May 30, 2012, - 12:59 pm

Poles Were Complicit in Holocaust: Outrage Over Obama “Gaffe” is Fraudulent, Ignorant

By Debbie Schlussel

Barack Obama has done enough legitimately bad things that we don’t need to manufacture phony outrage over things he does that really aren’t so bad. Such is the case with the feigned shock and fake moralizing over his comments, yesterday, about German Nazi death camps in Poland being a Polish death camp. Here’s a tip for Poland and ignoramuses in the lumpenconservatariat who now engage in revisionist history: Poles murdered millions of Jews, they maintained several death camps, and they wiped out almost all of both sides of my family, as well as those in hundreds of thousands of other Jewish families. This wasn’t just the Nazis. It was tens of thousands of eager Poles and more. Obama made no gaffe here. Poland’s willing executioners took their significant place among Hitler’s willing executioners.

Poland’s Warsaw Ghetto Existed Because of Polish Complicity


Two Things That Weren’t Exactly Mutually Exclusive

There is a reason why Poland was so easily occupied by the Germans. Yeah, I know–they were “just taking orders.” Just taking orders when they helped round up Jews and helped man gas chambers. As if Nazis from Germany did this alone! Polish police all too happily worked with the SS to round up Jews. Polish police all too easily took their place in helping run and operate the death camps. Facts are stubborn things. But, sadly, not as stubborn as morons and blind partisans.

I had to laugh when I read this:

Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Wednesday Obama’s words had hurt all Poles and he expected more from Washington than just “regret”.

Are you kidding? Someone needs to remind Mr. Tusk that his people were the ones doing the hurting and the turning over to the Nazis and the mass murder of at least half of the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust, some of them from my family. You are “hurt” by calling Nazi death camps, “Polish”???? Um, where were they? Who helped operate them and round up and turn in the camps’ Jewish occupants, soon to be turned into ash and fumes?

There is a reason that President Obama, yesterday, awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously to Jan Karski, the former Polish underground officer who provided early eyewitness accounts of Nazi Germany’s genocide of European Jews. And that’s because Karski was unlike most of his fellow Poles, who hated Jews just as the Nazis did and proudly turned them over to the Nazis and/or participated in the mass murderous Judenrein. Even in the Polish underground, hatred of Jews was legion. My great-uncle was in the Polish underground, until they slit his throat while he was sleeping because, one day, the head of the Polish underground demanded a cleansing of its Jews, too.

My paternal grandmother had eleven brothers and sisters. Only one brother survived the Holocaust after the Poles murdered the rest along with her parents, after Poles seized their farm. (Grandma Marilyn was brought to the U.S. before the Holocaust began.) My maternal grandmother had only one surviving sister and brother, out of ten siblings. All the rest–and her parents–were murdered by the Poles. My maternal grandfather’s entire family was wiped out by the Poles. Grandpa Isaac’s father was mayor of the town and owned a hardware store. He hid in the haystacks of a Pole who owed him money and had bought tools on credit, but my grandfather escaped and was ultimately rounded up to the camps, after he heard the Pole tell neighbors he was going to trade my grandfather to the Nazis for a bottle of whisky.

My family and the millions of Jews wiped out in Poland never identified as Polish because the Poles never treated them that way. They were subject to centuries of pogroms and extreme anti-Semitism by the country in which they lived, before they were ultimately rounded up to the camps and mass-murdered with Polish cooperation. They were treated as subhuman all along the way, never as fellow “Polish.” So it’s beyond hilarious now to hear that the Poles are “hurt” by Obama’s description of a German Nazi death camp as “Polish.” As if there weren’t any Polish ones or as if the Poles had zero part in the Holocaust they all too eagerly participated in. Read the 93 pages of “Bystanders, Blackmailers, and Perpetrators: Polish Complicity During the Holocaust” for just a taste of what the Poles wrought on the Jews.

Yes, it is laughable that the Poles, Rush Limbaugh, self-hating Jew Matt Drudge, and a gazillion Republicans and incredibly obtuse and ignorant members of the lumpenconservatariat–most of them no different from the Obamabots in their lack of intelligence, knowledge, and common sense and decency–are incensed over this “gaffe” that really ain’t a gaffe at all. It’s intellectual dishonesty to insist that these death camps on Polish soil were not at all Polish and merely “German Nazi.” Here’s a list of the Polish ones–did they not exist? Did they exist in Poland only because the Germans did this and the Polish had no part? Only a liar or a moron would make these claims. The White House should have made no apology to Poland. These major death camps existed in Poland for a reason: Polish complicity in the Holocaust and willing cooperation with the Nazis.

* Auschwitz

* Belzec

* Chelmno

* Gross-Rosen

* Majdanek

* Plaszow

* Sobibor

* Stutthof

* Treblinka

Keep these names in your mind when you read this quote:

Poland’s government keenly watches the global media for descriptions of former Nazi German death camps as “Polish” because it says the term — even if used simply as a geographical indicator — can give the impression that Poland bore responsibility for Nazi Germany’s World War II genocide.

Although located in Poland, Auschwitz for example was set up and run entirely by German dictator Adolf Hitler’s occupying forces from 1940 to 1945.

Huh? The Poles were not just forced into this by the Nazis. They were active participants, many of them gleeful and eager to murder Jews. To call these camps Polish is no “gaffe.” Poland DOES bear responsibility for the Nazi genocide of Jews.

It’s just fact. And it’s denial and fraud for Poland and others to argue otherwise.

Yes, there were a few righteous gentile Poles who saved Jews. A very tiny few. The majority were all too happy for the Judenrein, especially in the way it took place.

That was the real Poland during World War II. Anyone who says otherwise is a fraud.

And if you wonder why so many Jews are liberal and won’t vote Republican, BS, like the absurd denial that Nazi Death Camps were Polish, certainly doesn’t help in endearing Jews to the GOP.

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2,053 Responses

I’m disgusted with what this self-claimed hisotrian says. In Poland for helping Jewish family was penalty of death for all familymebers of person who helped, but it did not stop Polish people from getting most orders from Israeli goverment for rescuing Jews. Poland has hurt much more than many countres at the war and after it.
Debbie go to school, learn or just shut up! you were born in USA not in Europe you don;t know the hisotry of our continent, stop pretending you do.

both of my grandprarent were killed in war, grandmothers and grandpa by soviets, other grandfather by nazis.
My father was member of solidarnosc and he was sack off (made redundant) because of it. In erarly 90′ we were really poor for our fight for freedom.
dear Debbie what have you done for freedom? go to wallmart?

David on June 5, 2012 at 2:39 pm

Now, without looking at wikipedia, write fast when the Second World War started and what nationality were the Nazis, blonde. deutsche fotze.

don omar on June 5, 2012 at 2:39 pm

Ty zak?amana, polonofobiczna szmato. Sprawd? sobie ile procent z spo?ród nagrodzonych Sprawiedliwi W?ród Narodów ?wiata to POLACY! Co czwarty z nich to Polak który nara?a? ?ycie swoje i swojej rodziny ?eby ratowa? ?ydów przed zag?ad?!

Czy przysz?o ci w tym pustym blond-?bie do g?owy sk?d tylu ?ydów wzie?o si? na terenie Polski przed wybuchem drugiej wojny ?wiatowej?! Wzi?li si? na terenie Polski st?d, ?e w ca?ej europie byli szykanowani i tylko w Polsce mogli znale?? spokojne miejsce. Przy takim nat??eniu ?ydów w Polsce nie trudno by?o o nieporozumienia. Tacy jak ty nie zastanawiaj? si? nad przyczynami niech?ci do ?ydów w Polsce. Bo przecie? jakiego durnego amerykanina obchodzi to, co ?ydzi robili z Polakami kiedy wspó?pracowali z NKWD po napa?ci ZSRR na Polsk? a pó?niej b?d?c g?ównymi oprawcami w PRLu!

Poniewa? jeste? typowym przedstawicielem ignorantów i bezmózgów ameryka?skich, to gówno na ten temat wiesz! Wy nie wiecie nawet ?e Pulaski czy Ko?ciuszko to Polacy! ?miejecie si? poprzez polish jokes co jest dowodem na wasz? polonofobi? i ignorancj?. Je?eli komukolwiek z Polaków zarzucacie antysemityzm, to na tle waszej g?upoty wychodzi na dok?adk? hipokryzja. Najpierw takie jak ty powinny wyleczy? si? z antypolskiej fobii, a potem i?? do szko?y.

Sprawd? sobie durna cipo ilu Polaków zgin?lo w obozach koncentracyjnych, bo przecie? nie od dzisiaj wiadomo, ?e wy s?dzicie i? gin?li tam tylko ?ydzi! Sprawd? sobie ile ludno?ci procentowo straci?a Polska w IIW? i ile naszych ludzi wymordowano potem na terenie Rosji!

?yga? si? chce na tak? g?upot?. Chesz wiedzie? sk?d si? bierze w Polsce antysemityzm? W?a?nie z takiej polonofobii i g?upoty jak? prezentujesz. Trudno kocha? ?ydów skoro opluwaj? naród który da? im w ?redniowieczu schronienie, ratowa? w czasie IIW? i w zamian otrzyma? wydawanie polskich patriotów podziemia w r?ce NKWD, a potem represje ze strony w?adz PRLu w których ca?a masa prokuratorów i oprawców ?ydowskich pozmienia?a nazwiska na polskie ?eby nie budzi? podejrze?! To s? fakty durna kwoko!

Za zestawienie polskiego god?a ze swastyk? powinna? trafi? za kratki i do psychiatry!

Jacek Orzechowski on June 5, 2012 at 2:39 pm

Bez kitu.. ci amerykanie to prawdziwi debile nie wiedz?cy nic o niczym co znajduje si? po za granicami ameryki pó?nocnej. jakim cudem panuj? nad ?wiatem ;] chyba pomaga im jaki? Polak ^^

Puke on June 5, 2012 at 2:43 pm

New York Jews collaborated with Hitler making big money.
All your Jewish money is dirty and bloody.

adam on June 5, 2012 at 2:44 pm

I am a Pole. I can not believe what I read. Woman. Please study the history of Polish little bit more and then accuse the unfair way. Poles were murdered in Auschwitz. Miliony.Nasi grandparents not to kill. They were killed. Together with the Jews. Antisemitism indeed occurred. But not on this scale. Only after the war is known about the Kielce pogrom and Cracow. So please. Barack Obama apologized for the error in his statement. because it was a mistake. I think you’ll be the next person who will have to apologize …

Aleksandra on June 5, 2012 at 2:44 pm

nie porównój kurwa nigdy wi?cej Polaków z nazistowskimi niemcami. Prawda jest taka ?e ka?dy naród ma co? na sumieniu, zarówno niemcy, jaki ruscy, Polacy czy wasz zlepek narodów. Ka?dy morodwa?, a wy robicie to nadal w guantanamo, w afganistanie, iraku… Co zrobili?cie z Dreznem? zmietliscie miasto z powierzchni ziemi, nie majac przy tym ani jedengo powodu, uzasadnionego powodu. Mordujecie cywilów, bezszczescice zw?oki. Prawa jest taka ?e mój Kraj- Polska, ma przynajmniej swoj? histori?, jeste?my waleczni. Nie jestesmy mocarstwem, ale przynajmniej mo?emy si? szczycic swoj? histori?. Wasze rakiety patriot- te? maj? w?tek polski. Gówno byscie mieli gdyby nie wojny które rozp?tujecie. Jaka macie histori??? handel niewolnikami? zlepek narodów z ca?ego ?wiata? Nie bede sie zni?a? do twojego poziomu intelektualnego bo nie warto…

Tomasz1986_Sosnowiec POLAND on June 5, 2012 at 2:45 pm

Ms. Schlussel on what to write like Americans do not see where is Poland, not to speak about the history of Polish 🙂 hhahah you do not even know who you are boundaries to the north. Ah It’s like a Pole did a good deal for a Jew. No matter – FU.

cia[p on June 5, 2012 at 2:45 pm

Debbie you are the epitome of stupidity. My grandfather saved Jews during the Second World War, like many other Poles. I’ll give you good advice, do not come never to Polish. If someone as stupid as you set foot in my country it would be a disgrace to all people who have died fighting for freedom. I hope that you will be sacked and never see your face on TV.

TOM ROLLAUER on June 5, 2012 at 2:46 pm

Holocaust industry can not be stopped it seems.

Jamie on June 5, 2012 at 2:47 pm

Go back to school, woman.
Oh, sorry …
In your schools do not teach this.

PolMan on June 5, 2012 at 2:47 pm

Yours article is a lie Mrs. Schlussel. We, the Poles will fight for the truth. Just as we fought for freedom for all people suffering during WW II.Those were terrible times and the memory of them can not be changed.

Marcin on June 5, 2012 at 2:47 pm

You should write something about JFK assasination, at least we’d have “Debbie Does Dallas” remake.
This anti-Polish bunch of zionist crap you call journalism is placing itself well below all standards. Actually, you committed a crime of slander and should pay for it.

Muni on June 5, 2012 at 2:50 pm

Means of Debbie,

we reported the case for higher offices and google, we hope that for you the side will be locked up on account of spreading hate on the ethnic background and for advertising with cost of Poles.

Melka on June 5, 2012 at 2:50 pm

I think, you wrote this bullshit for your own popularity.
Maybe you thought that it’s good for your career or something like that.
Or someone told you, it’ll be great, because controversy always sells well.
For example, i didn’t know who you are, until this moment. I had no idea of your existence.
And I think, a lot of people will say the same.

It’s really weak, what you did.

I’m from Poland, my family died in GERMAN/NAZI death camps.
The Polish people suffered terribly under the Nazi occupation.

Just because you’re Jewish, doesn’t mean you can spared lies about history and hurt other people.
You should read some books, or come into Poland. People in Auschwitz or Majdanek will explain you how it was.

Martina on June 5, 2012 at 2:51 pm

15% of auschwitz prisoners were Polish (not including Polish Jews) mainly for helping the Jews.

You are spitting on the nation that gave thair lives for your nation – no other nation gave so many lives for you.

Of course as in every community there are idiots/cowardly people that chose their lives instead of the others. (if they didn’t do what nazis told them to do – they would be dead)

But as about “just taking orders” after WW2 many Jews were afraid of Nazi Germans come back, so a lot of them cooperated with Communist Russians – they helped them implement Stalin regime in Poland. You should read eg. about Jewish judges and lawyers in Poland because of which many Polish died in tortures such as:

art on June 5, 2012 at 2:51 pm

Proof is needed Madam. Strong proof if you dare to equal Poles and Germans when writting about Shoah.
Do you know where the biggest Jewish community in Europe existed before WWII? Do you know which nation has the biggets number of awarded with medals given by Yad Vashem? You don’t know because you don’t want too. You act as ignorant as American Jews did when Jan Karski and other Polish heros tried to inform the USA about Holocaust.
Have you ever heard about Witold Pilecki? He was Polish secret army soldier who attempted to be caught by Nazis and deported to Auschwitz camp to organise resistance there.
Maybe you have heard (probably you didn’t want to) about Szewach Weiss? He was for many years speaker of Kneset (do you know this institution?). He and his family were saved by ordinary Polish family. This family provided Mr. Weiss and his relatives with shelter during WWII.
I strongly recommend you to get some information about Irena Sendler (Sendlerowa as Poles say). She saved many Jewish children. In comparison with her, Schinlder did nothing special.
W?adys?aw Szpilman – saved by Polish friends when he escaped from Warsaw ghetto. He wrote a book “Pianist” filmed by Roman Pola?ski.
When Warsaw Rising started in August 1944, Polish secret army soldiers saved tens of Jews kept in Gestapo prison in Warsaw.
Heros of Risnig in Warsaw ghetto (April 1943) were provided with weapon by Poles. A few of this rising fighters then took part in Warsaw Rising.
To sum up, before you write about something, learn something about that.

FI(L)IP on June 5, 2012 at 2:52 pm

By such a disgusting made up stories you may only promote anti-Semitism. You are showing all those people who were saving jews that it just wasn’t worth it. So sad.

kkr on June 5, 2012 at 2:52 pm

Ignorant, foolish journalist. Learn some history, that was only Nazi’s and Russians Death Camps.

Tomson on June 5, 2012 at 2:52 pm

The editor is lying, change history, falsifies. Poles saved many Jews, they were dying for them. You have the audacity to lie? Israel pays you for the miserable and deceitful lyrics? May you come to Auschwitz. Lying Jewish media.

Tom on June 5, 2012 at 2:53 pm

For real? How did you find those information…?
Read some books, go to school or sth and start learn history.
Because in Poland we know history of word better than you know history of your own country. Look on number how many Poles died in those camps… how many Jewish.
Who created those camps? I will not say Germans; Nazis build them. Who give the order to kill? – Adol Hitler [google it].
Read “Medalions” written by Zofia Na?kowska or Tadeusz Borowski “Prosz? pa?stwa do gazu”. It’ is realy easy to find it on web.

rychu on June 5, 2012 at 2:54 pm

my famili help , may 5 people from famili die in auschwitz!







juli krolik on June 5, 2012 at 2:55 pm

Jeste? g?upi? ameryka?sk? szmat?! That’s all folks!

ja on June 5, 2012 at 2:55 pm

Ms. Schlussel’s ignorance is so vast it cannot even be argued with. It’s simply laughable, although one is not inclined to laugh when talking about WWII and the Holocaust. While commenting on the whole Obama/death camps issue on Huffington Post, most Americans said “but everybody knows they were German, nazi camps”. Well, no. Debbie Schlussel does not know and tries to spread her poison and her lies where ignorance is large enough. Perhaps she should speak to Poland’s rabbi Michael Schudrich, maybe to Ambassador Szewach Weiss who has actually experienced those times and saw things Debbie’s little blond head can’t even imagine.

Debbie Schlussel is appalingly ignorant and clearly wants to remain so – even superficial reading on the subject would convince Debbie that her venomous theories don’t hold water.

My Polish grandfather, who was first held in a POW camp (escaped), then imprisoned in Auschwitz, was finally murdered in the worst German death camp (grade III) Mauthausen – Gusen. Guess what, Debbie. Nobody calls it an Austrian death camp. Ever wonder why?

MK on June 5, 2012 at 2:56 pm

My advice is to change psychiatrist because present one is very weeek

Peter on June 5, 2012 at 2:56 pm

How sad 🙁 how far people can go to make themselves famous… My sympathy you miserable being.

Sebastian on June 5, 2012 at 2:56 pm

Ignorant, foolish journalist!
Learn more history!

PolandUP! on June 5, 2012 at 2:57 pm

Miss Schlussel, you wrote: “fraudulent and ignorant”. I’m sorry to say but those words apply to you AT FIRST. Here are more competent remarks based on historic knowledge rather than personal resentment – by Deborah Lipstadt, an American historian, Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies:

“Many people, Jews primarily among them, believe the balderdash that the Germans put the death camps in Poland because the Poles would be happy to see the Jews killed. They ignore the fact that to the Germans Auschwitz was German territory and was to be the site of a major German settlement.

One person, who is well-informed and well read, found this notion of Polish non-complicity hard to grasp. He kept trying to find links:

Weren’t they guards at Auschwitz? No, I said.

Well weren’t they part of the Einsatzgruppen, the mobile killing units? Wrong again.

Well how about in the Sonderkommando units [the groups of prisoners who essentially pulled people off the trians, pushed them into the gas chambers, and then disposed of the bodies and who, themselves, were gassed by the Germans every few months because they knew too much]? No those groups were composed, in the main, of Jews.

This is not to say, of course, that Poland does not have a long and enduring history of antisemitism. It does. [Remember the scene in Lanzmann’s Shoah in front of the Chelmno church?]

But then again, so does the Ukraine, Russia, and, of course, France. In fact, the late George Mosse, the great historian of European Jewry, was reported to have said that if someone in 1905 described in a prophecy what the Holocaust would be and how it would decimate European Jewry, the logical response would have been: “What a terrible thing for France to do.” [Remember Dreyfus?]

In fact when the French deportations took place there was not a German official, officer, or uniformed man in site. All French police. The Germans wanted the foreign adults deported. The French sent them the adults and the children.

Yet we have no qualms about visiting Paris.

While Poland had terrible and extensive examples of antisemitism [read Jan Gross’ Neighbors or his more recent work Fear for compelling examples of this], nonetheless let’s not confuse that with the German plan to wipe out European Jewry. [I reviewed Gross’ Fear and may have myself gone a bit overboard in condemning an entire nation. ]

Auschwitz, Maidanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, Chelmno, and Belzec were not “Polish” death camps. They were German camps that were placed in Poland by the Germans because that was where most of the victims were.

This is not a brief on behalf of the Poles of the 1940s. It’s a reminder to keep one’s historical eyes where they belong, i.e. on Germany.”

Wojtek Wilk

P.S. Anyway I want to ensure you I’m really sorry for all your relatives suffering from Poles – my deepest sympathy.

Wojtek Wilk on June 5, 2012 at 2:59 pm

Stan niewiedzy i glupoty tej Pani jest przerazajacy!!!

Jotgie on June 5, 2012 at 2:59 pm

Start to read books you idiot!

heniek on June 5, 2012 at 2:59 pm

To quote ‘I had to laugh when I read this’.

Aga on June 5, 2012 at 3:00 pm

Go back to school you ignorant! What is the punishment in your country’s law for publishing lies and slunder?

gonia on June 5, 2012 at 3:00 pm

kto to rzezbil ze tak zjebal ?…

S on June 5, 2012 at 3:52 pm

Mrs. Schlussel is the greatest evidence for low level of education in USA. You really need to learn a lot about Second World War, Madam – remember that anecdotal evidence is not an evidence. By the way, is she really viewed as an influential conservative publicist? Mother of God… I’m losing my faith in American conservatives.

Mario on June 5, 2012 at 3:53 pm

Wyssa?as to z jakiegos obrzezanego palca? Czy to tylko przeblysk skrajnego debilizmu w trakcie ciezkiej menstuacji?

Martin on June 5, 2012 at 3:53 pm

Szanowna Pani,

To, co Pani pisze nie ma absolutnie oparcia w faktach. Za pomoc ?ydom w okresie Drugiej Wojny ?wiatowej grozi?a Polakom kara ?mierci (rozci?gana na wszystkich cz?onków rodziny). W czasie, gdy odznaczany przez Prezydenta Obam? po?miernie Jan Karski próbowa?a przekonywa? Ameryka?skich ?ydów o istnieniu niemieckich obozów zag?ady, Ci nie dowierzali mu. Tym samym, to oni s? odpowiedzialni za grzech zaniechania, ignorancj? i bierno??.

Z tych zapewne wzgl?dów teraz z tak? ochot? obwiniaj? naród ofiar (Polaków) za zbrodnie, której sami s? wspó?winni.

Z powa?aniem,
sed3ak (bloger)



What you wrote is absolutely no factual basis. For helping Jews during the Second World War the Poles were punished by death (extendable to all family members). At a time when awarded by President Obama posthumously Mr Karski tried to convince American Jews about the existence of German concentration camps, they did not believe him. Thus, they are responsible for the sin of omission, ignorance and passivity.

For these reasons, perhaps now with such a passion American Jews (and the other nations) blaming the nation of victims (the Poles) for the crimes of which they themselves are complicit.

Sincerely Yours,
sed3ak (blogger)

sed3ak on June 5, 2012 at 3:53 pm

A summary: Debbie does Poland.

b_o on June 5, 2012 at 3:53 pm

Lies, ignorance, foolishness, humbug, this is American journalism?
Woman, you only know the story of your family, you know nothing about European history and have courage throwing mud, thousands of Poles who gave their lives to rescue your kinsmen, shame, just a shame
don’t visit Poland, never ever
and do the best thing which you can do- go to hell

Teresa on June 5, 2012 at 3:54 pm

Congratulations Americans! You have to rebuilt your economy sytstem, fly on the moon or do wherever you want, but don’t write and speak about Holocaust because in my opinion you have no idea what happend in the past!!! I found a couple books in the very good prices. I hope that after read you learn something about the holocaust!!


Przemek on June 5, 2012 at 3:54 pm

Szanowna Pani,

To, co Pani pisze nie ma absolutnie oparcia w faktach. Za pomoc ?ydom w okresie Drugiej Wojny ?wiatowej grozi?a Polakom kara ?mierci (rozci?gana na wszystkich cz?onków rodziny). W czasie, gdy odznaczany przez Prezydenta Obam? po?miernie Jan Karski próbowa?a przekonywa? Ameryka?skich ?ydów o istnieniu niemieckich obozów zag?ady, Ci nie dowierzali mu. Tym samym, to oni s? odpowiedzialni za grzech zaniechania, ignorancj? i bierno??.

Z tych zapewne wzgl?dów teraz z tak? ochot? obwiniaj? naród ofiar (Polaków) za zbrodnie, której sami s? wspó?winni.

Z powa?aniem,
sed3ak (bloger)



What you wrote is absolutely no factual basis. For helping Jews during the Second World War the Poles were punished by death (extendable to all family members). At a time when awarded by President Obama posthumously Mr Karski tried to convince American Jews about the existence of German concentration camps, they did not believe him. Thus, they are responsible for the sin of omission, ignorance and passivity.

For these reasons, perhaps now with such a passion American Jews (and the other nations) blaming the nation of victims (the Poles) for the crimes of which they themselves are complicit.

Sincerely Yours,
sed3ak (blogger)

sed3ak on June 5, 2012 at 3:55 pm

Mam nadziej? ?e nigdy nie przyjedziesz do Polski…

TOM ROLLAUER on June 5, 2012 at 3:55 pm

You r totally historic ignorant. You are wrong with state-planned crime ( III Reich country) with ordinary criminal offenses.
Do you know that in Poland in WWII Any help to Jews was punishable by death? DEATH! Did you risk you life and and your family life to strangers? I think you dont know nothing about Poland, about Europe. I I thing that you even dont know where is Europe. Do you know how many Poles have been awarded the prize Righteous Among the Nations? No? I thought so. Greetings from Poland country State which first stood up to fight the Nazis, which first reported the crimes of the Nazis, which has experienced more than 45 years of communism.

Dariusz on June 5, 2012 at 3:55 pm

I guess your are an example to our nation to never help a Jew. After what king Kazimierz did for the Jews fleeing other European countries, after so many people helped to safe Jew during WWII (eg.: zegota, mrs. sandler, etc.). This is what we are getting!!! Niece….. learn history madame Schlussel and leave us alone.

I am wandering if you also know the story of Lodz ghetto. Where collaborators where Jew themselves!!!! Why don’t you write about that? If you believe that Jews are only good and honest people think again …. or maybe you can’t pass that point and it’s too much for you?

Andrew on June 5, 2012 at 3:57 pm

Yes of course, I fully agree with the article. However, there are some cases that Debbie forgot to mention about. So, did You know that Poles invaded Nazi Germany in 1939? Hitler’s grand granddad had polish roots, so little Adolf sucked his racism and antisemitim with his mothers milk. MEIN KAMPF was written by his polish cellmate,and the Death Camps were gladly build by enthusiastic polish people,mostly high educated men that suddenly quitted their jobs as lawyers,politicians, doctors and teachers and decided to build in the middle of nowhere. They named them in german language, because they thought it would be funny. And absolutely, they were not a prisoners of the SS. Ah,speaking about the SS, did I tell You that 90% of SS personnel were Polish, unlike other nations in Europe? Yessss, 100% pure Poles. I think we all should start saying that HOLOCAUST WAS GENERALLY MADE BY POLES AND BY POLES ONLY. Why bother Germans, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Italians, Greeks, Hungarians, French? They are pure. How come Poles have highest number of Rightous among the nations? Well, they probably got that from Israel, and Jews in Israel do not know a thing about their history. American Jews know it better. The best, I mean. POLES hated Jews soooooo much, that before the war they decided to create the biggest population of jewish people in Europe inside their state, so exterminating them later on would be easier. Some of poles hated jews so much that they could not live without them, so they decided to join them inside death camps, oh sorry – POLISH DEATH CAMPS. I have heard that there was a kind of capture-more-Jews league.

Seriously, it is USELESS to fight against the articles like the one written by Mrs Schlussel.I mean, my grandfather helped jews durign the war. He is not on RATN list, but who cares? I would do the same.For him and for me it’s not about being Polish, it’s about being a good man. What is the point of seeking the truth, if it is always easier to point out that we, Poles are anti-semits, we hate jews, we sold them, we got rich on their stolen goods. One day, people like Debbie will prevail, and people like me will fail. This will be a happy day for those, who are really responsible for the tradegy of our two shattered nations.

Teo on June 5, 2012 at 3:57 pm

Dear Madam, I am disgusted with your history knowledge level. Please, be advised that if I were your employer, I would fire you immediately. Unfortunately, I am not. So, the only thing I can do is to congratulate. The article is the best way to produce buzz around you, your blog etc, and the same to earn via ads. Nevertheless, you cannot build your happiness through others’ saddness.

Polka Anna on June 5, 2012 at 4:02 pm

You lie.

You haven’t got any idea of history of Eastern Europe.

Your ignorance makes any discussion impossible and pointless.

A disgrace.

Michal Mroczkowski on June 5, 2012 at 4:02 pm

Americanans are responsible for 11th September as Talibans were trained and armed by Amis eg senator Charli Wilson.

askerata on June 5, 2012 at 4:02 pm

Kiss my polish ass!!!

Poland - first to fight on June 5, 2012 at 6:53 pm

    1000 comments!!! poles stop feed that troll!!!

    pank on June 5, 2012 at 8:19 pm

This is just embarassing for all newspapers, which you have worked on. Speechless of your stupidity and historical ignorancy.

Alan on June 5, 2012 at 6:54 pm

Ty g?upia pizdo! wypierdalaj szmato

Jeba? pizdy on June 5, 2012 at 6:57 pm

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