March 22, 2012, - 4:03 pm

French Muslims Whine About Toulouse Massacre “Backlash”

By Debbie Schlussel

Definition of “arrogance”: whenever Muslims are the perpetrators (which is usually), they are always the “victims.”

Muslims around the world are more alike than ignorant Americans would like to believe.  Americans want to think that only Muslims in France–like Mohammed Merah–would massacre Jews, despite evidence that there are plenty of Nidal Malik Hassans and Faisal Shahzads in our midst on U.S. soil.  But, in fact, Muslims around the world are exactly the same, regardless of the fiction of borders and different cultures.  And they whine equally wherever they are, whenever they are the perpetrators of horrific crimes against humanity.  While in America, there is HAMASCAIR, everywhere else in the world there are Muslim grievance theater stars just like ’em.  And, instead of mourning the victims of their fellow co-religionists, they are shrieking about some fictional backlash that sadly never happens.  And so it goes today in France, where Muslims are NOT mourning the murdered Jews–three of whom were kids 8 and under.  Instead, Muslims are asking us to drink their fine whine about “exploitation” of Muslims.  It’s nauseating.  And laughably predictable.


Check out today’s main headline in Le Monde, the major French newspaper (at which my cousin is a reporter):

Les musulmans redoutent que l’identité du tueur ne soit exploitée contre eux

Depuis mercredi, la plupart des représentants des institutions musulmanes tentent de décourager toute tentation “d’amalgame”.

I speak French, and here’s the translation:

The Muslims fear that the identity of the killer will be exploited against them

Since Wednesday, most representatives of Muslim institutions try to discourage any temptation to associate/mix (the killer with Islam).

Uh-huh, four people are dead because of Islam and its tenets of jihad, and they are worried only about other people “exploiting” the Muslim identity of the terrorist. Um, what other religion urged people to engage in jihad, to take the lives of others because they are infidels. Sorry, French Musulmans, but Islam was this guy’s identity. Islam is THE reason that Mohammed Merah killed several Frenchmen in cold blood. This ain’t guilt by association. It’s an association of the guilty. The 1.8 billion guilty who embrace this and cheer it on, who do absolutely nothing to stop it, who go along, who know this is a basic part of their religion. It ain’t Jews or Catholics or Hindus doing this stuff. It’s Muslims. Period.

The Muslim whining–rather than the far more appropriate contrition–after one of their many co-religionists murders many others is a standard in their playbook.  And it’s arrogance.  But we give them the green light to behave this way as we bend over every which way for this group of cultists who historically foment mass murder on Western soil (and everywhere else).

No words of sorrow–not even larmes de la crocodile [crocodile tears]–from these selfish bastards over the murders of Rabbi Yonatan Sandler, Gabriel Sandler, Aryeh Sandler, and Miriam Monsonego (though they’d be lying through their teeth if they expressed sorrow). They know that since they now dominate France, they no longer even have to put up an act.

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58 Responses

Yup. And predictably enough, Sarkozy says Islam shouldn’t be cuz some of the victims were Muslims.

Uh huh. That’s like saying cuz Nazis killed Nazis, it absolved their guilt over murdering Jews. Same difference which of course in truth is no difference at all.

Put another way, its the absolution of the perpetrator – Islam. That’s why French Muslims are whining and the media is rushing out stories about a non-existent anti-Muslim “backlash.”

Let’s get it clear: Islamophobia is a myth. No Muslim has been killed by any non-Muslim for believing in Islam. But Jews have killed for following their Jewish faith. Every Jew in the world is a target. Even Israel’s Prime Minister, who paid a condolence call to the victims’ families, gets it. Its the anti-Semitism, Stupid.

The real issue isn’t what Muslims allegedly fear. The real issue is Jews are being killed through incitement and dehumanization from Islam. Daniel Greenfield calls them the “New Nazis.”

Its high time the world woke the heck up. Sadly, its not going to happen and thanks to Islam, there are going to be lots of more funerals of innocent Jewish victims because the world and its leaders pander to Islam and are too unprincipled and cowardly to face the truth about it.

NormanF on March 22, 2012 at 4:38 pm

    it shouldn’t come as a surprise that these moslem psychopaths hate jews the way they do – after all, they sided with the nazis during ww2 and even helped to name iran as a variant of aryan, whom the nazis believed were their progenitors.

    rich on March 25, 2012 at 10:56 pm

They know that every time they successfully kill infidels in terrorist attacks, they get what they want and more from the West: We show how sorry and tolerant we are by importing more Muslims into our countries.

It is a two part jihad strategy: A. Kill infidels, then B. Accuse the victims of the jihad of being bigoted and demand contrition. The decadent West then capitulates, so the Muslims always win. They know this strategy works. Look how Muslims were rewarded for 9/11 by the flood of Muslims into our country post 9/11.

Sick of Dhimmis on March 22, 2012 at 4:52 pm

    Terrorism works. Hey, it even works on dhimmi French Jews!

    The point to everything Islam does is to force the rest of us to be its slaves or die.

    And little by little, we are ceding our hard-fought freedom to make those who hate us like us. It will change nothing.

    People just don’t want to learn.

    NormanF on March 22, 2012 at 5:42 pm

Well, what do you expect from scumbags? It would behoove these swine to read the book Bomber Offensive from Sir Arthur Harris or Mission with LeMay by Curtis LeMay. One day, we will get pushed enough. I fear that it will take the deaths of several American and European cities to do this, but we will be pushed enough. And when it happens, it won’t be a Hiroshima or a Nagasaki, although it may or may not be nuclear. Instead, it will be a Hamburg, a Dresden, or, most hopefully, a Tokyo. Let that day come soon for them, hopefully before a WMD explodes on our soil.

And then we will release men like LeMay to run an Airforce again. Certainly, I would release him right now if it were up to me. And, one day, there will be many more like me. And then it will be too late for them, for The Gods of The Copybook Headings, after they bite at US, will devour Them. I am certain I will see this in my lifetime, if I live for the next 20 years.

These people justify killing 14 month olds and 3 year olds by intent. They are vermin.

Occam's Tool on March 22, 2012 at 5:04 pm

Exploited? Like burning AQ flags or drawing Mohammed cartoons or burning effigies of or beheadings or gutting and hanging men from bridges and then burning them? The civilized world does not act like these 5th century baboons.

Road Warrior on March 22, 2012 at 5:04 pm

    Oh speaking of backlash, one French teacher though Merah didn’t go nearly far enough:

    When it comes to that fine Muslim whine we’re hearing now ad nauseum – sometimes they’re really honest and cheering it all. They want more!

    Stop and think what that means. If that’s true in France, its equally likely here as well. Its high time we stopped kidding ourselves about Islam and its apologists.

    NormanF on March 23, 2012 at 1:11 pm

At least that weak, worthless punk was shot dead running away like a coward. Rot in hell.

Lars on March 22, 2012 at 5:09 pm

Hmm, I want to know if these pan-Islamist and pan-Arabist (as I said a week ago, I am NOT anti-arab by any chance, I have a few friends who are of arabic lineage in my area) blogs and websites, the Daily Kos, LoonWatch, IslamophobiaWatch, Mondoweiss, etc. will finally call a spade a spade about this sad story and say it was “Islam” that killed these 4 innocent jewish people?

There probably not going to name a “spade-a-spade” but continue to dance around the issues and continue to live with their heads in the sand. You dhimmi’s (from the left wing, right wing & center) make me sick, you’re the damn reasons why about half of the world is STILL in denial about islam and what it typically does to mankind, and most of the koran and hadiths says alot of hateful written in it. And I know you dhimmi’s are going to say, “yadda yadda but doesn’t the bible say some hateful and violent stuff yadda yadda”, yes there are a few books in the bible that says some hateful and violent stuff, but do you see ANY christian going around committing so-called jihad and calling for a holy-war against non-christians? When that happens you useful-idiot dhimmi’s get back at me!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on March 22, 2012 at 5:15 pm

The “news” coverage of this incident is beyond belief.

I listened to NPR this morning (“Morning Edition”), and the incident was described as a French stand-off with a generic “gunman.” He was described not as a Muslim or as Islamic — neither term was mentioned in several reports during the show — but as a “French serial killer” (as if he were the Gallic Hannibal Lecter), who had “killed three children” (the fact that this occurred in the course of an attack on a Jewish School and that a rabbi was also killed — not just three JEWISH children — apparently was not important enough to explain).

Terrorism was not mentioned, except to say that the guman, who was an Arab, Islamc, and boasted of his Al-Queda ties and of getting terrorism training in trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan, was reported to have “alleged ties to terrorism.”

If we have gotten to the point where we cannot describe the terrorist background of a gunman (who boasts of it), except to reference vague “alleged ties to terrorism” as if the matter remains in doubt, then we are losing the supposed “War on Terrorism.” I suppose that Islam was also not worth mentioning, even in the case of an Islamic gunman who admitted that he killed for an overtly Muslim motive (to avenge killed Palestinian children). Are we suicidally “politically correct” or have we been intimidated by Islam,”The Relicion of Peace”(TM)?

I also wonder on an aspect that the news coverage mentioned, but did not explain. The police were said to have asked his mother to come to the scene and talk to him (obviously, in hopes that she could persuade him to surrender peacefully), but she refused. Why was never explained.

Did she refuse because he was a Shahid carrying out a sacred mission and should not be distracted?

Did she refuse because she knew that he would be honored as a “martyr” in the Muslim community if he died?

Did she refuse because she had a policy of non-cooperation with infidel authorities?

Did she refuse because she AGREED with his mission?

The “news” media, which is supposed to be in the business of gathering facts, never made an attempt to tell us, only telling us that she refused.

How can we withstand Islam’s attacks when we refuse to acknowledge that Islam is attacking us?

JOSEPH MCNULTY on March 22, 2012 at 5:19 pm

    National Palestinian Radio is all about Dhimmitude.

    Occam's Tool on March 22, 2012 at 7:57 pm

I meant to write “Sarkozy says Islam shouldn’t be blamed…” anyway, the point is Islam IS to blame.

No other religion on earth sanctions mass murder of people it doesn’t agree with other than Islam. Only Islam thinks killing innocent people (called infidels) is divinely ordained.

Of course we see all the excuses and evasions. I for one am sick of it. Its also one more example of our submission to Islam and in the blink of an eye, the perpetrator in the same breath is portrayed as the victim. Of what? Of whom?

Anti-Semitism is real enough – the evidence can be seen on this thread in pictures of a dead man and three dead young children. Islamphobia is a hoax.

No one wants to face up to the fact everything Islamic terrorists do is done in the name of the Muslim religion. Sure, we have heard some condemnations. The problem is they are issued for reasons of expediency. Muslims feel bad when something goes awry so they have to figure out how to escape real accountability. What you will never hear them do is condemn murder and other barbaric crimes cuz they are always morally wrong.

The Religion Of Peace is anything but. For its victims, its more like the Religion Of Hell. We should be doing everything we can to stop it but we won’t.

NormanF on March 22, 2012 at 5:37 pm

JOSEPH MCNULTY: Your concerns are our concerns. Truthful answers will never see the light of day and our disgust should focus on the politicians and the media. Who in fact are they working for…..

Just recently I found an old newspaper clipping from 1985 which stated that the French authorities had given their blessing for Arafat and the nu-Palestinians plus Gaddafi of Libya to pass through French airports without hassle on the basis that they didn’t perpetrate any bombings etc. against the French. What a bloody nerve. They opened the flood gates to allow these bastards in, loading them on planes to all parts of the globe whilst looking sideways as they walked by security etc. They gave them an open ticket to target everyone else. Can one ever trust these swines, NO.

The attitude of the French to Israel is worse than terrible and the sniggering behind the back of Netanyahu with Sarkozy and Obama confirms that these two girlie leaders are no more than chewed out string. High ranking diplomacy……

Sarkozy is at present fighting off a claim that Gaddafi brokered his last election to the tune of millions which he firmly denies.

News just released says that the Jew killer of France had been travelling based on the stamps in his passports, he visited Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Afghanistan. The ‘plid thockens’ as the French gendarme would say. All these poverty stricken Muslims with endless travel arrangements, never working just making trouble for everyone else. Stop them migrating to welfare driven countries, time for taxpayers to march.

Your ‘How can we withstand Islam’s attacks when we refuse to acknowledge that Islam is attacking us?

This is a valuable statement, clear and to the point. Approach politicians with such a question and they’ll be taking off the other way, whilst you and all of us here will be labelled ‘Racists, Islamophobes and whatever suits their skewered minds’.

Eyes Wide Open on March 22, 2012 at 5:57 pm

Agree with everything on this thread so far…
…and across the channel in England there was a
police raid that got a number of individuals who engaged in the child sex trade, drugging, raping, hold prisoner 11-year-old girls (11!).

No mention was made of the ethnicity of the scum, but every other case in England – and there have been a lot of them – involved people from Packistan or Bangladash.

This latest case was in the city of dreaming spires, Oxford. And no, you’ll never see this on Morse/Lewis a la Law and Order.

Nir Leiu on March 22, 2012 at 5:59 pm

It is rather like the rapist saying that he is a victim of society. They do not even go through the pretense of sorrow anymore, but engage in an orgy of self-pity. I shed tears for the murdered, and not the murderer or those who show sympathy for such thugs. Let their whines burn inside of their mouths like sulfur.

Worry01 on March 22, 2012 at 6:25 pm

    Bingo. The Jews deserved to be murdered and well we’ll see arguments to that effect respectably presented on Muslim, leftist and media websites. You know cuz he had a bad childhood, France deprived in some way and whatever other BS sounds plausible. What you can be sure of is Islam will never be held responsible.

    NormanF on March 22, 2012 at 6:29 pm

Mai les cieux les trempent avec de l’acide.

Worry01 on March 22, 2012 at 6:27 pm

    Not just acid shall they be soaked—but with gamma rays.

    Occam's Tool on March 22, 2012 at 8:02 pm

leticia olalia morales of 15501 pasadena ave #h tustin ca 92780 submitted fake documents and 5000 dollars to a person name sandman at the US embassy in manila. she also submitted fake employment records to obtain a work visa. Her husband carlos b. morales also submitted fake documents (land titles and bank statements) to obtain a tourist visa. Her son carlo iii also used such and helped 2 other people to obtain a US tourist visa.

ronb on March 22, 2012 at 6:34 pm


    Would you please quit sending your spam posts? Why don’t you comment instead on the topic of the post being discussed?

    JeffE on March 22, 2012 at 10:28 pm

Debbie quit bragging about speaking French. Nothing useful is ever said in French. Also I suggest that we have three kids and give them Yiddish names in honor of the child victims. I don’t know the hate speech or incitement laws of France, but I’d like to see the Jewish community file a lawsuit against the local Muslim institutions in Frogville.

A1 on March 22, 2012 at 6:52 pm

The bigger Muslim threat is their birth rate. Orianna Fallaci should be idolize and her views should be mandated.

madman on March 22, 2012 at 8:04 pm

Take a good long look at the faces of those innocent and precious children that savage beast murdered in cold blood! Where is the outrage from the Muslim community?!

Que les mauvais sauvages brûler en enfer pour toujours!

ex mossad on March 22, 2012 at 8:34 pm

Ms. Schlussel:

“despite evidence that there are plenty of Nidal Malik Hassans and Faisal Shahzads in our midst on U.S. soil”

Have you forgotten about Naveed Afzal Haq, who shot 6 women, killing 1, at the Seattle Jewish Federation in 2006? Sure looks like the media has.

“Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske alleged that the suspect, Naveed Afzal Haq, had selected his target by researching ‘something Jewish’ on the Internet.”

(Ignore the claims that he converted to Christianity. After only a few months, Afzal Haq stopped practicing Christianity due to pressure from his family. It is curious: he was only “Christian” for a few months, a Muslim his entire life, yet the media chose not to classify him as Muslim.)

Gerald on March 22, 2012 at 9:06 pm

    I haven’t seen any mention of another Mohamed who shot a number of people in the Washington D.C./Maryland area not that long ago.

    The police and media were looking for a couple of white men in a van. ‘Right-wing extremist whites’ – but the perps turned out to be quite different.

    Nir Leiu on March 23, 2012 at 4:16 am

les tuer tous. Dieu ne peut trier tous plus tard

No valen Madre, pinches animales!

#1 Vato on March 22, 2012 at 9:30 pm

Unless the leaders of the FREE WORLD take themselves seriously we are all in trouble. The genre of politicians of the Thatcher/Reagan era have given way to bombastic, narcissistic, ego driven twerps whose only concern is to stay in power whatever happens. What does this say about ‘information sharing’.

Eyes Wide Open on March 22, 2012 at 9:34 pm

‘No-one will ever know whether the tragedy in Toulouse would not have taken place if the atmosphere were different. But we can say that history teaches that mass demonisation can all too easily lead to the dehumanisation of the group or people or nation that is being demonised. From there it is only one single step to the belief that murder itself can be justified.’
Melanie Phillips

Read more:

Eyes Wide Open on March 22, 2012 at 10:10 pm

Thank you for your coverage of this story, Debbie. Rabbi Yonatan Sandler, Gabriel Sandler, Aryeh Sandler, and Miriam Monsonego–Rest in Peace. Mohammed Merah–Rot in Hell. I also agree with everything that has been said on this thread.

JeffE on March 22, 2012 at 10:25 pm

I don’t speak Yiddish, can someone summarize this video I came across on youtube…

Carly on March 22, 2012 at 11:22 pm

The terrorist now it’s dead,to hell with him!Now the French mus do the right thing.Must do what the Muslims are afraid!To be thrown in the sea,goud for sharks.A pig does not have right to be buried in the eart!!!!!!!!!

Deziderio on March 23, 2012 at 2:06 am

This may be a naive question, but have any “Islamic leaders” unequivocally condemned this atrocity and unequivocally condemned those who commit such atrocities in the name of Islam?

Nigel on March 23, 2012 at 2:54 am

    Like in “never.” I can count on my hands various apologies Western leaders have made to Islam.

    But they will never feel sorry unless its that they haven’t killed more of us.

    Jews are not going to hold their breath waiting for Islam to condemn jihad and the spawn of barbaric crimes committed in the spirit of their theology.

    You can rest assured if they do issue a condemnation, its purely to get pressure off their back and not because they know they did something wrong.

    That is why we’ll never see an end to Islamic terrorism.

    NormanF on March 23, 2012 at 3:07 am

    That is a fair question Nigel. You will sometimes get pro forma expressions of regret or very qualified statements that are passed off as apologies, but are in fact not.

    A typical expression of regret would be something like, “I do not agree with the methods that he used and find them unacceptable, but I can understand and appreciate his goals.”


    “WhileI regret the loss of life caused by this man,

    Worry01 on March 23, 2012 at 2:36 pm

    That is a fair question Nigel. You will sometimes get pro forma expressions of regret or very qualified statements that are passed off as apologies, but are in fact not.

    A typical expression of regret would be something like, “I do not agree with the methods that he used and find them unacceptable, but I can understand and appreciate his goals.”


    “While I regret the loss of life caused by this man, the suffering of the Muslim people cannot be forgotten.”

    That is the sort of vague, qualified, and banal apologies that you might get from Muslims and their organizations. Even if the Islamic connection is demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt, such groups and individuals will enter denial mode.

    Worry01 on March 23, 2012 at 2:40 pm

    The answer, Nigel, is that there never is a true apology. Instead, they worry about non-existent “blowback.”

    Ultimately, they are going to push us too far, and then they will learn the lesson the Japanese and Germans learned decades ago—when a Democracy starts killing, nobody kills more efficiently than a pissed off free man.

    Occam's Tool on March 23, 2012 at 5:45 pm

Here is what an Islamic terrorist “apology” looks like:

Yup, its nothing like we expect from them. This_Is_Islam!

Read that Al-Qaeda statement for yourselves. I normally don’t post a link to an Islamic terrorist website but I felt the exception is warranted since the media won’t tell us what they really think.

Ask yourself again if this is a religion we have any business trying to convince we don’t mean to offend them. They on the other hand, are proud of the murders of Jews.

We should take note of what they promise for the future as more of the same. Yup – that’s a “backlash” alright. Not from us dhimmis but from them!

NormanF on March 23, 2012 at 3:17 am

I know that politically, this is a non-starter in just about every country, but the only solution here is to deport all Muslims, including citizens, back to the borders of dar ul islam. Nothing short of it will solve the problem of jihad!

Infidel on March 23, 2012 at 5:34 am

    Infidel, I quite agree with you here. But as Debbie has written in the past, that’s only half the picture. American born Muslims, people with US citizenship, who have spent their entire lives here, are no more moderate than Muslims who are immigrants. We can ban immigration and send them all back but we’re fooling ourselves if we think we’re any safer. Nidal Malik Hassan and Faisal Shahzad weren’t the kind of people you would consider to be Islamic terrorists until they went ahead with their attacks. We can’t read the human mind and guess what someone’s intentions are ahead of time. In short, I don’t think we can eliminate Islamic terrorism as a threat but we can take sensible precautions to make it as difficult as possible for them to attack us. Right now America doesn’t have the political will to do it.

    NormanF on March 23, 2012 at 9:06 am

Well interesting situation here–On one side we are afraid to confront islamists and God forbid violate their human rights–On the other side Merah was just fulfilling his muslim duty and guaranteeing himself a virgin laden paradise–Interesting eh?–To all Westeners get ready islam is coming soon to your neighbourhood–Hope y’all enjoy its’ coming–Tell me how do I know who is radicalized and who isn’t?–Only way that I can see stopping them is through separation–STOP THEIR IMMIGRATION TO THE WEST YOU IDIOTS

Obama is an anti-semite of muslim blood period–Did you notice in his comments he sent condolences to France with no mention of the JEWS who were killed by a f…ing muslim–Don’t be fooled by this whatever he calls himself–As proof of him being a muslim in his heart tell us oh supporter, how many pictures, of the rock star Obama, do we have attending a church during his Presidency? Who would let his young girls sit and listen to anti-semites Wright and Fleger? The whole con job was Obama used Rev. Wright to show the world that Obama was a Christian.

Obama is a lying fraud artist muslim POS!

Bill Co2 on March 23, 2012 at 8:31 am

I only wish there would really be a “back lash”. When I read about that freak yanking that child up by her hair and shooting her in the head … well, if that was my child, you can bet your ass there would be ‘back lash’ …

Steve on March 23, 2012 at 10:19 am

    Expand The “news” coverage of this incident is beyond belief.

    I listened to NPR Thursday morning (“Morning Edition”) after the denoument , and the incident was described as a French police stand-off with a generic “gunman.” He could as well have been Al Pacino in “Dog Day Afternoon.” The “gunman,” Merah, was NOT described as a Muslim or as Islamic — neither term was mentioned in several reports during the show — but as a “French serial killer” (as if he were “Monsieur Hannibal Lecter”), who had “killed three children” (the fact that this occurred in the course of an attack on a Jewish School and that a rabbi was also killed — not just three JEWISH children — apparently was not important enough to explain).

    Terrorism was not mentioned, except to say that the guman, who was an Arab, Islamc, and boasted of his Al-Queda ties and of getting terrorism training in trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan, was said to have “alleged ties to terrorism.”

    If we have gotten to the point where we cannot describe the terrorist background of a Islamic jihadist (who boasts of it), except to reference vague “alleged ties to terrorism” as if the matter remains in doubt or “disputed,” then we are losing the supposed “War on Terrorism,” a fact that should surprise no one who has been paying attention. I suppose that Islam was also not worth mentioning, even in the case of an Islamic gunman who admitted that he killed for an overtly Muslim motive (to avenge killed Palestinian children). Are we suicidally “politically correct” or have we been intimidated by Islam,”The Relicion of Peace”(TM)?

    I also wonder on an aspect of the matter that the news coverage mentioned, but did not explain. The police were said to have asked his mother to come to the scene and talk to him (obviously, in hopes that she could persuade him to surrender peacefully), but she refused. Why was never explained.

    Did she refuse because he was a Shahid carrying out a sacred mission and should not be distracted by Earthly concerns?

    Did she refuse because she knew that he would be honored as a “martyr” in the local Muslim community and the larger Muslim world if he died?

    Did she refuse because she had a policy of non-cooperation with the infidel French authorities?

    Did she refuse because she AGREED with his mission?

    The “news” media, which is supposed to be in the business of gathering facts, never made an attempt to tell us, only telling us that she refused.

    How can we withstand Islam’s attacks when we refuse to acknowledge that Islam is attacking us?

    Soonder or later, the West will have to face thle question of mass deportation of all Muslims, or watch as we are defeated from within, constrained by “political correctness.”

    JOSEPH MCNULTY on March 23, 2012 at 11:14 am

    More than that – as I e-mailed Debbie this morning, the New York Post has it on good authority the slain monster managed to upload a snuff film to the Internet on what he did to Miriam Mosonego in the last minutes of her life. This is what Islamic terrorists take such great pride in, the murder of a Jewish child to them is a “work of art.” To call it a live horror movie as I told Debbie, is the understatement of the century.

    And in the wake of this, its interesting people call Israel irrational when it is righlt worried about what Iran intends to do – multiply that not by one Jew but by millions of Jews and why Israel wants to stop it regardless of what the rest of the world thinks.

    Again, this is the face of the new Nazis. The snuff film, more than all the words in the world, reveals their true face to humanity. And its a chilling one.

    NormanF on March 23, 2012 at 12:48 pm

This is getting pretty old. An Islamic militant kills off school children and others, and all the Muslim community can think about is how to claim victim status. This is sheer narcissism. There is no empathy, much less sympathy for the actual victims apart from what will be pro forma statements. This attitude suggests something rather unsavory as well. The Muslim community in France apparently has little problem with the Islamic militant’s action, but does not want to face the consequences of expressing open support for his actions. Instead, claims of victimization and of being under siege are falsely raised in order to obscure the Muslim community’s indifference or tacit support of Islamic militancy. In the United States, this same reaction and tactic was observable in the aftermath of Major NIdal Malik Hasan’s rampage at Fort Hood. This effort was aided by the U.S. government when a Gen. George Casey, Chief of Staff of the Army, made some absolutely banal and ill-timed remarks on NBC’s Meet the Press: “As horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.” General Casey went on to say, ” “What happened at Fort Hood is a tragedy and I believe it would be a greater tragedy if diversity became a casualty here.” Those statements were amazing in their callousness towards the recent victims and their families. General Casey was directed to make those statements by the Obama Administration at the time, and would not have uttered such controversial sentiments without its pre-clearance . This paved the way for Muslim groups, such as CAIR(Council of American-Islamic Relations), to counter the bad publicity caused by Major Hasan’s murder spree by similar claims of victimization and being under siege, which are now being made by Muslims in France in the aftermath of Mohammad Merah’s killings. An interesting parallel to Major Hasan was Mohammad Merah’s efforts to enlist in France’s armed forces. France at least had the sense to reject Merah’s application, unlike the United States in the case of Major Hasan.

Worry01 on March 23, 2012 at 11:07 am

    Here’s something else: the US Army is rushing to court martial Robert Bales but its taking its sweet time bringing Nidal Hassan to trial.

    We’re better dhmmmis than we think and they’re laughing at us!

    NF: I was actually going to post the exact same thing and probably still will. Great minds think alike! DS

    NormanF on March 23, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    I would like to share the following axiom with those dimwits who think that we (in the democracies) should be tolerant at any price:

    “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.

    If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant,

    if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant,

    then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them

    We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.

    That is why no nation outside Dar al Islam should allow intolerant Sharia from ever soiling the soil of our nations.

    For those who want to understand the mindset of Muslims, just Google’alrassooli’ and be astounded.

    IQ al Rassooli on March 23, 2012 at 4:59 pm

You know Debbie; I speak French too and your translation is accurate. This is a part of the Islamic culture. Arrogant denial and twisting of the facts. Fabrications falsifications and decrying the uncovering of their guile.

The saddest thing is that Muhammad was a Jew himself. Apparantly he was the ultimate self-hating jew. The Kaabah contained books written in Syriac; the language common among the Jews after the Babylonian exile which tells me that the3 Kaabah is originally a synagogue. Yet Moslems try to brainwash themselves that it is a copy of the Kaabak in the “eighth” heaven. Did you know that there is a Kaabah in each of the Seven levels of Earth and one in each of the eight heavens. They are all exactly on top of each other to the precision of a millimeter??? That is why they do not allow aeroplanes to fly over Mecca le3st it crosses the space between the Kaabas and that would release the wrath of G-d and crash the plane. Tell me where do they buy their Qat. I would like to get some.

G. R. Scharoubim on March 23, 2012 at 11:24 am

In the 1400 years of Islamic history, over 280 million infidels have been killed.

Tanstaafl on March 23, 2012 at 11:54 am

At least in France they have plenty of cheese to go with their whine…fuck ’em and feed ’em fish heads!

IceNoMore on March 23, 2012 at 11:55 am

Question: Do you know why all the boulevards in France are lined with trees?

Answer: So the German troops can march in the shade.

The surrender monkeys now surrender to the Islamists. History ALWAYS repeats.

Herbster on March 23, 2012 at 12:06 pm


In what I wrote, I did include US citizens – including those born here, and whose ancestry is not Muslim – who are Muslims.

I know that politically, expelling them is a non starter today, but for that matter, so is ending Muslim immigration and deporting non-citizen Jihadis. My point precisely covered that – assuming a political climate where Muslims were recognized as the enemy, Muslim citizens -regardless of whether they are naturalized, born here, native converts to Islam – would be subject either to internment (like various groups in WWII – not just Japanese, but Germans, Hungarians, and other Eastern European groups allied w/ the Nazis) or be encouraged to flee – preferably to a Muslim country of their choice. That’s what I was suggesting above. I was by no means saying that Muslim citizens should be left alone, precisely b’cos Debbie is absolutely right about them.

Once that’s achieved, the solution would be an iron veil – restrict all Muslims to the borders of dar ul Islam, and ban them from coming out, and similarly, ban non-Muslims from going there. They are incapable of living peacefully – even if it’s a homogeneous Muslim society of the same sect, they’ll find other reasons to fight – whether it’s Farsi vs Arab, Arab vs Kurd or Barber, Panjabi vs Pashtun, Pashtun vs Tajik/Hazaras, and so on. My point – let them. Just accept that they are savages who haven’t progressed from the Middle Ages, and won’t, and leave them to their devices. That way, we won’t have to worry about terror attacks, airport protocols can be smoother, no need to worry about financial institutions issueing Sharian loans, no public funding of footbaths in universities and airports, no cabdrivers refusing to take passengers w/ closed alcolhol bottles or dogs for the blind, and the list goes on.

But I fear that a lot more bloodletting by Muslims will have to happen before the majority of people in the West share our opinions here.

Infidel on March 23, 2012 at 1:22 pm

Meir Kahane proposed what you propose in Israel and the Israeli government’s reaction was to ban him and his party as a terrorist.

Yup, any one doesn’t kowtow to Islam has his character assassinated and his solutions discredited.

Muslims are going to have to discredit themselves. That’s one job we can’t do for them.

Though if we all sent them back home, I agree we would be a lot safer and much of the inconvenience we impose on non-jihadi citizens would be redundant. The point being one can’t put a price tag on a human life – and on a higher quality of life for every one else.

NormanF on March 23, 2012 at 1:36 pm

Many Muslims gain entry to U.S. through the absurd “diversity lottery”

Senate bill S. 332 will eliminate the “diversity” immigrant lottery

The Diversity Visa (DV) Program is a national security vulnerability, and has been used by terrorists and organized criminals to not only enter the U.S., but bring others as well.

In most of the countries eligible for a diversity visa, neither education nor work experience can be verified, let alone identity.

The DV Program perpetrates low-skill economic migration during a time when Americans need jobs desperately.

According to unofficial statements from the State Department, the program is rife with fraud.

Barbara Jordan’s Commission on Immigration Reform recommended ending the visa lottery.

JC on March 23, 2012 at 1:41 pm


Its a small step in the right direction. The visa lottery benefits people who are mostly from high-risk countries with a record of extremism, terrorism and rampant corruption. America doesn’t need immigrants from there.

If there’s one thing our country shouldn’t be gambling with, its national security. Period.

NormanF on March 23, 2012 at 2:13 pm

I’m reading the French islamonazi forums and Merah is being made into a martyr who it supposedly took 300 flics to bring down, and who shouted defiantly before his “heroic” death: “you are shooting my brothers.”

Hopefully this will at long last polarize French society to the point where they will move against the internal enemy.

Shall we now make a declaration: in 1998 al-qaeda demanded removal of all “jews and crusaders” from the islamic tyrannies; in 2012 the enemy wants removal of all controls over muslims who pollute the Western democracies.

Those pigs want us out of their countries, while they want privileges here.

Dog Dogest on March 23, 2012 at 9:04 pm

Like the little boy who cried wolf one too many times the muzzys of Europe are about to be eaten for lunch. As much as everyone here thinks the Europeans are weak and give in to any muzzy demand I can assure you that the tipping point is being reached and the powder keg is going to explode in a frenzy that will make the Serbs and Croats look like rank amateurs. The govts of Europe can no longer keep the wolf at bay and they are scared to death of what the natives are going to do to the muslim population centers and themselves for allowing it. Do pay attention to what is happening in Berlin as we speak.

Drakken on March 24, 2012 at 8:46 pm

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