January 15, 2009, - 12:42 pm

Judge Leon: Yet Another Gitmo Terrorists’ Hero in a Robe

By Debbie Schlussel
You gotta wonder about Federal Judge Richard Leon.
He just ordered the release of Al-Qaeda terrorist Mohammed El-Gharani from Guantanamo Bay. Leon claims that testimony from other Gitmo detainees that El-Gharani was in Al-Qaeda is “unreliable.”
But El-Gharani, a Black Muslim from Chad, was captured in Pakistan when he was 14. Hmmm . . . I’m sure he was just, um, “visiting” Pakistan (by himself at age 14) for a little R & R, right? Or maybe it was to date one of those Paki “hotties” in hijabs and niqabs? Newsflash: Chadians don’t normally go to Pakistan as their primary tourist destination or vacation getaway of choice. Newsflash #2: Most Chadians don’t have a pot to whizz in, much less the funds to travel to Pakistan. There’s a reason El-Gharani “relocated” to Pakistan.
The judge seemed to be hung up on El-Gharani’s age. But that’s clueless. Anyone reading a paper or watching even the liberal-dominated mainstream news media knows that Al-Qaeda–and all Islamic terrorist groups–recruit them young.


Mohamed El-Gharani: Funny, He Doesn’t Look Pakistani

The feds say that Gharani stayed at an al-Qaeda-affiliated guest house in Afghanistan, fought in the battle of Tora Bora following the US-led invasion, and served as a courier for senior al-Qaeda operatives.
But, you know, Judge Richard Leon, knows better. Here’s a clue for Hizzoner Judge Leon: Pakistan isn’t a regular tourist destination for Chadian teens. There is a reason this guy was in Pakistan, and it wasn’t a good one.
G-d save this sinking nation from these clueless, dangerous judges.

12 Responses

Debbie, the U.S Supreme Court decided last year in Hamdan that federal judges who know next to nothing about national security and foreign policy could make decisions about it. And since incoming President Obama is going to shut down Gitmo anyway, Judge Leon felt he could go ahead and do what our next President is set to do anyway. G-d save this country from the likes of them!

NormanF on January 15, 2009 at 1:30 pm

And the Lord save us from those who believe that torture can yeild valid testimony because as we do unto other will be done unto us.
We will either operate under the rule of law, or nothing that we are fighting for is worth a damn.

greenlynn on January 15, 2009 at 1:57 pm

You might note that there is no reliable evidence that the young man was ever in Afghanistan.
It’s time to end the lawlessness and seek the gracious forgiveness of our Father in Heaven.

greenlynn on January 15, 2009 at 1:59 pm

Greenlyn, those who murder women and children are not deserving of compassion and humane treatment. Jack Bauer was right before the show went PC – when a terrorist has knowledge that innocents are going to die, you do whatever is necessary to extract the information from him to save their lives. He lost his right to belong to the human race the moment he targeted innocents for death.

NormanF on January 15, 2009 at 3:01 pm

Afghanistan is not exactly a tourist mecca, like Debbie said. The U.S military knew why it detained him. How does a federal judge know he wasn’t recruited by Al Qaeda. He doesn’t. Shakespeare was right about what should be done to the lawyers – Debbie excepted – because innocents die when they screw things up.

NormanF on January 15, 2009 at 3:03 pm

I have a question for those who want to close Guantanamo and release the Muslim terrorists among the U.S. population:
What will be your reaction if one of those terrorists you so cherish and love moves in your neighborhood or becomes your next door neighbor?

Independent Conservative on January 15, 2009 at 3:13 pm

Independent, the answer to those bleeding hearts should be, let them – the jihadist terrorists, slaughter your families in cold blood and let’s see them how much you still “understand” why they hate Jews and Americans.

NormanF on January 15, 2009 at 3:19 pm

NormanF, the Muslim terrorists-lovers need a more destructive September 11 to be convinced that there are people who want to behead them no matter how nice they are to them.
Unfortunately, innocent people who have nothing to do with politics, regular folks will lose their lives because of some idiots.

Independent Conservative on January 15, 2009 at 3:26 pm

[Independent Conservative – I have a question for those who want to close Guantanamo and release the Muslim terrorists among the U.S. population:
What will be your reaction if one of those terrorists you so cherish and love moves in your neighborhood or becomes your next door neighbor?]
I think they are going to join their local chapter of NIMBY (Not in My Back yard).

i_am_me on January 15, 2009 at 3:50 pm

Thomas Paine was right-we need less gov’t 🙁

mindy1 on January 15, 2009 at 4:14 pm

I thought Pakistan and Afghanistan were tourist attractions, after all didn’t the great one, obama, visit Pakistan while he was in college?
Now he is about to be President, not a terrorist, so give peace a chance.

ender on January 15, 2009 at 8:47 pm

My suggestion is we send these federal judges to the war zone. If they don’t like that idea, seay out of the militaries business and let them do their job. Judges stop feeling sorry for this scum SEMPER FI. DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR

dong_ha68 on January 15, 2009 at 9:47 pm

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