June 6, 2012, - 3:52 pm
Boy Band Jihad: Mega Pop Star Pimping Islam on Your Daughters
Jihad is sneaking into American girls’ favorite pop band.
If you have young daughters, then you know that the boy band, “One Direction,” is all the rage to young girls around the world, especially in the United States. As big, if not bigger than Justin Bieber. Recently, President Obama’s daughter, Malia, was photographed attending their Washington, DC-area concert. And screaming tween and teen girls greet them all over America. But, even if you’ve heard of the band, you probably don’t know that one of its members, Zayn Malik, is pimping Islam on your kids. That’s in addition to his Arabic tattoos and frequent donning of the keffiyeh, the official garb of Islamic terrorism.

Malik, a devout British Muslim whose family is from Pakistan, has used social media to proselytize Islam to his primarily female fans around the world. He not only tweeted about fasting for Ramadan, but told fans that allah is the only god and that only Mohammed is G-d’s true prophet. Not the kind of thing you expect your kids to hear sandwiched in between cheesy, saccharin-sweet songs coming out of the mouths of over-moussed and over-gelled boy band tools. But that’s what’s happening. Check out the tweets, below, from Malik. “La ila ha ill lalla ho muhammed door rasoolalah,” is the militant statement Muslims say in their prayers every day, meaning, “There is no god but allah and Mohammed is the prophet of G-d.” He also retweeted this in Arabic from the extremist Islamic Thoughts Twitter account. The phrase is meant to say that only Islam is the true religion and only Mohammed is a real prophet of G-d. It’s part of the “Shehadah,” the Muslim oath of martyrdom that comprises conversion to Islam. Muslims constantly chant the sentence at anti-Israel, pro-HAMAS, and pro-Hezbollah rallies. I’ve heard them chant it, for example, at almost every such rally I’ve attended undercover in the Detroit and Dearbornistan areas.

And the scary thing is that millions of girls in America and around the world are infatuated with the members of One Direction, including Malik. He’s no dummy. He knows the power he has over these mindless girls and is using that influence to preach the Islamic faith to them and try to convert them. It’s dangerous. And there’s a reason he tweeted that he didn’t have a girlfriend on the same day he tweeted Islamic preaching. Hey, if you convert to Islam, you can be my girltoy. And it appears that Malik, after he was did well on Great Britain’s “X Factor,” was chosen for the boy band specifically because he’s a Paki Muslim, to appeal to that rapidly growing demographic in the UK. Managers, marketers, record companies, and agents aren’t stupid. They know that Islam sells in Britain, and they picked an Islamic face for the band. Who cares if he’s trying to convert your daughters? They gotta get paid.
When I was a kid, teen heartthrobs. like Rick Springfield and Shaun Cassidy, were far more innocuous and limited to TV shows, concerts, and fan magazines, like “Tiger Beat.” They didn’t try to impose their religious cult upon their female fans. Now, parents have far less ability and little time to read through the mostly innocent-sounding social media messages of boy bands to find the pan-Islamic propaganda tweets in between. But they must. Know the pop culture that is infecting your kids and know what it stands far.
Keep your daughters away from Zayn Malik’s enticing jihad. With the boy band One Direction, it’s all about pimping Islam amid the deceptive visage of angelic, effeminate boys in a band. Yup, for them there is definitely One Direction: facing Mecca.

And if you’re ever curious to see One Direction in concert, you can get tickets online here.
Tags: allah, boy band jihad, Islam, Jihad, Muslim, One Direction, Paki, Paki Musilm, Pakistan, Pakistani, Pakistani Muslim, Ramadan, Zayn Malik
Islam is a religion of peace. The comments of some Muslim people don’t convey that because they are mad about the racism they get.
Debbie Schlussel,first of all, Zayn Malik is only trying to show people that he’s a proud Muslim. He’s free to tweet whatever he wants and you have no say in it. Remember, ”America is the land of liberty”?
you can’t write an article when you know nothing about Islam. You are obviously ignorant of the good side of it. Islam is a religion where God praises you if you smile at someone, where learning is counted as worshiping. It’s about the little things you do. It’s not only about Jihad and fighting for the sake of God. You only see the terrorists who are hiding their plans of spreading terror under the name of Islam. ”la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah” is what people say when they convert to Islam . It means Allah is the only God Muslims worship and it has NO RELATION TO TERRORISM. So next time you write an article, don’t look at one side of something.I know you’ve written this article ages ago, but I just had the time to read it. Peace.
Just another Muslim. on November 29, 2013 at 7:16 am