December 29, 2008, - 2:27 pm

The Ex-ICE Princess’ Legacy Keeps on Giving: New Policy Endangers Immigration Agents

By Debbie Schlussel
The incompetent ICE Princess, Julie L. Myers, has been gone from her hilarious perch atop Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for over a month. But her legacy of incompetence and jeopardizing ICE agents’ lives lives on. More about that below.
But first, we interrupt this post to note that The ICE Princess made’s “Most Embarrassing Photos of 2008”. She’s #5. (Thanks to reader Ari for the tip. Warning: some of these photos are quite lewd and disgusting.)
Now, back to the ICE agents’ safety against illegal aliens they’re deporting.
It’s long been the policy of ICE to sedate some aliens–especially the ones who will likely be violent–when they are being deported. This is necessary. Imagine you are an agent on a plane with an illegal alien named Mahmoud–or more likely, Juan, since we barely deport any Muslims–and you are accompanying him back to his country of origin, where he belongs.


Sedate ‘Em!

The rest of the people on the plane aren’t likely your allies in the deportation, and even if they are, it’s hardly relevant if Mahmoud or Juan starts attacking you. More than likely Mahmoud or Juan has been convicted of a crime, perhaps a violent crime–since those seem to be the only ones ICE detains these days, if at all.
You are in mid-air, thousands of miles above civilization, and Mahmoud/Juan decides to start physically attacking you and grabs your gun. What do you do? Ask Julie Myers, since her new policy makes this almost possible.
You see, because of Julie Myers’ newly instituted policy, fewer and fewer such deportees are being sedated. And it jeopardizes agents’ live needlessly. These are dangerous people who scratch, bite, spit on, blow snot on, and otherwise try to harm and infect ICE Immigration enforcement Agents and Deportation Officers.
Myers required that agents get a court order to sedate a deportee. It further clogs the deportation system, and few agents are going to hold things up to get it. It’s simply absurd.
But Myers bought into the ACLU’s and other open borders advocates’ cries over this because she was more worried about her image with these groups than agents’ safety and lives. Here are the thrilling results, but you have to read beyond the agenda in this article, which seeks to portray ICE agents as Nurse Ratched.

Fewer deportees have been sedated with powerful medications during their removal from the country by federal immigration officials, according to a newspaper report.
Data obtained by The Dallas Morning News showed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement sedated only 10 people in the past fiscal year, using the anti-psychotic drug Haldol in only three cases.
ICE was criticized and even sued over its practice in which most of those involuntarily sedated were given Haldol, a potent drug typically used to treat schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions and hostility.
Immigration staff oversaw the sedation of 384 deportees over the past six fiscal years, through October. Haldol was used in 356 of the cases, the newspaper reported in Monday’s editions. . . .
Federal officials defended ICE’s sedation policy, pointing out that medical personnel must recommend the procedure before it’s used. A court order must now be obtained to drug a deportee. . . .
Haldol is sometimes used for acute agitation in hospital emergency rooms.
Critics applaud the newer requirement for a court order, a change that took effect in June 2007. The policy was enacted after then- assistant homeland security secretary Julie L. Myers learned about sedation cases and followed opposition from the American Civil Liberties Union. . . .
The ACLU sued the U.S. government last year on behalf of the two immigrants, one from Senegal and another from Indonesia [DS: both Muslims]. The case was settled for $55,000 to be split between the two men. The government admitted no wrongdoing or liability.
When former Dallas resident Stanley Ukeni of Nigeria was deported in October 2007, he said immigration officials gave him two choices: arrive sedated in Nigeria or remain unsedated so he could better protect himself. Ukeni, who feared torture in Nigeria because of his human rights work, opted to go peacefully so he could avoid sedation.
In November 2007, federal officials sought a court order to sedate an [DS: Muslim] Albanian political-asylum seeker who resisted deportation at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, wrote a private bill that halted the man’s deportation until early 2009.

The only reason agents sedate people is when they are violent and unruly and refuse to go or cause havoc in the deportation process, or when agents have good reason to believe they will be violent. The fact is that if these aliens left on their own when they received their deportation orders, none of this would happen. This is only a last resort. And now it is a difficult thing to do because of the additional bureaucracy Julie Myers put in place for her ACLU buddies.
Illegal aliens salute you, Congressman Gohmert and Julie. Real people of genius.
By the way, here’s a little appropriate musical accompaniment for Julie Myers’ dumb ACLU-pandering policy, which, sadly, lives on:

3 Responses

Why did we sedate them in the first place? We should have provided them with literature from their country, their favorite foods, clergy of their choosing, exercise facilities, and then released them like we did with the terrorists at Gitmo that we so unjustly captured. We must learn from the illegal aliens in the same manner that we should have learned and grown from our interface with the terrorists at Gitmo. A true feeling of diversity would enable us to do so.

c f on December 29, 2008 at 5:40 pm

Even in her departure, Myers continues to bring this agency down to new depths. Just another example of how her lack of leadership contributes to ICE’s downfall.
As for her I&C Solutions company, who better to get to give advice on immigration nightmares than the person who was right in the middle of the trainwreck. Although Myers is consistent… the credentials again seem to be questionable when it comes to years of experience in this area.
With any luck, the President Elect will take a look at this agency and slate it for some re-organization. ICE & CBP share IT, procurement, reporting and seizure policies…. just to name a few. Why not put two LOGICAL partners back together.
ICE will become extinct in the near future. CBP will be the new Customs and DRO and CIS the new INS, leaving ICE with no function, no mission and little respect (if that’s possible) in the law enforcement community.
Morale is in the toilet and people continue to jump off this sinking ship. Hopefully, the new administration will address this debacle.

ICEDover on December 30, 2008 at 12:44 am

Be careful ICEDover. You are making to much sense! We can’t have that at ICE now can we? Besides EVS and Priceless may get on this blog and spew forth some kool aid!

notanEVSfan on December 30, 2008 at 6:55 pm

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