January 5, 2009, - 4:58 pm

Spectator of UK & Jerusalem Post Cite Schlussel

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m sometimes asked why I want credit for my work. It’s like asking you why you should get paid for yours. Or why an artist should get credit for his/her painting or paid for it. I work very hard on what I write, and recognition is the lifeblood of this business. If you don’t get credit for your work, you’re howling at the wind.
That’s why I appreciate those who do give credit, the latest being the prestigious Spectator of London and the Jerusalem Post.
Brilliant Spectator columnist Melanie Phillips (who is also author of “Londonistan“) cites my writing on Islamic Relief Worldwide, a HAMAS front group “charity” (which gets tens of millions of dollars in aid from the Mormon church). Read her entire column, “The Real Agenda.” As usual, she is right on the money.
Then, there is our friend, investigative reporter Michael Freund, who is usually the one uncovering scoops around the world for the Jerusalem Post and his blog, Fundamentally Freund. He cites my story on Roseanne Barr’s support for HAMAS.
Thanks, Melanie and Michael, for recognizing my writing.

7 Responses

Congrats, Debbie. You’re a beacon of light shining through the fog of bullshit and you’re one tough Jew.
I went to school smack in the middle of Detroit (HFHSON – lived in the dorms in the old HoJo hotel on W.Grand Blvd.) and lived there for several years and you’re a credit to the rich creative community there.
G-d bless you!

ObamaSlammaJamma on January 5, 2009 at 6:07 pm

Good for you Debbie.
Look at me, I write extensively on exterminating the Muslim terrorists and their supporters and I never get quoted in the semi-weekly Al Qaeda newsletter “Death to the Infidels.”
I envy you.

Independent Conservative on January 5, 2009 at 6:14 pm

You go get em Debbie. I find your analysis more accurate and consistent of most comment on the web. God’s blessing’s on Israel forever! Orlin Bowman from Marquette Michigan.

ob3 on January 5, 2009 at 9:02 pm

I’m glad that you got credit for your work here, but since when is that Leftist moonbat fish-wrap from UK called the Guardian ‘prestigious’? They are as close to Jihadi as you can get, and are likely in bed with Ken Livingstone, George Galloway, Yvonne Ridley and other Jihadi thugs in the UK (Ummah Kaliphate)

Infidel Pride on January 5, 2009 at 11:33 pm

Particularly when Melanie Phillips, in the link you provided above, was writing for the ‘Spectator’. No way either she’d agree to write for the Guardian, much less the Guardian agreeing to publish any of her writings.

Infidel Pride on January 5, 2009 at 11:36 pm

Right on, Deb. Since the Conservatives are getting their talking points from the liberals these days to stay in the newspapers or TV, glad to see you didnt have to change your message to get recognized. Many “conservatives” are cuddling to the left to be heard and stay relevant. Keep strong like Rush, Ann Coulter and Mike Savage.

californiascreaming on January 5, 2009 at 11:58 pm

Congrats, Debbie! For what it’s worth… on the occasion I use stuff from your site on my insignificant and lowly blog… I always cite you.
Someday I hope you’ll look into Rome’s duplicity and her coddling of Muslim terrorists. Even in the current crisis they are trotting out more “moral equivalence” quotes and calling on Israel to stop defending itself.
Since their days suckling the PLO in the early 70s to their rearend-kissing of Arafat, Rome has been an enemy of Israel (all in the name of “peace”). A wolf in sheep’s clothing, as it were.
Vatican II speaks of Islam as “first” among the monotheistic religions of the world (placing that monstrosity ahead of another – far more relevant to Christianity – monotheistic religion in the world!).

bleechers on January 6, 2009 at 9:58 am

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