April 11, 2012, - 4:07 pm
HILARIOUS: Moronic Men Walk Mile in High-Heeled Women’s Shoes to “Fight Violence”
In the ever-increasing efforts to denigrate men in America, feminize and emasculate them, and masculinize women, this has to be a new low: a Newport News, Virginia rape crisis center is getting men–including a local sheriff–to wear women’s high-heeled shoes and walk a mile in them, claiming it will help stop violence against women. Riiight. Just the opposite, morons. Didn’t these dumbasses ever see, “Dressed to Kill“? Ya think men in Muslim countries are engaging in this absurdity?

Newport News’ Center for Sexual Assault Survivors is hosting a stupid event, “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” getting weak men to walk a mile in high heels. It’s beyond absurd. The pictures are hilarious. And the men are dopes, who clearly long ago checked their testicles at the door . . . permanently. The event is being marketed as helping to stop rape, violence, and sexual assault. But it won’t do that. The exact opposite, in fact. It doesn’t stop rape, violence, and assault when men degrade themselves at the encouragement of militant feminists. It just makes America a more weak country, as we continue to embarrass men, weaken the American male, and move into a matriarchy.

And, don’t forget, that faux-conservatives, like Nikki Haley and Michelle Fraudkin, are not all that different from these cretinettes getting men to wear high heels. Fraudkin pushed female candidates, only because of their gender, on her site and her Twitter page, with a “Women: We Can Do It” sign on Twitter during the 2010 election cycle. Haley told People Magazine she wants more women to run for office, regardless of party. Why is internal plumbing so important to these two? Because they’d be nowhere and nobody were it not for that they are women. And they know it. They’ve got nothing else going for them.
Check out these “Frequently Asked Questions” featured on the event’s website:
1. What size shoe do I buy? Add 2 sizes to your men’s size to get the size in women’s shoes.2. What kind of shoes are best? Open toe, sling backs. Wedges
provide more support/stability.3. Do I have to buy my own shoes? You may take $10-20 out of your pledge money to purchase your shoes. Then, after the walk, donate them to the Center for next year’s walk.
Reader Sean:
You’ll never get rid of sexual violence any more than you’ll get rid of violence. There will always be some a-hole who thinks he can do whatever he wants because of greater size/strength, etc. But let’s put that aside for a moment. Look at the picture. So, to eliminate sexual violence we’re going to have men walk a mile in high heels? Food for thought: the guys who will put on high heels are almost DEFINITELY not the ones the women need to worry about. How does feminizing men end sexual violence? It might make the victims feel better, but I sort of doubt it.
Can’t we just have a march without treating non-sexual predators like crap?
There’s a picture of a burly sheriff in a smokey-the-bear hat, lacing up knee-high, high heel boots. If he had to actually chase a criminal, I would LITERALLY fall on the ground laughing at him.
Many – not all, maybe not even most, but many – sexual offenders have been emasculated by somebody in their past….mother, ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, etc. So we’re going to HELP sexual assault victims by PUBLICLY emasculating more men? There’s definitely some unwashed, female PhD in Women’s Studies wearing a hemp dress thinking this crap up.
They should just own up to it. The REAL point of this is to make a bunch of men pay the price…for being men. Which, of course they WON’T be after this is over.
I would love to hold a sign along the route that says, “Dude …. seriously?” But I’ll be at my son’s soccer game.
As we move toward more and more weakened men and more women running the show, the number of incidents of female sexual violence toward men is increasing. When are we going to have women parade around in jock straps to “walk a mile in their jocks?”
That ridiculous day may come since this one is already here.
Tags: American men, attack on masculinity, Center for Sexual Assault Survivors, Feminism, girlieman sheriff, girliemen, men in high heels, Michelle Malkin, Newport News, Nikki Haley, rape crisis center, Virginia, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, weakening of the American male
Yup. About as ridiculous as the army’s forcing men to understand what its like for a woman to be pregnant!
And you can be sure Islamic terrorists are not training their guys to show sensitivity to the local gals by walking around in high-heeled women’s shoes.
Its funny… but its also a commentary on how America is ceasing to be a strong country.
NormanF on April 11, 2012 at 4:23 pm