April 16, 2012, - 6:26 pm

ESPN Shows You “Softer” Side of Extremist Iran; US Olympic Snowboarder Praises Iran, Pans US

By Debbie Schlussel

Perhaps “Snowboarding With the Ghost of Bin Laden” or “Kim Young Snowboarder Un” are next.  Too late for “Adolf and Heinrich’s Excellent Third Reich Snowboarding Adventure.”


Tehran Jane: Iran’s Useful Idiotess

ESPN and snowboarder Hannah Teter want you to forget that Iran is the nation of Holocaust denial/Holocaust cartoon conferences, promises to nuke Israel off the planet, and Hezbollah founding/HAMAS financing.  So, instead of mentioning those for even an instant, they are pimping us on Iran as a snowboarding paradise.  Hey, ever try to snowboard in a hijab and thobe?  Thrilling.  Oh, and this Olympic Gold Medalist moron, Teter, is using it as an opportunity to attack America and criticize it as less morally acceptable than her new Farsi-encrusted comrades.

How far would you go for powder? Snowboarder Hannah Teter plans to travel to the Middle East next winter to shred northern Iran’s Alborz Mountains. It’s not a travel destination on many bucket lists, but Teter and Gabi Viteri hope to show people a side of Iran that’s not found in the headlines by way of a new film “Boarders Without Borders,” which is scheduled for a 2013 release. We caught up with Teter to find out more about it.

ESPN:Three Americans hikers were imprisoned in Iran after crossing the border from Iraq. Are you concerned about safety?

Hannah Teter: . . . Speaking of prisoners, we have the highest amount of imprisoned people for the longest durations of time of any country in the entire world. More than 2.3 million people are locked up over here, a shocking amount of them are completely innocent. I am mystified at the way my country deals with problems, especially when interacting with other countries, like Iran. I am not afraid to travel to Iran. They will for sure grope me down less than our TSA.

Forget about snowboarding on “powder.” This idiotette sounds like she’s snorted far too much powder. Well, she’s from Vermont a/k/a the Ben and Jerry state. She’s also a PETA a/k/a PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) freak. Be kind to animals, but not Jews or Americans.

Since she hates America so much and loves Iran, may G-d bless her with a life stuck in Tehran. I think she’ll love it.

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38 Responses

It wouldn’t surprise me if this type of thing is coordinated by the White House.

It wouldn’t be the first time. During World War II, our wonderful ally, Stalinist Russia was glorified by the media, and the impetus came straight from the White House.

Now, of course, President Obama is on a huge campaign to avoid military action against Iran, and to shaft Israel in the back. The fraudulent negotiations with Iran are an insult to all of us.

So any type of ‘news’ coverage that puts Iran in a favorable light squares with the White House’s objectives.

Little Al on April 16, 2012 at 6:33 pm

    Al, you have hit the nail on the head – OF COURSE, she is being encouraged to spread “the message”. We should watch critically for the next few months to see just who jumps on the bandwagon. It’s probably the easiest way to identify the “useful idiots” and their clueless followers.

    LindaF on April 17, 2012 at 6:33 am

      If she does grow up and “Get” to go there. Maybe she and her friends will be put in prison for being spies too.

      Deborah on April 17, 2012 at 4:59 pm

She’s incapable of using logic, reason, or facts to form an opinion. A perfect poster girl for delusional liberals since she’s as dumb as she looks.

lee, of the lower case "l" on April 16, 2012 at 7:07 pm

    Let’s just say she and Christie Brinkley are both women who need to keep their yaps shut and looks are highly overrated.

    NormanF on April 16, 2012 at 8:17 pm

What an idiot Teter is.

It’s hard for me to wish something bad on an American and especially a talented, American, female athlete, but if something tragic does befall her at the hands of muslims, I will know it’s due to her own premeditated stupidity and I won’t shed a tear for her.

Plus, her careless “99%er” remarks might encourage other American women to risk their lives by traveling to islamic Hell-holes.

DS_ROCKS! on April 16, 2012 at 7:35 pm

    I used to think back in the 70s and 80s before Intenet feedbacks came along, I was the only one who swam against the current. Thank G-d when it finally arrived, I found a lot of people do agree with me. And now here’s another reason not to watch lefty ESPN. They couldn’t stand what Rush Limbaugh said back in the day about Donovan McNabb and they forced him to quit their sports show but they think its cool Hannah Teeter is all gushing over snowboarding in Iran. The sports show are not that guh-reat – and nether are some of the Olympic color commentators who haven’t a frickin’ clue Iran is an enemy of America.

    NormanF on April 16, 2012 at 8:10 pm

The idiots in the Israeli government, army and media who thrashed an Israeli army officer yesterday over an infamous 7 second video posted by Islamic terrorist symps to the Internet shows that people literally believe anything they see in front of them and they never look at the context of what happened. I’m referring to the George Zimmerman of Israel, Lt. Col Shalom Eisner. Its only a theory I have but I bet they went after him cuz apparently he wears a white kippot and was a religious Jew who beat an ant-Semite with the butt of his rifle. I hear ya – like that’s it a bad thing for Jews to even do! What was really reprehensible was he was condemned BEFORE all the facts even came out and I hear how anti-Semites described him. Its one of the few times in my life I was actually ashamed of the Jewish State and all its leaders! This decent man deserved better treatment and when you turn on your TV, keep mind that next to nothing you see on it is true and that includes all the so-called reality shows morons watch. So an obvious anti-Israel video can ruin the life of a good man. Here’s an extra tip: all the commentators who comment on whatever they’re told about are even more ignorant than the subject on which they’re asked to make a statement about. Its not only in Vermont you see dumb snowboarders; it afflicts people in Jerusalem as well. If life seems counter-intuitive, that’s cuz logic isn’t necessarily an exercise in the obvious. DUH

NormanF on April 16, 2012 at 7:51 pm

What a dumbass. She needs to be water-boarded.

ex mossad on April 16, 2012 at 8:13 pm

Any time Vermont is mentioned I immediately think Mr. Potato Head, Patrick Leahy. Sheez, what a turd in the punch bowl he is.

ex mossad on April 16, 2012 at 8:18 pm

    Didn’t you forget Bernie Sanders among them?

    ConcernedPatriot on April 16, 2012 at 9:16 pm

I like what you say. And if she actually does ever go there, don’t ever let her back here.

NormanF on April 16, 2012 at 8:20 pm

Don’t forget them kool Basij kids of which at her young age she might still consider sneaking in to become a member. There’s one that didn’t make the headlines much for some reason. Or maybe like her hero Ahmadinejad she could become an instructor for the Basij and train the youthful martyrs herself, helping the youngsters “find their legs” so to speak.

Philososky on April 16, 2012 at 11:20 pm

Such an itelligent looking woman…LOL!
It’s said that you only use ten percent of your brain.
Her ten percent is dedicated to the snowboard.
She should have reserved at least 1% for critical thinking.
…wonder how she ties her shoes?

theShadow on April 17, 2012 at 12:53 am

Hey, Ms. Teter, would Neda maybe have been a snowboarder in a free Iran? We’ll never know because regime thugs murdered her in the street.


adam on April 17, 2012 at 2:56 am

Perhaps she has a hijab to match her snowboard.

Road Warrior on April 17, 2012 at 6:49 am

Let’s hope that Iran is kinder to snow boarders than it is to hikers. Hopefully they won’t wander over the “boarder” and end up being held hostage for over a year.

fred on April 17, 2012 at 9:23 am

Too bad that MZ Teter can not stay there and become an Iranian citizen the hard way like those other three ignoramuses that got caught near the Iranian border. I would rather let her get thrown in prison and let her become and Iranian problem instead of ours. Typical stupid woman growing up hating this country but yet continue to live in this country and reap its benefits. I wonder if MZ Teter had been born in the Islamic Republic of Iran would she be having the same opportunities like she does here? I just want one person to tell me about her First Amendment rights, and I can say sure as long as she stays in Iran. This woman’s stupidity is beyond noticeable that it borders on the sane. Too bad our reporters never ask these sport figures real tough questions or offer rebuttals to their stupid statements.

Mario on April 17, 2012 at 10:15 am

The problem is, the problem is that should she be captured, good, decent patriotic Americans may have to risk their lives to get this worthless Libtard clown out of Iran. Myself, I would let her rot.

Occam's Tool on April 17, 2012 at 10:32 am


martin potashner on April 17, 2012 at 11:11 am

If this useful idiot is still on any team that represents the USA, she should be kicked off immediately. These athletes are supposed to represent the best of our country’s athletes and she definitely doesn’t fit that description.

PortiaElizabeth on April 17, 2012 at 11:50 am

Why is this chick even getting a public platform? I don’t even think this knit-hat-wearing, stoner snowboarder from the People’s Republic of Vermont could get my Starbuck’s order right, let alone figure out the details of political thought. Sure, go to Iran, honey. Then the State Dept will be kowtowing to these thugs to get you back after you’ve been arrested as a “spy” after which you can tell us how nice the thugs were compared to US prisons. They probably edited out the part where it said she took a deep hit from her bong before answering the question.

Sean M on April 17, 2012 at 12:30 pm

Celebrities will get a pass to promote the lies. If this was a regular Jane, she’d be whisked off as soon as the plane landed for these photos.


BillyJack on April 17, 2012 at 1:24 pm

Hopefully, the Iranians can subject her to the same treatment as the 3 US hikers. Maybe, she’ll get the Lara Logan treatment, after which she will be held guilty of adultery when she complains of rape, and be subjected to 100 lashes.

Infidel on April 17, 2012 at 2:55 pm

Yeah – expect to be beheaded or put in prison until the USA bargains with some terrorists. Idiot. the government should have her sign something that says – she is on her own when she get arrested.

Randal on April 17, 2012 at 3:18 pm

I’d laugh if they throw her ass under a Burqa and sodomize her there for being the infidel loudmouth that she is

Habib Akbarovich on April 17, 2012 at 4:57 pm

This girl needs her picture in the dictionary next to the word

Hollywood on April 17, 2012 at 5:16 pm

What an idiot girl. I wish Vermont stop producing and educating those kind of idiots!

Bob on April 17, 2012 at 6:14 pm

Evidentally,Hannah Teter didn’t see the movie “Not Without My Daughter.” It’s based on a true story about an American woman who marries an Iranian man but is treated brutally by her husband and his family. Also,what Iran does to women and others is well-documented by reputable human rights organizations. Why is she praising that country. I wouldn’t go there if people paid a million dollars to go.

Ghostwriter on April 17, 2012 at 6:25 pm

Seriously, whats up with you guys? You think people in Iran are all Basij militia and all are fatatic Talibanish muslims? I am not telling that Iran regime is good or even acceptable. But this is something about people not governments. What do you think about innocent people being killed by bombs paid by your tax money? There is going to be a war down there and these brave acts are not to support governments but to make people kinow each other better and find out that their fears was meaningless.

Kaveh on April 17, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    Hey, the majority of the country, especially the young college age people, got rid of the relatively secular Shaw who was modernizing the country, improving women’s rights, fighting communism, recognizing Israel, and moving the country towards freedom and modern westernized civilization. Then “the people of Iran”, the followers of Islam, like in all Islamic states these days, replaced the secular government with a theocratic extreme dictatorship that turned the clock back 1400 years but with their hands still on 21st century technology. The number of “politcal prisoners” (read seditious theocratic and communist extremists) of a few thousand under the Shaw mushroomed to who-knows-how-many today (that are still alive and under what kind of “living” condtions in Iranian prisons) and who-knows-how-many (Google it) that have been either murdered (like that dangerous Neda) or tortured to death. And yea, guess who is in charge of the elections, the weapons, the secret police, and anything else of value… you guessed it – the former Basij kids, now all grown up into adults. And then at the end of the day when you take the opinion poll of the “people of Iran” as whole, they still follow Islam with its Jihad against civilization, and they still want to destroy Israel. They want to live in the west, but resent the Infidels who created the countries in which they wish to live. So letting the statisical numbers of the of the people and then the current day results of the “people in Iran” speak for themselves… We’re learning all about Islam, its history to this time, and the nature of those who follow it. The result has been in fact “to know each other better”.

    anonymous on April 17, 2012 at 9:57 pm

      I dont know if you are American or an ex-Shihist Iranian, but lets remember some historical facts:
      When shah flow out of Iran and Dr.Bakhtiar was holding power in Iran, no country in the world especially US supported Shah, US event dont let Shah airplane enter US even he was ill and secretively could fly to US to have medical treatment. France even threated Bakhtiar government to let Khomeini safely come back to Iran. That revolution was made to make a democratic country but Khomeini and Islamists lied to people of Iran and stolen the revolution. And that modern Shah you pictured was just a dictator ho wanted just one party (his party) to work and just he was the one to rule the country by appointing weak prime ministers to obey him. He refused to act according to Iran constitutional monarchy law.

      Some and not all people of Iran follow shia Islam, thats different from those of your beloved Saudi & Pakistani Sonni FANATICS who fund Taliban and then they dance with Obama!

      Many of young Iranians thanks to the revolution dont believe in Islam anymore.

      Read more and open your eyes.

      Kaveh on April 18, 2012 at 11:34 am

LOL!!! Wrong blog Kaveh. Sorry you were looking for MSNBC.

Hollywood on April 17, 2012 at 9:31 pm

Hey, the majority of the country, especially the young college age people, got rid of the relatively secular Shaw who was modernizing the country, improving women’s rights, fighting communism, recognizing Israel, and moving the country towards freedom and modern westernized civilization. Then “the people of Iran”, the followers of Islam, like in all Islamic states these days, replaced the secular government with a theocratic extreme dictatorship that turned the clock back 1400 years but with their hands still on 21st century technology. The number of “politcal prisoners” (read seditious theocratic and communist extremists) of a few thousand under the Shaw mushroomed to who-knows-how-many today (that are still alive and under what kind of “living” condtions in Iranian prisons) and who-knows-how-many (Google it) that have been either murdered (like that dangerous Neda) or tortured to death. And yea, guess who is in charge of the elections, the weapons, the secret police, and anything else of value… you guessed it – the former Basij kids, now all grown up into adults. And then at the end of the day when you take the opinion poll of the “people of Iran” as whole, they still follow Islam with its Jihad against civilization, and they still want to destroy Israel. They want to live in the west, but resent the Infidels who created the countries in which they wish to live. So letting the statisical numbers of the of the people and then the current day results of the “people in Iran” speak for themselves… We’re learning all about Islam, its history to this time, and the nature of those who follow it. The result has been in fact “to know each other better”.

anonymous on April 17, 2012 at 9:56 pm

That is the one fault of the western world.

Traitors like Benedict Arnold, Hanoi Jane, Charles Lindburgh, George Soros(to Jews), this snow board rider, etc., etc. these pieces of human waste are not murdered or maimed for their diseased minds like someone in the Muslim world would do to its turncoats.

Bill Co2 on April 18, 2012 at 5:38 pm

Hannah Teter: . . . Speaking of prisoners, we have the highest amount of imprisoned people for the longest durations of time of any country in the entire world. More than 2.3 million people are locked up over here, a shocking amount of them are completely innocent. I am mystified at the way my country deals with problems, especially when interacting with other countries, like Iran. I am not afraid to travel to Iran. They will for sure grope me down less than our TSA.

People are locked up here because they’ve actually committed violent crimes not because they dressed un-islamic. I too am mystified that we deal with Iran with kid gloves. And we wouldn’t be groped at airports if it wasn’t for the islamic terrorists that Hannah doesn’t think we should fear and if it wasn’t for liberals like her who refuse to let us profile.

Laura on April 19, 2012 at 5:40 pm

I say let her go. Letting nature take it’s course is fine by me because Darwin loves a winner.

Drakken on April 21, 2012 at 9:04 pm

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