February 23, 2012, - 2:34 pm
ABSURD: Army Forces Male Soldiers to Wear Fake Breasts, Belly to “Understand” Pregnant Soldiers
Ya think Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, or Hezbollah are forcing their jihadists to put on fake boobs and a womb . . . so they can know how a woman jihadi feels before she meets her life of no 72 virgins? Nope. But they’re laughing at us for doing it.
My late father and great-uncle Morris, both of them Army men, are turning over in their graves. Their once-great military fighting force has now turned into the most absurd of psycho-babble social experiment disasters. Apparently, “Army Proud,” has been changed to “Army Progesterone.” And since the Army brass is so proud of this ludicrous new “military exercise,” maybe we should force the Brigadier Generals to wear these feminine prosthetics and head to meet our Talibani friends dressed like that. Shouldn’t everyone get in on it?
The Army is ordering its hardened combat veterans to wear fake breasts and empathy bellies so they can better understand how pregnant soldiers feel during physical training.
This week, 14 noncommissioned officers at Camp Zama took turns wearing the “pregnancy simulators” as they stretched, twisted and exercised during a three-day class that teaches them to serve as fitness instructors for pregnant soldiers and new mothers.
Army enlisted leaders all over the world are being ordered to take the Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training Exercise Leaders Course, or PPPT, according to U.S. Army Medical Activity Japan health promotion educator Jana York.
Developed by the Army in 2008, the course includes aerobics classes, pool sessions and classroom studies on the physiology of pregnant women. The NCOs learn special exercises for pregnant women, who shouldn’t push themselves too hard or participate in high-impact activities such as snowboarding, bungee jumping or horse riding, York said.
Um, are we running a neonatal program or a military? Hard to tell. It’s embarrassing.
During the training, each NCO must wear the pregnancy simulator for at least an hour.
“When they first come in, the males are typically timid and don’t feel they have the knowledge to teach female soldiers,” she said. “However, after three days their confidence rises.”
Oh, yeah, that’s how I’d inspire confidence in men: by making them wear boobs and wombs. Yeah, that’s the ticket! WTF?!
Sgt. Michael Braden, a helicopter crew chief who has served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, said he was less than enthusiastic about taking part.
Oy, somebody left their man card back in Greater Islamic Barbaria.
“I didn’t want to do it,” said Braden, 29, of Everett, Wash.
The 78th Aviation Battalion mechanic said he was ordered to do the training even though he doesn’t have any female soldiers in his unit and doesn’t see himself as the right sort of person to run the aerobics classes that make up a large portion of the PPPT training.
Ah, so it’s a great use of Army financial resources, too!
Despite his misgivings, Braden strapped on the empathy belly and spent Tuesday morning learning low-impact aerobics moves like the “grapevine” and the “V-step.”
Huh? Is this a dance club or an army?
Here’s a tip: if we make male soldiers go through this BS to “accommodate” pregnant women, maybe there shouldn’t be pregnant females in the Army. What use are they? As I’ve written, they use their pregnancies to get out of duty. And who is raising their kids when they don’t use it as an excuse to get out of active duty?
Now, this? The ghost of Osama Bin Laden is laughing from beneath the sea.
He might’ve gotten some shots in his head. But it’s getting clear and clearer that he won the battle and will win the war.
Sgt. Matthew Prout, a 26-year-old member of the 88th Military Police Detachment at Camp Zama: “It gives me a better sense of what the pregnant woman is going through as she is going the exercises,” he said. “It will allow me to see both sides.” . . .
“My initial view of the Army was just kind of – we train, we fight,” he said. “But my eyes have been opened up to the family aspects of the Army as opposed to just the single soldier view.”
Terrific. We are training our soldiers to be wusses. This won’t save a single soldier’s life. Won’t stop a single IED or bomb. Won’t do a damned thing to aid the military mission.
And while we’re at it, why stop at the breast and womb prosthetics? Shouldn’t America’s male soldiers be forced to insert tampons somewhere? Wear panty liners and maxi-pads? And breast feed?
After all, don’t we want them to truly understand the “female experience?”
Perhaps we should also make ’em watch all eight seasons of the execrable “Sex and the City” and a month of the Oprah Winfrey Network. Yup, that’ll make our fighting men even more ready for battle.
Tags: 78th Aviation Battalion, Army, Army Men forced to wear prosthetic breasts and wombs, Camp Zama, fake boobs, fake wombs, girlie-man nation, Jana York, PPPT, Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training Exercise Leaders Course, pregnancy simulators, pregnant soldiers, Sgt. Matthew Prout, Sgt. Michael Braden, U.S. Army, U.S. Army Medical Activity, wussification of U.S. Armed Forces
The Russian army is cutting out all non-military ballast and the US Army Forces is bending over backwards to appease feminists, who by the way, could care less about children and the traditional family. That’s another group of moral frauds our military leaders cater to in addition to Muslims who hate their guts and are proud of how Malik Nidal Hasan showed he was a “good” American, Muslim-style.
WTF is right, Debbie! Now we are the kind of people who seldom swear but sometimes those uncouth three letter words are necessary, since polite language doesn’t always convey how outrageous things are.
Everyone remembers Cary Grant and Tony Curtis in “Operation Petticoat.” That was a movie, this real life. WTF is our Armed Forces? A social baby sitting service or a war machine?
This has nothing whatsoever to do with military functions. Forcing men to become obstetricians and midwives is not what they signed up to do in the first place. A man was never meant to be a woman. Gotta love this politically correct “sensitivity training.” Of course no one in the military brass would dream of ordering women to understand what its like to be a man or to order Muslims to understand what its like to be an infidel.
Programs like this one, dangerous, silly and useless, have no place in our Armed Forces! Its only take the precious time that soldiers need to learn to fight and kill our enemies on something that belongs in the civilian world. Yup, every one is laughing at us and our soldiers who passively allow this to be done to them have forfeited their manhood and deserve our ridicule and contempt, not our affection and respect!
WTF, indeed!
NormanF on February 23, 2012 at 2:59 pm