May 30, 2012, - 12:59 pm

Poles Were Complicit in Holocaust: Outrage Over Obama “Gaffe” is Fraudulent, Ignorant

By Debbie Schlussel

Barack Obama has done enough legitimately bad things that we don’t need to manufacture phony outrage over things he does that really aren’t so bad. Such is the case with the feigned shock and fake moralizing over his comments, yesterday, about German Nazi death camps in Poland being a Polish death camp. Here’s a tip for Poland and ignoramuses in the lumpenconservatariat who now engage in revisionist history: Poles murdered millions of Jews, they maintained several death camps, and they wiped out almost all of both sides of my family, as well as those in hundreds of thousands of other Jewish families. This wasn’t just the Nazis. It was tens of thousands of eager Poles and more. Obama made no gaffe here. Poland’s willing executioners took their significant place among Hitler’s willing executioners.

Poland’s Warsaw Ghetto Existed Because of Polish Complicity


Two Things That Weren’t Exactly Mutually Exclusive

There is a reason why Poland was so easily occupied by the Germans. Yeah, I know–they were “just taking orders.” Just taking orders when they helped round up Jews and helped man gas chambers. As if Nazis from Germany did this alone! Polish police all too happily worked with the SS to round up Jews. Polish police all too easily took their place in helping run and operate the death camps. Facts are stubborn things. But, sadly, not as stubborn as morons and blind partisans.

I had to laugh when I read this:

Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Wednesday Obama’s words had hurt all Poles and he expected more from Washington than just “regret”.

Are you kidding? Someone needs to remind Mr. Tusk that his people were the ones doing the hurting and the turning over to the Nazis and the mass murder of at least half of the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust, some of them from my family. You are “hurt” by calling Nazi death camps, “Polish”???? Um, where were they? Who helped operate them and round up and turn in the camps’ Jewish occupants, soon to be turned into ash and fumes?

There is a reason that President Obama, yesterday, awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously to Jan Karski, the former Polish underground officer who provided early eyewitness accounts of Nazi Germany’s genocide of European Jews. And that’s because Karski was unlike most of his fellow Poles, who hated Jews just as the Nazis did and proudly turned them over to the Nazis and/or participated in the mass murderous Judenrein. Even in the Polish underground, hatred of Jews was legion. My great-uncle was in the Polish underground, until they slit his throat while he was sleeping because, one day, the head of the Polish underground demanded a cleansing of its Jews, too.

My paternal grandmother had eleven brothers and sisters. Only one brother survived the Holocaust after the Poles murdered the rest along with her parents, after Poles seized their farm. (Grandma Marilyn was brought to the U.S. before the Holocaust began.) My maternal grandmother had only one surviving sister and brother, out of ten siblings. All the rest–and her parents–were murdered by the Poles. My maternal grandfather’s entire family was wiped out by the Poles. Grandpa Isaac’s father was mayor of the town and owned a hardware store. He hid in the haystacks of a Pole who owed him money and had bought tools on credit, but my grandfather escaped and was ultimately rounded up to the camps, after he heard the Pole tell neighbors he was going to trade my grandfather to the Nazis for a bottle of whisky.

My family and the millions of Jews wiped out in Poland never identified as Polish because the Poles never treated them that way. They were subject to centuries of pogroms and extreme anti-Semitism by the country in which they lived, before they were ultimately rounded up to the camps and mass-murdered with Polish cooperation. They were treated as subhuman all along the way, never as fellow “Polish.” So it’s beyond hilarious now to hear that the Poles are “hurt” by Obama’s description of a German Nazi death camp as “Polish.” As if there weren’t any Polish ones or as if the Poles had zero part in the Holocaust they all too eagerly participated in. Read the 93 pages of “Bystanders, Blackmailers, and Perpetrators: Polish Complicity During the Holocaust” for just a taste of what the Poles wrought on the Jews.

Yes, it is laughable that the Poles, Rush Limbaugh, self-hating Jew Matt Drudge, and a gazillion Republicans and incredibly obtuse and ignorant members of the lumpenconservatariat–most of them no different from the Obamabots in their lack of intelligence, knowledge, and common sense and decency–are incensed over this “gaffe” that really ain’t a gaffe at all. It’s intellectual dishonesty to insist that these death camps on Polish soil were not at all Polish and merely “German Nazi.” Here’s a list of the Polish ones–did they not exist? Did they exist in Poland only because the Germans did this and the Polish had no part? Only a liar or a moron would make these claims. The White House should have made no apology to Poland. These major death camps existed in Poland for a reason: Polish complicity in the Holocaust and willing cooperation with the Nazis.

* Auschwitz

* Belzec

* Chelmno

* Gross-Rosen

* Majdanek

* Plaszow

* Sobibor

* Stutthof

* Treblinka

Keep these names in your mind when you read this quote:

Poland’s government keenly watches the global media for descriptions of former Nazi German death camps as “Polish” because it says the term — even if used simply as a geographical indicator — can give the impression that Poland bore responsibility for Nazi Germany’s World War II genocide.

Although located in Poland, Auschwitz for example was set up and run entirely by German dictator Adolf Hitler’s occupying forces from 1940 to 1945.

Huh? The Poles were not just forced into this by the Nazis. They were active participants, many of them gleeful and eager to murder Jews. To call these camps Polish is no “gaffe.” Poland DOES bear responsibility for the Nazi genocide of Jews.

It’s just fact. And it’s denial and fraud for Poland and others to argue otherwise.

Yes, there were a few righteous gentile Poles who saved Jews. A very tiny few. The majority were all too happy for the Judenrein, especially in the way it took place.

That was the real Poland during World War II. Anyone who says otherwise is a fraud.

And if you wonder why so many Jews are liberal and won’t vote Republican, BS, like the absurd denial that Nazi Death Camps were Polish, certainly doesn’t help in endearing Jews to the GOP.

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2,053 Responses

How dare you compare polish national symbol (coat of arms) to nazi symbol?? You gonna be jurged fot that.
this article is a provocation – Poles dont insult this Jude. Thats what she wants us to write and say. Ignor her – the dep of justice will take care of her.

Pawel on June 6, 2012 at 3:20 am

Kto Ci? uczy? historii ?
Takich bzdur , to jeszcze nie s?ysza?em.
Obra?asz mój kraj Polsk? , moich rodaków …
Plujesz na Nas jadem nienawi?ci.
Mam nadziej? ?e rz?d mojego kraju , wytoczy Ci proces s?dowy , a wtedy b?dziesz musia?a udowodni? swoje wypociny , i zostaniesz przyk?adnie ukarana.
A ?li ludzie moja Pani , s? w ka?dym Narodzie , tak?e naród ?ydowski ma ich w swoich szeregach.Ja tych z?ych moich rodaków pi?tnuj? , ale pami?tam te? o ogromnej rzeszy ludzi dobrych.
Dowiedz si? ilu Polaków go otrzyma?o .. i zabierz g?os !

S?awek- ?ód? , Polska

S?awek on June 6, 2012 at 3:22 am

Great joke!!! 😀 😀 😀

How did he get the whisky in occupied Europe?

lupus71 on June 6, 2012 at 3:22 am

    Looks like Debbie needs some attention because no one care about such “empty” person like she is. Spreading lies is the best what you can do in your empty life.

    LOL @ whiskey in Poland ~ 1939-1945 😀 Oh and wasn’t Hitler a Jew?

    amigo on June 6, 2012 at 4:08 am

You are so stupid or dyed?

you write: “Poland had 35 million people in 1939 and 24 million in 1946.
Facts are stubborn things. Have no idea where you got your info. And, far more important, I don’t care. I deal in facts, not the fantasies of Polish apologists like you. DS”.
You’re right: 35 in 1939 & 24 in 1946. But these are the losses in general, war losses. Not only Jews were killed during the war.
Second sentence of the link given by you: “…The deaths, emigration, and geopolitical adjustments resulting from World War II…”. Deaths, emigration, and geopolitical adjustments. No coments. Read with understanding.

and after that:
Gross-Rosen (Germany and Czech Republic area), Stutthof (Freie Stadt Danzig/Free City of Gda?sk) – the camps that were not in the Polish territories (before World War II). After that the camps put up by Nazi Germany!

As a journalist you should have, any basic historical education.

Summarizing: go to school!


punk(t)G on June 6, 2012 at 3:22 am

    W pe?ni si? zgadzam z twoj? opini?.
    Wida? w USA znajomo?? geografii i historii jest bardzo mizerna.
    A ta pani ?urnalistka bije wszelkie rekordy .
    U Nas by nie przebrn??a przez szko?? podstawow?!

    S?awek on June 6, 2012 at 3:33 am

    I agree with you. Gross-Rosen was before WWII in the Third Reich (now it is in polish Silesia – Dolny ?l?sk). In fact also Auschwitz was on the polish territory incorporatied to the III Reich, where polish citiziens were settled out and new inhibiters (Germans) were moved in place of polish ones.

    Greetngs from Pozna? – city host of EURO 2012

    posener on June 6, 2012 at 4:41 am

Please tell me why Jews from Israel are showing friedship to Poles just American Jews who never did anything for Polish Jews during WW2 are raging against Poland?
I thought Jews are intelligent people but you are showing absolute ignorance in the topic.
Moreover political effect of your actions could be: stopping supporting USA in Iraq and Afghanistan by Poland, stopping military cooperation between Poland and Israel, stopping common Polish-Israeli intelligence cooperation which lasts since 1990.
So think twice who you are barking at. Moreover… read something because that’s just pathetic.

Lucas on June 6, 2012 at 3:27 am

@ Martin please read that:

Hans on June 6, 2012 at 3:30 am

Martin pls read that :

Hans on June 6, 2012 at 3:30 am

Debbie…. go back to school.

Paul on June 6, 2012 at 3:33 am

If Poles hated Jews so dearly why there were so many Jews living on the territory of Poland between the great wars? It was actually 10% of the whole population! The highest percentage among all European countries and as far as I remember the highest absolute number. The answer is: because Poland was for centuries the most tolerant and friendly country for them. Why were there so many death camps built in Poland?
a)because the concentration of Jews was the highest there.
b) because Poland is in the middle of Europe (cheapest cost of transportation to get the Nazi all-european extermination plan going)
-there was a death penalty imposed on Poles by Germans for helping a Jew. Even though the most Righteous among the Nations designated by Israel are Poles.
Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and as a result of this invasion, 5.5m Poles died (including 2.5 million Polish Jews)- -so not only Jews died in Poland during WWII…
-There was ZERO concentration camps nor forcibly organized ghettos for Jews before Poland was invaded by Germans. ZERO!
So check your premises and cut the BS anyone.

p on June 6, 2012 at 3:33 am

    I’ve read that she’s journalist! How journalist could be so ignorant! I think she could call herself nothing more than look-at-me celebrity -_-“.

    san on June 6, 2012 at 4:20 am

How can be so f…n stupid to write such shit?

cozaglupiasuka on June 6, 2012 at 3:36 am

Hey, your idea sucks tbh, im sorry for ya jew grandpa im sorry that he died backstabbed by other jew… that’s sad true… “DO ANYTHING TO SURVIVE” and +1 you’r just blonde idiot at all ^.^ happy writing.

Polish-Guy on June 6, 2012 at 3:38 am

Polish citizens have the world’s highest count of individuals awarded medals of Righteous among the Nations, given by the State of Israel to non-Jews who saved Jews from extermination during the Holocaust. As of 201, there are 6,266 Polish men and women recognized as “Righteous” to this day, amounting to over 25 per cent of the total number of 22,765 honorary titles awarded already.

Comparing polish coat of arm to the nazi symbol and the whole article is evidence of you stupidity, groundless hate or just perhaps a low education. Jewish nation is nowadays trying to blame Poland who lost EVERYTHING during the WW2 for something we didnt do. Did u already forget who’s responsible for hell on earth Poles, Judes and many other nations had been through?

Your ignorance is shown in your own article which had been written in reply to the memorial events in the White House. Jan Karski (POLE) informed USA about the extermination – its your own country you should blame for not doing anything and the rest of Alliances.

Whats wrong with u?

Pawel on June 6, 2012 at 3:38 am

No i tutaj wida? niedouczenie z zakresu historii. Debbie Schlussel znana jest z obsesyjnej nienawi?ci do wszystkich, którzy nie przylegaj? do jej wyobra?enia o ludziach, a wi?c muzu?manów, gejów, wszelkiej ma?ci “lewaków”. Mog? wi?c wyci?gn?? wniosek, ?e z jej mózgiem ?le si? dzieje.
Mam jeszcze pytanie do Debbie: skoro jest w Stanach, wi?c i jej rodzina tam by?a w czasie wojny. Co wi?c zrobili dobrego dla ratowania swoich rodaków?
Niech Debbie przyjedzie do Polski, niech zobaczy na w?asne oczy wszystko, co pozosta?o z obozów zag?ady, niech porozmawia z lud?mi, ?wiadkami nienieckich zbrodni, starcami, którzy jeszcze ?yj?.

Loni on June 6, 2012 at 3:41 am

Are you so stupid or just pretending?

Rufjo on June 6, 2012 at 3:41 am

Kobieto co ty wiesz o historii a zw?aszcza POLSKIEJ historii, siedzisz sobie hen za Oceanem i piszesz niedorzeczno?ci wyssane z palca. Co drugi Amerykan to “burak” nie zna s?ów Hymnu Narodowego, nie wie z ilu stanów sk?ada si? USA , a ty tu w Polsk? Historie ingerujesz!
By??? tu znasz ludzi, znasz losy ludzi cierpi?cych ucisk hitlerowski i sowiecki? Ty nawet nie wiesz co to takiego!!!!

Mark Twein on June 6, 2012 at 3:43 am

Your claims are pathetic, Debbie. Have a nice day, ignorance is a virtue in your reality.

Egon Kopytko on June 6, 2012 at 3:47 am

Debbie doesn’t care about the facts, Debbie just wants to exist in the cyberspace. She failed as a politician, she had a short-lived movie career (one episode of some class C series), she had a program on tv that did not last long, she failed as a journalist… Now she just say something stupid and inflaming and she has her 15 minutes of fame. Debbie is just a fame hungry bimbo…

Debbie_is_a_loser on June 6, 2012 at 3:47 am

Your ignorance debbie schlussel and your malevolence are equal

Thrt on June 6, 2012 at 3:53 am

How dare you? Ignorrant. Who pays you for writting these lies? Or maybe chasing fame and publicity? You should be charged for writing these lies and using our national symbols. I am proud of being a Pole, of our history that we have been able to survive the German, Russian and Swedish gluttony and cruelty over the ages. I am proud of our tradition, beliefs and Polish sense of life values – God, Honour and Motherland. The values that people like you – journalists of fortune and easy publicty cannot coprehend. Magda – A Pole

Magda on June 6, 2012 at 3:57 am

jeste? ingorantk?. i kretynk?. sk?d ten mit o inteligencji ?ydów?
je?li czytanie ksi??ek ci? m?czy – obejrzyj film ?ydowskiego re?ysera Pola?skiego pt. Pianista. tam zobaczysz kto zap?dza? ?ydów do wagonów jad?cych do niemieckich obozów zag?ady.

Przemq on June 6, 2012 at 3:59 am

Are you nazi or stupid?

tom on June 6, 2012 at 3:59 am

Panienko, udalo ci sie, jestes slawna, ale godnosci nie zostalo ci nawet krzty. Jestes taka sama szmata jak szkopy, ktorzy mordlowali Zydow,Polakow i iinne narodowosci.

Plastikowa poczwara.

Gieniek on June 6, 2012 at 4:00 am

dear Debbie,

If You will be in situation “kill or be killed” you will choose first option. we did not want this war. Germans attack our country and we fight them back. A lot of Polish people have no choice. they have to do what they said. I understand your frustration about some polish people, but don’t judge all of Us. You never been there so stop it.

Adam on June 6, 2012 at 4:03 am

We, the Polish nation, will take you to court for this accusation!

tom on June 6, 2012 at 4:04 am

Are you fucking uneducated ?

Byry on June 6, 2012 at 4:04 am

you have a sick mind.

Monica on June 6, 2012 at 4:05 am

Let’s name things as they are. The Nazis = Germans. Using the Nazi term is just a policy of whitewashing Germans. Germany has produced millions of murderers and created the system of extermination. What Germans do know is shifting the responsibility on Poles. Poles were the victims.The scope of German cruelty towards Poles (and Polish and European Jews) is incomparable to that of other occupied nations. This article lacks of facts, knowledge of history, and credibility.

Magda on June 6, 2012 at 4:08 am

Debbie, Debbie… You’re as great specialist in history as Mr Daniken. Go back to school, please, and only then sit down in front of your computer trying to write something true.

– As mentioned above, you included in your list even place that BEFORE the war weren’t Polish at all.
– Nobody is innocent and I personally don’t believe that my ancestors were always 100% fair. However, the fact is that it were Jews who played a great part in organizing camps’ – read about e.g.:
– Finally, will you call US prisons in Iraq ‘Iraqui’? Just because they’re at the territory of Iraq? Come on, they must have been operated by Iraquis who collaborated with the US occupant! And all those blasts were just media propaganda…

Deal with your ignorance, please.

Szymon on June 6, 2012 at 4:08 am

Yeah, it’s easy to spread hate, because YOU DON’T LIVE in this times, so how could you know how was it exactly? We all know this times only from words of our grandparents (and that is subjective!!!!). My Grandma knew many Jews, and her family was hiding Jews in their home. By the way – if somebody would find this Jews, family of my Grandma would be dead now.
I’ve heard that in France they often realise Jews to German Nazis, because they don’t liked them.

I think your point of view is very subjective, that’s too bad for you, as a journalist. Maybe you should talk with some experts in history (the best solution would be to talk with some Polish, German and Jewish experts, who don’t hate anybody)

I don’t mind if somebody is Jew, or other nation, but I hate, when somebody is spreading hate for my country. It’s the same thing that anti-Semitism, you’re going like anti- Polonist.

I see that last times many many people are now thinking that it was war caused by Poland. Maybe you’re soon going to say that Hitler was Pole??? Hahaha. Both sad and funny.German aggression is treated recently like something irrelevant. Look – Germans had lost the war, but their country wasn’t so damaged during WW2 as Poland. And please check the statistics – Auschwitz for example has victims in Poles, Jews and Russians… And after all we’ve got into Russian bondage, and to be so true…. now we are into EU -bondage. Poland is always suffering as a country of interest of other countries. We’re just tools for richer ones.

san on June 6, 2012 at 4:14 am

Hey, Poles! Don’t give this woman the credit arguing with her and her minions! She is a bitter, bitter old woman, calling DeForge a bad role model due to the latter being lesbian, and saying “1 down, 1.8 bln to go” after killing Bin Laden… She is crazy, world-hating, poor, sad person. I was enraged after this text until I started to look, who she is. Now, I’m sorry for her. What a sad, sad, crazy lady…

Marcin on June 6, 2012 at 4:15 am

Just one quote from this marvel:
“He hid in the haystacks of a Pole who owed him money and had bought tools on credit, but my grandfather escaped and was ultimately rounded up to the camps, after he heard the Pole tell neighbors he was going to trade my grandfather to the Nazis for a bottle of whisky.”
– one “heard” and the other one “he was going to”? for a bottle of whisky? If it was vodka maybe your story would have been more probable.
I have not met so much hatred in a “respectful author” “article” for a long time… on second thought maybe in Rydzyk’s radio Maryja.
Keep the “great work” of setting “us” against “them” up; suddenly one starts to understand the little sick people of the other “camp”.

robert szczepanik on June 6, 2012 at 4:20 am

to jest typowa zydowka,a pozniej sie dziwia ze jest tylu antysemitow

pitrus on June 6, 2012 at 4:22 am

So you claim that Poles maintained concentration camps. I think you should get you facts straght. All of the concentration camps were created and mainained by the Nazis. Many prisoners in these camps were Poles, not only Jewish people. Most of Poles helped the Jewish families, by hiding them in their houses, but you are probably not aware that for helping these people not only one person was punished but the whole family, so noone spoke about their heroism openly. Of course, there were some people who were against the Jewish community. There will always be a group which is against something, but most of Polish citizens helped the Jewish people. It happened not only because most of Polish people were actually Jewish, but also because it did not matter if you are Jewish or Christian, people helped each other to survive the invasion. Many people could not help, because they were forced to work for concentration camps. If they would not, i.e. take photographs of the prisoners, they would lose lives themselves.

I would truly advise you to think more about what you write and most importantly check the historical backgroung before placing this kind of nonsense on the Internet. Obviously you do not know what you are talking about.

My ancestors were Jewish and Polish, so please just stop what you do.

PJ on June 6, 2012 at 4:27 am

To Debbie – probably you don’t know this but In UE you can go to jail for 3 years for saying something like this. I hope that the Polish people use their rights in this case. I also recommended you to read a letter which President Obama sent to Polish President

CC on June 6, 2012 at 4:29 am


Crazy Horse on June 6, 2012 at 4:32 am

Not sure if trolling or just from USA.

chris on June 6, 2012 at 4:32 am

You cannot be that STUPID, Debbie… Just another example how jews are producing antisemitism themselves – thanks for a great exalmple of that! Learn some BASIC history facts – until then you are just pathetic…

AQQ on June 6, 2012 at 4:35 am

Write about how you killed the Indians. Or who gave money to the Germans in II World War.

Crazy Horse on June 6, 2012 at 4:35 am

So many responses, most of them correcting the author’s obvious and willingly manifested lack of knowledge, have no point, because we don’t see the author responding in any way. The goal was to provoke and has been achieved. Who will want to agree will do so, no matter what historical facts are documented. When hatred is at stake facts would only subdue it, and the Author’s need is to manifest hatred, not truth or knowledge. One more correction, though – Stutthof and Gross Rosen are in Poland NOW, but on territories which became Polish after WW2 on the basis of the Yalta Agreement and the Potsdam Treaty. However, facts do not seem to bother the Author in the least.

Beatrix on June 6, 2012 at 4:35 am

Honestly? You are a journalist but you shouldn’t talk about the past! Just some parts of this text is true. AND IT’S A TINY PART! And then it’s twisted. “My family and the millions of Jews wiped out in Poland never identified as Polish because the Poles never treated them that way.” Really??? And I will tell you another thing! My family didn’t have even a drop of jewish blood in their veins, but it weren’t a hindrance to hide jewish people in their house for almost whole war. Because they was our friends. And do you know how it ended? German people have send part of my family before a firing squad!Including the little kids.”My paternal grandmother had eleven brothers and sisters. Only one brother survived the Holocaust after the Poles murdered the rest along with her parents, after Poles seized their farm. ….All the rest–and her parents–were murdered by the Poles” So tell me where it happened. Maybe you will be suprised(because you don’t know most fact about the war) but if such situations have happened poles knows about it and they commemorates the victims. Such situations of attacks were very very rarely and we are really shamed because of it. Unfortunately in every society some crab louses exist. And then, when they do sth, the whole society is blamed for their sins. Most of the people don’t see the good ones, they just focus on the bad ones, because they are… I dont know… more interesting? Almost none of the foraigners knows, that Poland was the only country in Europ, were for hiding Jew threatened capital punishment. Now think why just in one country punishments were so hard. It had to be a reason…. Just start to think. And don’t write ridiculous things. Journalist formes an opinion in many cases of whole society. So they can’t lie and twist the facts.

P.s. Right now I have too some Jew blood in my vines, BUT I DON’T BLAME POLES FOR HOLOCAUST, CAUSE THERE WAS TOO MANY BRAVE PEOPLE. And unfortunately most of us don’t see this.
2P.s.Sorry for my English.

Natalia on June 6, 2012 at 4:37 am

I sue you.

xret on June 6, 2012 at 4:38 am

Sk?d si? bior? tacy ignoranci, czy takie artyku?y s? pisane tylko po to aby szokowa? ?eby gdzie? zaistnie?…
Jakim cz?owiekiem trzeba by? ?eby pisa? takie k?amstwa czy to zwyk?e wyrachowanie czy na prawd? a? takie braki w wykszta?ceniu…

luq on June 6, 2012 at 4:41 am

Let’s read this book: ‘Europe at War 1939-1945: No Simple Victory’ Norman Davis…Maybe then you will have some information abut war and how it really was in Poland.

It’s really sad that narrow-minded people who don’t know history falsify facts and true just because of their ignorance.

Kate on June 6, 2012 at 4:41 am

Google Translate. Have you ever wondered why the pre-war Poland were so many Jews?
In Europe 1348-1350 epidemic of plague, the so-called. “Black Death” that killed nearly one-third of the population of the continent (died about 25 million people). This was the climax of the pogroms of Jews in Europe. Of course, the plague was accused of calling the Jews. It was said that the plan to murder Christians, Jews plotted the Spanish, who had vast resources and influence.
In the years 1348-1349 the Polish came the third wave of Jewish refugees from
Western Europe. It was the largest wave of Jews, which together accounted for
Middle Ages to the Polish. For the Polish Jews came mostly German, Hungarian and French. It should be noted that at that time, Poland was a “golden freedom of the Jews” in Europe. Relatively less plague ravaged the local population, and the royal care (mainly grain distribution) eased further consequence of the disease.
That flows from west to settle Jewish refugees in Polish cities,
strengthening the local community. In 1356, in Cracow Kahal already had its own synagogue. Independent municipality was also in Lviv.
In 1364 and 1367, King Kazimierz the Great issued additional rules for Jews in the Polish Kingdom. Jews facilitated business activities, giving them the right to acquire land and land in the towns and villages.
The surviving documents we know that in 1367 there were already independent communes
Jewish in Poznan and Sandomierz. In 1386 there was a Jewish community in the district
Kazimierz near Cracow (at that time, Kazimierz was a separate settlement).

bogdan poland on June 6, 2012 at 4:43 am

Of course You do not know or do not want to know who gave money to the Nazi’s. They do not want you to know about it, because all this anti-Semitizm would have no reason to exist in today’s form.
Claiming that you’re a journalist is an insult for all journalists around the world.
Do something right and free our world from your stupidity.


IRiA on June 6, 2012 at 4:47 am

That flows from west to settle Jewish refugees in Polish cities, strengthening the local community. In 1356, in Cracow Kahal already had its own synagogue. Independent municipality was also in Lviv.
In 1364 and 1367, King Kazimierz the Great issued additional rules for Jews in the Polish Kingdom. Jews facilitated business activities, giving them the right to acquire land and land in the towns and villages. The surviving documents we know that in 1367 there were already independent communes Jewish in Poznan and Sandomierz. In 1386 there was a Jewish community in the district Kazimierz near Cracow (at that time, Kazimierz was a separate settlement).

bogdan poland on June 6, 2012 at 4:48 am

patrzie polaczki i uczcie si?! ten tekst, w ca?o?ci i z ilustracjami, powinien zosta? przedrukowany przez “Polityk?” i “Gazet? Wyborcz?” jako szczytowe osi?gni?cie stosowanej o dlat przez obóz postepu pedagogiki wstydu.

Tu jest bez ogórdek wy?o?onoa wizja tego, jak wygl?da postepowe uj?cie historii Polski.

niech_zyje_postep on June 6, 2012 at 4:52 am

You’re lier, Schlussel. You know it. Germans are reposnsible for holocaust and killing milions of innocent people. Germans founded concetration and death camps. Germans were killing Polish children, women and men. Germans were killing jews. Noble Polish people were executed for helping jews.
You may lie, but you will never change history. Cry now.
You received your salary for writing so insolent lies – you will get your punishment also. Remember about it, Schlussel…

Glory to the noble Polish nation. Glory to Polish heroes.

schlussel_is_lier on June 6, 2012 at 4:53 am

    God bless you for your comment.

    MEL on June 6, 2012 at 5:49 am

    What the heck is this?
    In every nation you will find a piece of scum. Why a little and poor country as Poland is being aimed for years?
    Read history, maybe Poles are not a huge fan of Jews (but who gives an order to love someone? This is normal thing to like someone more then other), but we gave them shelter and decent place to live for ages. Compare it with IIWW situation in France, Netherlands and others!!! If you ignorants start to learn and read about Jewish migrations across centuries you will find it out. Going further, Holocaust is not the most important tragedy in a whole history. Yes, Jews suffered a lot and everyone agrees. But time passes by, and we have current problems, wars and tragedy happening – and these are also caused by Jewish and Americans. Stop this topic and start living on a daily basis and consider your daily activities. You will not change history and your tragedy, why not to let this wound heal? Do you have your own business in this?

    lex on June 6, 2012 at 6:35 am

What ignorance and ignorance of history, I feel sorry for you.
Life with such ignorance and frustration of a failed political career must hurt

C on June 6, 2012 at 4:53 am

Are you fucking uneducated ?

cys on June 6, 2012 at 4:53 am

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