March 28, 2012, - 5:23 pm

Olympics Drops Volleyball Bikini Requirement to Appease Muslims

By Debbie Schlussel

The International Olympic Committee, which still refuses to memorialize the Israeli athletes massacred by Muslims at the 1972 Munich Olympics, is stepping up its pandering and appeasement of Muslims.  The Committee just ruled that it will no longer require women’s beach volleyball teams to wear bikinis . . . to appease Muslim countries.  The Olympics are encouraging Muslim countries, like Saudia Arabia, to send female sports teams to this summer’s London Games, to meet certain feminist-imposed standards.  And here is the result–burqa beach volleyball. Oh, and they also decided to change how teams qualify for women’s beach volleyball at the Olympics . . . also to give the Muslimas a chance to compete. See, the Munich Olympic massacre worked.


Women beach volleyball players won’t have to wear bikinis at the 2012 London Olympics. A new rule announced Tuesday says that participants in this summer’s beach volleyball competition can wear shorts and sleeved tops.

Athletes in the event have exclusively worn bikinis since the sport was introduced at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. Competitors could also wear bodysuits in cold-weather events.

The change was made to reflect cultural conventions of various participating countries.

“Shorts of a maximum length of [1.18 inches] above the knee, and sleeved or sleeveless tops,” will now be allowed, according to the new IOC ruling.

Since the Beijing Olympics, most beach volleyball competitions have changed rules to allow for more modest uniforms. It’s an attempt to broaden the diversity in the sport, which tends to be dominated by athletes from Europe, Brazil and the United States. Allowing shorts and shirts can encourage participation from countries with more modest cultural beliefs.

As the AP reports, the field at London’s beach volleyball competition won’t be dictated by world rankings, as in Olympics past. Qualifying tournaments on various continents will fill the 24-team draw.

Yup, we can’t have the U.S. athletes dominate this sport. Oh, and we need more Muslimas (most of whom no one wants to see in bikinis, lest the shocking memory burn in one’s mind).

Beach volleyball, by the way, is one of the few sports in which the female athletes are actually attractive . . . until they started pushing for the participation of “countries with more modest cultural beliefs” (a/k/a the culture of Hezbollah, HAMAS, Fatah, Muslim Brotherhood, etc., etc., etc.)



Reader “There Is No Santa Claus”:

Yeah, right! I wonder who those “various participating countries” are.

For some reason, thought this story was worthy of their home page. Imagine that!

Like I said, the Munich Olympic Massacre paid off. 40 years later, still no memorial to the slain Israelis those bastards murdered. And, yet, the Olympics panders ever more to the demands of those bastards and their religion.

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71 Responses

I would make the Muslim males that want to watch women’s volleyball, watch it as a porno movie, then they would complain about the bikinis and instead want naked women having sex with a ball and net and each other.

Sorry, I have been out for a while and just read this.

Panhandle on April 2, 2012 at 11:39 am

I think it’s good Muslim women get to wear something longer as I am certain they don’t wax or shave and damn! ewwww, yuck…. Could you imagine???? Just the thought of it…. I can’t see them participating anyway.

Bill on April 2, 2012 at 1:40 pm

stealth jihad

Mohammed's gay lover on May 25, 2012 at 4:45 am

Wow. W o w.
Who let that fucker near a keyboard?
It’s pitiful, really, that the idea of modest dress is so alien to you.
Sometimes I’m not sure of people like Debbie here make me want to end my life or piss my self laughing, because this level of narrow-minded prejudice is so mind-blowingly stupid, I literally can’t come to concise reaction.
Even mix of both, I reckon.
So dumb it’s funny, yet it makes me want to sob endlessly for the levels of ignorance our ‘modern’ world still faces.

/rant over

manny on June 14, 2012 at 7:14 pm

Hahahah dumb bimbo gets a blog and doesnt want to see people not walking around in bikinis. Go twirl your hair and press your boobs up to every guy for your daily attention for the next 2 years until you are too sagged and wrinkled. It’s so sad so many brainless whores like you haven’t realized how abandoned you will be when you no longer get the superficial attention you crave from guys that want to have sex with you then leave you. And when that time comes very soon you won’t have anyone that will want to sit there to hear a minute of your clueless rambling bc it is just not interesting ESP when ur ugly.

Kaplan on July 4, 2012 at 1:54 pm

manny and Kaplan, you only see the bikini thing.
what about the innocent Israeli athletes,who got massacred in Munich, you didn’t want to say anything on it?
shame on you guys!!!!

rei on July 29, 2012 at 10:19 am

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