April 6, 2009, - 11:56 am
Obama to Muslim Turkey: America is NOT a “Christian Nation”; Forgets Turkish History and Current Developments; But Statements No More Pandering Than Bush’s
By Debbie Schlussel
Hmmm . . . I guess Christmas and New Year’s Day should be crossed off the federal holiday schedule.
After all, according to the speech Barack Hussein Obama (and he’s now using the middle name in Europe–you know, the one we weren’t allowed to use) gave in Islamic Turkey, America isn’t a Christian nation, anymore.
Obama said “one of the great strengths of the United States” is that it does not consider itself “a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values. I think modern Turkey was founded with a similar set of principles.”

Although Muslim Mustafa Kemal Ataturk made Turkey far more secular than the Islamic Ottoman Empire whence it came, it’s a Muslim country. There’s a reason the Turkish flag is emblazoned with a giant crescent over a smaller star–the symbol of Islam. And it’s getting more and more so, as Islamists continue to overtake it.
So, it’s ironic that as Obama claims we are no longer a Christian nation, he compares us to one that is fast returning to an Islamic caliphate.
And Obama contradicted himself. On the one hand, he described Turkey as “a predominantly Muslim nation” and America as “a predominantly Christian nation.” Then, he went on to say that America is not a Christian nation and that Turkey is, somehow–as it moves to more and more radicalism–a secular nation that is “a Western nation.” PUH-LEEZE. Turkey is moving ever away from the West as fast as it can.
For a Harvard grad, Barack Obama sure is an ignoramus. And a dangerous ignoramus at that.
**** UPDATE: A number of readers and other conservatives are upset with Barack Hussein Obama for saying, “We are not at war with Islam,” and making other pandering statements to the Islamic world.
Yup, the statements are disgusting. But you know what? They were just as disgusting–no, more so–for the last eight years when Republican President George W. Bush said them, even after Muslims murdered 3,000 Americans on U.S. soil. And when Presidential candidate George W. Bush said these statements as he outpandered then-candidate Al Gore to get the Islamic nod from extremist Muslim groups in Dearbornistan, made up of open Hezbollah and HAMAS supporters.
And where were all of you then? Where were you, indeed.
Of course, we are at war with Islam. But more importantly, Islam is at war with us. It has always been at war with us. For centuries. And it always will be.
And until one of our leaders recognizes that–and a Republican President and now a Democrat fail to see this–we are doomed. And then, we will be doomed anyway. Because it is already too late.

Indeed, we will be doomed anyway.
And the reason is that the American people is one of the dumbest people on earth.
Especially the voters who -in their majority- are shallow, ignorant and idiots.
On the other hand, the douche bags of Washington D.C. don’t give a damn about America.
And why should they?
They just want power and to have and keep power, they do whatever it takes to please the idiots who selected them. And it doesn’t matter if their decisions are patriotic or not.
So you got idiots pleasing idiots.
If we really care and love America, we would have learned from others’ mistakes, like of Europe’s for example.
But no, as I said, we are a nation of morons who -no surprise- are destined to self-destruction.
We chose to please the idiot voters, the world and the terrorists.
This is the fate and the path we chose, even our enemies couldn’t dream of a better way to destroy us.
Independent Conservative on April 6, 2009 at 12:46 pm