February 23, 2009, - 3:46 pm

HOprah Watch: All That’s Oprah Is Not Gold; Oprah Mag Fails

By Debbie Schlussel
Everything Oprah Winfrey touches isn’t gold.
For years, she fancied herself as not just a religion and an advice giver on every area of social life, but as a Martha Stewart type, too. That’s why Oprah started “O at Home” Magazine.
Sad for her, the magazine just went out of business. Below is part of the postcard Oprah officials sent subscribers. As you’ll note, Oprah’s keeping this real quiet. She doesn’t want the news of her failure to become a big news story.
Don’t worry, though. It’s not like the magnificently rich and completely out of touch Oprah will feel a thing. Unlike the rest of America, which is feeling the tough times, for Oprah, it’ll just give her more time to focus on more gushing Romeo and Juliet Islamic Terrorist stories for her “O Magazine.” Read more reasons why Oprah Sucks.


So sad, too bad.

2 Responses

So Orca’s magazine went under? Now what am I gonna use to line the cat box and my bird cage?

Rich B on February 23, 2009 at 5:05 pm

However were are still left with MT.HOprah’s va-jay-jay.

californiascreaming on February 24, 2009 at 1:34 am

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