March 19, 2012, - 11:18 pm

Media Work Overtime to Erase Story on Malia Obama Spring Break w/ 25 Secret Svc Agents

By Debbie Schlussel

Every drunken exploit of the Bush daughters was covered 24/7 when he was Prez, and Rick Santorum’s kids are already getting attacked by several comedians.  But the Obama girls?  Well, a story about Malia Obama’s spring break trip to Oaxaca, Mexico with 25 Secret Service agents was erased from all the mainstream media websites.  Hmmm . . . working overtime to meet the Obama edicts about not covering his daughter, apparently.  I was away at a movie screening and other duties, and when I returned and clicked on various links to the story from the Drudge Report and Google News, I got nothing, nada.  The story’s been yanked.  No note that it isn’t true.  Just gone.

I clicked on the link to the UK Telegraph’s story and here’s what I got:

Click on the International Business Times and the story is not only gone, but you get detoured to the home page.

Huffington Post . . . same thing.  The story’s disappeared.

UK Daily Mail.  Gone.–brings-25-Secret-Service-agents-her.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

Well, I guess Jay Carney needs something to do to earn his over $200,000 in annual salary and benefits package.  He’s the Obama spring break story cleaner.

Clean-up in aisle Oaxaca.

77 Responses

Debbie, you know and I know that the reason why the country is in a meltdown is because of the left wing media. You’re right, this story is a cover-up of one of the Obama’s daughters, did Malia misbehave or did something shady that might’ve disappointed her parents?

You also know that the press in the ex-Soviet Union did similar things to this, cover up any wrong doings by the government, and now wonder Michael Savage refers our media in this country as “The Government Media Complex”, and those links that you provided DS explains why.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on March 19, 2012 at 11:33 pm

Good on you DS for posting this. I saw that story but didn’t click on it. I know you’ll post the story behind the story.

Those crooks in the WH have to go. They obviously adhere to “socialism for thee but not for me”.

We’ll see what happens in November. I hope my worst fears won’t be realized.

Skunky on March 19, 2012 at 11:51 pm

It may have been scrubbed from MSM web sites, but I believe there is still info out there on other sites about Malia’s trip to Mexico.

Of course, I never saw the original article, so I can’t compare the two articles to find out what’s missing from the one I noted above.

KS: We do not link to F–ker Carlson’s sites here. The guy is a schmuck who attacked me on the Bubba radio show. I don’t believe in turning the other cheek (and never liked him anyway). Sorry. DS

Ken Souza on March 20, 2012 at 12:02 am

It is creepy that such a story could simply appear on multiple outlets, and then disappear without any explanation. Does the White House have the ability to spike stories now? Also, why is Melia, a girl of thirteen, being allowed to do this? Spring Break is for High School Seniors and above, since it is basically a way to party hard. Why would a girl in middle school be participating in anything like that? Finally, did Mr. Obama not think that Melia would be a very attractive kidnapping target for Mexican drug cartels? The cartels have had no problem with exterminating entire police forces and confounding an army in Mexico, so I do not think that twenty-five secret service agents would be much of a deterrent. The Spring Break story was either false, or had to be covered up for some other reason. I think a story about the Obamas allowing their thirteen year old daughter to experience Spring Break in Mexico would have shattered the responsible parent image they have cultivated.

Worry01 on March 20, 2012 at 12:08 am

Because there was no story. She’s in Mexico on a class trip, not vacation. And no, there are not 25 secret service agents with her.

The “source’ for all of this was a post on the Yahoo Contributor Network, which is nothing more than user-generated content.

Steve on March 20, 2012 at 12:10 am

    Oh really Steve? This says that there were 25. And I like how it says that she is NOT a princess but the President’s oldest daughter.

    A few Spanish sites were also mysteriously scrubbed but most are not.

    La hija de Obama, de vacaciones, con 25 custodios

    MÉXICO.- Tiene 25 agentes de seguridad que la resguardan. No es una princesa, sino la hija mayor del presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama. Desde hace unos días, Malia Ann Obama se encuentra de vacaciones en el sureño estado mexicano de Oaxaca. La adolescente de 13 años está acompañada por un grupo de amigas de su misma edad y durante esta semana visitarán los principales atractivos turísticos de la ciudad, según lo informó un medio de ese país. La hija del gobernante estadounidense visitará el árbol del Tule, que tiene el diámetro de tronco más grande del mundo, la zona arqueológica de Monte Albán, entre otras zonas, lugares que estarán cerrados durante su paso. (DPA)

    Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 12:24 am

Since I can read Spanish I found an article in spanish…

It seems they were yanked in USA and UK and there are articles asking why the mystery?

If you know another language try that. I can try German but I barely know it…

Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 12:12 am

    It is good that you went to that extra effort to find those foreign articles Skunky. Also, if this report were just a simple error or bogus story, why would there not have been a written correction, rather than a scrub without any explanation on the sites Debbie listed? That is not a normal practice with mainstream newspapers in the West.

    Worry01 on March 20, 2012 at 12:35 am

    Skunky, try Google translator on the story you posted.

    “Malia Ann Obama, eldest daughter of U.S. President, Barak Obama, vacationing in this destination accompanied by a group of friends and a discreet but tight security.

    Malia Ann had arrived last Friday from the city of Houston, Texas, and accompanied by 12 youths of his age, with whom he stayed at a small hotel in the historic city center.”

    DISCREET does not, in any way, sound like an army of 25 secret service agents.

    Steve on March 20, 2012 at 1:37 am

      Why would I need to google translate when I can READ IT in Spanish??? DUH.

      Go brush your hair ObamaZombie! Even after 3 years you still don’t wanna see it. Pathetic!!!

      Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 8:46 am

She is in Oaxaca. Not on “Spring Break”, but on a school-supervised class trip. There was not an army of secret service accompanying her. They pulled their stories because they all pointed to the same made up story.

But keep holding out for a conspiracy.

Drudge must be in on it, too, because he pulled his story, too. He must have been duped by the same made up story, err, I mean paid off, too.

S: Nice try, but if the story were false, all of these major sources would have noted that and issued a correction, as is their usual practice. Nope, the story was pulled to protect the Obama girl. That’s quite obvious. DS

Steve on March 20, 2012 at 1:32 am

    No conspiracy theories here. Why did the sites not give an explanation or correction for their error? That is a normal practice Steve. Also, could you actually furnish a link to your Oaxaca explanation? Otherwise, your story seems just as bogus as the ones you are trying to refute.

    Worry01 on March 20, 2012 at 1:43 am

      Already did.

      Steve on March 20, 2012 at 1:49 am

        Actually, you did not.

        This is from you Steve: “The “source’ for all of this was a post on the Yahoo Contributor Network, which is nothing more than user-generated content.”

        Show this to us. Your other link does not support your claim.

        Worry01 on March 20, 2012 at 2:13 am


    In this day, with all the violence and killing going on in Mexico with the drug cartels and all, what school is going to send their kids on a school funded trip to a war zone? Besides, don’t you think parents would raise an eyebrow and be further infuriated that the she gets an assload of Secret Service protection while their kids get none?

    Quit reading the liberal mindmush and use your head for something besides a hat rack.

    IceNoMore on March 21, 2012 at 11:40 am

I found an AFP article in German hosted by Google that hasn’t been scrubbed. The first line of the story say that the daughter of U.S. President Barak Obama is spending her holiday with a group of friends in southern Mexico.

Gabriel on March 20, 2012 at 2:15 am

Ha! It’s still up on Voice of America’s Spanish site, too. Both articles give the impression that she’s there to look at the Mayan ruins.

Gabriel on March 20, 2012 at 2:24 am

Could you see the discussion: Malia “I want to go to Mexico” BO “No, Americans aren’t supposed to travel there right now, it’s not safe” Malia “But Dad, you went to Pakistan in the 80’s when Americans weren’t supposed to go there!” The Wookie “She’s got you there, Barry.” Bo “D@mn, that keeps biting me in the @ss.”

Mark on March 20, 2012 at 5:21 am

This link works – from Drudge:

Bob DuFrane on March 20, 2012 at 8:02 am

It’s still up here.

Hartwood on March 20, 2012 at 8:09 am

Gosh, for my spring breaks my dad allowed me to look for a summer job.

WilliamMunny on March 20, 2012 at 8:46 am

What happened to, “We got to all share the burden”.

B: Apparently that meant that all of America gets to share the Obamas’ burden. DS

burt on March 20, 2012 at 9:34 am

No conspiracy. If you scrub the interwebs, the cartels won’t know the first daughter is in their hood.

Road Warrior on March 20, 2012 at 10:02 am

In fairness, the mainstream media did honor George W. Bush’s request to respect his daughters’ privacy, which came during Bush’s first year in office. The mainstream media also printed less than favorable stuff about Chelsea Clinton (before Bill and Hillary asked them – and Saturday Night Live also – to back off) and weren’t exactly nice to Jimmy Carter’s kids either. (By contrast, it would have been far better for us had we known MORE about what George W. Bush and Neil Bush were doing while George H. W. Bush was president and VP … do a web search on “Neil Bush Saudi Arabia” to see what I am talking about).

Also, unless Malia Obama actually misbehaved on spring break, there isn’t really a story anyway. If the position is that the president’s kids should not be allowed to go on spring break … well go ahead and advance that position and be prepared to apply and defend it consistently. (I personally believe that we have no business electing people as young as Kennedy and Clinton were and Obama is in the first place, but the Constitution says otherwise.) If the position that a Secret Service detail of 25 is excessive … I was of the impression that the Secret Service makes those decisions, not the president. (I remember feuds between Bill Clinton and the Secret Service over this issue back in the day because Clinton was upset that agents testified to the independent counsel … the guy actually wanted those agents to be court-martialed, go to jail and lose their careers over him.) But I could be wrong: let me know if I am.

It reminds me of how a lot of Republican blogs and talk radio hosts are making an issue of Michelle Obama taking vacations. Fine … but what’s the point? Just like how a lot of liberals bashed Nancy Reagan for her liking to throw galas in the White House ballroom (ummm … why even have a White House ballroom if you aren’t going to use it … and didn’t Dolly Madison and other first ladies do the same?) and her love of expensive gowns and jewelry (which the Reagans bought themselves BECAUSE THEY WERE RICH FORMER ACTORS). Stuff like that had no merit then, and it has none now.

Gerald on March 20, 2012 at 10:11 am

    Gerald, sometimes you post info that is conventional wisdom for us (like your first paragragh) and what you say those times goes without saying as we get it and you’re not telling us what we don’t know and understand.

    Secondly, I do think that ANYONE who makes a stink about Michelle Antoinette’s 16 vacations PLUS SPAIN is doing the proper thing. We are dealing with two Marxists who want us to keep our heat at 65 while Obama-Putin has his at 82 in the Oral Office because he likes it steamy. We are dealing with two animals that are more equal than others who tell us we cannot go to Vegas and have a good time in a free country when they can wine and dine celebrities at the WH with over $350. bottles of wine and Wagu beef and have many vacations that cost the taxpayer plenty in these bad economic times.

    We are dealing with two hypocritical monsters who can smoke the best cigarettes and eat the finest chocolate and we are to be happy with “Victory” cigarettes and chocolate rations.

    We are dealing with a Chewbacca look-a-like who eats the most fattening foods but wants to inspect the lunch pails of free citizens with her food police Gestapo.

    So, once again, you’re telling us to relax while the Costa Concordia is sinking. Don’t take it personally if I do my own thing and ignore your calm during a red alarm alert.

    I also welcome all bright souls to join me.

    Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 10:30 am


      What a stupid racist you are!

      Charly on March 20, 2012 at 12:01 pm

        Hey retard. Either post something with value or go back to The Daily Kooks or The Huff and Puff Post.

        Ken b on March 20, 2012 at 2:48 pm

        Thank you Charly. I’ll take that as a compliment coming from a deranged know-nothing like you.

        Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 3:22 pm

          Skunky, I do know that you are a stupid racist from your previous comment.

          Charly on March 21, 2012 at 1:54 am

        Stupid, “Charly”? You can’t even spell your own name. Anyway, it’s “raaaaaaaaacist.”

        skzion on March 21, 2012 at 10:25 am

BWAH – now it comes out the WH told media outlets to pull the story for security purposes. I repeat myself – because the cartels would never know she’s there. These brainiacs think 25 SS are a match for the cartels. That’s funnier yet.

Road Warrior on March 20, 2012 at 10:18 am

Just read the Montreal Gazette and Turkish Press stories that commenters helpfully provided above. It is not so much Malia Obama and 25 Secret Service agents, but Malia Obama, her twelve friends (13 in all) and 25 Secret Service agents … roughly 2 agents per kid. Again, I don’t see the big deal. And since Obama will spend the entire week in Mexico, I wouldn’t want this to be a global media story either.

G: HUH? Since when is it the job of the U.S. Secret Service to protect the spoiled brat rich kid classmates at the Obama kids’ fancy private school? It isn’t. 25 agents is especially excessive. The Obamas are millionaires and should be paying for anything beyond what is needed to protect their brat alone. Never thought I’d long for the days of Amy Carter. DS

Gerald on March 20, 2012 at 10:38 am

“The Commissar Vanishes” by David King–get the book if you can find it.

lexi on March 20, 2012 at 11:46 am

Gerald you’re missing the crux of the argument. I’ts not so much the Bush twins or even Chelsea Clinton being left alone. We on this site get that. It’s about the hypocrits that reside in the White House now. OJar Jar Binks and the First Kashyykian escapee would have you believe that although they want their little ewoks are off limits they don’t have a problem mentioning them (If they make a mistake I don’t want them punished with a baby)and using them as props for photo-ops. Also do you think that the LMSM would,ve pulled a story of say Jenna Bush or even Bristol Palin going on spring break if their parents asked them to. We all know the answer to that one.

Ken b on March 20, 2012 at 11:52 am



If you want to hate the Obamas and use anything and everything that you can get your hands on to justify it, then that’s perfectly fine with you. But don’t pretend as if it is a public policy issue. The difference between me and you: I didn’t like it when the liberals complained about Nancy Reagan throwing glamorous balls and walking around in expensive jewelry and designer gowns back when unemployment was 10.4% (it peaked at 10.1% under Obama mind you) and during the “homeless crisis” either. I say that something is bogus whether I actually like the person that it is about or not. If you want to have double standards where something is fine so long as it is committed by “your side” but is an outrage when the other team does it, well be my guest. I am still going to point out when it is nonsense. Class envy arguments are class envy arguments, whether it is liberals using them against Bush – and as they certainly will against Romney when he gets elected a few months from now – or whether it is conservatives using them against “out of touch Harvard elitists” like the Obamas. A spade is a spade.

And if you think that anyone is going to vote against Obama because of Michelle’s vacations that wasn’t already vote against him anyway, then well the joke is on you. That is merely red meat stuff for the base; the same as it was with the left that got frothing mad over George W. Bush using his connections to get out of serving in Viet Nam. (And if you want to use the “Animal Farm” reference, some draft dodgers were more equal than others, apparently. Bush’s avoiding Viet Nam was more blatant than Bill Clinton’s, but the issue magically disappeared for the very same people who spent 8 years calling Clinton an anti-American draft dodging Viet Cong sympathizer. Sorry, I can’t join that crowd.) That Dan Rather lost his job because of his absolute determination to “expose” something that no one other than liberal Democrats who weren’t going to vote for Bush in a million years anyway cared about was hilarious.

But hey, you can go to either the or the DailyKos fever swamps if you choose, and I wish you the best of times while you are there. As for me, I will remain mindful of the facts that swamps do dry up or get drained.

Gerald on March 20, 2012 at 11:57 am

    Gerald, let’s get something straight. I hate the Obamas because they are phony, lying Marxists. I don’t appreciate Marxists or lying liars (or Jew haters and America haters who sat their racist butts in Rev. Wrights racist church AND were bosom buddies with unrepentant, domestic terrorist and American education shaper Bill Ayers and his Manson family loving wife Bernardine Dorhn!). I am even LESS patient with ones who want to live high on the hog like O’Brien in “1984” who gets BETTER quality cigarettes and chocolate than the party members and proles do. I like a country where I can pay big bucks for quality chocolate if I can afford it as a private citizen. I want the Gubmint OUT of my freedom of choice.

    You bet I have no problem using FACTS against the Obamas. I will do it all day long. If one has facts on their side I see no problem using the truth to bolster the argument. Trouble with YOU is that YOU put up with more than I will.

    Another problem you have is THINKING and BELIEVING that unemployment under the Obama-Putin regime peaked at 10.1%. How come you don’t know about the shuck and jive with the numbers the Bureau of Labour Statistics is doing? I won’t let that pass as you conveniently do. The TRUE number is at about 16%…and I am being CONSERVATIVE with the number.

    If you wanna believe that Clinton’s draft-dodging was less than offensive that GWB’s (who DID at least serve in the National Guard) it shows just how weak you willingly are on some Liberal issues. But I have no idea what THAT has to do with the Kangaroos in Australia.

    And when you dismissively poo-poo an outrage that has teeth I will ALWAYS come right back at you with some good, crunchy facts!

    Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 3:41 pm

      Sorry Skunky, I love ya, but Gerald’s right on this one.

      “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

      Sean R. on March 20, 2012 at 5:31 pm

It is embarrassing to have to say this, but things like this excessive vacation entourage, for both Michelle and her daughter, although not explicitly public policy issues, simply show the contempt these people have for the rest of us. It is symbolic of public policy not in our interests.

Just like when you visit the doctor and he keeps you waiting for two hours & is rude to you, this does not expressly denote his lack of ability to help you or a lack of medical awareness, but most patients will generalize from this that he is not the doctor for them.

WE really have to be careful about defining ‘public policy’ too narrowly. It reminds me a little of the Republican so-called elite saying that we should stick to economics (with economics conveniently not including health care, since their candidate helped initiate Obamacare).

Little Al on March 20, 2012 at 1:05 pm

Ok. I’m only 33. My late teen & college years aren’t too far in my memory. My senior year in high school, BEFORE Mexico became the Somalia of the Western Hemisphere, I wanted to go to Cancun for Spring Break with the rest of my friends. The simple one word answer from my parents? A resounding one word sentence: “NO!” I wound up going to Panama City. Had a blast. Freshman & sophomore year in college? Yep. Wanted to go to Cancun again. I mean, I’m in COLLEGE. I SHOULD be able to go! Again, a resounding “NO” from Mom & Dad. And back to Panama I went with my buddies.

Now we have Mexico in the state that its in. And this “president” allows his THIRTEEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER to go to that rathole?! That same rathole that his OWN State Dept. has issued advisories against going to? I don’t care if there WERE 25 Secret Service agents, shat happens. What would this “president’s” reaction be if, G*d forbid, something were to happen to his daughter? WHY would you put your child in such danger? I don’t have kids yet, & my wife & I may NEVER have kids. But I sure as hell know that I wouldn’t be sending my 13 year old, or any OTHER age child to freaking MEXICO for Spring Break.

This speaks to the colossal lack of judgement that this “president” suffers from. Forget the whole hypocrisy aspect for a sec. If he’s THIS careless/care-free/non-chalant about something like THIS, what’s that say about him as a whole?

Not that most of us didn’t already know what type of scumbag he was BEFORE any of this. Hell, most of us knew this before he was coronated.

Con Chef (NB) on March 20, 2012 at 1:23 pm

And of course, to mention the obvious, President Obama and his advisers obviously disagree with some of the posters here, and they clearly believe they will lose votes if stories like this are publicized.

How else to explain the massive deletions of this story from so many media outlets? This is part of the story too, as much as are the excesses of Marie —, oops, I mean Michelle and Malia.

Little Al on March 20, 2012 at 1:31 pm

And the peace sign Malia is sporting so proudly? It has always been a symbol of anti-United States views, and may well have contributed to the deletion of this story.

Little Al on March 20, 2012 at 1:33 pm

And isn’t it naive to think that the Secret Service functions in a political vacuum? After all the stories we have read about Government agencies and judicial bodies being influenced (to say the least) by their political bosses?

Little Al on March 20, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Hey Gerald
Hey big boy
I will take Skunky and Debbie on my side any day of the week.
I admire the late Ted Williams who sacrificed his career with the Boston Red Sox to be a combat fighter pilot in World War II. Ted was one of the greatest hitters of his day for the Boston Red Sox. Ted did his duty to G-d and Country by fighting Naziism and Japanese Imperialism.
The least great generation was too wimpy was to volunteer and fight.

Confederate South on March 20, 2012 at 1:55 pm

Debbie is right on target again.

The spoiled brat’s father Barry thinks nothing about spending my great granddaughters future tax contributions on federal social programs that will turn this fine country into a sea to shining sea Detroit. A great granddaughter not even born yet. The apple does not fall far from the tree. So the daughter thinks of nothing else to do for spring break but going out of country to get drunk with her playmates.

She could have rode in the WH limo to Virginia Beach with the same results. Oh, except maybe with 6 SS agents instead of 25 and saving thousands of my great granddaughters money. And she could have got drunk in the limo on the way there, too.

Panhandle on March 20, 2012 at 2:09 pm

Breaking News – “The earthquake felt strong and long, but there was no sign of damage near downtown Oaxaca, says Spanish teacher Sandra Rivera at the Becari Language School in downtown Oaxaca, about 150 miles east of the epicenter of the quake.”

Let’s see how easy it is to cover up the story now. Probably did not want America to see what kind of parental judgment they are sporting these days…

CJ on March 20, 2012 at 3:00 pm

I thought she would spend this time on the march to Jerusalem with dad’s family and friends.
Mexico, really, we do need to encourage tourism there you know after they give us so much business by sending their version or our Peace Corps (see tee shirt) to tour our mountains in Utah, generously planting and harvesting crops for our consumption in LA.
Remember what happens in Oaxaca stays in Oaxaca.
“Man did you see what that donkey is doing?”
“I’d like to give the world a toke and keep it company.”

Ron Wolf aka "Columbo" on March 20, 2012 at 3:16 pm

The secret service seems to be protecting not just the Obama daughter but all of her classmates, as well. Clearly, they’ve got to protect her, and Mexico is probably a place where she needs lots of protection. However, I don’t think it’s the taxpayers’ responsibility to protect all of her elite school brat chums, as well.

adam on March 20, 2012 at 3:32 pm

Well the BS spin of Michelle’s is on. Now her press secretary is allowed to say something….she says Malia is fine on her ‘SCHOOL TRIP’ in Mexico…so it went from not being allowed to be talked about, to- she is fine on her vacation, er SCHOOL TRIP.


Freddd on March 20, 2012 at 3:48 pm

I’m gonna list the 16 vacations for y’all. If you think all these lavish vacations on mostly the tax-payer dole is ok with you in these times of thin gruel, well that’s YOUR business. But for the record I think it just highlights what crooks and Imperial hypocrites they are…

Feb. 2012 Aspen Colorado. Michelle Antoinette and her girls.

Dec. 2011 Hawaii (Family)

Aug. 2011 Martha’s Vineyard (Family)

June 2011 Botswana:South Africa (Flotus, Mum and kids)

Feb. 2011 Vail, Colorado Michelle Antoinette and her girls.

Dec. 2010 Hawaii (Family)

Aug. 2010 Panema City Beach, Florida (Family)

Chicago (Obama-Putin alone for 49th B-day)

Martha’s Vineyard (Family)

July 2010 Mt. Desert Island, Maine (Family)

May 2010 Chicago (Family)

March 2010 New York City (Michelle Antoinette and kids)

Dec. 2009 Hawaii (Family)

Aug. 2009 Grand Canyon/Yellowstone National Park (Family)

Aug. 2009 Martha’s Vineyard (Family)

Also, what I did not list was the infamous Michelle Antoinette trip to Spain…you know the one she “says” she is paying for with her own $$$ but is being investigated now.

Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 3:57 pm

How is this a Spring Break vacation when Sidwell’s Spring Break hasn’t started yet? The Daily Mail, before they voluntarily pulled the story, reported that this is a school-sponsored trip to visit some of Mexico’ cultural sites as part of their “Minimester” special activities. A look at Sidwell’s website tends to support this claim. It isn’t the Obama’s bilking the taxpayers so Malia and her entourage can party in Mexico. Who is paying for the twelve other students on the trip? Probably their parents. Who is paying Malia’s airfare? Probably the Obamas. Who is paying for the Secret Service Detail? We do, because we as a nation recognize that the President and his family are natural targets. Just as the Bush twins deserved SS protection when they were hitting the bars Malia deserves protection when participating in a school outing like a normal student.

hippox on March 20, 2012 at 5:48 pm

    There is nothing “normal student” about any of the Obama girls.

    And this is the SECOND time this child has worn a peace sign shirt.

    She should make one for her Noble Peace-Prized Daddy. Troops in Libya, and 4 parts of Africa and we know our poor troops are slumming in the hell-hole Afghanistan.

    When he is thinking about getting us involved in Syria, he should have his daughter wear ALL her peace sign shirts.

    Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 5:58 pm

      So know Malia’s choice in shirts is an outrage?

      But let’s ignore your misdirection and address the topic. Is this Malia and her entourage partying unsupervised (as I have seen claimed on other sites) on the taxpayer’s dime or is it a school trip financed like most other school trips: by the parents of the students involved? Did the White house forcibly take down the news reports and trample the First Amendment, or did they request the removal and the media sites agreed? If the removal was forced how is it that this site is still up? Debbie, did any Obama thugs contact you to silence your free speech?

      hippox on March 20, 2012 at 6:07 pm

        Hippox, instead of kissing your Obama-Putin HOPE poster, you should follow the NEWS.

        It has been reported that WH aides URGED the taking down of the Malia in Mexico stories and that they are reminding the press that they do NOT want their children’s picture taken when they are NOT with them.

        DS=10,000+ vs. Liberal Trolls=0 (ZERO!!!!!)

        Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 7:44 pm

          Skunky –

          The White House URGED and reminded they did NOT want.(Your capitalizations, not mine) Do you know what words you didn’t use? Forced. Ripped down. Coerced. Mandated. Dictated. Threatened. I could go on. Urging an action is not equivalent to forcing an action. Asking a story be removed is not the same as denying free speech. You appear to be a member of the Hank Williams, Jr., school that teaches any disagreement with your speech amounts to censorship of your speech.

          hippox on March 20, 2012 at 8:49 pm

          Retard, it ain’t called the Obama-Media for nothing.

          Sure I used that word because I know who the Obama-Media’s daddy is. What was that said to Colonel Grand Moff Tarkin by Princess Leia in Star Wars about Tarkin and Darth Vader? Yeah, that’s the Obama-media to Obama-Putin! Look it up, Junior.

          The same media that turned it’s head away like a 1 year old given pea-green babyfood when it came time to vet Obama-Putin.

          They turned their head away on Father Pfleger, Bill Ayers, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Rasheed Khalidi, Frank Marshall Davis, Derrick Bell and his dirty tricks to his “friend” Alice Palmer.

          You’re a true believer though. Extremely pathetic. Believing in a lying crypto-Marxist ’til the bitter end. You’re a proud useless idiot.

          Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 9:22 pm

          Skunky –

          I’m not familiar with the Star Wars quote you reference. Being an adult I’m not inclined to go researching a kid’s movie to find it. But we are talking about sites like the Telegraph, the Daily Mail, Free Republic. Are you actually calling these sites Obama Media? These folks live to shred President Obama a new a-hole everyday. Do you really think a phone call from the White House communications office is going to get them to back off a story if they smelled blood? That is bordering on delusional. Having read your other comments on this page I am convinced you crossed that border long ago.

          hippox on March 21, 2012 at 12:01 am

Twenty-five Secret Service agents are not
a great expense.When you are a born to a
family that believes contraception is a
right for someone else to pay for.
Malia is probably experimenting like her
granny with an Incan on the beach.

Commander Zsvartz on March 20, 2012 at 6:11 pm

Sorry Skunky, as much as I love fat, white, transgendered “women”, Gerald’s right on this one.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on March 20, 2012 at 6:15 pm

    Ha-ha you puke, I REALLY got you upset didn’t I? I think that part is funny but NOT that you stole Sean’s handle…and I know you did in your FIRST post theft because Sean is more intelligent than you and if you read HIS first post, you know where Sean stands on this. FAIL!

    He also uses more words than you do. You’re just an angry Liberal who CAN’T defend your position because you only feel what your Liberal Overlords tell you to feel…WITHOUT a visceral understanding of the issue. Sucks to be an emotional loser like you because you can’t defend what makes you get so angry. HAHAHHHHAAAAAA!

    And besides…Gerald is NOT and could NOT be correct our disagreement because I brought PLENTY of facts to the table and I also defended my opinion on the matter as not letting ANYTHING get by me when it comes to Liberal laziness and I did not fall for his bait and switch.

    DON’T steal Sean’s handle…he’ll take care of your ass when he realizes he was hi-jacked by you again BUT I am LOLOLing very hard because my steamroller of TRUTH got you all hot and bothered and angry.

    And you can’t defend your dumb anger so you steal and lie like the LOSAH you are! LOLOL!!!!

    Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 7:38 pm

Hey Skunky thanks, I totally appreciate you for sticking up for and defending my honor, that’s what friends do. Think about it, when that imposter who tried so damn hard to mimic off of me, I was NOT even on my computer at the time when he/she/it copied my handle and impersonated me.

DS knows who’s who on this blog of hers, because she’s the main moderator!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on March 20, 2012 at 8:08 pm

Skunky,Do you fondle yourself before or after
Your flashes of hormone deficiencies.
You enjoy self-medicating more than the average Trani.
Any videos you want to share with your loyalistas.

Commander Zsvartz on March 20, 2012 at 8:12 pm

Thank you for reporting this story, Debbie. Thanks also to all the regulars for the supporting comments–especially Skunky. All the comments that attempted to defend the LSM’s and some conversative website’s erasing the story from their websites without any explanation (except for the Free Republic) is unconvincing and has been answered and refuted above by Skunky and others.

Commander Zsvartz, I read your post at 8:12 pm and what I see is that you are admitting that Skunky owns you. If it were otherwise, you would have at least tried to rebut her. Since you didn’t that means that you are saying that Skunky owns you and that you hate her for it. Unless your next comment that you post is an intelligent one, I request that you never comment here again as you are embarrasing yourself.

The fake Sean R., (at 5:31 pm and 6:15 pm) the same applies to you and please quit stealing the real Sean R.’s handle.

JeffE on March 20, 2012 at 9:36 pm

Hey JeffE look up the term satire,which is what
makes De Niro millions,”where are all the white women.”
You too must be sniffing Skunk spray.

Commander Zsvartz on March 20, 2012 at 10:01 pm

I was just stating a fact…

Skunky IS a fat, white, transgendered “female”…

I can’t help that it gets “her” panties in a bunch…

as “she” already has has a bunch in “her” panties…

a big ol’ bunch…
if ya catch my drift…

allknow on March 20, 2012 at 10:06 pm

I was just stating a well known fact here in Massachusetts…

Skunky IS a fat, white, transgendered “female”…

I can’t help that it gets “her” panties in a wad to have everyone here know that…

“she” already has a wad in “her” panties…

a big ol’ wad… if ya catch my drift…

transgendered-nonanonymous on March 20, 2012 at 10:20 pm

LOLOL! I love it that I angered all you mental defective Liberal trolls with all my delicious facts.

It’s just the best!!!!

Skunky on March 20, 2012 at 10:23 pm

Commander Zsvartz/allknow,

You want satire? He’s satire.

Commander Zsvartz/allknow: “Skunky, I hate you for making intelligent points that conflict with my worldview and which are irrefutable. Hence, why I am resorting to namecalling.”

This is my final response to you.

JeffE on March 20, 2012 at 10:23 pm

We’re real “angry” with your “facts”…


transgendered-nonanonymous on March 20, 2012 at 10:25 pm

So what kind of deal did they have to cut to allow the secret service to carry guns in Mexico? Other cops and federal agents are not allowed to cross the border with guns or even ammo. So was she listed as a White House aide, like their trip to Africa and Europe? Given some form of Diplomatic status to allow her armed security detail? And the Million dollar question, how much is this trip costing us?

Ender on March 21, 2012 at 1:35 am

I see handle jacking is not just a problem on Townhall or Am Spec. Really, you regressives are a trip. The problem with you people is that you’re actually DUMBER than you think WE are if we can’t recognize the writing styles of regular posters compared to your elementary school-level screeds.

Con Chef (NB) on March 21, 2012 at 11:31 am

and Skunky, Don’t pay any attention to the jackers. It’s ok that you’re a fat, white,transgendered “female”. Really. That’s the way I like my “women”. I play the tuck game myself occasionally. We should get togther sometime, and compare our “wads”.

Con Chef (NB) on March 21, 2012 at 1:35 pm

D@mn not one chuckle on the Pakistan crack? I thought there would be at least one. Oh well.

Mark on March 22, 2012 at 1:58 am

This morning on “Reliable Sources” Howard Kurtz said the media did the RIGHT thing by scrubbing all the Malia vacation news stories. He said the president’s children should never be photographed or written about if they are not with their parents. And Kurtz is a media analyst!

C: I hope you are joking. Any moron can call themselves a “media analyst.” Doesn’t make them any smarter or more insightful than everyone else. And Kurtz is Exhibit A of that, since he’s just a leftist moron who cheated on his wife. Oh, and by the way, here’s how “reliable” Kurtz is: he posted a fraudulent story featuring an “interview” with a U.S. Congressman that he never did, but did instead with the guy’s press secretary and got duped. When he was informed otherwise, he chose not to correct the story or let anyone know, lest he be embarrassed. Then he got caught and had to change the story, weeks later. Reliable? Riiiight. Only if you’re a moron.

We all have a right to know if taxes fund 25 Secret Service agents who are protecting her fellow rich brats. If you don’t care about this, please go away and don’t vote. Get a frickin’ clue. DS

Carol on March 25, 2012 at 3:36 pm

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