March 5, 2009, - 12:23 pm

“Watchmen” Fanatic Derangement Syndrome: Disease of the Pretentious Slacker Ignorami; “Watchmen” Was Anti-Reagan Rant; “Not Marketed to Kids” on “American Idol”

By Debbie Schlussel
I guess I shouldn’t be amazed at the number of slacker ignoramuses who are up in arms about my frank review cutting down the absolute crap they worship a/k/a “Watchmen“, coming out in theaters late tonight. The e-mails they send me and the comments they make about how “deep,” “edgy” and “profound” this vile piece of trash (which is none of these) is, reminds me of the blind statements of followers of Jim Jones. And we all know what happened after they drank he purple Kool-Aid. If only this movie could achieve that result, it would be the most fantastic exercise in natural selection ever conducted in America.
But sadly, there is no instant cure or sudden death for “Watchmen” Fanatic Derangement Syndrome. You can read some of the so infected and diseased in the comments section of my review. But I’ve received a ton of vile, obscene, and just plain stupid and obnoxious e-mails because I dared call this trash wrapped in the guise of a high brow graphic novel what it is: pure garbage.


Oh, and by the way, to all of you slacker Watchmen defenders and fanatics–who resemble the many respondents on “Jay Walking,” yet are suddenly the self-appointed intellectual lights of our world–grisly is grisly, and gratuitous, graphic violence serves no positive or useful purpose in our society, even if you read it first in a comic book. You’re a bunch of dummies with no moral compass, but liking this stupid comic book which pretends violence and the depraved is “edgy” or “sophisticated,” makes you feel smart. When you’re actually quite stupid. But now, with this movie, you’ve got pretentious stupidity. You don’t realize you’re still just as dumb, your IQ just as low and probably lower.
And, yes, you future citizens of “Idiocracy,” it’s a comic book. Quit your pretentious drivel about this being important because it’s a “graphic novel.” Memo to the creators of Richie Rich and Archie: You missed your calling. If only you’d called your product a “graphic novel” and added scenes of Archie raping Betty and Veronica and Jughead sawing off Reggie’s Arms, you’d be in businesss. Dummies.
It’s frankly hilarious to read the arrogance of the ignorami, telling me I don’t have “cultural literacy” because I don’t like a movie based on a comic book promoting rape, torture, and brutal killing. Here’s a tip to you clueless wonders: You can’t have culture literacy when there ain’t culture. Just like I’d be wrong to call this a clash of civilizations, because then we would be wrongly assuming that there is civilization on your end.
While most of the e-mails are vile and stupid–and simultaneously so pretentious and self-important–it’s obvious they’d be best saved for open poetry reading night at the local college coffeehouse. That’s the only place where your fertilizer has willing consumers (and at at the box office on Friday, where I’m sure this crap will be a huge hit for you pretentious geeky slacker losers with no life and absolutely no sense of decency or class).
You keep writing me these deranged e-mails, which include statements about how I “don’t understand the background” and that it was exactly the same in “the graphic novel.” Get a clue: That I didn’t first look at a comic book picture of a rape scene before seeing the same in a movie is a distinction without a difference. That you did, is a distinction with merit, i.e., that you’re an idiot who spends valuable time and money on idiocy and depravity. You are what you eat.
And you are no better than the lumpenproletariat lowlifes at the Coliseum who orgasmically watched and cheered when Christians were forced to fight animals. You are no different, and you are essentially chomping at the bit to go see the modern-day version, tonight. With people like you populating America and dominating pop culture offerings, I have no doubt that soon enough we will return to the days of the barbaric live human versus beast shows. You salivate at the chance to watch barbarism tonight. That’s who you are.
Why not just watch “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”? At least that was honest about what it is and didn’t march under this ridiculous banner of being highbrow when it’s really just crap.
Poor Hitler. If only he’d made Mein Kampf into a comic book instead of an actual written screed. Then, the ovens of Auschwitz and the human lampshades would be all the rage and cool of kitsch. Silly me, for not understanding that close-ups of sawing off someone’s arms and dogs chowing down on a six-year-old girl are so much high culture because they were in a comic book first. Idiocy. And, oh, it’s a disgusting comic book that TIME Magazine liked. Therefore, it must be the end all, be all. Tell it to Ariel Sharon, who knew something about the “truth” and “accuracy” of TIME. Oh, wait, I’m assuming something really big here: that you “Watchmen” ignoramuses actually know who Ariel Sharon is or what his deal was with TIME. And that would be truly clueless.
And to those imbeciles who claim–blindly–that this outrageous movie is not marketed to kids, pray tell who is the target audience of “American Idol” on which several trailers ran this week. Yup, “American Idol”–no way that’s a kids show or that kids who see it won’t want to go see this horrible movie. Only if they market it on Sesame Street are they marketing it to kids, right?
Not that if it weren’t marketed to kids, that would make this crap smell any better.
Still, I’ve gotten many e-mails like these from parents, who attest that they thought this was a superhero movie and that their kids have been bombarded with the marketing for this grotesque movie:

I cannot recall how I got pointed to your review of Watchmen, but thank you for your review! Ever since the trailers came out my son, 15 1/2 wanted to see the movie. No he has not read the novel or comics, but something about this movie made me research it more. Let’s just say I had a bad feeling. I greatly appreciate your detailed review of this movie. We are not going to see this movie and it became a great teaching point.

Uh-huh, not marketed to kids, right? His son just found out about the movie and wants to go see it . . . by accident?
While I’m not surprised to find out that many of those who’ve written their deranged, undue outrage that I deigned to tell the truth about this trash and insult their low-class cultural sensibilities (or rather non-sensibilities), voted for Barack Obama and are liberals, I am surprised that anyone would claim this is a conservative movie.
It was originally written–per the author’s own declaration–as an attack on Ronald Reagan. Reader Christopher summarizes it in this letter:

Ms Schlussel,
First THANK YOU for the article on Watchmen.
I wanted to add that you are dead right on the slant of this movie. The writer’s original intention as declared by him in a 1987 interview in The Comics Journal was for this have an anti-Reaganism theme. He feared directly attacking President Reagan because he figured it would make people not want to read.
I think this is absolutely a golden opportunity to hammer home the point that mass media influences matter. People are actively ignoring even the stated goal of the author himself for the sake of “a good time’… This is how we get the fouled up pop culture.
You have a better opportunity than I to present this side of the story to people so please consider looking into what I said here and decide if you think it’s worth while to write more about.
Again thank you,

Bottom line: If you’re a “Watchmen” fan, there’s something sick about you. You’re sick if you enjoy watching wanton rape, torture, and murder, no matter what the background for it is. I don’t care if it first appeared in a warped comic book paraded with a high-brow euphemism for comic book.
I don’t give a crap if it’s meant to show that “the world is dark” and that “superheroes have problems and are everyday people, too,” which have been among the insipid, vapid excuses I’ve received from empty-headed Watchmen fanatic who mindlessly repeat the phony talking points that make them feel smart.
Guess what? We know there are bad people and that people are everyday people with problems. If you don’t know that, and you think a movie like this is necessary to make the point, you’re even more warped and stupid than I originally diagnosed.
And maybe your sister should be fed to dogs and your mother raped and your brother should have his arms sawed off (as they do in this snuff/torture-porn movie). You know, just to make the point.
But we’ll be sure to depict it in a comic book first, just to make it “high-brow.” And get the money of the mindless “Watchmen” fandom sheeple.

152 Responses

that was another beauty of a review,put that movie with the Biggie Smalls garbage flick!But you
keep giving Kool-Aid a bad rap,it was the cheap knock off Flavor-Aid that Jones and the cult dummies drank.

Chiefscotty24 on March 5, 2009 at 1:11 pm

Debbie, American Idol is one of the most popular television programs in the country. Of course they’re going to try and run commercials during it. That doesn’t make it “marketing to kids.” It’s not a kids show. Sadly, lots and lots of adults watch American Idol. You act as though they’re running WATCHMEN commercials on Noggin.

Kensington on March 5, 2009 at 1:19 pm

I can guess if she had us told she liked it and it was a “great movie,” her life as a critic would be easier and she could just bask in the praise. G-d however, gave us a brain and the ability to make moral judgments. I understand they are not welcome in our post-modernist era. People have different ideas of reality and there is no longer a unifying Judeo-Christian “moral absolute” in our culture. I happen to feel I’m not the only one the “wrong side” of the culture in this country – Debbie is there too and guess what – we’re treated like a freak show because we don’t approve of rape, human mutilation and murder. Is this where the country is heading, that these things are OK because they happen to be depicted in a movie?
The pop culture is changing us more than we think and its not a good sign.

NormanF on March 5, 2009 at 1:54 pm

You are wishing the death of people that enjoyed a movie simply because you don’t like it? You’re allowed not to like a movie. What I don’t understand is why you feel that your opinion is so intrinsically filled with intelligence and worth that you refuse to listen to logic and reason when its presented to you. What’s wrong with America today isn’t people seeing movies that you don’t like, it’s people like you who deem their opinions 100 percent factual and right, and refuse to move for anything, which when faced with logical arguments based on your misunderstandings, is not a good position to be standing in.
In short: You are a bottom dweller of a creature who is doing her part in holding back any progress or understanding by being a closeminded, highly opinionated scumbag. You’re probably getting your jollies knowing the attention you’re receiving from upset fans (or just people that are upset that somebody as ignorant as you can exist), and that is both sick and wrong.

King Noodle on March 5, 2009 at 2:01 pm

Nice job on the review Debbie. And even better on the follow up.

sjh on March 5, 2009 at 2:08 pm

Fictional violence is the same as real violence in Debbie’s world. Because we all know that the people we see on the screen are real, are actually being tortured and raped and torn apart by dogs. Their loss actually does leave a hole in the world, it does leave grieving families and friends behind, it does emotionally scar the survivors for life.
That’s why it’s okay for Debbie to wish rape, dismemberment and murder upon the families of people who enjoy this. Because fiction is morally equivalent to reality.
That’s why we executed Stephen King and banned Shakespeare from our classrooms.

johnny_5 on March 5, 2009 at 2:12 pm

“grisly is grisly and it serves no positive or useful purpose in our society”
So . . . grisly, graphic depictions of the horrors of the Holocaust would have no place in decent society? If one were to pen a graphic novel depicting, say, life at a concentration camp with all of its horrifying details, cruelty, depravity, and death, you would condemn that work?
Or would it be acceptable because that would be “worthy” grisliness and horror?

ohwhynot on March 5, 2009 at 2:56 pm

You are absolutely insufferable. How dare you insult people who just happen to have different tastes than you. Who the hell made your opinion the be all/end all of opinions? Get off your moral high-horse and write about something you’re familiar with, which from the looks of your articles, isn’t much. I enjoyed Watchmen. I am not depraved. I am not a serial killer. I am not a violent person in any sense of the word. I have a good high-paying job (my screen name hints at what I do for a living), am well educated, and I don’t PASS JUDGMENT on people who enjoy different hobbies. I am spreading the word to all that I know that you are a pathetic hate-tank. A hack Ann Coulter wanna-be. At least Ann Coulter has some charisma and a sense of humor. You are a slimy, pathetic loser who seems to have so little self-esteem that you personally insult those with even the slightest difference of opinion. You give Conservatives a bad name, you judgmental blow-hard. And yes, I made this personal, because YOU made it personal.

doc on March 5, 2009 at 2:59 pm

Okay, so there are commercials running for this movie during primetime. Obviously some children are going to see it… it’s not like they haven’t shown trailers for movies like SAW, HOSTEL, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre or (Insert Your Favorite Genre Movie Here) during this time slot as well. They do it because that is when people watch TV (hence PRIME time) and it will obviously be seen by a larger number of the movie going public between the ages of 17-54. As it is, most primetime programming on NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC and CW is not aimed at people under 17, with the one minor exception being American Idol or other variety shows/quiz shows.
Now I’m 22, and yes, I am a fan of the book (but that’s beside my point). Only a few of my friends even know what WATCHMEN is. My little brother (he’s 14) had no idea what it was until he saw a teaser clip that I was watching on YouTube, and even then he thought I was just watching The Dark Knight again. Yes, it peaked his interest, but I told him that he was way too young for it and he said “okay” and let it be.
Now there are those parents and guardians who do the research, and those who don’t. Take your good friend Michael for example, whose response you have posted in your current rant. Michael was willing to take his 15 year old child to an R rated movie before he went and did some research. As much as I applaud him for manning up and doing the research, I still find the idea of even entertaining the idea of taking his 15 year old son to an R rated film (at least before seeing it) idiotic.
Hindsight has unfortunately become the tried and true argument and replacement for proper parenting. The same thing happened with The Dark Knight thinking, “It’s a Batman film this must be okay for my seven year old!” only to be horrified later after a few scenes which contain no blood and that most people won’t catch if they’re not paying close enough attention. The same thing happens with parents who buy games like Grand Theft Auto for their pre-teen children just because their kids whine about it, and then they find out that the game is like playing an interactive version of Scarface and complain that it’s the game & game company’s fault for producing “such filth” rather than the fact that they made a mistake.
Regardless, kids who aren’t 17 or older are gonna find ways to sneak into this film if they’re that desperate to see it, and come next week we’ll start seeing the news stories about how some mom in California took her two seven year old kids to go see it because it was a superhero movie and was mortified. Censorship should not be the argument here. Rather, parental guidance, supervision and responsibility should be.

souris on March 5, 2009 at 3:03 pm

I just want to say thank you so much for your review. My boyfriend and I were going to go see this movie for free on saturday. We thought it would just be another comic kind of movie. Boy were we wrong. I posted your review on facebook and challenged everyone to pass on the news of how bad this movie really is. I some times wonder what this world is coming to when we show such negative evil trash in movies and advertise it as a good thing. Thank you agian! I’m glad there are good people like you who stand up agianst such trash and shine a light on its evils.

cartooncolee on March 5, 2009 at 3:17 pm

Souris, everything you just said is one hundred times more reasonable and level-headed than ANYTHING Ms. Schlussel has said on this ridiculous website. Now how ’bout we hook up later and go on a shooting spree!?

doc on March 5, 2009 at 3:19 pm

@ doc:
Actually, she’s made this argument before after some parents took their kids to see Friday the 13th.
In any case, your offer sounds reasonably enticing, as I seem to fall under the category of sick, twisted and perverted for liking the book. I’ll meet you at the arcade with $20 in quarters. Hopefully the AREA 51 machine will still be working so we can kill some aliens.

souris on March 5, 2009 at 3:22 pm

When idiots like you guys talk it gives terriorists even more reason to exterminant the american people. souris, doc, king noodle, ect….

cartooncolee on March 5, 2009 at 3:34 pm

debbie, first, thanks for your detailed review; I was going to see it with my wife, but I don’t think she’d care for it at all, so I’ll probably see it alone, if at all, but only out of curiosity.
I’ve witnessed the ‘Watchmen Derangement Syndrome’ grow over the last two years, and if you check out the RottenTomatoes website, you’ll see that negative reviews of Watchmen are commented on by sufferers who attack the reviewer and defend the film, even though they’ve yet to see it! So I expected you would be bombarded by them soon after your review posted. I suspect this will open big, but it won’t last, and that is when I will see it, if I do.
You’re one fierce lady. Keep up the good work.

freeman on March 5, 2009 at 3:35 pm

@ cartooncloe
So the idea that parental supervision (my main argument) is needed is a reason for radicals and terrorists to kill the American people, or is it the fact that I like to play video games at the arcade? Or beyond that, is it my sarcastic agreement to the idea that I am a perverted slob?
I guess I’m kinda missing the point.

souris on March 5, 2009 at 3:39 pm

Dear Debbie, there is a great irony: Alan Moore, the writer of Watchmen, actually dissed the movie, “Watchmen” (in fact, he disses Hollywood and wanted nothing to do with the people involved in any production of his works). Check out the LAtimes interview article with Alan Moore:
Alan Moore is kind of a paradox and is very much an anarchist in heart. He detests liberalism and conservatism (political left and right ideological stuff). Some years ago, he was surprised to learn that one of his characters, Rorschach, is widely a fan favorite, in spite of the fact he made Rorschach a truly contemptible character with extreme right-wing beliefs, a point that Moore wanted to demonize the Reaganites in the 1980s. How ironically that most liberal-leaning comic fans greatly favored (and rooted for) an extreme right-wing character over some left-leaning Watchmen characters.
I read the book years ago but I don’t think it is suitable for young kids or the weak-minded. I’m still bothered by the fact the violence is the forefront of the movie, rather than it should be a vehicular element to drive the story and some characters forward (to survive or fight the baddies or whatever), as it is in the book (half of it was more or less violent, however fictional).
You do not like the book or the movie, that’s your right and I appreciate your candor and “outside-the-box” perspective on the matter. “Watchmen”, whether the book or the movie, is still not suitable for the young minds or the weak-minded. Upon the conclusion of the book, I thought the character’s action in killing million of people to justify his utopian visions was horribly and unjustly wrong and he should be held accountable for his crimes. Unfortunately, the “Watchmen” sided with him but the one person who didn’t was Rorschach. At the very end of the book, you would come to a conclusion that justice would eventually be met but that’s another story.

Bobby's Brain on March 5, 2009 at 3:44 pm

Cloe… I think the usual terrorist probably has the spelling and grammar skills that you oh so severely lack…

doc on March 5, 2009 at 3:47 pm

“I’ve gotten many e-mails…”
LOL. Resorting to “The lurkers support me in e-mail” is the last refuge of the pathetic.

marcus on March 5, 2009 at 4:10 pm

Puh-leeze. Those “studies” are even bigger piles of garbage than the “studies” proving that the world will be flooded by Global Warming unless we all revert to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle.

marcus on March 5, 2009 at 4:12 pm

So, are you saying you’re becoming more violent and desensitized?

Whatever on March 5, 2009 at 4:35 pm

Your comments about American Idol are off base. You do realize there’s a segment of that lame show’s audience that is FORCED to watch that show, much like Alex in “A Clockwork Orange”, that this movie is being targeted towards?
Do you think they are trying to entice the teenage girls to go see this movie? I highly doubt that segment, which is more likely to go see the Jonas Sisters movie, is whom this story is the demographic.
That being said, you are entitled to your opinions. So you are saying that movies that glamorize violence such as: The Godfather(s), Goodfellas, Casino, etc….are trash movies because they show people being wacked?
I am not defending this movie at all, I’ll be going into seeing this movie blind like some of the people. If anything the blasting, and subsequent discussions of this movie, have helped promote the sale of seats.

trewsdetroit on March 5, 2009 at 4:41 pm

Are you saying all superhero movies must be for kids?

Rothchild on March 5, 2009 at 4:47 pm

I hate to say this, but the reactions to Debbie’s critique of the movie scare me as a parent. I have to raise my children to be responsible citizens in a world inhabited by these ignorant cretins.
Debbie’s line “Not that if it weren’t marketed to kids that would make this crap smell any better.” says it all.
You idiots make a great case for legalized abortion (The world would be much better without you) and for curtailing certain first amendment rights of assholes.

i_am_me on March 5, 2009 at 4:54 pm

Really, i am me? That’s what scares you? Not Ms. Schlussel’s insistence that “grisly is grisly” and that graphic (gratuitous is a value justment) depictions of violence has no place in civilized society?
So, The Passion of Christ has no place in civilized society? A graphic, gloves-off, realistic depiction of terrorism and its bombed victims would have no place in society? A film about the death camps in the Holocaust would have no place in society if it showed the reality of humans being tortured, ripped apart by dogs as the guards laughed, executed, being used for medical experimentation, murdered, and their bodies heaped & burned? Or is it only graphic brutality that Ms. Schlussel doesn’t approve of?

ohwhynot on March 5, 2009 at 5:07 pm

Awww, Debbie, did those mean e-mails hurt your feelings? They obviously did. Your outrageous rant over a COMIC BOOK MOVIE is just as rabid and insane as the fanboys who worship the comic.

TheMan on March 5, 2009 at 5:12 pm

“…because I dared call this trash wrapped in the guise of a high brow graphic novel what it is: pure garbage.”
No, and again you lie.
Adults looking forward to this movie, knowing full well what it was going to be, were offended that you decided it was appropriate to sling some pre-emptive hate around. You made personal attacks on anyone who dared to disagree with you or look forward to this movie.
You made it personal.

Synova on March 5, 2009 at 5:18 pm

Debbie, I want to thank you for your eye-opening review of this movie. I hadn’t read or heard of the comic – excuse me, “graphic novel” – but I love movies about superheroes and science fiction and fantasy in general.
I was looking forward to this, ’cause the previews looked good, at least one mainstream review was a great one. I think I’ll pass.
And I know this blog entry is a reaction to the vomit that was thrown in your direction from your review. I hate to tell you, but it’s not just Watchmen Deranged Fanatics who write this way. Thanks to the anonymity of the internet, people feel free to let fly with whatever pops into their heads. It’s at a point where it’s a rare blog or news story that I will read the comments.

MrsSpooky on March 5, 2009 at 5:19 pm

Boy, from Debbie’s description I thought the movie was toxic!
Some of these comments are nearly as bad!
I’ll never understand how people can sit and watch such horrendous bloody violence and call it entertainment.
After dinner I’m going to pop Iron Eagle in the DVD player.

mplumb on March 5, 2009 at 5:20 pm

Stick to your guns. I didn’t finish the watchmen after the rape and war crimes showed me moores view of superheroes. A character flaw is alcoholism, gambling, womanizing, not rape and murder.

billc on March 5, 2009 at 5:41 pm

Then stop mentioning ‘Mein Kampf’ in relation to ‘Watchmen’.

Cheshire on March 5, 2009 at 5:59 pm

Wow Debbie, I think you touched a nerve! I will help get the word out that this is just the latest installment of the game of ‘one ups-manship’ Hollywood is playing to see who can out shock the others and the country.
High brow. LOL.

dane82 on March 5, 2009 at 6:02 pm

This almost doesn’t seem worth it.
I’d just like qualify this with the fact that I am well employed as an engineer at a well known aerospace company, I have a wonderful family with one son, and another on the way. I also happen to be a fan of the Watchmen comic.
That said, I would not allow my son to see this movie at his age. Unlike the average American, I do attempt to learn about the things my kids are doing, and I wouldn’t take a kid to an R rated movie without doing a lot of research first.
Basically it comes down to the fact that you are not the target audience for Watchmen, and that not all fans of the Watchmen comic are depraved rapists, pedophiles and murderers. There are some of us that are perfectly normal people.

Rkik on March 5, 2009 at 6:10 pm

[ohwhynot: Really, i am me? That’s what scares you? Not Ms. Schlussel’s insistence that “grisly is grisly” and that graphic (gratuitous is a value justment) depictions of violence has no place in civilized society?]
Yes, yes and yes. You should be ashamed of yourself.
As for the rest of your rant, this movie is not a documentary. It is, however, disgusting violence (of the most grotesque kind) for the sake of disgusting violence and nothing else. That you and those like you roam this planet scares me no end.

i_am_me on March 5, 2009 at 6:10 pm

To i_am_me: You idiots make a great case for legalized abortion (The world would be much better without you) and for curtailing certain first amendment rights of assholes
That is nihilistic thinking and I don’t support the idea of legalized abortion as be-all, end-all solution to get rid of “idiots”. Babies are born into the world untainted and uninitiated, until they grow up old enough to be tainted and initiated by some of the worst and most idiotic elements of mankind, which they may end up becoming idiots, morally-depraved fetishists, masochists, or better, wiser persons. You never know how each person born into the world could turn out to be. So leave your “legalized abortion” solution to the dustbins of history.

Bobby's Brain on March 5, 2009 at 6:10 pm

“As for the rest of your rant, this movie is not a documentary. It is, however, disgusting violence (of the most grotesque kind) for the sake of disgusting violence and nothing else. That you and those like you roam this planet scares me no end.
Posted by: i_am_me”
So will you and other conservatives say that Red Dawn (another alternate history story) was an awful movie with un-necessary violence? I doubt any of you will.

alucias85 on March 5, 2009 at 6:45 pm

Wow, cartooncolee, you are some kind of special sick minded individual. People encouraging the more active role of parents in a child’s life instead of scapegoating everything are a reason for terrorists to attack America? That’s a logical conclusion for you? Because people are using their heads instead of flying off the handle about things in the same direction as you and Debbie, innocent people deserve to DIE for it? I hope you don’t breed. I hope to God in all his glory that you are infertile and unable to adopt, so that your atrocious world views cannot be passed on to the next generation.

King Noodle on March 5, 2009 at 7:08 pm

I fucking hate you.
You are still wrong, especially the way you’re comparing the demographic and creators of Watchmen to Hitler. DON’T FUCKING BRAINWASH THESE PEOPLE, YOU FUCKTARD.
You can’t get angry at the world and wishing death on people for a movie not being family friendly. Especially not when it isn’t being market to kids.
Dumb bitch.

USAnarchy on March 5, 2009 at 7:42 pm

“If you like this, you are stupid!
I am not stupid! You are the stupid one!”
Yeah, great review. Very professional. Very mature. Not the least bit sad and pathetic. No.

comichic on March 5, 2009 at 7:56 pm

Frederic Wertham would be oh-so-proud of Debbie. Fighting his fight decades after him.

Hector on March 5, 2009 at 7:58 pm

Whatever happened to looking at what a movie was rated for? Better yet, what about looking at what a movie was rated? Surely an “R” rating would prove that any teenager or younger shouldn’t be watching this movie. Surely a child’s parent would, at the very least, check to see what the rating was.
Another thought came to mind. When you compare the Watchmen fans to Hitler, what of yourself? A quick scroll through your own columns show yourself as critical of everyone without your viewpoint (read: column about Bristol Palin), very anti-muslim (often stereotyping all Muslims as the next Osama), and even creating a list of names accusing individuals of siding with HAMAS. From where I’m standing, you sound like a certain senator from the 1950’s.

Justthisguy on March 5, 2009 at 8:15 pm

Debbie, I want to list a few pieces of literature to you.
Catcher in the Rye
Oedipus Rex
Of Mice and Men
The Crucible
A View from the Bridge
Slaughterhouse Five
Fahrenheit 451
All of these books contained one of (If not all of) the following: Gratuitous violence, nudity, incest, rape, adultury, foul language, and genocide on some form.
ALL of these books are considered amazing pieces of literature, do you think any less of them?
What about The Bible? A book that contains adultry, sex, violence, homosexuality, rape, incest and the crucification of a man who came to earth to save us?
Are THESE books considered horrible smut that corrupt our children and turn them into Hitler’s children? No, they are books we read in our schools and our churches. How is Watchmen any different?
Plus, your arguement of comparing Archie to Watchmen is quite frankly (if you pardon my language) bullshit. Archie is a simple comic that talks about teenagers in a small American town, the Leave it to Beaver of comics if you will. If Archie is Leave it to Beaver, Watchmen is Citizen Kane. Watchmen not only takes the assumptions our society has on superheroes, but also flips our view of society upside down.
Honestly, I dont know why I’m explaining this to you. You’ve made it clear that you are too ignorant to others opinions to do anything but shoot people down for having opinions.
I suggest that before you make any assumtions about a book you havent read yet, you actually pick it up and read it. Until then, your opinion means nothing to me.
PS: How many times are you going to use Mien Kampf as a pathetic attempt to show how terrible Watchmen is? Seriously, show some originality.

Chicago's Mindfreak on March 5, 2009 at 8:52 pm

And maybe your sister should be fed to dogs and your mother raped and your brother should have his arms sawed off. You know, just to make the point.
But we’ll be sure to depict it in a comic book first, just to make it “high-brow.” And get the money of the mindless “Watchmen” fandom sheeple.
And you accuse us of being sick and vapid, you crazy ignorant woman

Chicago's Mindfreak on March 5, 2009 at 9:08 pm

“Poor Hitler. If only he’d made Mein Kampf into a comic book instead of an actual written screed. Then, the ovens of Auschwitz and the human lampshades would be all the rage and cool of kitsch.”
Ms. Schlussel, Mein Kampf was a best-selling book across Europe at the time it was written. I’m VERY, VERY SURE you’ve never read it, but while it is indeed horrible, and at times, quite boring, it’s intriguing.
The difference, however, between Mein Kampf and Watchmen is that, while Main Kampf was a plan to murder thousands of people, and ACTUALLY HAPPENED AFTER IT WAS WRITTEN, Watchmen is not a plan to murder thousands of people, and HAS NOT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Therefore, your comparison is utter crap.
“And maybe your sister should be fed to dogs and your mother raped and your brother should have his arms sawed off. You know, just to make the point.”
How can you sit there and insult dozens of people for being sick, stupid, and vapid, then come back with a comment like this? It only proves that you’re not only a hypocrite, but also a fool, a bitch, and potential psychopath.
If I had to choose between my children spending three hours with you or my children seeing “Watchmen,” I would choose the latter. It’s less offensive, easier to explain, and the people involved are definitely more attractive.

oldguise on March 5, 2009 at 10:20 pm

Oh, and when you complain about people not understanding the difference between real and fake, don’t spout garbage like this:
“And you are no better than the lumpenproletariat lowlifes at the Coliseum who orgasmically watched and cheered when Christians were forced to fight animals. You are no different, and you are essentially chomping at the bit to go see the modern-day version, tonight.”
That **** ain’t real, Ms. Schlussel.
By the way, I wasn’t going to see “Watchmen” before reading this, but I think I’ll go see it now. I am, after all, a stupid, sick, vapid person who drools at the thought of rape, murder, and other such vagrancy, and who is full of spite and rage.

oldguise on March 5, 2009 at 10:25 pm

“You’re sick if you enjoy watching wanton rape, torture, and murder, no matter what the background for it is.”
I totally agree, Ms. Schlussel. So, I assume this also means you believe all Christians are evil, evil beings who should be ashamed of themselves, since the Bible contains wanton rape, torture, murder, and WORSE, and they read it all the time and even treat it as the best book of literature EVER?
Guess if you’re a Christian, you’re just as bad as Watchmen fans! If I’m mistaken, please explain why!

Jonasan on March 6, 2009 at 12:16 am

dear debbie,
that any parent worth his or her salt would need you to explain to them why they should not allow their minor child to attend an r rated movie, shows who the true denizens of idocracy truly are. They exist amongst the 28 percent of this country that still believes that bush was a great president.
as for christopher, moore never said that he meant for watchmen to be a book that was anti reagan. he wanted to initially place reagan in the book, but was worried that since its tone is somewhat anti government and lampoons politicians of all ilk, it wouldnt be taken well coming from england. im not sure what he was worried about, as just prior to his book being released, frank millers “the dark knight returns” was released, which fully lampooned reagan.
you might also like to know, that moore shares your opinion about calling comics “graphic novels”, he thinks it is a crass marketing ploy.
however, it is a term that was coined by will eisner, to describe the books he had written…i suggest you pick at least one of them up. its called “a contract with god”. you might enjoy it.

uncle joe mccarthy on March 6, 2009 at 12:19 am

debbie considers herself an observant jew.

uncle joe mccarthy on March 6, 2009 at 12:25 am

uncle joe
Oh, I wasn’t saying she was Christian. I just was curious as to her opinion on Christianity, and if she would believe they are evil because they love a book that contains the same things she hates Watchmen so much for. And if not, I’m just curious to know the distinction there. Especially if she herself is not Christian, which mean the Bible is only literature to her, not a sacred text. So, again: is the Bible evil because of its graphic content?

Jonasan on March 6, 2009 at 12:32 am

[alucias85:So will you and other conservatives say that Red Dawn (another alternate history story) was an awful movie with un-necessary violence? I doubt any of you will.]
You can’t be serious? Are you actually comparing the violence in Red Dawn with Watchman? By the way, I am not condoning everything in Red Dawn.

i_am_me on March 6, 2009 at 1:01 am

well, as debbie hasnt read the book, she knows not of what she is talking about.

uncle joe mccarthy on March 6, 2009 at 1:03 am

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