February 5, 2009, - 2:33 pm

BLECCH!: Important VIDEO- If U Eat Out, U Could Get Brainworm

By Debbie Schlussel
This is gross, but it’s must viewing for anyone who eats out. If a waiter/waitress doesn’t wash his/her hands after eating pork, you could get this in your brain. Beware. And–I thought this was basic hygiene–wash your hands!

8 Responses

And it’s even worse if the servers are homosexual. They will carry even more diseases, and with their unsanitary and unwholesome practices, will put customers at even more risk!

c f on February 5, 2009 at 4:40 pm

Keep Kosher and live!
That worm is reminds me of a sci-fi flick–like the earwig in the ear in a Star Trek movie or the critter in Alien eating out of the belly.
So what do we do? Even if you have the temerity to ask every single person who may touch your food, table, dishes or silverware in a restaurant, “do you wash your hands thoroughly after using the rest room?”–what is the likelihood that person who doesn’t is going to be truthful? “yeah, I never wash–takes too much time..” sure.
Seems all one can do is to stop eating out– unless you really know all about the people at place you are going–and even then, you are still taking a risk. You have this same kind of risk in many hotel rooms too, I’ve been told from the bedding. And what about shaking hands? Scary stuff.

BB on February 5, 2009 at 7:56 pm

[If a waiter/waitress doesn’t wash his/her hands after eating pork, you could get this in your brain.]
Although the worm does come from pork, I think the advice on the video is to wash your hands properly after you take a dump.
There was a similar story on the west coast some time ago I think, where a Jewish community was getting this problem. They weren’t the ones eating pork, their domestics (maybe illegal aliens) weren’t washing their hands properly and were infecting the kosher food.

Norman Blitzer on February 5, 2009 at 8:13 pm

It’s not trichinosis. The Trichinella are very small, I believe they infect muscle tissue in general – maybe brain. That’s the classic worm for which pork and game have been known.
That thing was the size of a grub or a huge maggot. And just what the hell was it? If it was a grub then it would have turned into an insect. Can you imagine a beetle popping out of your ear? Probably a worm, they just stay worms.
The doctor has removed 5 of these in a few months. The quick population biology he broke down was a bit scary. Vectors and exponential growth… and bears, oh my!
Anyway, I have a new theory: beer makes one immune to brain worms. That’s the ticket.

Richard on February 5, 2009 at 9:56 pm

OMG – I just had a thought. Does this mean I should stop eating the carnitas from the roach coach? Nah, I’ll just have another brew.

Richard on February 5, 2009 at 9:58 pm

If it aint jihadis and homeland security it’s brain worms. I’m going to stop reading you at night when I get home. Better in the morning.

samurai on February 6, 2009 at 12:31 am

Perhaps this coming from south of the border? You know just not washing the hands Americans will

colin5656 on February 6, 2009 at 9:26 am

Never went to college for it, but I’ve studied parasites all my life. They’re amazing creatures – and an estimated seven out of ten people in the world have some kind of macroscopic (visible to the naked eye) parasitic worm in their body as we speak.
The most disturbing part of this is these numbers are concentrated in America, Europe and other medically advanced countries. Everything about our farming and distribution methods is exactly what the parasites WANT. We even feed some livestock on vegetables grown with human sewage. A worm like this couldn’t ask for direct and more effective propogation.

scythemantis on March 28, 2009 at 5:48 am

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