January 20, 2012, - 2:05 pm
The Sanford Exes & Newt Gingrich’s Cheating – Remember the Deleted “Faithful” Wedding Vow
I couldn’t care less what Jenny Sanford or anyone else thinks of Newt Gingrich and the nothing interview, last night, of Marianne Gingrich on ABC News “Nightline,” etc. But it’s all over the news. Why? We all know Newt cheated. It’s old news. And I didn’t see anything new on the ABC interview last night, other than discovering that Marianne Gingrich is not good at fake-laughing. If you didn’t like Newt for the three-wife thing a year ago, you probably don’t like him now. If you liked him, despite that, last night’s interview shouldn’t have made a difference. Nor should the ex-wife of an ex-governor’s opinion. My problems with Gingrich (and Romney) are related to other issues I’ve detailed ad nauseam on this site. But the former Mrs. Sanford isn’t exactly somebody who should be talking about cheating and whether or not it should affect the vote. Remember, this woman admitted that she agreed to marry Mark Sanford despite the fact that he demanded removing the agreement to remain “faithful” from the wedding vows (to which she acquiesced).
If you marry someone after that, you’ve given them license to cheat and you know that’s gonna happen. Only a moron agrees to that, then is shocked–shocked!–that hubby cheated. With Marianne Gingrich, she kinda knew this would happen, as Gingrich cheated with her on wife #1.
But, what I’m waiting for, is the FOX News Mark Sanford interview on this topic. As you’ll recall, I wrote about how ridiculous it was that FOX News recently hired Sanford–a failed, disgraced politician–to be a commentator on the 2012 Presidential race. But the one thing I’d be interested in seeing FOX News ask Sanford about hasn’t aired: an interview with him about his failed Presidential hopes because of cheating versus Gingrich’s soaring prospects despite similar cheating. So, Roger Ailes, where is that interview? It’s the one thing Sanford might be useful to comment about. And I don’t really care what he thinks, either.
Tags: Callista Gingrich, cheating, FOX News, Jenny Sanford, Marianne Gingrich, Mark Sanford, Newt Gingrich
A lot of married couples have threesomes. Him, her, and the remote control for the tv.
I want to know what the candidates will do to bring capitalism back to the United States, and to shrink government and the debt. What are their policies on oil drilling? Who will they appoint to the courts?
Jonathan E. Grant on January 20, 2012 at 2:42 pm