April 20, 2012, - 3:48 pm
No Sympathy for Bar Refaeli, Israeli Draft Dodger
Many have been buzzing about Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli’s claimed “molestation” by security inspectors at an airport, presumably one in the United States. We’ve all been molested by the TSA at airports, and I’ve had a similar experience to the one she described, which was degrading and disgusting. But I can’t feel bad for her. Not even a bit. That’s because Ms. Refaeli is a draft-dodger, and she shouldn’t be traveling around with the jet-set class. She should be behind bars for dereliction of duty.

As I’ve noted on this site, Refaeli engaged in a brief sham marriage to a friend in order to skip her service in the Israeli Army–a mandatory two-year service required of every Jewish Israeli citizen. And not only did she dodge the draft, she bragged about it, saying she didn’t have to do the things the little people do because, hey, she’s a supermodel. “Celebrities have other needs,” she said. (Hey, just like draft-dodger Ted Nugent. He needed to rock and she needed to be a model, rather than serve when required by law.) But, unlike her, plenty of Israeli models–even a couple who’ve recently been in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition–have done their time in the IDF. And they’ve been proud to do so. Ms. Refaeli is a different story because she apparently doesn’t like Israel or the IDF all that much.
The problem is that Israel selectively enforces its draft, giving confirmation to her selfish statement about the little people. The Israelis go after those who do not serve or otherwise volunteer, but only if you’re not a celebrity or the kid of someone important. Israeli Prime Ministers, like Ehud Olmert, have draft-dodging kids who’ve face their crime with impunity. They’ve moved to the U.S. to pursue left-wing causes and showbiz careers (none to much success). And they’ve returned to Israel without being arrested or getting so much as a paper cut for skipping their IDF duties. Refaeli has returned to the country, and nothing has happened to her, either. So, she knows she can get away with it.
Yet, if you are the average Israeli, aside from it being an offense not to serve in the IDF, it makes life very tough. Employers will not hire you if you cannot produce evidence that you served (unless you moved to Israel later in life, in which case you need not do so). The little people all serve. They find it impossible not to. And it’s required.
As opposed to leftist skanks like Bar Refaeli, the Israeli soldiers who’ve died in the greatest numbers were religious Jews who came from the much-maligned settlements. They are the ones who give their life and limb–their blood–so frauds and morally bankrupt cretins like this jet-setting supermodel can travel in and out of Israel at whim and still be free to do so as Jews.
So when I hear Ms. Refaeli whining about how she was “violated” by airport security, my mind is screaming at her to look in the mirror, since she’s committed her own set of violations which are far more disturbing. Her own set of violations against her fellow Israelis fighting Islamic terrorists every day, while she hangs out with celebrities and parties in London.
Bar Refaeli may be beautiful on the outside (and actually, there are plenty of Israeli women far better-looking than she is). But on the inside, she’s just an ugly troll as “cute” as the ghost of Yasser Arafat. Period.
Sometimes traitors wear bikinis and look good in them. But they are still traitors.
Tags: Bar Refaeli, Bar Refaeli Draft-Dodger, Bar Refaeli Israeli Draft Dodger, Bar Refaeli TSA, celebrity draft-dodgers, draft dodgers, Israel, Israeli Draft Dodgers, Israeli supermodels
Debbie, you are so right. (And, by the way, in your 20s you were also better looking than Bar, and, of course, much smarter.) It’s women like Bar who are the majority of Jewish women in LA.
Occam's Tool on April 20, 2012 at 3:55 pm