February 10, 2009, - 3:14 pm

Child Abuse Cinema: “Under the Sea 3D” Hits Your Kids Over the Head 3D with Global Warming Fright

By Debbie Schlussel
Earlier today, I attended a special critics screening of “Under the Sea 3D” at an IMAX theater. The movie comes out Friday, and I’ll post my review then. Again, this isn’t a review, but I fotta say this: while the visuals are extremely cool and stunning, the audio felt like child abuse. To hear narrator Jim Carrey say a gazillion times how we are destroying the planet, how global warming is gonna kill the cute, cuddly sea lions living in Australia’s Barrier Reef, etc., etc., etc., was really getting on my nerves. It reminded me of “Arctic Tale,” which pulled the exact same stunt. I was wishing for a mute button . . . in vain. “Shut up, already.”
And movie-makers lie to parents in the trailer, below, not giving them an iota of an inkling that this 40-minute visual feast will be ruined by the pungent stink of non-stop, “You are ruining the planet and will make cute animals–and scary, poisonous sea snakes–die.” Not sure how you can “leave your world behind” and “lose yourself”–as the trailer tells you to do–when this movie won’t let you get away from left-wing environmentalist propaganda.

Hollywood has learned a new trick: Stunning eye-candy visuals, accompanied by hypocritical celeb lecturing.
Hey, Jim, how much energy did you waste filming the stupid “Yes Man”? How much global warming did you create with your and girlfriend Jenny McCarthy’s private jet-trip to be on Oprah, last year? When she dies or they burst a hole, what will you do to make sure that McCarthy’s silicone implants don’t pollute the environment? Dude, did ya know they’re not biodegradable?
Just checkin’. And wondering why that wasn’t in “Under the Hypocri-Sea 3D.” I guess you killed a whole lotta cute sea lions yourself, huh?

10 Responses

Too bad-the trailor looks so nic e. I think if you want kid interested in this kind of thing, just give them the facts-the visuals look stunning, and I think if you just let kids see it, they will be fascinated

mindy1 on February 10, 2009 at 4:30 pm

I have two words for Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy.

californiascreaming on February 10, 2009 at 5:17 pm

Its just a sign of the times, like this one:
Manbearpig is real! I am so, so cereal!

JWWright on February 10, 2009 at 6:51 pm

OMG…..it just shows that anyone can be a psychonut. No matter who they are. I never thought in a million years that Jim Carrey, one of the funniest ever….would stoop this low.
Has his fame run out of gas? Was his popularity from “In Living Color” just going empty?
I like nature shows and movies and documentaries, but not when they force bullshit down your throat. Too me they’re just using the animals as a shield. Mental animal abuse almost in my opinion.

Squirrel3D on February 10, 2009 at 9:34 pm

Remember “Silent Spring”? Spring is still noisy. Remember bailout crisis? Now THAT’s likely to silence America.

Rip Alinsky on February 11, 2009 at 10:01 am

Somewhere years ago I read an article by someone who really understood kids and their mental and emotional development. The author made the case that if you want to raise a generation of kids who really care about the environment, the thing to do is give ’em plenty of opportunities to BE IN IT–fishing, making sand castles, building tree houses, catching butterflies, hiking along a creek and catching tadpoles or crawdads, splashing through puddles in the rain, etc., etc. Children instinctively and automatically LOVE the natural world. There’s no more effective way to KILL that love than to make their young, impressionable minds associate NATURE with–ugh– misery and guilt.
If you want to produce adults who have a commitment to treating the earth right, you must let them first develop a real, personal RELATIONSHIP with nature when they’re young–i.e., JUST LET ‘EM HAVE FUN WITH IT! For heaven’s sake, don’t hit ’em with all that grim stuff until they’re old enough to DO something about it–say, high school, when they can run the school recycling program or join one of those “Earth Teams” to monitor local river water quality.
What’s needed most to solve the world’s problems is happy, well-adjusted people. You don’t get that by bombarding grade-schoolers with a bunch of negative, doom-and-gloom scare tactics!

Kathy from Kansas on February 12, 2009 at 1:10 am

Somewhere years ago I read an article by someone who really understood kids and their mental and emotional development. The author made the case that if you want to raise a generation of kids who really care about the environment, the thing to do is give ’em plenty of opportunities to BE IN IT–fishing, making sand castles, building tree houses, catching butterflies, hiking along a creek and catching tadpoles or crawdads, splashing through puddles in the rain, etc., etc. Children instinctively and automatically LOVE the natural world. There’s no more effective way to KILL that love than to make their young, impressionable minds associate NATURE with–ugh– misery and guilt.
If you want to produce adults who have a commitment to treating the earth right, you must let them first develop a real, personal RELATIONSHIP with nature when they’re young–i.e., JUST LET ‘EM HAVE FUN WITH IT! For heaven’s sake, don’t hit ’em with all that grim stuff until they’re old enough to DO something about it–say, high school, when they can run the school recycling program or join one of those “Earth Teams” to monitor local river water quality.
What’s needed most to solve the world’s problems is happy, well-adjusted people. You don’t get that by bombarding grade-schoolers with a bunch of negative, doom-and-gloom scare tactics!

Kathy from Kansas on February 12, 2009 at 1:14 am

Environmentalism is not a liberal, left-wing or political issue of any sort. It’s a common issue that conservatives simply insist on treating as an “us vs. them” situation simply because bettering the environment would cause some of them to get up off their asses once in a while.
There are real ways in which the environment is threatened and real things that human beings can do about it. If it pisses you off so much to hear about, why not conduct your own scientific research, identify the real problems from your “unbiased” conservative standpoint (HAH!) and tell the “left-wing environmentalists” what their legions of barely-paid scientists are supposedly lying about?

scythemantis on March 28, 2009 at 5:41 am

…And a “scary” venomous sea-snake is a lot more valuable to science and the environment than the “cute” mammals, incidentally.

scythemantis on March 28, 2009 at 5:42 am

Conservatives love to pretend that the scientific community exaggerates, takes wild guesses, doesn’t know what they’re doing or even blatantly lies about things like man-made global warming or evolution, but when the vast majority of researchers agree on something, it means a HELL of a lot.
We’re talking about millions of independent climatologists, biologists and scientists of every sort, with every imaginable political and cultural slant, all reaching identical conclusions – and the minute that one of them tries to publish inaccurate findings, the rest of the scientific community is ready to tear it apart and expose it for every possible flaw.
Scientists have NOTHING to gain and EVERYTHING to lose by being wrong. It’s a flawless system. Do you seriously believe that the global warming scare puts money in climatologists’ pockets? They don’t enjoy a cent of government grants. I know from first-hand experience, scientific research is a thankless, grueling, dog-eat-dog world that pays peanuts and comes with very little recognition.
I’m begging you, and the rest of conservative America, to let go of this conspiracy-theory clap trap, pay attention to real facts and stop trying to turn the environment into a “right vs. left” issue. Science has no political bias. Environmentalism does NOT, and never has, gone hand-in-hand with liberalism. You people just want to be belligerent and angry about everything you can.

scythemantis on March 28, 2009 at 2:22 pm

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