March 26, 2009, - 11:51 am
BARF: Israeli-American Heiress Stages Holocaust-Palestinian Moral Equivalency Minstrel Show; Ambushes Elderly Holocaust Survivors
By Debbie Schlussel
Sometimes, select American Jews with too much money and too little brains do a lot of harm with their money. An example of this is Shari Arison, daughter of the late billionaire Miami Heat owner and Israeli-American cruise line magnate, Ted Arison.
“Hard times” for her is putting her $100 million yacht up for sale.
Yesterday, Arison funded the performance of a group of Palestinian Muslim youth violinists from Jenin for Holocaust survivors in Holon, a Tel Aviv suburb. And she misused and abused elderly Holocaust survivors, ambushing them, to do it. But, hey, this kind of outrage is okay because she has to feel good about herself and stage a Palestinian-Holocaust moral equivalency concert.

While Israel’s economy continues to suffer and Palestinians continue to terrorize Israel, it’s really a travesty that she chose to host this event portrayed in the media as a moral equivalency event. And idiotic Israeli playwright, Dan Almagor, and the Mormon University in Jerusalem–both of whom apparently found it too loathesome to donate violins to the poor Israeli kids of Sderot–donated violins to the Jenin kids. They actually believe the baloney that giving Palestinians violins will make them hate Jews less. Tell it to the Jewish billionaire who gave ’em the Gaza greenhouse.
The event–a misplaced liberal Jewish guilt minstrel show–was for Israel’s national Day of Good Deeds. Apparently, Ms. Arison doesn’t know the difference between a good deed and a sin. A good deed and sheer stupidity. I guarantee you, HAMAS and Fatah won’t be inviting Israelis to play violin for them in some stupid minstrel show to make them feel good. They know they are at war against the Jews and Israel. Maybe one day–far too late–people like Shari Arison will figure that out, too.
In case you don’t get it, the moral equivalency presented was the Holocaust and the Israeli “treatment” of Palestinians. Here’s the Associated Press report:
Most of the Holocaust survivors did not know the youths were Palestinians from the West Bank, a rare sight in Israel these days. And the youths had no idea they were performing for people who lived through Nazi genocide – or even what the Holocaust was.
“I feel sympathy for them,” Ali Zeid, an 18-year-old keyboard player who said he was shocked by what he learned about the Holocaust, in which the Nazis killed 6 million Jews in their campaign to wipe out European Jewry.
“Only people who have been through suffering understand each other,” said Zeid, who said his grandparents were Palestinian refugees forced to flee the northern city of Haifa during the war that followed Israel’s creation in 1948.
Hmmm . . . Jews being rounded up into ovens because they have even a few drops of Jewish blood is the same “suffering” as Muslims going to war against Israel, Israel telling them they could stay, and the Muslims choosing to leave anyway, and then their grandchildren getting violins and money from dumb Israelis and Jewish Americans?
Only an idiot–like Shari Arison–would not predict that hosting Palestinians to play violin for Holocaust survivors would invite this usual, ridiculous, hackneyed Holocaust-Palestinian comparison. Hey, I have an idea: Arison and pro-Palestinian/Al-Qaeda Vanessa Redgrave can get together and do a remake of Redgrave’s star-vehicle “Playing for Time,” starring the Palestinians as the concentration camp inmates with the Israelis as the Nazis. I mean, that’s essentially what’s going on with this.

And then there’s the fact that HAMAS denies that the Holocaust ever even happened, that it is as openly anti-Semitic as Hitler, actually more. The same goes, sub-rosa for Fatah, which controls Jenin. That’s the reason these Palestinian kids don’t know about the Holocaust. To pretend that doesn’t happen and go ahead and host this event is disgusting. That’s actually the major reason why this staged use and abuse of Holocaust survivors as a duped audience for these Palestinian kids is such a travesty and an outrage. Had they been told before, I doubt they’d want to participate. But instead, these aging survivors–mostly in their eighties and nineties and not likely of full mind and spirit–were used and put on the spot by Shari Arison and her friends. They are the forced performers in this minstrel show, not the Palestinian kids.
It’s just sickening.
One of these so-called survivors, is a little young to be one, and it figures that she’s the one who tells us she’s taken “their land.”
“Inshallah,” said Sarah Glickman, 68, using the Arabic term for “God willing.” . . .
“They think we are strangers, because we came from abroad,” Glickman said. “I agree: It’s their land, also. But there was no other option for us after the Holocaust.”
Um, looks like early Alzheimer’s has set in for Ms. Glickman. And FYI, the Holocaust ended with the end of World War II in 1945. That means she was four when the Holocaust ended about 64 years ago. I doubt a four-year-old would have lived and survived in the camps.
And here’s a reality check for her: Jews have lived in Israel, including Jerusalem for 2000 years. They didn’t just arrive after the Holocaust, like she did. I guess she never heard of King David or King Solomon, etc.
And then there’s the reporting on Jenin, the home of these Muslim Palestinian kids. In case you forgot, Jenin was home to Palestinian homicide bomb building and the “site” of alleged massacre that never happened–even the United Nations investigation determined that the Palestinians lied when they claimed that Israelis killed 500 Palestinian civilians in Jenin; in fact, 25 people died, many of them at the hands of Palestinians and some of natural causes, including heart attacks.
But none of this is noted in press reports, instead the New York HAMAS/Fatah Times reports that
The Jenin camp strikes a particular note of discord.
The capital of suicide bombers to the Israelis and a symbol of resistance to the Palestinians, it was the scene of a bloody battle between advancing Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen in 2002. Four years later, a young Israeli man from Holon was killed in one of the last suicide attacks in Israel, when a Palestinian from Jenin blew himself up in a restaurant in Tel Aviv.
Oh, I get it. The Israelis committed “a bloody battle” (that never happened, and that they never committed, even according to the anti-Israel U.N.) on the Palestinians, and therefore, four years later, an innocent Israeli from Holon deserved to be blown up by the Palestinians. Thanks, New York HAMAS/Fatah Times for explaining it.
Yup, this is what happens when empty-headed heiresses of billionaires, like Shari Arison, can’t spend their money fast enough.
**** UPDATE, 03/27/09: My friend, Harry Onickel, wrote this letter to the editor to the Detroit Free Press, which ran this propaganda story.
Are the Associated Press and the Free Press trying to insult Jews? Palestinians in the West Bank have been suffering on the dole for the past 60 years, ever since the surrounding Arab/Muslim nations failed in their attempt to drive the nascent Jewish state into the sea. They’ve suffered from a lack of humanity from their leaders and surrounding Muslim nations, who have kept them miserable and angry, raising the past three generations to value the murdering of Jews over their own lives. Remember the numerous Palestinian suicide bombings before Israel separated itself from the West Bank? That’s why these youngsters have only met Israeli soldiers.
They suffer from a lack of education and opportunity. Rather than learning useful skills, Palestinian students are taught that there was no Holocaust, which his why the fact of the Holocaust came as such a surprise to these youths.
To equate that with the suffering of Jews, who were tortured and murdered in the sickest ways imaginable on an industrial scale, some of whom are the only members of their family to survive the Holocaust, is obscene. To give any kind of moral equivalence between the Jews of Israel, and Palestinians, the latest in a line of tormentors of Jews, stretching back thousands of years, is hateful.
I hope none of these young musicians suffers blisters from playing their instruments. The Free Press might run an AP article claiming that their suffering is now greater than the Holocaust.
Harry Onickel
Right on, Harry.
An excellent expose of what should be unbelievable, but unfortunately, has become common place. The old expression that “common sense is an uncommon commodity” is clearly illustrated here. It is absoluting stunning the stupidity of some left wing Jews. Let’s hope at some point common sense prevails.
rcl032 on March 26, 2009 at 1:46 pm