February 3, 2012, - 4:02 pm
Israel, Iran, Obama & the “Impending” Nukes Strike
I’m always asked what I think about the evergreen news story that “Israel will strike Iran by year’s end.” It’s a story that’s been in the news for years and never happens. And I always laugh at how self-styled “experts” on Israel, Iran, and the Middle East constantly elaborate ad nauseam, diarrhea-of-the-mouth-style about how Israel is going to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons “in the next few months.” Yeah, whatever. You keep tellin’ yourself that. It’s like today’s ABC News story that Israel put its companies in North America on high alert. That could be justa red herring to trick the media, Iran, and especially Israel’s worst enemy in high office: Barack Hussein Obama. And, frankly, Israel’s companies in America need to be on high alert at all times. They’re hated by all things Muslim. Here’s what I know for certain:

If and when Israel ever strikes Iran’s nuclear facilities and warheads–which I’m not sure is a certainty to happen–you won’t be reading in the news that the Israelis are about to do it. These leaks are Obama’s way of trying to stop Israel from doing so. And before that, they were Bush’s and Condi Clueless’ way of stopping Israel from doing so. And I’m simply tired of hearing this BS story.
I also know that when Israel struck Iraq’s Osierak nuclear facility, it was a whole different ballgame. There was only one place to strike. It was in a well-known location above ground. And Israel had it much easier than is the case now with Iran.
There’s the issue of Iran’s nuclear warheads or “nuclear warheads in development.” And that’s another story I’m tired of hearing every few months: that Iran’s nuke development is just a few months to a year away, which we’ve also been hearing for years, which means none of these full of it, so-called “experts” really know what they are talking about. They’re just BS artists who know less than you or I, but got moronic producers at FOX News to fall for the scheme. A few years ago, the number of locations of Iranian nukes/nukes in development was believed to be at least 39 in number and perhaps, by now, there are many more. They are believed to be in many locations around the country and hidden deep underground.
Even assuming that the Israeli intelligence is that sharp (and I do believe they are, indeed, that sharp) and that they know exactly where all or most of these are located, they would have to strike all of them at once and find a way to get to Iranian airspace undetected with a lot of planes and/or stealth bombers. And they would have to use special extra-strength bunker-buster bombs that can destroy many feet below them. Or they’d have to have a large legion of spies capable of attacking a number of these locations on the ground.
Good luck with that. It’s just nearly impossible. If it could have been done easily, it would have been done already. And we’d be hearing the same worldwide condemnations of Israel that we heard when Israel did the world a favor and a “clean up at Aisle 8” of Osierak.
My favorite BS story is today’s attack on Israel by Obama-surrogate Aaron David Miller, a hideous Clinton HAMASnik and Arafat ass-kisser I had the pleasure of hissing and heckling when he spoke in Detroit and promoted recognizing HAMAS as a regular political party. He headed the Seeds of Peace moral equivalency summer camp in Maine for leftist Israeli kids and the kids of Islamic terrorists. Then, the morons at FOX News frequently consulted this uber-schmuck.
“There’s a growing concern — more than a concern — that the Israelis, in order to protect themselves, might launch a strike without approval, warning or even foreknowledge,” Aaron David Miller, a former Mideast peace negotiator in the Clinton administration, said today.
Puh-leeze. There’s no concern except on the part of Obama and far-leftist Jews In Name Only like Miller who would run over his own children to give a threesome-Lewinsky to Abbas, Meshaal, and the ghost of Arafat. But he’s doing Obama’s and Hillary’s by making this public BS comment.

Remember these facts the next time you hear this or that phony “expert” on FOX News or anywhere else claiming to know what Israel is going to do with regard to Iran and when.
They know nothing. And they’re simply full of s**t. Period.
Like the woman who dresses like a hooker and never delivers, the non-stop stories about Israel’s “impending attack by year’s end” or “in the next few months” are just the ultimate tease.
And the people who market the stories are even more skanky than the hooker chick. And a lot more indecent.
Tags: Aaron David Miller, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, Binyamin Netanyahu, experts, Iran, Israel, Jews, nuclear facilities, nuclear strike, nuclear warheads, nuclear weapons, nukes
Barry Rubin, for one, is convinced that there will be no Israeli strike on Iran. Clearly this is a chess game with many players: Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the U.S., Russia, Syria, the Gulf States, inter alia. Throw into the mix the Shia/Sunni divide. With so many players it is hardly inconceivable that some splinter group or individual could overturn this already unstable apple cart.
Charles on February 3, 2012 at 4:13 pm