January 14, 2009, - 9:32 pm

Funny Ad of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
This ad recently appeared in the Chicago Tribune. It was sent to me by my friend Ruth S. King, who suggests that Caroline Kennedy go shopping at this furniture store, which–if you can’t read the smaller print–says that their seats last much longer than six years.


5 Responses

Maybe she can share a loveseat with her probable colleague, the new senator from Minnesota (former) beauty and the beast.

c f on January 15, 2009 at 12:23 am

LOL-the truth can be funny.

mindy1 on January 15, 2009 at 6:45 am

Perfect seat for Rahm Emanuel to buy … at a discount of course. Oy vey.

Cove on January 15, 2009 at 11:08 am

Senate seat for sale. Description: Hardly ever used, never saw the senator in office, Voted Present mainly. Will thrown in a couple of DVDs, haven’t been watched. Might be senator’s pastor. I suspect DVD is fairly harmless and enlightening.

californiascreaming on January 15, 2009 at 11:14 am

Hey, that’s no different than what Hussein did.
He bought the presidency by fooling the idiots with cheap talk and to keep his ratings high, he’ll do anything to please them.
Even if he has to sleep with the Republicans, Ahmad El Nagadi and whoever you can imagine.
It’s all about “personal legacy.”
It’s all about his “personal glory” in the “history books.”
And screw America!
Always remember, Hussein will do anything to please everybody, in America and overseas.
That’s how you become a popular asshole, in my opinion.
Just watch him, you’ll know I’m right.
As for Caroline Kennedy, I have one word for her:
You want the Senate seat?
Shove it up your ass!
You will not screw this country more than it is already.
Only we know that America doesn’t lack empty skirts.

Independent Conservative on January 15, 2009 at 11:29 am

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