March 9, 2009, - 5:06 pm

Three Cheers for Judge Cook: Says No To Fed Prosecutors, Gives Criminal Immigration Official Bailey Tougher Sentence

By Debbie Schlussel
Shame on me.
Earlier today, I assumed Federal Judge Julian Abele Cook, Jr. would give in to the federal prosecutors’ absurd request to give corrupt former top federal immigration official Roy Bailey only two years behind bars, despite taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from illegal aliens and their sponsors–many of them tied to Hezbollah–to allow the aliens to remain in the U.S., and in many cases updating their status to full American citizenship.
But I was wrong. Cook sentenced Bailey to the full 37 months behind bars that came with the crime to which he pleaded guilty (and he gave him a $30,000 fine). If it were me, I would have thrown out the plea agreement in the first place, since Bailey should have done decades, not months, behind bars. But this is better than what I expected here.


Federal Judge Julian Abele Cook, Jr. Gives Roy Bailey 37 Months

And I commend Judge Cook. In doing so, he rejected the limp, wimpy feds and their soft-on-open-borders-crime attitude.

Prosecutors sought a lesser sentence because Bailey has cooperated in another investigation. But the judge said a heavier punishment was needed to help restore the integrity of the U.S. immigration system.

Cheers to Judge Cook for doing and saying the right things in this sentence. Jeers to the feds for doing the exact opposite.
And good luck in “restor[ing] the integrity of the U.S. immigration system.”
We’re far, far away from that. But this is a tiny start.
Glad I was wrong. But don’t forget, this man will still only do 37 months behind bars for selling out America’s national security many times over.

2 Responses

Just a little splash of justice.

californiascreaming on March 9, 2009 at 7:07 pm

Treson. This is a death penalty crime for a government employee in a time of terror. Well at least in the real America that I was born in.

poetcomic1 on March 10, 2009 at 12:57 pm

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