February 26, 2007, - 1:38 pm

Again?!: More “Pirate” Euphemisms for Muslim Terrorists

Remember when I wrote ( AND ) about the latest euphemism for Muslim terrorists hijacking ships around Somalia?
Well, the Muslims, complete with AK-47s, are at it again–hijacking UN cargo ships delivering (largely U.S. funded) food aid. And the media is at it again, too–once again referring to these individuals as “pirates.”
Guess they forgot that many of the original “pirates”–say back in the 1700s–were Berber Muslim terrorists, too. The original Muslim terrorists.
“Militants.” “Pirates.” Whatever. Time to call a spade, a spade. They are Islamic terrorists.

Original Muslim “Pirates”

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4 Responses

They make Captain Hook look like a peacenik……lol.

Jew Chick on February 26, 2007 at 1:54 pm

Must reading for every western world person who is ignorant of Islam and who still doesnít understand the danger we are in; The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam, by Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, and Islamic Imperialism, a History, by Efraim Karsh.

Rocky on February 26, 2007 at 4:07 pm

I recommend you take a look at this website:
The people who take this sort of stuff the most seriously seem to have no trouble calling them pirates. These are serious maritime reports that ship captains no doubt pay attention to. Maybe to the average person the term “pirate” seems a bit quaint and anachronistic, but from reading the Weekly Piracy Report for a good 7 years now, there is no euphemism in the word “pirate” as it is used here – these are scary people who would love to tie you up and steal your jewelry and GPS equipment, and maybe take your ship and kill you if you’re not lucky.

Dan on February 26, 2007 at 7:22 pm

reportage et fabuleuse création pour cet lieu de vie !

Félicitation de l’excellent boulot ! Vivement la suite !

travaux maison on February 21, 2014 at 9:41 am

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