January 16, 2009, - 3:03 pm

Hopeless Change: Obama Seeks New BFF in Chavez Outreach

By Debbie Schlussel
This is the Obama we warned you about, the Obama he warned you he was.
He hasn’t even been sworn in yet, but Barack Hussein Obama is trying to get pro-Castro/Hezbollah/Syria tyrant, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, to be his new Best Friend Forever:

The U.S. Embassy’s top official in Venezuela said Thursday the United States will seek increased cooperation with the government of Hugo Chavez under Barack Obama, but Chavez said he’s not convinced that relations will improve.
Charge d’Affaires John Caulfield said he told Venezuela’s foreign minister, Nicolas Maduro, that Obama’s administration would seek “renewed dialogue” after the president-elect takes office next Tuesday.


“We spoke about the opportunity for a renewed dialogue,” Caulfield said following a closed-door meeting with Maduro.
Diplomatic relations between the United States and Venezuela reached a new low on Sept. 12, when Chavez expelled the U.S. ambassador and recalled his own envoy from Washington.
The socialist leader has repeatedly suggested that relations will not be fully restored until President George W. Bush leaves the White House.
“If he respects Venezuela, he’ll receive a respectful response,” Chavez told a crowd of red-clad supporters at a theater in Caracas.
Otherwise, Chavez warned, Venezuelans will “continue our fight against imperialism.” . . .
Chavez has . . . emerged as Latin America’s most outspoken critic of the United States while forging strong ties with Washington’s foes, including Syria, Iran and communist-led Cuba.
This isn’t a case of keeping your enemies closer. It’s a case of utter stupidity and enabling and empowering your enemies. America’s enemies. At least four years of this.
And don’t forget, Barack’s friends–like billionaire hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons–long ago made Chavez their BFF and defended his attacks on America.

9 Responses

Sure… if America gives up its values and interests, every thug and terrorist on the planet will suddenly discover a new-found affection for America. If we don’t do that, after awhile the hostility will be back and it has nothing to do with who is President. If Obama thinks sweet talking the bad guys will change their natures, he’s about get a lesson in the real world. None too soon.

NormanF on January 16, 2009 at 3:57 pm

Hope and Change? There ain’t no hope with the likes of Chavez (and Ahmedinejad) and some change is more worthless than no change at all.

NormanF on January 16, 2009 at 4:00 pm

The Dems can stab faithful, effective, brave Uribe from Columbia in the back but cant WAIT to embrace this lunatic!

labwrs on January 16, 2009 at 4:24 pm

Obamanation selling America and her people out already and not even in office yet. Looks like it’s going to be a long four years. Liberals are literally destroying the very core essense of what America represents. I wouldn’t be surprised if America has another civil war in the near future. Hold on people, because it’s going to be a long and extremely turbulent ride. Hope the real American people will be able to ride out this destructive storm.

Tenn Scholar on January 16, 2009 at 4:31 pm

Norman F says it all. Sad to see this happening; equally sad that except for a very, very, few scattered politicans, if that many, no one in political office seems to be criticizing the appeasement towards pipsqueak contries like Venezuela, Syria, and Iran.

c f on January 16, 2009 at 8:01 pm

Charge d’Affaires John Caulfield said he told Venezuela’s foreign minister, Nicolas Maduro, that Obama’s administration would seek “renewed dialogue” after the president-elect takes office next Tuesday.
What the hell gives Ibama the right to interfere in foreign policy before the inauguration? Why is a State Dept. employee acting on the president-elects
whims before he takes the oath of office?

thegreatbeast on January 16, 2009 at 10:37 pm

Finally, words are incarnated.
Every time I see, hear or watch Hussein Obamba, I see a truly EMPTY SUIT.
There are no words that were ever incarnated than these on that particular person.
But, as I always says, the stupid voters are to blame, not anybody else.
You get what you deserve.

Independent Conservative on January 17, 2009 at 2:19 am

Yes, all these world “leaders” are puppets used by the grand puppeteer, Alfonso Nicolas, a.k.a the Black Pope, Jesuit General Superior, to eradicate the Shiites, Jews, and Protestants from the face of the earth in order to set up the Abomination of Desolation in the soon to be constructed temple in Jerusalem. The evidence speaks for itself. He who has hears let him hear it.

John the Baptist on January 18, 2009 at 5:04 pm

Tenn this statement is funny “Looks like it’s going to be a long four years. Liberals are literally destroying the very core essense of what America represents. I wouldn’t be surprised if America has another civil war in the near future.
To have civil war you have to have someone to fight against! Liberals don’t have the fortitude to fight they don’t believe in family values, they are just like the muslims they are terrorist to the USA.

ohboyohboy on January 20, 2009 at 12:46 pm

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