April 12, 2012, - 3:12 pm
Muslim “Civilization”: Qatar Worried About Inbreeding, Brings Israeli Jew to Warn About Arab Disease
Whenever people tell me that the clash between the West and Islam is a “clash of civilizations,” I take issue with that, because it relies on an underlying false premise that theirs (Islam’s) is actually a civilization. Here’s yet more proof that it isn’t.

The Al-Thani Family, which rules Qatar and owns, funds, and operates Al-Jazeera, also funds a series of debates over resolutions, which are often enacted into law in Qatar. These debates, “The Doha Debates,” are organized and funded by the royal family’s Qatar Foundation. It recently held a debate on a resolution discouraging marriage between close family members, with the resolution:
This House believes marriage between close family members should be discouraged
And, because they could find few Arab Muslims advocating this view, the Qataris–in order to bolster the case against inbreeding– apparently waived their traditional apartheid banning Israeli Jews, by welcoming Professor Ohad Birk into the country. Birk heads the Genetics Institute at Soroka Medical Center and of the Kahn Genetics Research Center at the Ben Gurion University National Institute for Biotechnology in Israel’s Negev.
As is well-known to anyone who knows anything about the Muslim world, the significantly high rates of Muslim–particularly Arab Muslim–inbreeding result in a much higher percentage of births afflicted with diseases and deformities than in the non-Muslim world. (It’s partially done out of a tradition of keeping property and inheritances within the clan, but it’s a backward, uncivilized behavior.) And they’ve brought it here via immigration. You can see it in Deabornistan, where there are many children with odd birth defects, disfigurements, and obvious ailments–the products of relationships between close Muslim family members.
Professor Birk studies this and has proven, yet again, that Islamic life isn’t particularly healthy:
Through his research he has discovered more than 20 hereditary human diseases, mostly in inbred Arab communities. His findings have led him to set up a carrier screening programme for severe genetic diseases, that helps reduce infant mortality in those communities.
Yes, it’s the Jewish doctors and scientists who, sadly, are the ones that study and develop new ways to better and extend the lives of those who hate and seek to destroy us.
Isn’t that always the way?
Tags: Arab inbreeding, Ben Gurion University, Ben Gurion University National Institute for Biotechnology, Doha, Doha Debates, Genetics Institute, Islam, Islamic, Israel, Kahn Genetics Research Center, Muslim, Muslim diseases, Muslim inbreeding, Muslims, Negev, Ohad Birk, Qatar, Qatar Foundation, Soroka Medical Cneter, The Doha Debates, the Qatar Foundation
The Arabs have near zero fertility rates.
And the joke is on them if they need the hated Jews to treat the problem of their impending near-extinction.
Personally, I’d leave to them to their own devices. The problem is they won’t leave us alone until they are too enfeebled to overcome us.
NormanF on April 12, 2012 at 3:21 pm