February 28, 2009, - 8:00 pm

Paul Harvey, a REAL Great American, RIP: Radio Legend Dead at 90; Good-Bye, Americans/Stand By for Heaven

By Debbie Schlussel
**** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATE: Paul Harvey not always so great on Mid-East ****
We hear some people on the radio, by implication, refer to themselves as a “Great American,” when they call their anonymous listeners “Great Americans” as a compliment-fishing expedition.
But, today, a REAL GREAT AMERICAN in radio died. Paul Harvey was 90 years old when he passed away. I just heard about it on a special ABC News breaking report, and it’s not yet on the net as I write this. UPDATE: Read ABC News Radio’s statement on Paul Harvey’s death.
Harvey was a true radio legend whose voice was heard on radio for well over a half-century. A syndicated fixture in American radio, Paul Harvey was an American patriot, an important and influential conservative, and a person who stood for American values and culture the way they used to be. Like his values, Paul Harvey’s daily syndicated riffs on unusual stories in the news–stories of our escalating downward degradation and definition of deviance–were regular listening for millions of Americans.


Stand By for Heaven: Paul Harvey, a REAL Great American in Radio, RIP

Post-9/11, Harvey came under fire from the Council on American-Islamic Relations for recognizing that the true national security problem America faces is not terrorism, but Islam. He correctly said that Islam “encourages killing” and noted the relationship between Islam and violence. Sadly, ABC Radio forced him to issue a statement saying that “Islam is a religion of peace,” but you know he didn’t believe it. (Robert Spencer wrote a good summary on this.) Harvey was always a conservative and always pro-American and pro-Israel . . . before conservatives embraced that. **** CORRECTION, 03/01/09: Apparently, that’s not correct. See “J”‘s comment, below, on Paul Harvey’s anti-Israel sentiment. ****
President Bush awarded Harvey the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and while it was well-deserved, it was long overdue for this great patriot and model American man.
Harvey tried TV, but he couldn’t make it in that field. Instead, he stuck with and continued to succeed in a medium whose obituary was, as Mark Twain would say, greatly exaggerated, and remained a tremendous influence on a significant, but shrinking, portion of the American public listening to newstalk radio.
Though his approach seemed old fashioned to me, it was an “old-fashioned” style for which we are all nostalgic and which I grew to appreciate and like a lot–like your avuncular grandfather or great-grandfather looking at a world gone awry in amazement that it keeps getting worse. His values were conservative in a country ever growing more and more uncivilized and out of whack.
He didn’t have to wantonly call other people “Great Americans” to get confirmation that he was one, himself. Instead, he began his broadcasts by simply saying:

Hello, Americans. This is Paul Harvey.

More from his bio:

Mr. Harvey moved to Hawaii in 1940 to cover the U.S. Navy as it began to concentrate its fleet in the Pacific. He was returning to the United States from that assignment when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Paul Harvey enlisted into the Army Air Corps, where he served until 1944.
After leaving the corps, Mr. Harvey moved to Chicago, where in June 1944, he began broadcasting from the ABC affiliate WENR-AM. He quickly became the most listened-to newscaster in Chicago.
Paul Harvey reached audiences way beyond the windy city in 1951, when he began his coast-to-coast “News and Comment” on the ABC Radio Networks. On May 10, 1976, Mr. Harvey began another series of programs on the ABC Radio Networks entitled “The Rest of the Story”, which delve into the forgotten or little known facts behind stories of famous people and events.
Today, Paul Harvey “News and Comment” and “The Rest of the Story” can be heard every Monday through Saturday. Paul Harvey News is the largest one-man network in the world, consisting of over 1200 radio stations, 400 Armed Forces Network stations that broadcast around the world, and 300 newspapers.

In my book and that of many Americans, his loss will not be replaced. He is one of the people who helped continue to make America great. He was a true gentleman, who always conducted himself with dignity and class.
I, for one, will miss Paul Harvey’s standard phrase that doesn’t sound the same when it’s done by his fill-ins . . .

Stand By for News.

Paul Harvey, a REAL Great American, Rest in Peace.

And Now You Know the Rest of the Story. Good Day.


Paul Harvey Gets Medal of Freedom from President Bush

**** UPDATE, 03/01/09: My friend, conservative author and writer “J,” writes that Paul Harvey wasn’t always so great on the Mid-East:

Maybe his voice–and dramatic pauses–stopped evincing dislike, distrust, and dismay at Israel before you started listening to him in earnest, but there’s no question that Harvey believed America’s special relationship with Israel was unwise for America. That vocal sneer he’d get when talking about West Bank skirmishes or something was unmistakable. And if I’m not mistaken, he gave off the same vibe about Gulf War 1. Whether he evolved or not, I don’t know, but Harvey began and remained, for sure through Vietnam, an unabashed America Firster. I bet he shared a lot more in common with Ron Paul than he would’ve wanted anyone to know.

I stand corrected.

15 Responses

This is indeed sad news. He was a great guy.
I’ll always remember his rest of the story spiel on the fact that Gen. Grant’s calvary officer in the Siege of Vicksburg was kicked in the face by a horse when he was a kid.
Paul Harvey also helped that white separatist, Randy Weaver, down from his makeshift fortress; thereby preventing an even greater bloodbath.

Underzog on February 28, 2009 at 8:45 pm

A class act. I liked his Ella Fitzgerald bio, among others. Starts out as a whore house look out and ends up a famous gospel singer. His story telling makes it a great one.

samurai on February 28, 2009 at 9:02 pm

I loved Paul Harvey. The rightwing talk radio personalities have nothing on him. Paul Harvey didn’t whine and kvetch about the way things are. He found America’s everyday heroes and made us realize what a great country we really are.
I’m so sad to hear this news. Paul Harvey will be missed.

There is NO Santa Claus on February 28, 2009 at 9:06 pm

There were many reasons I once got into radio. Paul Harvey was one of them. Even when I was a liberal in my younger days (I am 35 now) and was working in radio news, I tuned in to Paul Harvey on WSTC 1400 in Stamford back when they were ABC radio, now CNN.
Other reasons I got into radio, Rush of course, but some local/regional radio guys like Jim Thompson, former News Director of WGCH in my hometown Greenwich, who I worked with. Well let me say it didn’t work out. That was 9 years ago.
Don Russell, who was MR. WSTC signing on the Stamford station in 1947; worked with him as well–albeit at an NPR station. He recorded a community calendar and I worked with him recording them. I didn’t know at the time, but I was working with a local legend.
In terms of DJs, Cousin Brucie Morrow, Dan Ingram, Dan Taylor, Ron Lundy–all the giants at WABC AM then WCBS-FM. Also John LaBarca formerly of WICC Bridgeport, now host of not just The AM News on WSTC/WNLK, but The Italian House Party, where he plays great music in Italian and English and makes everyone smile.
New radio heroes–only one–MICHAEL SAVAGE! Well, maybe Mike Church, if I get a chance to listen to him.
But I will miss Paul Harvey. I will miss what he stands for in this country. Deb you have it right, he TRULY WAS a GREAT AMERICAN.

NEPatriot on February 28, 2009 at 10:15 pm

This is a sad day. I remember listening to Harvey in the 1970s thinking he was a bit old fashioned even then, but that was the form. There was always substance.
Harvey died on Feb 28 almost one year to the day that another great conservative passed, William F. Buckley Jr. Late February has not been kind to us. RIP.

TC on February 28, 2009 at 10:26 pm

Another Great One Gone!!! May God Bless the Rest of His Story.
Stop the Outrageous Growth of Gov’t in DC: Act Responsibly, Act in your Family, Act Locally, Act Conservatively…..BUT ACT.
By Peter Francisco, Forgotten Revolutionary War Super Hero
I, ALSO get very upset at Rush, Hannity, Savage, Beck, et al, their BIGGEST FAULT is not facilitating the ORGANIZATION of us like minded Conservatives to take on these Erosionists. They need to Lead and Spearhead the Militant Activitism of Protest and Organize Events that will Promote our point of View with a Loud Organized Voice that Nobody Can EVER Ignore again. The Silent Majority need to have a Loud & Proud Majority well Organized and well funded all working in the same direction of going back to Conservative & Traditional Small Gov’t with Personal, Family and Local Responsibility with minor Gov’t interference. Conservative websites and bloggs have the same problem, lack of ORGANIZED one voice efforts. Too many little voices. We need to Combine into a Conservative Conglomerate Voice of Action.
We don’t need all these vast amounts of web sites and blogs some of them very nice and elaborate with so much information, information overload, that is hard to keep up with. We need a very simple direction and basic site with a massive e-mail list with calls to action with helpful information to help Conservatives on a way Forward for them and Their Families and Business. We NEED LEADERSHIP. Guidance and most Important Massive Action. If we had 100,000 People with “pitchforks” Surround the People’s White House with a Clear Voice “Mr. “obama”, or whatever your name is, in the name of We The People and Our Constitution, you are hereby given one week to Show Uncontested Verifiable Proof to our Commission of Constitutional Scholars and Documents Experts, that you are Qualified to live in the People’s White House or we’ll be back next week to Throw You Out. We are putting Congress and The Supreme Court on Notice, Next Month we’ll be back for you for allowing it all.”
Believe me, we wouldn’t need any Court Cases we would be Heard Around the World.
Conservative Radio Celebrities, Journalists, Bloggers, Etc. need to take a more Personal Hands on Role to Organize a Movement. Michael Savage likes to say all the time: What can I do? I am just one guy with a radio show. Mr. Savage you have more power than ACORN. You have More Power than ACORN, ACLU, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Rev Wright, Moore, Gore, Soros, Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, FemiNazis, GLADD, Etc. Combined. You have US the Silenced Majority.
Your power is waiting for you to Build a Hoover Damn to Organize it and put it to Good Use. Your power is waiting in Lake Silenced Majority. Mr. Savage Build the Damn DAM that will tear down this “obama” “dark” wall of transparency and his Obanomics of Gush Up Poverty with Gov’t Growth & Erosionism of our American Way of Life, Family, Culture, Traditions, Celebrations, etc.
Mr. Savage call a Summit of your conservative colleagues and organize a Conservative Consortium. The Conservatives need Leadership to STOP the Erosion that is plaguing our country. Conservative Talking Heads’ words are nice but organized actions is what we need. We as a majority of “cowards”can’t sit quietly by unorganized while the well organized, well indoctrinated, well funded, technology savvy, Media Backed minority Constantly Ridicule, Litigate, Attack & Erode Our Long Standing Way of Life into oblivion. We are at a Cross Roads with a very short window of opportunity to turn the tide . The tide is building against us, but if we don’t take a stand now we will have lost the opportunity and lost the battle and the Moral and Cultural War FORVER to the Erosionists that grow their ranks with every school Indoctrination Graduation, every Proganda Program from Hollywood, Every Liberal Twisted TV Broadcast, etc.
All these Talking Heads need to go back and Learn from the father of the Talking Heads Jerry Williams from Boston he had Politicians Scared and Empowered the people to keep Gov’t at Bay. Since he has been gone in Massachusetts we lots so many freedoms and have become the Nanniest of the Nanny states. The media/press is part of the Founding Fathers plan for checks and balances BUT the wolves are in co hoots with the coyotes to come after the sheeple.
Growing Gov’t is KILLING US at every turn with a Growing Class of Dependency for Votes, More Handouts, and More Personal & Family Failure on the backs of fewer and less willing workers & investors.
Our job now as Traditionalists & Conservatives is to be militant, take action and take a hit, sacrifice and Contribute in Legal Ways to make sure there is Total Collapse of this FAILOUTS Erosionist Gov’t Policies. I wrote before on how this can happen. Analyze your situations and everyone do your part within the confines of the law. We can quickly cripple Obanomics into a Failure by our combined short sacrifices or loose our American Way of Life FOREVER and have to suffer a long hardship greater than the Great Depression. “obama’s” Obanomic policies of Failouts, handouts, greater dependency, bigger gov’t, erosion of the family, etc will dry up investment, eliminate the taxpayer (worker and rich alike) and bring us The GREAT O-PRESSION.
First don’t buy into these Gov’t Idiotically Stupendous Solutions. They Never Worked and Never Will. It will just spread and stretch the misery. If you don’t believe me just look at any Major City in USA most all of them are run by some form of Gov’t like what we have in DC now and have been run that way for decades. Please tell me one of them that is a success. By success I mean qualify of life is up, Families strengthened, education improved, crime reduced, taxes & fees were lowered, business boomed, Private employment grew, unemployment lowered, drugs eradicated, corruption and influence corrected, more moral, etc. This is all the proof we need that Erosionist (Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Rino, etc) Policies Failed it never worked in any city or state and it will Never Work in DC.
Here is what you can consider doing to do your part without waiting for anyone else to step up and lead or an organization to get going. Please pass it on:
1: Analyze all your debt and consider to stop paying it so you too can get a Handout. Just look at all your bills if you don’t pay them it will be a huge amount of cash you keep in your pocket. Save the money that you won’t pay and try to put most of it aside to use as Cash as needed.
2- If you have credit cards consider to keep one or two in good standing. Choose the ones that have treated you well as a customer I personally would advise against: Chase, Advanta, Citi, etc. or any that took a Bailout. Any of the ones that have lowered limits making customer look Maxed Out which reduced their FICCO Scores which in turn started a domino effect by other Creditors with higher APR’s and more Lowered limits creating an unwarranted downward FICO spiral for the customer. Use the others to buy everything that you need, even get cash advances (to build up saved cash) or use their promotional checks to pay utilities or to build more saved cash. When you have these cards maxed, give yourself a Bailout, stop paying them and dump them. When they start calling you tell them you have no money and can’t pay because of the financial crisis. From what I hear they are very understanding BUT they will keep calling you with the same dumb questions, as if things have gotten better. They will offer you all kinds of plans to help after previously ripping you off and destroying your credit. If you can’t handle these calls consider changing your telephone number. You may want to get a cell tel. and call them up tell them you will no longer have a tel. because you haven’t paid the bill. When they call, tell them sorry wrong number, etc. There are Cell Companies now like Boost Mobile or PCS Metro that have unlimited plans for starting at $45/month.
The intent is to Build Up Cash, Eliminate Debt, Cut Down Costs, Sacrifice and Save, Get Handouts, Loophole or Eliminate Taxable Income to help quickly Crash Obanomics.
Afterward as our country rebounds and rebuilds be ready for Opportunities that will help your family and our economy back to the Old Fashioned Traditional way it used to be.
3- Consider moving in with someone else for a yr or two to share expenses and stop paying your mortgage, rent, utility bills, etc. This will further CRASH the economic and housing market and save you/family and the other person/family money. Remember not long ago most houses had 3-4 generations living together.
4- Consider every legal avenue not to pay taxes, don’t invest, barter, quit your job, etc. Close out your bank accounts and keep cash either in a fireproof safe or in a safe deposit box.
5- Find ways to save money travel less, grow your own garden, cook at home especially soups are cheap and easy to make and healthy, etc. Save water, electricity, heat, etc.
6- If you don’t own a house a house start planning to eventually buy a cheap house for cash if possible. Maybe to start do it with a family member or friends. Prices are way down and will come down even more. Soon you may be able to buy a house for the cost of a down payment a couple of yrs ago.
7- If you own a house and you are upside down (under water, negative or no equity or value) or even if you are not look around, you may be able to find a house better than yours for half the price. You may want to buy the other house as your new home and say that you are selling your home. After you buy and move to the new half priced house and you can’t sell the old one just walk away. Congratulations in a few months you reduced your mortgage in half and still have your own home. You may have some liability for the other mortgage but you will be in a much better situation than if you had to pay that HUGE mortgage or were foreclosed on and with no place to live, at the same time you just freed up another house that will be bought up by someone else at a more affordable price. This is a correction in a market that was artificially inflated by dumb Erosionist policies to put everyone in a home no matter how bad their credit or income was. This Ponzi Scheme benefited the banks with fees, Erosionist Liberals with more dependency and votes until the House of Cards came tumbling down. Believe me many Rinos fell for this PONZI SCHEME ALSO. Now they are at a newer and bigger Ponzi Scheme: Big Gov’t for all at the cost of the few. The only problem is those few didn’t get rich by being stupid and they won’t be stupid now. Obanomics will mean Equal Poverty for All.
8- If you have money in the markets, mutual funds, 401k type accounts, banks, etc. analyze carefully and consider withdrawing and liquidating to Cash or Gold. Soon most of these accounts & investments may evaporate or be taken over by the gov’t where you may loose all or a portion off what is yours. Remember Cash is King. You are doing this mainly to protect what is rightfully yours. It will also at the same time accelerate the financial crisis to quickly bottom out and rebound sooner. When it rebounds you will have cash and be a king ready to invest in good opportunities and make money. After every misery there is opportunity for those that wisely set themselves up for it. Be one of them.
Please analyze and proceed with caution &common sense. First and foremost look out for you and your family. Don’t fall for the Gov’t Failouts PONZI SCHEME. In the end as it has been told in History Cash is King. Keep your Cash and find ways to have more and more Cash because the Opprotunities will be Great just like they were in the Great Depression. Some of the biggest owners of real estate today were the ones (and families) that had cash during the Great Depression and bought properties for dirt cheap.
Stop the Outrageous Growth of Gov’t in DC: Act Responsibly, Act in your Family, Act Locally, Act Conservatively…..BUT ACT.
By Peter Francisco, Forgotten Revolutionary War Super Hero lets learn from him Never Give Up!
090301 12:29 VR contact: PORTUGAL10@aol.com
Stop the Outrageous Growth of Gov’t in DC: Act Responsibly, Act in your Family, Act Locally, Act Conservatively…..BUT ACT.
By Peter Francisco, Forgotten Revolutionary War Super Hero
I, ALSO get very upset at Rush, Hannity, Savage, Beck, et al, their BIGGEST FAULT is not facilitating the ORGANIZATION of us like minded Conservatives to take on these Erosionists. They need to Lead and Spearhead the Militant Activitism of Protest and Organize Events that will Promote our point of View with a Loud Organized Voice that Nobody Can EVER Ignore again. The Silent Majority need to have a Loud & Proud Majority well Organized and well funded all working in the same direction of going back to Conservative & Traditional Small Gov’t with Personal, Family and Local Responsibility with minor Gov’t interference. Conservative websites and bloggs have the same problem, lack of ORGANIZED one voice efforts. Too many little voices. We need to Combine into a Conservative Conglomerate Voice of Action.
We don’t need all these vast amounts of web sites and blogs some of them very nice and elaborate with so much information, information overload, that is hard to keep up with. We need a very simple direction and basic site with a massive e-mail list with calls to action with helpful information to help Conservatives on a way Forward for them and Their Families and Business. We NEED LEADERSHIP. Guidance and most Important Massive Action. If we had 100,000 People with “pitchforks” Surround the People’s White House with a Clear Voice “Mr. “obama”, or whatever your name is, in the name of We The People and Our Constitution, you are hereby given one week to Show Uncontested Verifiable Proof to our Commission of Constitutional Scholars and Documents Experts, that you are Qualified to live in the People’s White House or we’ll be back next week to Throw You Out. We are putting Congress and The Supreme Court on Notice, Next Month we’ll be back for you for allowing it all.”
Believe me, we wouldn’t need any Court Cases we would be Heard Around the World.
Conservative Radio Celebrities, Journalists, Bloggers, Etc. need to take a more Personal Hands on Role to Organize a Movement. Michael Savage likes to say all the time: What can I do? I am just one guy with a radio show. Mr. Savage you have more power than ACORN. You have More Power than ACORN, ACLU, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Rev Wright, Moore, Gore, Soros, Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, FemiNazis, GLADD, Etc. Combined. You have US the Silenced Majority.
Your power is waiting for you to Build a Hoover Damn to Organize it and put it to Good Use. Your power is waiting in Lake Silenced Majority. Mr. Savage Build the Damn DAM that will tear down this “obama” “dark” wall of transparency and his Obanomics of Gush Up Poverty with Gov’t Growth & Erosionism of our American Way of Life, Family, Culture, Traditions, Celebrations, etc.
Mr. Savage call a Summit of your conservative colleagues and organize a Conservative Consortium. The Conservatives need Leadership to STOP the Erosion that is plaguing our country. Conservative Talking Heads’ words are nice but organized actions is what we need. We as a majority of “cowards”can’t sit quietly by unorganized while the well organized, well indoctrinated, well funded, technology savvy, Media Backed minority Constantly Ridicule, Litigate, Attack & Erode Our Long Standing Way of Life into oblivion. We are at a Cross Roads with a very short window of opportunity to turn the tide . The tide is building against us, but if we don’t take a stand now we will have lost the opportunity and lost the battle and the Moral and Cultural War FORVER to the Erosionists that grow their ranks with every school Indoctrination Graduation, every Proganda Program from Hollywood, Every Liberal Twisted TV Broadcast, etc.
All these Talking Heads need to go back and Learn from the father of the Talking Heads Jerry Williams from Boston he had Politicians Scared and Empowered the people to keep Gov’t at Bay. Since he has been gone in Massachusetts we lots so many freedoms and have become the Nanniest of the Nanny states. The media/press is part of the Founding Fathers plan for checks and balances BUT the wolves are in co hoots with the coyotes to come after the sheeple.
Growing Gov’t is KILLING US at every turn with a Growing Class of Dependency for Votes, More Handouts, and More Personal & Family Failure on the backs of fewer and less willing workers & investors.
Our job now as Traditionalists & Conservatives is to be militant, take action and take a hit, sacrifice and Contribute in Legal Ways to make sure there is Total Collapse of this FAILOUTS Erosionist Gov’t Policies. I wrote before on how this can happen. Analyze your situations and everyone do your part within the confines of the law. We can quickly cripple Obanomics into a Failure by our combined short sacrifices or loose our American Way of Life FOREVER and have to suffer a long hardship greater than the Great Depression. “obama’s” Obanomic policies of Failouts, handouts, greater dependency, bigger gov’t, erosion of the family, etc will dry up investment, eliminate the taxpayer (worker and rich alike) and bring us The GREAT O-PRESSION.
First don’t buy into these Gov’t Idiotically Stupendous Solutions. They Never Worked and Never Will. It will just spread and stretch the misery. If you don’t believe me just look at any Major City in USA most all of them are run by some form of Gov’t like what we have in DC now and have been run that way for decades. Please tell me one of them that is a success. By success I mean qualify of life is up, Families strengthened, education improved, crime reduced, taxes & fees were lowered, business boomed, Private employment grew, unemployment lowered, drugs eradicated, corruption and influence corrected, more moral, etc. This is all the proof we need that Erosionist (Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Rino, etc) Policies Failed it never worked in any city or state and it will Never Work in DC.
Here is what you can consider doing to do your part without waiting for anyone else to step up and lead or an organization to get going. Please pass it on:
1: Analyze all your debt and consider to stop paying it so you too can get a Handout. Just look at all your bills if you don’t pay them it will be a huge amount of cash you keep in your pocket. Save the money that you won’t pay and try to put most of it aside to use as Cash as needed.
2- If you have credit cards consider to keep one or two in good standing. Choose the ones that have treated you well as a customer I personally would advise against: Chase, Advanta, Citi, etc. or any that took a Bailout. Any of the ones that have lowered limits making customer look Maxed Out which reduced their FICCO Scores which in turn started a domino effect by other Creditors with higher APR’s and more Lowered limits creating an unwarranted downward FICO spiral for the customer. Use the others to buy everything that you need, even get cash advances (to build up saved cash) or use their promotional checks to pay utilities or to build more saved cash. When you have these cards maxed, give yourself a Bailout, stop paying them and dump them. When they start calling you tell them you have no money and can’t pay because of the financial crisis. From what I hear they are very understanding BUT they will keep calling you with the same dumb questions, as if things have gotten better. They will offer you all kinds of plans to help after previously ripping you off and destroying your credit. If you can’t handle these calls consider changing your telephone number. You may want to get a cell tel. and call them up tell them you will no longer have a tel. because you haven’t paid the bill. When they call, tell them sorry wrong number, etc. There are Cell Companies now like Boost Mobile or PCS Metro that have unlimited plans for starting at $45/month.
The intent is to Build Up Cash, Eliminate Debt, Cut Down Costs, Sacrifice and Save, Get Handouts, Loophole or Eliminate Taxable Income to help quickly Crash Obanomics.
Afterward as our country rebounds and rebuilds be ready for Opportunities that will help your family and our economy back to the Old Fashioned Traditional way it used to be.
3- Consider moving in with someone else for a yr or two to share expenses and stop paying your mortgage, rent, utility bills, etc. This will further CRASH the economic and housing market and save you/family and the other person/family money. Remember not long ago most houses had 3-4 generations living together.
4- Consider every legal avenue not to pay taxes, don’t invest, barter, quit your job, etc. Close out your bank accounts and keep cash either in a fireproof safe or in a safe deposit box.
5- Find ways to save money travel less, grow your own garden, cook at home especially soups are cheap and easy to make and healthy, etc. Save water, electricity, heat, etc.
6- If you don’t own a house a house start planning to eventually buy a cheap house for cash if possible. Maybe to start do it with a family member or friends. Prices are way down and will come down even more. Soon you may be able to buy a house for the cost of a down payment a couple of yrs ago.
7- If you own a house and you are upside down (under water, negative or no equity or value) or even if you are not look around, you may be able to find a house better than yours for half the price. You may want to buy the other house as your new home and say that you are selling your home. After you buy and move to the new half priced house and you can’t sell the old one just walk away. Congratulations in a few months you reduced your mortgage in half and still have your own home. You may have some liability for the other mortgage but you will be in a much better situation than if you had to pay that HUGE mortgage or were foreclosed on and with no place to live, at the same time you just freed up another house that will be bought up by someone else at a more affordable price. This is a correction in a market that was artificially inflated by dumb Erosionist policies to put everyone in a home no matter how bad their credit or income was. This Ponzi Scheme benefited the banks with fees, Erosionist Liberals with more dependency and votes until the House of Cards came tumbling down. Believe me many Rinos fell for this PONZI SCHEME ALSO. Now they are at a newer and bigger Ponzi Scheme: Big Gov’t for all at the cost of the few. The only problem is those few didn’t get rich by being stupid and they won’t be stupid now. Obanomics will mean Equal Poverty for All.
8- If you have money in the markets, mutual funds, 401k type accounts, banks, etc. analyze carefully and consider withdrawing and liquidating to Cash or Gold. Soon most of these accounts & investments may evaporate or be taken over by the gov’t where you may loose all or a portion off what is yours. Remember Cash is King. You are doing this mainly to protect what is rightfully yours. It will also at the same time accelerate the financial crisis to quickly bottom out and rebound sooner. When it rebounds you will have cash and be a king ready to invest in good opportunities and make money. After every misery there is opportunity for those that wisely set themselves up for it. Be one of them.
Please analyze and proceed with caution &common sense. First and foremost look out for you and your family. Don’t fall for the Gov’t Failouts PONZI SCHEME. In the end as it has been told in History Cash is King. Keep your Cash and find ways to have more and more Cash because the Opprotunities will be Great just like they were in the Great Depression. Some of the biggest owners of real estate today were the ones (and families) that had cash during the Great Depression and bought properties for dirt cheap.
Stop the Outrageous Growth of Gov’t in DC: Act Responsibly, Act in your Family, Act Locally, Act Conservatively…..BUT ACT.
By Peter Francisco, Forgotten Revolutionary War Super Hero lets learn from him Never Give Up!
090301 12:29 VR contact: PORTUGAL10@aol.com

Peter Francisco Rev War Hero on March 1, 2009 at 3:51 pm

I will miss Harvey’s friendly voice after some goofy story to end the broadcast saying the trademark,….”Paul Harvey….Good day?”
While it won’t ever be the same, I think his son will help to ease the loss we’ll realize–he has the shtick down pretty well for the last year–the sad thing is–no one can ever be the same as the original genuine article.

BB on March 1, 2009 at 8:53 pm

To BB and all others posting, if only that were possible. As expected leftist fascists on blogs have their final “Choice” words for Paul Harvey…AND MANY OF THEM ARE FREAKIN FUGLY!
Radio Equalizer reports on this.

NEPatriot on March 1, 2009 at 9:54 pm

While I completely agree with Harvey being a true gentleman and great patriot, I found his “schtick” to be as corny as a carnival concession. That being said, his stories had substance, real substance you couldn’t hear from anyone else. I just longed for him to dump the goofy delivery and dated format.

spiffo on March 1, 2009 at 10:19 pm

I liked Harvey’s reading of the news. It let us listen to the news the way it was done in the 50s and 60s all over again. It was simple and didn’t have the “It’s all about me” news delivery like Katie Couric, Barbara Walters, Anderson Cooper and the rest. Just read the new without your damn opinion. I mean seeing that airhead on CNN HLN Robin Meade makes you wanna never watch news ever again.
Wish there was more Paul Harvey’s. It is a passing in the radio news world. Just a few news radio only outlets left.

californiascreaming on March 2, 2009 at 12:37 am

I liked his “The rest of the story” story until one day, soon after the Iraq “Surge” started, heard him say that Prez Bush “perpetrated” surge…
Switched away from 780AM ever since when heard his name…

AlexF on March 2, 2009 at 1:03 am

Correction: To be an “America-Firster” is a good thing – it is a name for those who want our Constitution to be obeyed at all times. To love America is to demand that our government officials follow the rule of law (the Constitution which is the Supreme Law of the
Land) and for us to debate with the mass media when they espouse unconstitutional programs and positions.

ramjordan on March 2, 2009 at 4:13 am

Eisenhower America had sanctions on Israel for years. An entire generation of conservatives were anti-Israel. That was shaken when Nasserites played the Cold War game with the Soviets. Nixon and beyond have all supported Israel, although Bush was closer to the Saudis.

supercargo on March 2, 2009 at 7:56 am

“Gen. Grant’s calvary officer in the Siege of Vicksburg was kicked in the face by a horse when he was a kid.”
That was Colonel Benjamin Grierson – a pre war Dentist.

Ripper on March 2, 2009 at 9:17 am

I used to listen to Paul Harvey and I never detected any anti Israel hostility on his part. I could be wrong though.

Ripper on March 2, 2009 at 9:30 am

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