February 5, 2009, - 2:41 pm

Enough Already!: Hollywood Pushes Recycle T-Shirt on Us in TWO New Movies Out Friday

By Debbie Schlussel
Since I see the new movie releases before they come out, I couldn’t help but notice a really annoying trend of Hollywood preaching.
In two new movies coming out on Friday–“He’s Just Not That Into You” and “Push“–the main star is wearing a recycle symbol t-shirt. I guess they think if they can’t directly lecture you, they’ll do it subliminally. But, sorry, Hollywood liberals, I noticed, and ya know what? It’s REALLY obnoxious.
In “He’s Just Not That Into You,” star Ginnifer Goodwin (her parents got the “Jennifer Memo” but couldn’t spell), playing a very aggressive stalker of men, is shown wearing this t-shirt while sitting on her bed. Ah, sexy. Um, I’m Just Not That Into Recycling.
In “Push,” Dakota Fanning (who stopped being cute two years ago and stopped being a good actress when she was born) plays a psychic with super jedi mind trick powers. But despite all those powers, the only jedi mind trick she can play on the audience is her hypocritical t-shirt.


No word on whether the recycle symbol t-shirt is a symbol that these two hacktresses are the most recycled pieces of equipment on the Hollywood set.
If I want to recycle (and I don’t), I’ll recycle. When I see a movie, I want to relax and see a movie, not get preached to from Hollywood starlets and their t-shirts. But with two out of the four new movies out Friday pulling this stunt, you can’t get away from it at the theater. Enough already.
(Can’t post my reviews of these movies until Friday. They’ll be posted here at Midnight. Stay tuned.)

8 Responses

HUH?????? What’s bad about recycling?

Cousnits on February 5, 2009 at 4:03 pm

I think there’s a chance you misunderstood the message of the recycle tee shirt. When I see it I think the person is saying “I’m a piece of worthless trash and the only way I’ll be of any value is if somebody recycles my organs for somebody with higher brain function.”
I could be wrong, but that’s how I see it.

SeanM on February 5, 2009 at 4:07 pm

By the way, do we have an over/under bet on how long until Dakota Fanning is in rehab? How about until they name a section of the Betty Ford Clinic or perhaps Hazelden after her? I’m thinking there will be a Dakota Fanning Counseling Center, part of the Drew Barrymore Wing of the Betty Ford Clinic.

SeanM on February 5, 2009 at 4:10 pm

Ok, I can understand not wanting to be preached to; but I can’t believe that anyone is actually AGAINST recycling. Because that’s just retarded.

stormhit on February 5, 2009 at 4:12 pm

HUH?????? What’s bad about recycling?

oh noez on February 5, 2009 at 6:42 pm

Reduce, reuse, recycle.
It is hard to understand why someone would gloat over not recylcing.

Richard on February 5, 2009 at 7:42 pm

C’mon, Debbie. Dakota Fanning has not been in any kind of trouble that I know, and if the stories I’ve read about her are mainly true it seems that she and her parents have raised her to be a proper young lady. I wish she hadn’t been so anxious to do a film where she is raped but the tug of adulthood has affected us all at one time or another.
Dakota Fanning is a cute young girl and her body of work up to this time is mind-boggling. She has put in amazingly consistent work of a high caliber.

thegreatbeast on February 5, 2009 at 10:46 pm

I bet you don’t believe in giving blood either.

angela on July 6, 2010 at 9:52 pm

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