February 24, 2009, - 2:47 pm

Your Day in Hollywood “Religion of Peace”: Britney Spears’ Creepy Dad Seeks Restraining Order Against Muslim Arab Hanger-On-ers

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Osama “Sam” Lutfi and Adnan Ghalib, respective former manager and former boyfriend of Britney Spears (from when she was strung out on drugs or something)?
Well, Spears’ guardian/dad, Jamie Spears, is trying to keep this Arab Muslim former Britney tag-team from once again getting its Religion of Peace-ful hands on the talentless multi-millionairess. He calls them “predators.”
Once you go Mohammed, you never . . . get them to go away.


Muslim Britney Sandwich: Osama Lutfi & Adnan Ghalib w/ Spears

Um, why are these guys still here? As I noted a while ago, Ghalib–a former strip club operator–has a green card as the result of an apparent sham marriage. Where are you, ICE Agents?
By the way, these showbiz dads are all alike in their creepiness in talking about their zero-talent daughters’ bodies. First there was Jessica Simpson’s father talking about her “double Ds.” Now, there’s Spears’ pop testifying in court.

Spears also testified that under his care, Britney is “physically very wonderful, body and weight-wise.”


7 Responses

Not too surprising her father would talk about her body. She really doesn’t have anything else.

c f on February 24, 2009 at 3:30 pm

AND SHE doesn’t have Double Ds either, Daddy-o. She simply doesn’t have that kinda breast volumeƖeven after having children.

The Canadien on February 24, 2009 at 5:45 pm

As a counter point:
Jane, you ignor…Sorry – that was a 70’s flashback. Besides, that’s a pointer count.
Seriously, I think Billy Ray Cyrus is doing a pretty good job of being a show biz dad. Of course we’ll be watching that play out for the next several years.

Richard on February 24, 2009 at 6:48 pm

The superficial apple doesn’t fall far from the superficial tree.

4infidels on February 24, 2009 at 8:49 pm

Would you stop Debbie! Muslim Britney Sandwich!! LMAO!!
These are d-bag Dads who want to see their daughters as sex objects and make money off them.
I think Britney better watch out for that
“honor killing” thing.

californiascreaming on February 24, 2009 at 9:10 pm

If they do to her what they did to Lebanon who cares? Make a few headlines.

samurai on February 25, 2009 at 12:23 am

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