January 25, 2012, - 2:42 pm

Liam Neeson Considers Converting to Islam – “Al-Moron”

By Debbie Schlussel

Over a year ago, I told you about Irish actor Liam Neeson’s absurd claim that Aslan, the Christ-based Lion he voices in “The Chronicles of Narnia” movies is Mohammed.  Now, he says he’s considered converting to Islam, after hearing the Islamic call to prayer while in Turkey.  Looks like that call to prayer turns some brains into mush, especially the ones already pre-disposed to Islam . . . and NOT critical thinking.


Hollywood star Liam Neeson is considering giving up his Catholic belief and becoming a Muslim.

The actor, 59, admitted Islamic prayer “got into his spirit” while filming in Turkish city Istanbul.

He said: “The Call to Prayer happens five times a day and for the first week it drives you crazy, and then it just gets into your spirit and it’s the most beautiful, beautiful thing.

Beautiful? Hilarious. If being woken up early in the morning by the scary and spurious chants that there is no god but allah is beautiful to you, you really need your head examined, Liam. Oh, and now he’s enticed by the “stunning” mosques. My guess is he hasn’t been inside a church lately. His ridiculous statement certainly sounds like that of a four-year-old kid who is enticed by the draw of brightly colored candy that, beyond the color-coating, tastes like s**t.

“There are 4,000 mosques in the city. Some are just stunning and it really makes me think about becoming a Muslim.”

Liam was raised in Northern Ireland as a devout Catholic and altar boy and was named after the local priest.

But the star — whose wife Natasha Richardson died aged 45 in a skiing accident in 2009 — has spoken about challenges to his faith.

He said: “I was reared a Catholic but I think every day we ask ourselves, not consciously, what are we doing on this planet? What’s it all about?

“I’m constantly reading books on God or the absence of God and atheism.”

Wow, looks like someone needs to read some books about the absence of a brain.

“What’s it all about?” Oh, brother. Go back to the ashram, moron.

I guess this is his repentance for doing the movie, “Taken” (read my review).  Or maybe this is some sort of tribute to his ancient skank mother-in-law–anti-Semitic, pro-Islamic terrorist, friend-of-Arafat, Qaeda-concubine, Vanessa Redgrave.

Either way, he’s an idiot. Yet, another case of “Shut Up And ACT!”

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137 Responses

Oskar Schindler a Muslim?

Repeat on January 27, 2012 at 10:49 pm

You state that Vanessa Redgrave is anti semetic, so what. Talk
about yourself a pathetic journalist who is racist. You take
every chance you get to belittle Muslims and I thought journalists were meant to be intelligent and know how the world
works. Go back and get educated!

Maria Scarano on January 28, 2012 at 1:33 am

    Why do I have that sneaking suspicion that all of you are fans of ol’ Glenn Becky? Or perhaps you believe the world is a few thousand years old? There are religious extremists in every sect. The VAST majority of Muslims are extremely peaceful. Also, to call someone a moron because the voices in his head weren’t telling him they were Jesus, is insanity. Does anyone here even know the definition of Semitic? The house of Shem. Muslims believe in Gabriel, Noah, his ark, and so on. If you don’t believe me, take your own comparative religion courses. They however, have to be nonbiased. Not that any of you right wing nutjobs would bother. Cheers – R.

    R on September 14, 2013 at 12:29 pm

    Don’t worry, they will kill you too. You are a useful tool and when they are done with you they will kill you. After all they don’t mind using their own children to blow up people, so you are a much lesser tool. Enjoy fool.

    Kathae on January 23, 2015 at 3:10 am

Maria, it is a big deal that Vanessa Redgrave is an anti-semite, have you read the bible lately dopey Maria? If you’ve read Genesis 12:1-3, those three verses in that book explains that god names the jewish people as his chosen ones, etc.

FYI Maria, Debbie Schlussel is one of the best journalist and authors on the internet. If she’s pathetic in you’re warped and pathetic mind, then why did you comment here? Furthermore, if DS is so pathetic, why do alot of bloggers on cyberspace steal her work and plagarize off of her? She is taken seriously you stupid bimboish troll! Another thing, what race is islam you imbecile? Debbie has EVERY right to call out muslims on their behaviors and what their doing and she has EVERY right to condemn and call out all of the teachings and doctrines of islam, you don’t know squat about islam Maria.

And one more thing before I call it a night Maria, since you’re a female, do you know what happens to women in islamic countries in the middle east? Under sharia law in muslim countries, women are treated as second class citizens, unable to drive vehicles, cannot walk alone on the roads (must have a male with them), perform female mutilation, stone them to death if their caught having an affair with their man, victims of acid attacks, etc. You’re the one who needs to be educated of what exactly islam is instead of being a useful idiot dhimmi moron, or is it that you’re a muslim using a western name?

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on January 28, 2012 at 2:58 am

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful,

Why did u called him as Al-Moron Debby? What has disturbed you?

If your religion is right and you believe your God is true. Don’t worry, he will find his way to your religion.

Islam never forces anyone to become a moslem including Liam Neeson. He chose the deen himself.

Help your self debby.


asyah on January 28, 2012 at 3:46 am

    Dear 7th century thinker,

    The Muslim God is Allah the moon god and has nothing to do with the Christian or Jewish God. Mohammed borrowed from the old and new testament and the Koran is a series of his rantings, especially the 9th Sura. Get a real life and yes most actors are morons including Liam Nesson. He is lost, because his wife died in an accident and he has been influenced by his loony mother-in-law. He questions God, who took his wife and doesn’t have an answer. He should read or re-read Job. Job finally questioned God after his tribulation with Satan. He asked why? God answered him and said “I who created the behemoth and the levitian, It is not for you to reason why but to do or die!” That is what Mr. Moron will have to live with and understand in his own church, not in a religion of death and murder.

    enubus on February 5, 2012 at 9:13 pm

    Tell that to the millions of people forced to convert or die. Tell that to the people of Sudan. Islam is forcibly spread and has been since Mohammed created it.

    Wendy Austin on February 16, 2012 at 2:33 pm

Fun fact:
The Marxist PIRA had a long standing alliance with the PLO* and N-Irish cities are full of mural glorifying terrorists like that anti-white racist Nelson Mandela and Palestinian terrorists.

*Which is actually far more secular then any of the IRAs but that’s beside the point.

NORNiron on January 28, 2012 at 11:07 pm

…G-d certainly has a way of evening the score when you have a cold hearted hateful bitch for a mother like Redgrave.You think Neeson would have the brains to have figured this out by now if he is seeking a spiritual answer to the death of his wife and the anti Semitic conduct of his mother in law from the dark side. Fools never learn from their mistakes.

Daniel Katz Sydney Australia on January 29, 2012 at 2:46 pm

Thanks for the heads up on this idiot Debby. Maybe he wants to replace his deceased wife with a 9 year old. First he comes out with his moronic statement about Aslan the lion character which is based on Jesus Christ saying Aslan could be Mohammad – Aslan wasn’t raping the 9 year old in the movie he was trying to protect her – just saying! I know you gave his new movie a decent rating but I won’t be shelling out any more cash to see a Liam Neeson movie ever again – maybe they will like his movies in the muslim countries – oh wait – I forgot – their is no fun in Islam!

MRobs on January 30, 2012 at 2:09 pm

You might be one of most racist people I’ve ever seen. You have no intelligent dialogue but just spew contempt for anyone different than you.

Jeff McGonigle on February 6, 2012 at 4:38 pm

    Islam isn’t a race – jackass – it is a totalitarian political system masquerading as a religion – read your koran much? I have – it promotes mysogyny, pedophilia, wife beating, beheadings, stonings, honor killings – I could go on and on. I most definitely spew contempt for Islam and anyone who follows that satan worshiping cult – try getting your head out of your ass and educating yourself about Islam – moron.

    MRobs on February 9, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    Tell that to the thirteen kids they just murdered for watching a soccer game.

    Kathae on January 23, 2015 at 3:15 am

So far, Muslims are the only ones not commenting hate or insults, or curses. Everyone else is being insulting and wacky with their outbursts. I think that says a lot. If Muslims are the only ones commenting here in a peaceful way.. how can you say they are so hateful?

So far everyone else is the one spewing hate night and day. I understand though, the author is a western journalist, with her name as her domain for the website.. and a photoshopped picture of herself on the top. She just wants some attention and is making her path easier by adopting typical internet blog journalist style.

We all make our choice, as people, and must live and die choosing for ourselves. I personally believe we will all account against ourselves after death.. so make your life better and more loving. It will seem like your long life was only a day long. Please stop being so hateful.

Big Money Hustlah [joking] on February 11, 2012 at 2:48 pm

    That’s because muslims don’t usually comment on a Pro-Isreal website – what they normally due is save the comments and lob the bomb – remember all those innocent people jumping off the world trade center, choking on smoke and getting crushed to death by two falling towers? Idiot!

    MRobs on February 15, 2012 at 3:17 pm


      The world trade centre blown up by muslims? Does anyone have any logic proof for this. we shouldn’t just talk by the sake of accusation but we need real proof? Can the UNITED STATES provide ..prove which has logical reasoning. A fact am talking about.

      People there are lots of games being played to rub the muslim image but it can’t delete the islam. whatever might happen ..the same year the incident happened US had the largest converts to islam. what does this say.

      Morash on March 4, 2012 at 5:39 am

        Moron….I mean Morash,

        You are a perfect example of why you just can’t fix stupid! Muslims tried to blow up the world trade center back in the 90’s and then again on 9/11 – only on 9/11 they were much more successful then they were back in the 90’s. Lets look at recent history jackass – how many acts of terrorism are committed by muslims every month – to numerous to count! You 7th century savages have been bloodletting forever with no end in site. The only good thing is that most of the time you idiots are killing eachother!

        MRobs on March 20, 2012 at 11:02 am

When will liberals figure out that Islam is not a race, but a political/religious ideology. Despising Muslims and Islam isn’t racism. Muslims are white, black, Asian, etc.

Wendy Austin on February 16, 2012 at 2:30 pm

Hey….debby why are you criticizing islam? Does islam force people to convert. No not at all. I would love if you seek knowledge and stop talking rubbish. Allah created you and put lots of signs for you to understand why you have been created and brought to this world but you are blind about that Allah is the most merciful and also has got the hardest punishment for those who disobey him. Your life is waiting you, you might die anymoment and you will only be saved if you are lucky enough to see all the signs around you that show Allah is your creator. For example …you should examine your EAR how its designed what does it say. You have Allah’s name written in parts of your body. But you are blind to see that.

Morash on March 4, 2012 at 5:27 am

    Yo Moron… I mean Morash,
    Islam forces people to convert every day in Muslim countries and if they don’t they are raped, killed, mutilated, sold…so many ugly things can happen to an infidel in third world muslim cesspools. You need to seek some knowledge and read the book of satan (aka: koran & hadiths) and see it for what it really is – what religion advocates sexually molesting little girls and little boys, beheading, stoning, lashings, thighing little babies – I could go on and on – muslims are nothing more than savages. May you accept the true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ if you wish to avoid the fires of Hell. I will pray that you seek him and come to know him.

    MRobs on March 20, 2012 at 10:50 am

Allah’s punishment is the most severe that human being can face. I wish Allah to guide all non muslims and show the right path. for sure they aren’t capable of defending themselves from the hell fire. Only people who think out of the box and ask questions find answers to them.

Islam isn’t hatred isn’t racist and its for all humanity…we didn’t say this…Allah ..who created this humanity said that.

Morash on March 4, 2012 at 5:32 am

    Allah is a made up fictional character created by the pedophile mohammed. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together who has read that sicko drivel in that book of yours (koran) would realize that in about 5 minutes flat. Islam spreads because people in muslim countries are generally stupid and uneducated – not real hard to figure it out.

    MRobs on March 20, 2012 at 11:07 am

hei MRobs, is it true you wer recite koran totally? and you understand what the meaning of each word? so, tell me what the meaning of the first sura. only person who don’t understand islam will say rubbish like you. did you know why your attitude like that? it’s because of your parent. in islam, we born becaus3 our parent legal bond that blessed of ALLAH. but you? your mother told you that your father is your thru father. but is it true? maybe you just a son of bitch that got fuck by a man who is not your father. you know why i say like that? because you also did the same think as your parent. get a sex party. the answer of my question. actually, you scared to islam not because of the humor of terrorist. but you scared to our religion law. we may weak today. but, ALLAH were promise to us, HE will protect us one day that we don’t know. maybe for you, i talk rubbish. but do you know how islam defeat non- muslim who against us? actually, we dont need nuclear, but our soul n spirit. that enough to defeat our enemy. i want to tell you something if you are an american. your country people is the most poor people on the world. why i said like that? because your parent don’t teach you very well. but they just teach you entertainment, sex, etc. maybe you are a bisex, got fuck by uour parent at the same time. that why you can’t judje an issue profetional

adam al-hajj on May 22, 2012 at 3:28 pm

hei MRobs, is it true you wer recite koran totally? and you understand what the meaning of each word? so, tell me what the meaning of the first sura. only person who don’t understand islam will say rubbish like you. did you know why your attitude like that? it’s because of your parent. in islam, we born becaus3 our parent legal bond that blessed of ALLAH. but you? your mother told you that your father is your thru father. but is it true? maybe you just a son of bitch that got fuck by a man who is not your father. you know why i say like that? because you also did the same think as your parent. get a sex party. the answer of my question. actually, you scared to islam not because of the humor of terrorist. but you scared to our religion law. we may weak today. but, ALLAH were promise to us, HE will protect us one day that we don’t know. maybe for you, i talk rubbish. but do you know how islam defeat non- muslim who against us? actually, we dont need nuclear, but our soul n spirit. that enough to defeat our enemy. i want to tell you something if you are an american. your country people is the most poor people on the world. why i said like that? because your parent don’t teach you very well. but they just teach you entertainment, sex, etc. maybe you are a bisex, got fuck by uour parent at the same time. that why you can’t judje an issue as an adult. because in your mind just think abiut your father cock n your motner pussy

adam al-hajj on May 22, 2012 at 3:31 pm

    You have just made my case for me with your foolish rant – you just can’t fix stupid! Why are you muslims so obsessed with sex – I mean really your post is full of references to incest and sick sexual activity. Oh – I get it you live in a muslim country – you 7th century savages have been raping your daughters and marrying your sisters and cousins forever. No wonder muslims have never produced anything of value to society – your brains are mush.

    MRobs on August 24, 2012 at 3:59 pm

Islam forces people to convert every day in Muslim countries and if they don’t they are raped, killed, mutilated, sold…????


ANGELA on July 23, 2012 at 1:50 am

    Get your head out of your a$$ much? Name one muslim country that isn’t busy killing, maiming, bombing, raping and now I hear their starting up with crucifiction again – gotta love that islam! And let’s not forget how you savages just love raping little boys and girls – no wonder you are all so f’d up you have been victimizing eachother for centuries.

    MRobs on August 24, 2012 at 3:37 pm

Why do you have to call everybody names? It’s a very village like style. If you are a reporter at least skip words like stupid or moron as eyes hurt from reading it.

Klaudia on September 15, 2012 at 8:03 am

Well at least they can’t judge Liam’s attitudes towards Islam to be the same as one might have expected from the hero of the original Taken film. A character who rescues his daughter from Muslim sanctioned slavery. That’s why they call it acting I guess, the real Liam is no hero, well at least not for me anyway.
Just a word of caution Liam, Islam is not some Mickey Mouse sham religion like Scientology you can play around with for a couple of years because it appeals to your vanity like so many of those actor clowns in Hollywood. To submit to Islam is a lifelong commitment and there is no exit this side of the grave for true believers. Congratulations Liam, you’re not a small minded bigot, just an empty headed counterfeit.

Frankz on October 7, 2012 at 9:40 am

I believe the real hateful people are Debbie and her followers. All she does is spread hate. As a Muslim, I believe in peace. I don’t take offense to any of this nonsense and I hope she finds peace in her heart. I wish the best to all my Muslim and non-Muslim brothers and sisters.


Peace to You on December 3, 2012 at 10:44 am

I must say, if you actually read the Qur’an, you would not say such hateful comments. You are speaking purely out of ignorance, as the Qur’an is a book full of truths and Islam is pure submission to God. Notice I did not say Allah, because what many fail to see is that ALLAH (swt) is OUR GOD. Our Christian, Jewish and Muslim God. Debbie talks with such anger, and it makes me question if she was slighted when she was young. Or, possibly she is trying to make money by saying controversial things that some Americans do in fact enjoy (sickly, enough). I am a Muslim, American and I must say, I have never spoken with so much disgust toward a religion or group of people. So Debbie, with all due respect, who is the evil one, now?

Thank you for reading this.

The Truth on December 3, 2012 at 1:00 pm

YAY lets all hate each other because of religion! that will solve everything!

really? really? on December 26, 2012 at 3:06 pm

I can’t even read these sick comments.. All i can say is that may God guide you all… If you want discussion, no problem.. But this sick and pathetic language only proves that you’re not ready to listen to any one else…because you’ve got no point at awl… God guide you all

yaf on January 26, 2013 at 12:53 pm

You know girl, I think these people take too much drugs that turns them into virtual morons. They pride themselves on their new acquired stupidity and think it is a good way to get more attention. Forgive me Mam F— Liam and Bieber. We do not want this trash to be Christians. They will dirt our image. Every year on Easter Sunday Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher the divine light emanates in the Church and people light their candles from the light. It is open for any one to go and witness it. It is not a secret. If Liam bunkum wants to follow a fake he is welcome to leave the church.

G. R. Scharoubim on May 6, 2013 at 9:55 am

You know girl, I think these people take too much drugs that turns them into virtual morons. They pride themselves on their new acquired stupidity and think it is a good way to get more attention. Forgive me Mam F— Liam and Bieber. We do not want this trash to be Christians. They will dirt our image. Every year on Easter Sunday Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher the divine light emanates in the Church and people light their candles from the light. For 1500 years it has been repeated every year, year after year. It is open for any one to go and witness it. It is not a secret. If Liam bunkum wants to follow a fake he is welcome to leave the church.

G. R. Scharoubim on May 6, 2013 at 9:58 am

muslim are not stupid..we just don’t post rubbish comments..we enjoy watching others fighting over stupid rumors that all of us know they are not true..it’s entertaining, seriously..say bad things about us, doesn’t affect us at all..we just don’t care..you’ve been wasting your time believing rumors and shits and stuff..plus, it’s fun when people concerns so much over wrong things and how stupid they become, simply perceive what they’ve been told and what others say..and it’s also entertaining when the idiots and the morons write articles like this and continuously make their own kinds believe what is not true..everyone hates each other because of the lies they’ve been told, how stupid does that sounds?

to all gross human on October 16, 2013 at 3:52 pm

    Talk about stupid. Read your post before you submit it and learn how to spell and put together a sentence properly!

    MRobs on September 4, 2015 at 4:21 pm

you know debbi you are so sick person, you always look for the bad spot and make it bigger than its size, you must be jailed as every person has the right to choose in?what he believe? you are enemy No.1 for US, do u think that you are doing good thing.. NO… u just want to destroy the community because of your thoughts, Leave the people and Islam alone and look for something useful that develop the community. and as they say

“The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.”

Montana Sako on March 5, 2015 at 4:58 am

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