January 17, 2012, - 3:13 pm

HAMAS: No More “Palestinian Idol” (Not Enough Jew-Hatred Songs?)

By Debbie Schlussel

If there were a Suliman Al-Cowell and Joumanifer HaLopezad in Gaza, they’d be unemployed and hurting for cash.  Ditto for Samer Tyler.   That’s because HAMAS just canceled an “X-Factor”/American Idol”-style show in Gaza, deeming that it was “indecent.”  Since there is no detail on what was “indecent” about the show, “New Star,” I’m thinking maybe there weren’t enough songs like Smoky Al-Jihadinson’s “The Tears of a Jew” or Kafiriner’s “I’ve Been Waiting for 72 Girls Like You.”  Or maybe someone sang, “Young Turks,” and HAMAS was disappointed that it wasn’t about the terrorists on the Gaza flotilla who injured and tried to murder Israelis.


GAZA CITY– The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip has banned residents of the coastal enclave from participating in the national reality singing show “New Star.”

The first episode of “New Star,” which follows the format of popular shows like “American Idol” and “The X-Factor,” was recorded in Gaza City via video link in December, and around 120 people turned up to audition.

But the successful contestants will not be able to continue in the competition as the Gaza government media office has since banned the talent show, which is produced by Ma’an TV and broadcast on the Ma’an-Mix satellite channel.

Hasan Abu Hashish, who heads the media office in the Hamas-run government, told Ma’an’s public relations director Ala al-Abed that the program was “indecent.”

The contest contradicts the customs and traditions of the Gaza community, Abu Hashish said, adding that singing was the passion of a few and not in the interests of the majority of the community.

The show is in its second season. Singers from Gaza participated in the first series without incident.

Welcome to Islamic “democracy” and springtime Arabism. As I always say, you can’t call theirs v. ours “a clash of civilizations,” because that assumes that there are two civilizations.

And you can’t exactly call what goes on in the Islamic world, “civilization.”

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8 Responses

It also calls to the fore the Islamic view of music. Mohammad hated the stuff, so it bacame an ordinance from Allah. When Islam really gets its grip on a society, it truly dies.

Worry01 on January 17, 2012 at 4:26 pm

    Don’t worry dear. There’s Arab Idol, Star Academy, Superstar and plenty of other shows that are pretty successful and aren’t going off anytime soon

    Natasha on January 19, 2012 at 12:59 pm

Wow – a musician with a seeing-eye dog would really have a tough time in that culture.

Nir Leiu on January 17, 2012 at 5:50 pm

    …a sight-impaired musician, of course….

    Nir Leiu on January 17, 2012 at 5:52 pm

“Hasan Abu Hashish, who heads the media office in the Hamas-run government, said the program was indecent.”

Methinks Mr. Hashish has been smoking too much Hashish. (rimshot)

Irving on January 17, 2012 at 8:24 pm

I wonder if Roger Waters or Bono will be throwing an “awareness” concert there soon?
Rock the Casbah and get yourself stoned!

theShadow on January 17, 2012 at 10:56 pm

Hasan Abu Hashish. Hasan Abu Hashish. Hasan Abu Hashish.

Beavis and Butthead have a new pucnhline.

Can you say “Smokin'”?

The Reverend Jacques on January 18, 2012 at 5:36 am

Scum being scum.

Occam's Tool on January 24, 2012 at 2:06 am

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