of this ? besides we all will support Palestine until the day we die <3

lamiaa on March 16, 2013 at 5:00 am

    All you Muzrats take a hike. Your religion sucks. The Prophet MohaMad man sucks and all of you suck. Paki degenerates.

    Ernest on May 6, 2013 at 3:24 pm

    Muslims are dirty, ignorant people, what other religion thinks it ok to murder their women, rape men, women, boys and girls of other religions under the guise that they are non-believers, force their women to wear portable prisons,disallowing them the vote, to travel in public alone or to drive a vehicle?If you are muslim and find this offensive don’t blame me, your prophet said it was ok to treat women as property and successive waves of imams have built upon this. If you’re offended don’t take offense at my words rather take offense at what your religious and community leaders have told you what is the norm according to them.

    Steven on May 6, 2013 at 9:54 pm

      Where the fuck did you get all this from (A racist ignorant Islamic-Hater that thinks what he heard on fox new report is what all muslims do)

      James on May 10, 2013 at 8:01 am

      I loove zayn….don’t Judge him. And everyone is free to do what they want. I don’t see any of u complaining if anyone has a cross sign tattoo soo respect zayn and the other Muslims

      Haifa al beshara on June 28, 2013 at 11:00 am

Debbie Schlussel, first fall I am muslim and i am proud to be, I think you’re totally stupid, you just made up some fucking stuff so you can get people attention to hate 1D boys and make, them believe that zayn malik is terrorist ! when he is officely not. what you are just saying is ridiculous, what is wrong tweeting, Ramadaan kareem I really don’t see nothing wrong with that, and he was saying to his muslim fans like me! and lots of other muslims around the world, and his is not forcing any one to be muslim he is just, tweeting what he believe.And you also said something about his tattoos, first fall the tattoos that is written on his chest is his (garendfather’s) name, and the other side says (be true to who you are) and I thing everyone like being true to who they are.
so plz grow up and stop accuse (zayn malik) what he didn’t said! I am zayn malik biggest fan on the eath and i alway will be no matter what others say

najm on March 18, 2013 at 7:22 pm

You are a bigot, end of story. How dare you try to indoctrinate children and families with your divisional garbage. You are the reason why people in the middle east hate us.

jason on March 20, 2013 at 6:04 pm

    well said !!!!!

    Rose on March 27, 2013 at 8:03 pm

      i mean well said to Jason’s reply above^^^^^ not well said to the original post….the original post is judgmental garbage…

      Rose on March 27, 2013 at 8:04 pm

I am muslim, why you say “Ramadan kareem”, “Ramazan mubarak” as terrorist? You’re racist.

test on March 21, 2013 at 8:47 am

FUCK YOU BABES. ahahahahahahahahaa this is so stupid shag your mum debbie this is bullshit

Fuckyou Debbie on March 21, 2013 at 6:01 pm

What’s funny is that, Debbie, of all people live in AMERICA, where the Catholic religion is shoved up their assholes every day (you ever see the video about the 10 commandments being removed from a court, and people were shouting in madness), has the audacity to disrespect a musician, no matter how shitty he is, about the choice of his faith.

You truly are brainwashed. There’s some people I wish I can I shove my dick down their throats because of their UTTER (haha) stupidity (namely gangsta G’s and Swagfags), and Debbie, your’e one of them.

Stupid, BRAINWASHED on March 22, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Wow! Ok. I can’t believe that a blogger like you would post such shit. There is nothing wrong with wearing a kefiah. It doesn’t mean anything. I’m a guy. I don’t necessarily like 1D. But I’m a Muslim and I’m defending my religion. What you’re blogging is pure bull. You can’t go around trashing a boy’s religion and think you can get away with it. Here, in America, people have the freedom if speech, expression, and religion, so why don’t you take that and shove it down your throat. BTW you have no right to call those girls dumb.

Nabeel on March 23, 2013 at 5:44 pm

leave zayn alone you are so selfeshe we are muslim and we now that one day you will see that we are beter than you but dont forgot like he side mouhamed rasoul alah lakoum dinoukoum wa liya dine

yousra on March 24, 2013 at 11:34 am

Hi from Australia Debbie, great article. Thanks for sharing. I also wanted to share with you just one of the many wonderful Multicultural success stories–an example of how Muslims have integrated well into Australian society.

They are Australia’s newest foreign ambassadors — a Muslim hip-hop group from Melbourne called The Brothahood —The rap artists were flown to Indonesia to ‘ promote cultural diversity’ in a two-week multi-city tour by the Australian Government, and funded by the tax-payer and this is what they sing about—KILLING AUSTRALIANS AND CREATING MASS TERROR. Channel 9 news A Current Affair reported on the so-called “Bass Hill Boyz” – A Lebanese rap group which sings about and encourages attacks and hate crimes on Australians.

I really ‘ like’ the way the Governments Multicultural program which promotes ‘ cultural diversity’ brings out the best in the Muslim savages.

The Australian Politicians and the lapdog media drop on all fours whenever Muslims and Islam is mentioned. They have gone to extraordinary lengths to court the Muslims and portray them in a very favorable light. They have been elevated into a special protected privileged class status and romanced, feted and fawned over to a bizarre degree and have been encouraged to maintain their peculiar customs, culture and disgusting practices including Sharia law.

For years Political spin Masters former Attorney General Robert McClelland, self appointed Prime Miinster Julia Gillard, former P.M and Muslim brotherhood best buddy Kevin Rudd have continued to regurgitate the same mindless monotonous rhetoric that Sharia law will never be introduced into Australia. Sharia law abounds in Australia and they are the chief engineers and promoters of this insanity. The Government has actively encouraged, supported and promoted the widespread practice of Islamic Sharia law

We have also seen the bastardisation of Australian laws in areas of Banking/finance, taxation, education, changes to the family law act — polygamy to accommodate Muslim men and their multiple wives and children while it remains a criminal offense for everyone else and the food industry– the multi billion dollar halal export beef industry creating a financial windfall for the Government.and much more to accommodate the Muslim minority in compliance with Islamic Sharia law.

The Government has also introduced divisive race hate /religious vilification laws that prevents Australians from speaking out against Muslim and Islam while the Government provides the radical hatemongers such as hizb-ut-tahir with a public platform to preach their filthy Islamic propaganda, spew their hatred for everything western and given a free reign to terrorise the Australian people unchallenged and unpunished while Australians are threatened with law suits just for complaining about it..and incredibly the Government encourages the Muslims to face race hate crimes and sue Australians on trumped up race hate charges. Australia is Governed by low life cowards and traitors.

The Government is deliberately flooding Australia.with Muslim fake asylum seekers in order to usher in Islamic rule, the Government lures them to the country with huge cash incentives, luxury rent free housing and other freebies..
Hundreds of thousands of homeless Australians many of whom are children are being forced to live on the streets and forage for food in trash cans, neglected by the Government while it provides Muslim faux asylum seekers with rent free luxury accomodation and $10,000 WELCOME PACKS on their arrival to Australia of furniture and food hampers.to make them feel at home–Beds, fridges, couches, etc –the package contains a large screen Television..

Asylum seekers arrive to a hamper of bread, butter, milk, eggs, other ‘ essentials,’ Families with a baby can access a $750 pack of basic supplies, while phone and electricity connections are also paid for.

The assistance for asylum seekers is on top of free doctors’ visits, dental care, pharmaceuticals, and education, and welfare payments of $433.25 a fortnight for a single person and for a couple with children– several thousand dollars plus a forrtnight and free rent.

Asylum seekers are not allowed to work.

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said the Government was being responsible in providing these provisions while asylum seekers’ claims were being assessed. The supreme arrogance of our political spineless wonders is astonishing.

This is the same Muslim appeasing BASTARD who stalled on granting Geert Wilders a visa to visit Australia because Bowen considered him a threat while he continued to willingly grant and fast track visas to radical Islamic hatepreachers with known connections to terrorists.

Comrade Gillard–Australias self appointed Prime Minister insists that we need more freeloading Muslims to show their absolute contempt for working class Australians who have to fund these stupid divisive multicultural programs. The Government is quickly turning Australia into another third world Islamic Shithole, What a wonderful legacy to hand down to future generations of Australians –if there are any left.

Meredith Jayne on March 27, 2013 at 1:22 pm

Oh now this is just terrible. I took an Arabic class in school, and the tattoo in which you are complaining about says “Walter”. That is a name, and from what I have researched, that is his grandfather’s name.

Also, the shehadah is not an oath of martyrdom. Shehadah is basically the same thing when Christians get saved and ask Jesus to come in to their heart and forgive them of their sins. Shehadah is a profession of faith that there is only one God.

As for the scarf, most middle eastern countries, and other countries in the Asian continent, have a scarf that is a representation of the country they are from. Just because you see a photo of a terrorist regime wearing one, doesn’t mean all Muslims are terrorists. If you see a photo of a white guy, do you assume he is a crazy terrorist about to go shoot up an elementary school or a movie theater? certainly not!!!!

Don’t stereotype. Truth is, terrorism does not have a color or style or religion. Terrorism is all around, and happens even in America (the guy who killed elementary school children, gangs, Ku Klux Klan, Timothy McVeigh, and the list goes on).

If people actually took the time to educate themselves on other religions, they would see that Islam is a religion of peace. No where is violence taught in the Quran. In fact the Quran says that if you kill anyone–even just 1 person then you will be judged (by God) as if you had slain all of humanity (Quran 5:32). Quran 5:2 also says “Do not let your hatred of a people entice you to aggression.” Violence is simply unacceptable in Islam. But, like all religions, there are extremists who do not act accordingly.

This young man wearing a scarf, and having an Arabic tattoo of his grandfather’s name, and him being a Muslim, is in no way a detriment to young girls. He is not singing songs telling them to become Muslim. So why whine and complain about it? There are many other famous people in the world who are also Muslim. T-Pain, Nas, Ice Cube, Busta Rhymes, Akon, Dave Chappelle, Shaqille O’Neal, Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul Jabar, Mike Tyson, Lewis Arquette, Cat Stevens——should I continue???

If people in the world would just stop being so judgmental and stereotypical, and uneducated, and unloving, then it would be a MUCH better and MUCH more peaceful place to live. But people have to go around bad mouthing other religions, and condemning and mocking others,…..and for what? What does anyone gain from that? NOTHING except a cold, judgmental heart. It’s not this singer that you should be fearing, Ms. Schlussel, it is God, and how God will be judging your wrong-doing!!!

Rose on March 27, 2013 at 7:55 pm

Look bitch, go somewhere. He got a tattoo of his grandfathers name, and that makes him a bad guy? Go fucking fuck yourself.

KT on March 31, 2013 at 2:28 pm

Hey stop saying all this bullshit ! M Muslim ! Zayn has right to say n do what he actually is so stop behaving likes kids n just shrugs off this bullshit ! He is amazing what Eva he is ! If he tweeted about anything like Islam so he wrote for him self as he didn’t wrote that turn into Muslim so bitch stay cool n stop all this defo !

Zunaira on April 2, 2013 at 4:55 pm

Hey stop saying all this bullshit ! M Muslim ! Zayn has right to say n do what he actually is so stop behaving likes kids n just shrugs off this bullshit ! He is amazing what Eva he is ! If he tweeted about anything like Islam so he wrote for him self as he didn’t wrote that turn into Muslim so bitch stay cool n stop all this defo ! He is waOoo ! I respect him alottt ! He is Muslim n he,ll always be !!!! If he is tryna turn girls into Muslims sooo that’s great but actually he didn,t said so in any of his tweet sooo stop blaming him !

Zunaira on April 2, 2013 at 5:03 pm

You Fucking Racist Retard, I can’t believe someone would write such a thing. Debbie Schlussel, u r a BITCH!

Andrew on April 5, 2013 at 8:32 am

Fuck off Jewish zionist. go stick a torah up your stinking pussy.

Sharikul on April 10, 2013 at 6:04 pm

You are sick…you should die soon by the way

check this out maybe u will stop being such a dumbass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guMgwj_U7k8

someone who hates you on April 12, 2013 at 3:35 pm

Wow, I’ve never read such an article. You, miss, are one of the most ignorant people I have ever come across. You have NO right judging someone’s religion like that. Zayn does not “force his faith on us”. He does not support terrorism , and we are not ” Mindless girls”. I would live to go through this article and correct every incorrect point in here, but it could take me all day.
Get your facts straight, you ignorant bully.
Have fun living your life full of hate and racism.
have a Bit of respect and tolerance.

Sydney on April 20, 2013 at 3:20 pm

you know what? I hope you got tons of shit for writing this article you ignorant racist piece of shit!! I cannot believe you used Zayn Malik and i quote “Islamic terrorism” in the same article. You should be ashamed of yourself. I would expect this maybe from little kids who are immature and stupid but not from an educated (i hope)journalist who does this for a living. What is wrong with you? I’m american and am offended by you disgracing muslims and the Islamic faith. We all can control our own bodies thank you very much so no he’s not converting me to Islam. Next time before you write another offensive article like this, think about what you are insinuating in your writing and how it really pisses people off that you are stereotyping someone. Lesson of the day :”Don’t judge a fuckin book by it’s cover”.
Thank you.

Liz Luna on April 21, 2013 at 1:00 am

someday in Debbie’s life, she’ll regretting it.. Muslims not terrorist and what do you think about thief or gangs? are they not terrorists? but simple I think, Debbie is a terrorist cause you’re trying to judge Islam.. you’re stupid Debbie. so shut up and don’t say anything if you don’t understand about us.. however, I keep my #ProudToBeMuslim .. Ashadu ala ilahailallah Wa Ashadu anha Muhammada Rasulullah..

RM on April 22, 2013 at 10:44 am

I highly doubt it is as serious as you think. He is not trying to convert anybody and for one Muslim in the group, the rest of the guys are all Anglo Christians. You can rest easy tonight, Debbie.

E on April 25, 2013 at 2:34 am

Rolls eyes. Him tweeting “Ramadan Mubarak” is the same as any celebrity saying “Merry Christmas”. What a dolt of a woman. It’s funny, people like her are the ones that have caved most to terrorism: so damn afraid of all the unique differences out there, letting terror dictate their lives. I pity her.

Christine on April 25, 2013 at 4:56 am

People like Debbie Schussel also edge on terrorism because people abroad see these posts and want to hurt people more.

E on April 25, 2013 at 4:02 pm

After reading this pathetic, improperly researched article it has come to my attention that perhaps I should tell you where you are wrong (Almost the whole article is wrong but eh..) first of all, that tattoo says Walter… And yes Islam is in Arabic but it says Walter. (But it’s okay you don’t KNOW Arabic, you don’t have to know.) as for the Kiffeyeh, it’s a scarf used for style, many wear it nowadays. You’re making it sound as if it transmits ideas of terrorism just by wrapping it around your neck! Did you… Did you say that the Shehadeh is the Islamic MILITANT statement?! Militant is a word one says about combat not praying! And it is not martyrdom, it’s about belief and pledging that they are Muslim! And this is only explicit to Muslims saying that Islam has one god and the messenger from god is Muhammad, their not saying that the only true religion is Islam, they in fact admit and recognize other religions.
So what if he says Ramdan Kareem?! And the post about him saying Mohammad is the true prophet seems fake. He’s not pimping Islam, not even on his tweets, did it cross your closed off mind that he has- Oh I don’t know- RELATIVES following him on twitter? And he has some fans that are Muslim, so how is that pimping Islam, and saying that he doesn’t have a girlfriend doesn’t mean that he’d date a fan who converted into Islam for him (converting into Islam doesn’t even work that way for those reasons).
DO YOU KNOW WHAT JIHAD IS YOU TWIT?! Jihad literally means the effort and struggle put into something like in running a country or any other form of work, not just a Holy war between Muslims and those who were/are against it, in fact the latter is totally the incorrect definition for Jihad!
Next time you want an article against a certain person and also attack their beliefs in the process, do the smart reasonable thing and look at different resources and NOT Wikipedia…..
?????? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??????

Sarah Lian on April 29, 2013 at 11:46 am

debbie, u really need to watch this..

dont watch it half way..

me on May 1, 2013 at 5:20 am

U fuckin retarded racist slit how fuckin dare u say something like this???
if zayn malik were like this why is his mum not muslim , why are harry,niall,louis and Liam not muslim !!hmmmm????? Exactly Bcoz he doesn’t “pimp” Islam on no-one so next time fuckin get ur facts right bitch

U don't need 2 know on May 1, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Duck kin leave him alone u jealous slut

Not u on May 1, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Fuckin leave him alone u jealous bitch and did u forget about when he tweeted merry Christmas didn’t that mean anything u fuckin negative bitch
Just have some fuckin respect– if u know wot it is coz clearly u fuckin don’t have any.
AND YEAH don’t fuckin call me mindless u fuckin thicko my anyone has a better brain than u , u know not being a fuckin lying bitch n all

Not u on May 1, 2013 at 12:29 pm

So a boy/girl crazy 11 year old singing songs about ‘love,’ wearing tight skimpy clothing, making out, and much MUCH more is acceptable… but a young boy wishes every one a happy Ramadan and the world is coming to an end? Get your priorities straight, lady!

BH on May 3, 2013 at 5:02 pm

Allah is a fuckwit.
You treat your women terrible and 90% of terrorist attacks in the last ten years has been perpetrated by a muslim.
Islam is a terrible belief system. fuck off back to your own countries.
In no other religion, are worshippers called to kill followers of other belief systems.
If you think im bullshitting then read the replys all the muslims have left here. They have all left violent replies saying they want to kill someone. And dont be proud to be muslim. Why would you be proud to be part of the most violent belief system around? Its like being proud to be a murderer

jimbo the lad on May 5, 2013 at 8:08 am

    Mhhm. First of all its not as if violent attacks from Christians or Jews have not occured in history. If you see historical records there were christians just as violent performing extremist acts of torture and absolute bull. and for your comments about women, bitch please you believe everything you see in the fox news report. Atleast research what your saying cause you sound like an ignorant 12 year old.

    James on May 10, 2013 at 7:59 am

    I think you’re just a brain washed, uneducated, close minded insecure individual, just like your friend Debbie here. Honestly, did you not get an education? Do you seriously still believe in the ‘biased’ news? DO YOU LIVE IN A CAVE?! IT IS THE US GOVERNMENT AND THE ZIONIST JEWS THAT HAVE PEOPLE LIKE YOU WRAPPED AROUND THEIR FINGER AND FEED YOU ALL THIS BULLSHIT, and the sad thing is, you don’t have an opinion because you’re so insecure, so you follow their views and opinions. The US government and the zionist jews are the ones who are the terrorists, not the muslims, they’re just easy people to blame because people like you are so stupid to even have a second thought. You’re all afraid of the truth and just want someone to blame, so you blame the muslims, whom you obviously know jack shit about nor anything about the religion. Honestly, do some research, islam is a beautiful religion, people like you and debbie can’t see it, because you’re so caught up in this shitty web of lies your government feeds you.

    Don’t ever breed, please.
    We don’t need shitty humans like you two in this world.

    Sarah on August 6, 2013 at 12:03 am

    You’re fucking insane, you know that? I’m a Muslim girl and in my life, I’ve never been “tortured,raped…” or treated with any disrespect. I’m free to wear anything I want, eat whatever I want, and hang out with whomever I please. It’s psychos like you who treat us like zoo animals.
    Oh, buddy, you wanna talk about wars?! The Crusades, the Holocaust, the fucking conversions of Protestants from Catholics- not bloody enough for you my friend? And what about a certain superpower invading a Muslim country, raping and pillaging, just for oil???
    So yeah, true Muslims know how to treat each other. All our rules have proper reasons behind them. Get your head out of the medieval age you hypocritical swine. Learn to treat people properly before you say the same to others.

    Farial Samira Rahman on November 4, 2013 at 6:30 am

Oh and did i mention allah is a fuckwit?
Go back and sit in the desert and wait for western bombs to fall upon you.
A world without Islam is a world without terrorism!!

jimbo the lad on May 5, 2013 at 8:14 am

    That ironic moment when you talk about bombing to erase terrorism. Bastard, you just proved my point.

    Farial Samira Rahman on November 4, 2013 at 6:37 am

Ignorant blogger
May God guide you and
Get well soon.

Mia on May 5, 2013 at 5:04 pm

Hey Debbie, Just wanted to say this is a very unprofessional report. All i see is generalisations everywhere with no solid hard facts. You suffer from believing everything you read and you obviously are a bitch.

Michael on May 10, 2013 at 7:55 am

Zayn tweet Ramadhan Mubarak,same like others who tweet merry christmas …do not judge someone by its cover..think before u write or do something..and imagine,there someone who write a worst things about u..what do u feel..

R on May 25, 2013 at 10:41 am

@Debbie Schlussel – don’t you have a KKK rally to attend you racist, hate-spurring waste of space? Riding on Zayn’s fame, real classy. Get a life and mind your own business.

Yas on May 26, 2013 at 10:16 am



READTHISDEBBIE on May 26, 2013 at 6:10 pm


päülï on May 26, 2013 at 8:49 pm

Love you Zayn…

Zara on May 31, 2013 at 12:28 pm

This talks about Islam like its a bad religion! In NO WAY is it bad and in NO WAY is it a sin! The fact that he is promoting his religion is the best thing any muslim could do and he should keep doing what he is doing! FYI in NO WAY is he a JIHADI!That racist B*TCH

Anonymous on June 8, 2013 at 6:44 pm

First of all, I came here as Muslim and not a directioner. I think we shouldn’t offend any religion, even if they have a terrible behavior. You said that Islam are full of terrorist and bla bla. Listen, not every muslim is terrorist. You can’t blame Zayn for what he did and also for other Muslim in the world. You just see a couple muslim, not all. How do you feel if your religion is got “offended” like this? Sometimes it is very hard to be a minority. And it is also FUCKING racist. Thank you. And may Allah bless you all.

perry on June 12, 2013 at 12:32 pm

I completely agree with you, some of my friends have started loving islam because of zayn and its disgusting
Zayn like all muslims deserve to be punished for all the wrong and disgusting things they believe in.

Liza on June 14, 2013 at 9:16 am

I love the part about how “He knows the power he has over these mindless girls”. This lady is just offensive to everyone! event he girls she appears to be so concerned for. Her writings represent everything that is wrong with society.

frogz on June 17, 2013 at 1:33 pm

Ok.. Im offended now. So Debbie u just cross the line.

Haifa al beshara on June 27, 2013 at 6:23 am

you’re wrong friends, Islam teaches that human life by helping each other, respect each other, even though their different religions. Islam also says that the truth will be revealed when humans are not mutually prejudice to each other. and at all times you jngan prejudice to the teaching of Islam, because Islam religion god you guys first. I am very sure, if you are not prejudiced in Islam, terrorists will not membrantas you again, as you say it makes them angry.
Now, I want to ask,
why did you book her language can be changed to change, and why the book of Islam can not be changed only speak Arabic?
if you can read the Qur’an (the Islamic religious book), you can find the answer of what what you say, and shed tears when you are guilty ….

and Zayn Malik were never wrong, I own a Muslim, it is able to say these words, because you guys are so offend the religion of Islam ..
know, god you also worship Allah (god of the religion of Islam) … 🙂

aqdar on July 3, 2013 at 12:12 pm

WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTT ? What such a fucking posting like this ? how dare you are post such asshole posting like this . ASTAGFIRULLAH you racist !!! Oh I can’t speak anymore . I’m very mad to read this , very MADDDD !!!! Can you just shut up your fucking mouth ? haaaaaa ? what the hell you . ISLAM IS ONE OF RELIGION IN THIS WORLD . AND EVERY MOSLEM IS NOT A TERRORIST NOTICE IT !!!!!! I’m sorry I had spoken very bad words here , I’m sorry this is because I’m very mad . ISLAM ALWAYS RESPECT ANOTHER RELIGION , but why YOU CAN’T RESPECT US ? plis rebuild your mindset about Islam and terrorist and blah blah blahaaa . PLEASE DON’T Be Racism . AND TRY TO RESPECT OUR ZAYN ! OKE ? May Allah have a lesson to you . AMIN

Islam and Allah and RESPECT to Zayn on July 9, 2013 at 2:05 pm

    you fuckin racist bullshit.why do u have to be so rude to muslim poeple u fuckin white vanilla ice cream.litrally what did muslim people do to u that u hate them so fuckin much. we are inocent peiple just worshiping our god that we will always believe to be god just like you worship jesus. do we say anything bad about that? i want u to think about that. and have we ever given ur religion a name like u gave us ‘terrorist’. well im really sorry about all the rude and bad thing i have written in this comment but please just can both of our religions be friends

    bum on July 29, 2013 at 11:41 am

    Stupid zombie Muslim idiots. I don’t respect your retarded ideology or you. As evidenced by your comments, you’re nothing but a bunch of brain-dead savages who deserve nothing but ridicule, derision and destruction. There is no Allah. There was probably no Mohammed. There are only screeching Muslim morons like you. Your religion is nothing but a livestock molesting superstition. May you all rot in your own Hell for eternity.
    Muslims are nothing but maggots on the corpses of once great nations.
    Islam is poison and death.
    May Islam and all its adherents become extinct in our lifetimes.

    Pray Hard on September 3, 2013 at 9:59 pm

      the person who wrote this is a straight up retarded. think I’ve lost a couple of IQ points reading this.

      sahra on November 16, 2013 at 7:35 pm

      If there were to be no god and no muhammad, then you wouldn’t be here, you wouldn’t exist to say all this nonsense and if you really knew what muslims were then you wouldn’t talk shit about them and pray that they go to hell. You wouldn’t do all this if god didn’t exist because really you wouldn’t exist. You pray so we go to hell, while we pray for everyones goodness. And all these other comments from muslim people are here because they have a life, a religion and a god who protects them and they don’t want to hear horrible shit coming from peoples mouths talking about their religion. You probably don’t have a religion but if you did, think about it, people talking shit about your religion but if you do have a religion then i wouldn’t think you are a muslim or a christian or a jew but an atheist perhaps? Since they treat muslims like shit aswell.

      . I am proud on April 25, 2014 at 7:02 pm

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