March 11, 2009, - 12:44 pm

EXCLUSIVE–Fleecing of America: Costly ICE Switch to Sig Sauer Guns Tied to Sexual Relationship

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, I mentioned that Department of Homeland Security-approved security technology will often have a lot to do with who is sleeping with whom.
And I wasn’t making that up.
Over the last several years, I’ve gotten many verified complaints from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and personnel, about various contracts that ICE signs for costly, less effective equipment and other items, merely because the purchaser or deciding party at ICE was “dating” (euphemism) the salesman at the company. There are a lot of items on which ICE has spent your tax dollars–from computer programs to the company that moved ICE to its current headquarters to the guns–all of which ICE has chosen either because of nepotism or sex and not because they were the best or least expensive items sought.



ICE Switch from Glock to Sig Sauer Dangerous, Tied to Sex

Some of this involves ICE official, Theresa Bertucci–whose whole family now seems to work for ICE (and who improperly used ICE police to guard the important American site of . . . her brother’s funeral). Bertucci made sweetheart deals with a company called Bearing Point.
But, now, ICE agents tell me that they are being forced to switch to a cumbersome Sig Sauer gun (from smaller Glocks) because the ICE employee who made the decision was sleeping with the Sig Sauer salesman. And it could endanger ICE agents, not to mention make it easier for illegal aliens to “make” them. Here’s what ICE agents are telling me about why they must now transition to the Sig Sauer as their primary sidearm:

We are currently transitioning from our Legacy (INS or U.S. Customs Service) weapons to the Sig Sauer P229R and this must be completed by end of this month.
We can’t understand why this is happening, except that we’ve been hearing that the Sig Sauer contract was obtained fraudulently as a former female ICE employee was sleeping with the guy from Sig Sauer, and that allegedly that ICE person was indicted for fraud.
The Sig Sauer is a much bigger in size weapon, ironic that we wear plain clothes during work. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents use the Glock–the one I carry. I was a U.S. Customs Agent, and this was our weapon, which ICE said was no good. It’s funny that even CBP carries the smaller weapon and they are uniformed. Since we are not, a bigger weapon–the Sig Sauer–will stick out, and illegal aliens and other criminals will spot us and our guns.
ICE has given us just one day to learn this new weapon and qualify at the range. One eight hour day. Yet, in the U.S. Customs Service Academy (before ICE), they gave us about five months to learn how to use our current weapon. This is unbelievable. There are many ICE agents failing and having their guns pulled. Why ICE is only giving us one day to learn is beyond me. Talk about liability. Wait until the criminal defense attorneys and trial lawyers start using this in court.
Another ICE disaster.

Yes, that’s ICE, where nepotism, cronyism, and sex dominate–not protecting us against illegal aliens and terrorist arms smuggling.
It’s sad that this is happening, but even sadder is that nepotism and sleeping around is unfortunately the reason why a lot of things happen at Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
As I’ve noted on this site, the acting head of the agency, John P. Torres, ignored federal hiring rules and ICE and Homeland Security procedures and set up rubber-stamping committees so he could hire his unqualified extramarital girlfriend to get a top ICE Special Agent job.
He set the atmosphere for this kind of abuse at ICE, and got promoted for doing so. And until he and Ms. Bertucci–they are the top two people at ICE until the new ICE secretary is confirmed–are disciplined for this behavior, American taxpayers will continue to be abused by these two proud high school grads (well, actually, Bertucci got her GED) running the Department of Homeland Security’s largest law enforcement agency.
At ICE, it’s not what you know. It’s with whom you’re exchanging bodily fluids. (Attention, Terrorists . . . .)

26 Responses

Another great report, Debbie. I keep thinking it can’t get any worse, but stupid me, it’s getting worse by the minute.

arius on March 11, 2009 at 1:25 pm

The enemy within, the enemy is also us.

akak on March 11, 2009 at 2:03 pm

I carried the Sig 229 for several years and found it to be a better gun for me than the Glock.

longshanks on March 11, 2009 at 2:20 pm

There is a thing called the whistle blower were you are protected to turn in abuse of power without retribution. So why don’t they report it?
Also why the comment about high school grad not college. I know quite a few people including me who only graduated from high school who can run circles around college grads. Most college grads that I have hired think they got something owe to them and don’t want to learn the business from bottom up. And have no desire to learn why and how you do things. And I can tell you I deal with lots of college grads that work for the government who can’t find there shadow is a cloud less sunny day. I agree with you on most things but not that little diddy!

ohboyohboy on March 11, 2009 at 3:14 pm

I think its sad that ICE agents are having such a hard time transitioning to the SIG. It says something about their skill sets. Also, sad to consider that ICE agents needed 5 months to properly handle their original service weapon and then cry that they only got a single 8 hour day to learn the new service weaopon. It is Very sad if ICE agents are Failing their proficiency tests with a SIG. Maybe they shouldn’t be playing with guns if they can’t be proficient at handling different models.

PrincessKaren on March 11, 2009 at 3:38 pm

Ms Schlussel, I love your fine-tooth-comb coverage of ICE abuses, but — as someone who has fired both weapons in question — I would take the Sig Sauer over the Glock any day, given the choice! One day of training should be plenty, unless these guys never go to the range, as any peace officer should. I have personally outshot peace officers at the range more than once, and I know too many of them either cannot or will not find time to practice at the range.
P.S. I am not now nor have I ever been romantically involved with anyone associated with Sig Sauer!

gunjam on March 11, 2009 at 6:44 pm

I personally preferred the Glock to the SIG, but the SIG is a very reliable weapon, and not that hard to shoot. And if any agents are having problems qualifying with it then perhaps they should consider another career. ICE actually started transitioning to the SIG about 3 years ago, and I have yet to come across an agent who has not been able to transition over. I will say the point about concealability is accurate as the SIG seems to be significantly larger that the Glock. What DS failed to mention is that agents have the option of carrying a smaller backup if there is one to be issued at their office, or they can purchase their own. This just doesn’t seem like the big issue it is being made out to be. Give this new administration a few years, then I get the feeling we will have some “real” issues to complain about.

lsellers on March 11, 2009 at 7:59 pm

The swap to the P229DAK was a horrible idea, the agency loses many of the new female agents because it IS a larger weapon. Yes, it’s fine for agents with large ‘mits’ which I don’t have. The agency should have stayed with the Glock and have the option to buy it – I would have kept mine in a second. There was no need to have yet another procurement competition for another firearm.
The agency, if it desired to go to a larger caliber should have gone to the Glock G23 – identical in external dimensions and would have saved the US taxpayers’ many thousands of dollars on the purchase of new holsters. The agency now needs to buy more DeSantis garbage – I wonder who got that contract?
Typical ICE though, when is it good news?

Cracked_ICE on March 11, 2009 at 8:03 pm

I am an ICE agent from the Northern VA area. Every ICE agent I know who has had the misfortune of having to transitioned to the P229 dislike the weapon. Lets compare the two:
Glock 19 Weight Loaded 29.98 oz
P229R Weight Empty 34 oz
Glock Trigger Pull 5.5 lbs
P229R Double Action 6.5
Glock 19 Mag Capacity 15
P229R Mag Capacity 12
Then you add that the P229R is a larger framed weapon we have a heavier weapon empty than a Glock 19 is fully loaded, its a larger weapon that carries fewer bullets and is double action. It would appear that we are taking a step backward.
I’ve fired several different models of Sig and they are fine weapons, except the P229 is not one of them.
With approximately 32 yrs of law enforcement experiance having served as a Police officer, Patrol Deputy, Military Police Officer and Federal Agent and field experiance in two war zones I have never seen, participated in or conducted any type of weapons transition training in only eight hours. Lets not be fooled ICE transition training to this new weapon at least those of us who have to fire at the FPS range is not eight hours of instruction and FAM firing. It entails heres your weapon, heres your bullets now get on the range and qualify. Maybe two hours total time to learn about and qualify with a weapon that you might have to use to save your or someone elses life.
In a time when we as an agency are about to redeploy large number of agents to the SW Border to combat the growing violence and drug trafficing there we should be armed with the best weapons availble. Any agent who has served since the late 1980’s will tell you this is coming and in some SAC offices they have already begun to give up bodies.

ASTIGuy on March 11, 2009 at 9:05 pm

Wowzers, those Sig Sauers cost a lot more than a Glock!

mplumb on March 12, 2009 at 12:35 am

It’s not like they’ll ever dare to shoot an illegal alien and risk going to jail. Bush made sure of that.

Tempus Fugit on March 12, 2009 at 2:42 am

DH what you fail to mention is that the switching of the gun is due to the Sig is a .40 caliber, compared to the Glock (currently used) is a 9mm. The .40 caliber is superior to the 9 mm when it comes to stopping power. Which is needed for anyone in law enforcement. Sig and even H&K make excellent weapons which is just as good as a Glock. And a Glock doesnt have any sort of safety mechanism on them. Though ICE could’ve gotten a better sig model than what they’re transitioning to.
What ICE should do is provide a list of Approved Weapons and then let the agent decide which weapons is best for them to use. There are several excellent made weapons in the Glock price range. The key to having a well made hand gun…is how well it fits in your hand. Hence, giving the agent a weapon allowance and a list to choose which weapon will suit them best. Of course have some guidelines like the caliber of bullet, length of barrel and so forth. Many uniformed law enforcement people have a 5″ barrel. Whereas, people in plain cloths opt to use a 4″ barrel for better concealment. Some federal agencies do as I mentioned above…i.e. a list of approved weapons to choose from. If the gun on a particular list cost more than the alotted amount then the officer/agent pays the difference. I think that is the best avenue to go with. And many people would agree with me that a Glock has a thicker grip/handle, since the magazine stacks the bullets side by side. And other manufactures stack the bullets in a zig-zag fashion. Also, the weigh issue is something I agree with, when someone else mentioned it in their comment. Some people who don’t know guns well, might say what’s a couple ounces. But, when you’re carrying a weapon and with extra magazines for 10 hours or more, day after day. Every ounces counts. But, the Sig is definitely a fine crafted hand gun of good quality. That cannot be disputed. And today, all cops need more stopping power. Some police agencies allow their cops to choose between a 9mm. .40 caliber or a .45 caliber. The larger the caliber, you will lose having more bullets. I have seen many good guns which are a .40 caliber that hold 15 capacity in the magazine. A really good weapon which is American made is the Springfield Armor XD model. Which each caliber comes in many sizes. The Springfield XD is just as good as a Glock or Sig. And if the agency went with a Springfield at least it would be giving its money to a American company. Instead of Austrian or German made weapon. Just my opinion. My agency allows us to pick from a list of approved guns. I happen to carry the Springfield XD, .40 caliber which I just got because now it hold 15 rounds in the magazine, opposed to the older version of 12 rounds.
And any veteran law enforement officer shouldnt need a week to learn how to handle their new weapon. Eight hours (one full day) is plenty of time to qualify. If they can’t then they shouldn’t be carrying a weapon in the first place. Again like another commenter mentioned.

Tenn Scholar on March 12, 2009 at 9:15 am

I tend to agree with most of what Tenn Scholar said in his post. I have been shooting handguns for 25 years or more, Glocks are very popular because they are cheap and all you have to do is pull the trigger. No safety “to remember to click off” under stressful situations. In my experience the Glocks are poor in the accuracy department.
The Sig is a much more accurate handgun all else being equal. I also believe that Sigs are all made in the US now. I also find the grip angle on the Sig to be better. None of this excuses the method in which they were chosen if the story is true.

mdreb on March 12, 2009 at 10:05 am

Judging from the number of comments to this post, it appears you’ve hit a nerve with ICE personnel. Good for you. As usual, it’s not all true, but like any fiction, there is a nugget of truth, surrounded by a big bowl of BS, and it’s up to your reader to discern which is which.
I don’t have any fresh information as to why we have switched to the Sig Sauer but can’t and won’t accept your “sex with a salesman” premise, without more information. Does make the topic more fun though, doesn’t it?
I know the Sig is a great weapon, and the .40 S&W caliber is an improvement over the puny .9mm which is often referred to as “your girlfriend’s caliber”, but still not as effective as my favorite, the venerable .45 ACP. I also know the Sig is a more expensive weapon than the Glock. Maybe ICE should be commended for spending a little more money on a more substantial weapon for its agents? Nah, wouldn’t want to do that.
Yes it’s a heavier weapon, but no big deal, if you get a good quality leather holster, and a good quality leather belt to anchor it all. Because of this weight, it doesn’t ride very well in a Fobus (molded plastic holster for those of you who don’t know this product), in my opinion. Contrary to what one of your posters said, DeSantis makes quality holsters, though I don’t like the particular model that ICE purchased for this particular weapon.
The DeSantis Speed Scabbard is my choice, and I use it for my Glock(s), Kimber(s), as well as the issued Sig. Keeps gun tight to your body, no stupid thumb snap in the way of an effective/efficient draw, and very concealable. I’m aware that some people are too cheap to purchase their own leather, and would rather simply bitch about the issued gear. That’s a personal problem. I wish I had all the money I’ve spent over the last 35 years on leather, but I spent it without a second thought, as my safety and the safety of my loved ones and team mates is more important to me than money.
The “Transition” is no problem. Really. The Sig model ICE adopted is not a whole lot different then the Glock in function (no external safeties, etc). Most of the transition training is demonstrating the field stripping procedures for cleaning the Sig, which is a little different than the Glock, but not difficult at all.
I transitioned from the Glock to the Sig some time ago, and only dropped 2 points off perfect, the very first time I fired the weapon. It shoots every bit as well as the Glock and I own two Glocks, one in .40 S&W and one in .45 ACP, and carried an issued Glock for years, so I think I’m qualified to speak to this issue.
Your source stated “ICE has given us just one day to learn this new weapon and qualify at the range. One eight hour day. Yet, in the U.S. Customs Service Academy (before ICE), they gave us about five months to learn how to use our current weapon”.
This statement while true, doesn’t tell the whole truth. The basic academy has firearms training integrated into it, and those firearms instructors assigned to the FLETC are taking people with various skill sets and experience levels, and training them to proficiency with the issued sidearm.
It is important to note that some of our new agent personnel have never fired a weapon of any kind when they attend the academy, and these firearms instructors do a tremendous job of training agents to the level of proficiency they do, in about 8 weeks. I’d say this job is nothing short of outstanding.
“There are many agents failing and having their guns pulled”. I don’t believe this statement at all. In fact, I don’t know of any instance where this has happened, though I’m sure there has been the occasional failure to qualify, but that’s the case regardless of the weapon platform utilized. Most offices have firearms instructors that will work with the shooter to help develop their skills, and maybe just as important, their confidence with the weapon.
And lastly, ICE isn’t taking the smaller weapons away (Glock Model 26, Chief Specials, etc) that are more concealable, and for some people, better suited for daily carry. Those weapons are still available, and Special Agents are also authorized to purchase their own (authorized weapons) for their use, if they desire to do this.
You can find fault with any policy and procedure if you look hard enough. I’d suggest the current firearms policy is sound, and achieves its stated purpose.
Ya’ll work safe,

ICETOO on March 12, 2009 at 10:25 am

“I don’t have any fresh information as to why we have switched to the Sig Sauer”- EVS
By “we” I guess you mean the Kyle Barnette that is cashing a retirement check from ICE/OI and the Kyle Barnette that is cashing a check from the Tactical Intelligence Center? Just another double dipping, do nothing fat ass fed surfing the net on government time!
BTW do you really need a gun to shoot at the cockroaches running around your Bay Saint Louis digs? I know you need that G-ride so you can drive back and forth from Biloxi. You are the poster boy for ICE waste, fraud and mismanagement!

bonzerwolf on March 12, 2009 at 12:17 pm

I understand the situation that LED to the sig being adopted. That’s not acceptable, but the sig is a GREAT gun. I’ve shot a lot of guns including the Glock 22 and I own a P229. In my opinion the sig is head and shoulders above the Glock. It is simply a superior weapon as are sigs in general. I personally own 3 Glocks but LOVE my Sig P229. I’ve had a state owned Glock pin come almost all the way out WHILE shooting. The pin in front of the trigger guard came out about 1/4 inch! When the gun heats up the pin can come right out! No such piece exists on the Sig. The recoil of the Sig is about 30% less as well because of its design.
Finally if a shooter can’t shoot one weapon as well as another they aren’t very proficient in the first place and fellow officers I work need to practice more. They are by and large quite lazy if they don’t period.
Most of the college grads I work with are gutless turds that have NO decision making abilities. Most. The sense of entitlement is thick on them, like a 3rd generation welfare
They’ll inform you of their degree within about 5 minutes of the handshake. For some reason they tend to hide under a table when the fur starts flying. Most. Especially the bigger college types.

samurai on March 12, 2009 at 12:25 pm

Ah, itís ICEís very favorite ëtoolí {EVS) who cannot leave his desk, even in his retirement, to remind everyone aboard the ICE experiment, akin to Officer Barbrady, that thereís nothing to see here folks move along, move alongÖAll is well in the Potemkin Village called ICE. That all the problems and absolute abhorrent behavior by upper management is something the rank and file should ignore. We should take up a collection for a new set of pom poms for our venerable fool. At least we can be that thankful that now itís on his own time now and not the US taxpayersí posting on Schlussel. This website is the only outlet where the actual problems this agency has can be fielded. An individual whom considers himself a legend in his own mind, one of the most pompous and arrogant asses ever to come out of the US Customs Service. An individual whom I had the displeasure to meet, simply thinking about EVS or the Ever Vigilant Lapdog brings up a little bit of bile in the back of my throat. Whenever his name is mentioned, Kyle Barnett, the words like tool and arrogant ass come to mind and are echoed by most of his own peers. I think of the sticky scatological stuff that I occasionally step in the yard as a gift by the neighborís dog ñ it reminds me of ëlapdogí quite honestly. One of the greatest tools that ever existed.
So we move on to the present issue of a new firearm, the SIG P229DAK. A phenomenally well-built firearm. It is fine for many and not fine for others, Iím with the Glock side and gave it up, regretfully. Opinions on either firearm are like anything else – everyone has their own. The new Sig was a solution for a non-existent problem. What brings us to this point in time is that it was an unnecessary expense to the US taxpayer. The kicker is that it was brought to a front because of some of the ëmoreí inappropriate associations and abuse of their power by upper management that is endemic to this agency. Iím sure that Kyle Barnett, would agree with the absolutely dismal choice of Janet Napolitano (ìmove alongÖmove along, nothing to seeî). An individual who did nothing to stem the illegal problems in Arizona and now heads our Immigration agency ñ what a joke! Letís also ignore her recent chastising of our agents doing their job in Washington. My hatís off to Leigh Wenchell ñ an individual whom I had the great pleasure to meet AND with a backbone.
Having the agency swap to another firearm was a bad idea. There was nothing wrong with the Glock that it entailed the agency to procure another firearm. Why enter into another purchase and buy new holsters, a larger and more expensive firearm – we are not uniformed officers. If a larger caliber was desired the G23 is identical in external dimensions to that of the G19 – where the agency would not need to buy more holsters. The agency has had nothing but issue after issue with the P229.The agency at present, suffers increased failures to qualify at the ICE Academy, increased costs of yet another crappy DeSantis holster ñ that had to be re-lined with another layer of leather to sustain the heavier P229 with rail. Again another example of this outfit throwing away the US taxpayersí money at every turn.
Iím not going to enter into whether one platform is better or not. Let us buy what ëweí as agents feel confident in. Most of my peers and contemporaries would even buy their own firearm to carry what they feel the most confidence in when, Lord forbid we ever need to use it either in our defense or that of an innocent bystander. I have personally carried both in the line of duty. I am a factory-certified armorer for both, as well as a firearmsí instructor, I feel that they are both fine weapons in their own right. I will say that the SIG is a poor weapon choice for novice shooters, shooters with smaller hands or plain clothes wear.
Generally, shooters with the larger ëmitsí that shoot well, will shoot anything well. I however, do not possess ëmanos grandesí. I know for a fact that the majority of female shooters in our agency have problems with the sheer size of the P229. Someone wrongly asserted that The P229DAK, has lesser recoil because of its design ñ no, the P229 has a lesser recoil because of its sheer weight. The stainless steel receiver (slide) is a solid piece of stainless steel, not an extrusion (stamped) as that of the old P228 (or ANY of the ëPí series semi autos). There is nothing innovative about the P series, SIGS save for that billet slide which by its sheer weight will reduce felt recoil.
I donít want to swap to another firearm, when I am extremely confident in the firearm I have used for over 15 years. I have invested in the best, obtaining Alessi and Rosen holsters because the equipment that generally all agencies issue is crap. Plus, itís the equipment that my very life depends on, I donít use low bid, subpar equipment. Many agents take the view that because itís free (paid by the US taxpayer) that it must be fine ñ first of all it is not, itís the cheapest the government could obtain (think of our new and looming Obama healthcare). Free ainít necessarily great either ñ think HIV. Who could argue with the extremely practical and tactical ability to use the SAME higher capacity magazine in my back-up weapon (Glock G26). The SIG does not possess that ability with the P239 ñ how can we gloss over that? Also, who is going to argue that a firearm with thirty-four parts is less reliable than one with almost three times as many? Let me go count the parts tonight on my ënewí P229 and Iíll get back to you by morning. I can shoot expert with either the SIG or Glock and I am not shooting in an IPSC match, most police confrontations entail merely several feet between an assailant and the officer.
Also, letís accept that that team Obama-Geithner is printing money like store-brand single ply. But hey how about throwing money at our absolutely archaic database called TECS??? The most user-unfriendly system that is nearly fifty years old ñ it is sheer crap! The computer database and case management system is a nightmare. How about prioritizing our finances and spend it where it would be most beneficial for this agency. Modernizing databases that could make the agentsí lives easier especially when doing those PITA S/A/S aka CF-151? Bertucci get another relative to go sleep with someone at Microsoft or Cisco we need to modernize that database more than we need another firearm.
EVS ñ check your snitches, HQ has been ordered to obtain their P229 DAKS. For those who donít know, the G26 and S&W j-frames are NOT primary weapons. Yep, no transition time either.
How about actually taking care of the real problems that need to be addressed and actually removing the vestiges of the old guard like Bertucci, who repeatedly embarrass us? Streamlining the bureaucracy which grows by the day and impedes the mission by its sheer largesse should be priority number one. We as an agency donít need these embarrassing distractions.
On one final note, ëboyohboyí, it is obvious to me that you have never participated in a whistle blower action of ANY kind. The process is slanted AGAINST the employee, regardless of that worthless VU training you get every other day that tells us otherwise. I agree that our job and having a college degree, whether it be a Masters or Doctorate may or may not directly aid our job as agents. Whereís some Spanish training ñ by the way? Once you attain either of those (credentials) and ascend up through the agency; YOU will not be the laughing stock of the press, nor the butt of these posts because you DONíT have a degree. Why should you have a degree to rise to these positions is because it gives us (the agency) credibility. I absolutely hated college and I crammed four years of college into seven, but I knew it would make me rise above the others, that had none, and that I would be competing in obtaining this ënot so specialí agent job nowadays. So whether you feel that many agents with degrees bring nothing to the table, itís just a sheer fact that having the degree is better than not having one.
The actions of Julie Myers, Bertucci, and Torres et al. embarrass us ALL and I hope if Obama does anything (and I did NOT vote for him) that the new administration will clean this house!

Cracked_ICE on March 14, 2009 at 10:20 am

I carry the Sig229 and the Sig239. Both ICE weapons and both superior to the Glock in terms of stopping power. As a current ICE FI, I can honestly say the same whiners who are complaining about the Sig have only themselves to blame if they are having a hard time at the range. The 9mm is a very forgiving round, and most of the problems I see are people who thought that that they could transfer over their horrible tactics and skills from a 9mm over to a .40SW. I say spend more time at the range and stop bitchin’ about the gun…Care enough about your life discipline to be a master of the tools you rely on.
And Cracked Ice, you sound like a bitter legacy Customs SA who has been forced into doing work he “didn’t sign up for”. I suggest you let it go, go read “Who moved my Cheese” or something.

CapitalistPig on March 14, 2009 at 6:17 pm

Did you not read what Cracked_Ice was saying? Sounds like he’s done his homework. I for one am o.k with the Glock or Sig, but like Cracked_Ice so eloquently said; was it necessary? Yet another waste of the taxpayer dollar for some ICE HQ “mucketymuck” to validate his or her HQ position. When something ain’t broke, why fix it? Having been both green and blue, (that’s an analogy for INS and Customs where I served in that order) I can say Customs was not a broken agency like INS…so yes, I’m doing work that I left behind that I no longer wanted any part of and didn’t “sign up to do!” But I will go on to say that as Customs was infinitely better than INS-INS (as horrible as it was) was infinitely better than this ship of fools called ICE! People like EVS are part of the problem. People in management positions (mostly Legacy Customs) who deny current problems, ignore low morale and say things like, “I suggest you let it go, go read “Who moved my Cheese” or something” are the ones who need to take a step back and examine what is wrong. Much like Cracked_Ice did in his last post.
I remain a proud “89er”

notanEVSfan on March 14, 2009 at 7:20 pm

‘Capitalist Pig’ – please re-read my post and opine intelligently.

Cracked_ICE on March 15, 2009 at 9:02 pm

Although this is off the topic of this story, I must concur with “notanEVSfan”. ICE’s problems have existed for several years now and they are perpetuated by people like EVS who fail to recognize, acknowledge or address their existence. I think everyone also must concur that from it’s beginning, ICE’s upper management was made up from Customs personnel. I like to compare the situation to skilled Indy 500 drivers trying to ride a dirt bike.
The enforcement of legacy INS laws is political hot potatoe. The enforcement of legacy Customs laws was pretty cut and dry. In all fairness, I have nothing but the utmost respect for the legacy field agents from BOTH agencies, but I am amazed at some of the actions of upper management.
I don’t know the merits of the story above, but I can tell you that some of the stories that have appeared on this website deserve some sort of attention and maybe a SERIOUS investigation.
As for people like EVS, the ever persistent optimistic attitude without positive changes is certainly NOT the answer. What we need is signficant CHANGE…. and if that change is breaking up ICE to the former agencies, then SO BE IT!!!!
In my opinion, rehired annuitants are nothing more than ‘double dippers’ who are using the system to do the same job at almost twice the money. That practice prevents others from putting in for certain supervisory positions and is NOT cost effective. The practice is a disgrace.
ICE’s previous Assistant Secretarys were individuals who really accomplished NOTHING during their tenure, except for periodically humiliating ICE (ie the Halloween costume debacle).
As for legacy agents performing their cross agencies functions, I still feel that I have NOT been adequately trained to perform cross agency funtions.
ICE continues to be more reactive than proactive. When we are proactive, situations like the one in Seattle are the result.
CBP is moving further and further away from a productive relationship with ICE and other agencies only call ICE when they need a ‘detainer’.
Failure to recognize, acknowledge and address ICE’s problems will only lead to the continuing downfall of ICE. Just look at how many agents have already ‘jumped’.

ICEDover on March 15, 2009 at 9:47 pm

Thats the problem with ICE. Dept. of Homeland Security was created of all the agencies that had bad press and publicity, with the exception of U.S. Coast Guard.

CBP, ICE were once Dept. of Justice, Legacy I.N.S. On the Detention and Deportation side, the Beretta 92d was the side arm. Approx. 4-5 years ago, estimate, officers had the option of carrying the Sig, if they were availabe, but they were in short supply. For officers who wanted to purchase their own, they could do so. And also they were given the option of carrying an H&K. There was even a discounted price offer to officers wanting to get the H&K. This is for Uniformed officers. The agents qualified with the uniformed officers in legacy INS. If you know what to look for you can spot most civilian clothes govt. LEOs. Check out the Air Marshals next time you fly.
If you have something to look into is the obscene number of ICE agents that are being hired. Less people crossing the border, but hiring more agents, and they are even getting paid more now. 8 years ago, a Detention Enforcement OFficer, now Immigration Enforcement Agent, would be lucky to get lunch at a drive thru with a van load of illegals, now there are 10-11 officers taking a 2 hour lunch break. Switching to a more reliable hand gun is the least of their problems.

bboy89 on May 26, 2010 at 1:04 am

    Detention and Deportation used .40 cal. also

    bboy89 on May 26, 2010 at 1:08 am

DAK Trigger sucks. Striker Fired Glock, M&P or even the compact SR40c would have been a better choice. Many of the agents are hanging on to the “special duty” Glock 26, because the Sig is too big and the trigger sucks.

Bonzer Wolf on May 1, 2012 at 9:16 pm

If ICE 1811’s wish a smaller weapon, they should request the Sig P239, a more compact in size gun, even smaller perhaps than the Glock.

Jim on February 23, 2017 at 2:03 am

At the time, I had been carrying an H&K USP .40 and I loved that pistol. I was very suddenly informed that everyone would be switching to the Sig immediately and we went to the range that week and got our 8hrs of qual.

I protested the change because I didn’t know why I had no option as to whether to keep a pistol I’d carried for 8 years which fired like a dream and was easy to conceal. I even made the statement to my supervisor, “Surely some private sector lobbyist is making off with millions of taxpayer dollars for this bullshit.”

There was also that time every DHS office received a $17,000+ computer to print out USPS postage stamps for our office mail. I saw the invoice. That computer’s only function was to print postage onto envelopes. It was just a cheapo desktop PC with a printer. Over $17 grand.

I asked our investigative assistant how much we could possibly be spending on postage since we used DHS and Fed Ex for most our stuff. She said, “Oh, probably about $200 max a year for the whole office.”

Look into that scam, would ya? That was 2007ish.

TheTruth on March 10, 2017 at 11:07 pm

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