December 22, 2008, - 3:40 pm

Barack Obama Racist “Typical White Person” Granny Memorial Watch; Releases Real Birth Certificate

By Debbie Schlussel
Hmmmm . . . so, Barack Hussein Obama’s “typical White person” racist granny, Madelyn Duham, has been dead for almost two months. And still, not a single act of memorial for her. Not a special trip to Hawaii. Nothin’. It tells you a lot about him–he doesn’t give a whit (or is that . . . White?) about the person who raised him. After he threw her under the bus when she was alive, he clearly didn’t feel any obligation to attend any sort of funeral.
And don’t expect him to any time in the next four to eight years. He has far more important things to do, like interview for Baba Wawa’s “Most Fascinating People,” help Mrs. Hussein Obama pick a designer ball gown, and find those kiddies a nice dog and an exclusive snobby school for rich kids.


St. Barry with Late Grandmother Who Still Awaits Memorial from Him

Now, though, Obama is back in Hawaii–not a special trip to remember “Typical White person” granny. Oh, no, we can’t have that. You see, the Hussein Obamas go to Hawaii every year for the holidays. Granny had nothin’ to do with it. They have a gazillion dollar mansion to hang at.
And has he gone to pay his respects to her in any way (supposedly her body was cremated; a memorial was held–but he didn’t attend)? No. He’s doing the more important things in life . . . .

By the way, it appears that finally, Mr. Obama has–once and for all–released a real copy of his birth certificate. This should put all questions and lawsuits regarding his birth to rest, once and for all. Don’t blame me for the somewhat racist looking babies that are posted on the document. I didn’t make this, and I’d prefer it without the photos. The point I wish to make is in the text of the birth certificate. Looks just as real as his “real” Selective Service Registration.

And now, when is there going to be a memorial for Granny? Don’t hold your breath, or you’ll soon be as expired as she is. Tells us a lot about the “character”–or rather, lack of one–of our new President to be.

No Way to Treat the Dead

23 Responses

It tells us a lot about Americans who put this empty suit into the White House. Not that they care this man won’t honor his grandmother or that he embraces infanticide as a practice. Judge a person not by what he says but by what he does or doesn’t do. And in Obama’s case, its enough to keep me from embracing him as my President. Character matters!

NormanF on December 22, 2008 at 4:27 pm

My father couldn’t attend his own mother’s funeral due to eye surgery a week before she died in Michigan and he was in Florida and could not fly due to doctor’s orders.
We could have “kept Granny on ice” for the 4 days or so it would have taken to get somebody down there to drive him and my disabled mother back up here. We chose not to.
Does this mean that my father didn’t love his mother? I assure you he did. Does this mean that my father didn’t respect his mother? Again, I assure you he did.
Did my Grandmother’s death and subsequent funeral come at a very inconvenient time? Heck yeah it did!
Although unfortunate, Barack Obama’s grandmother’s death probably couldn’t come at a more inconvenient time as well… Apparently he had other obligations, like preparing to lead this country.
Give the man a break… Oh yeah, he’s part black and in your eyes, not worthy of any break.
But I bet you’d think differently if his name was Idan Cohen…

Leilani on December 22, 2008 at 4:47 pm

From Leilani:
[ Apparently he had other obligations, like preparing to lead this country. ]
What part of leading this country consists of playing golf?

i_am_me on December 22, 2008 at 4:57 pm

He’s got about as much character as Ted Kennedy.

Frank on December 22, 2008 at 4:57 pm

Apparently a golf game takes up as much time as a 12 hour flight to Hawaii… I don’t think so.
He saw her before she died. There’s really not much you can do after somebody’s dead.
Or do you think she’s like Jesus and would rise up again? Get over it. She died. They cremated her. I know I certainly wouldn’t fly a 1/3 of the way around the world just to look at some ashes.
And how do you know that she didn’t request that he not come upon her death??? I’ve been around a lot of old people, and trust me, at the age of 90 they really don’t give that much of a crap about the pomp and circumstance of a funeral – especially when they are 90. Both of your friends that are still alive show up and some family members and that’s about it!!!

Leilani on December 22, 2008 at 5:05 pm

I hate to say it but I think KING HUSSEIN COBRAMA put Granny to sleep Kevorkian style. So mysterious she politely died the day before the election. There was no way any reporter was going to get her reaction that her Kenyan born grandson was going to be the next president. She cast an absentee ballot so she must have had some capacity. All the secrets were put away on Nov. 3rd. The Nowhere Man. He has yet to disprove any of the allegations about his past.
Love that birth certificate. LOL! Just shows if he doesn’t answer any allegations the questions will continue to pile up.

californiascreaming on December 22, 2008 at 5:19 pm

[Apparently a golf game takes up as much time as a 12 hour flight to Hawaii]
Um, where is he playing golf? Where are her ashes?
[There’s really not much you can do after somebody’s dead.]
Maybe that is how you were raised. Was our new “Role Model in Chief” raised the same way? Apparently so.
At any rate at least you now implicitly admitted he was not only “preparing to lead this country.”

i_am_me on December 22, 2008 at 6:58 pm

Loved the birth certificate … nice to know it’s now offishal …
Jimmy Lewis
SCS, Michigan

Jimmy on December 22, 2008 at 7:41 pm

Obama’s cold behavior towards his grandmother, her illness and her death confirms what many people believe: that he is a sociopath. The members of the Obama cult are taken in by his superficial charm. He is a con man and is damned good at it.
Even if he were born in Hawaii, his citizenship status is still problematic. When he went to Indonesia (or should I say dragged to Indonesia by an uncaring mother?) he would have been compelled to renounce his US citizenship (if he was in fact a US citizen) in order to attend the Muslim school. Indonesia would not have permitted him to retain his US citizenship and be a dual citizen. He would then have to reapply for US citizenship upon his return to Hawaii–before his 18th birthday in order to be a NATURALIZED citizen.
I doubt he was born in Hawaii. I know what a Hawaiian birth certificate looks like. I have a Hawaiian certificate of life birth issued when I was born a few years before Obama was. He would certainly have produced it by now if he had it. But again, it wouldn’t clear up his citizenship status problem.

lexi on December 22, 2008 at 7:45 pm

typo: certificate of live birth

lexi on December 22, 2008 at 7:47 pm

D: Idan is a commonly used name by Hebrews. It means Era in Hebrew. In fact, I even have a friend named Idan. He is from Israel.
Secondly, I am wondering how much time Granny spent raising Obama seeing as Obama spent a large amount of time in Indonesia. I wasn’t aware that Granny was living in Indonesia as well.
Regardless, every family mourns and grieves and perceives death differently – both culturally and religiously. What may be an acceptable to one family regarding death may not be a standard practice to others.
For example, Jews get buried before sundown if at all possible. Christians do not. Is it MY PLACE to say that my religious practices regarding death are right and the Jewish practices are wrong???
It definitely is not… and again, it is possible that Obama’s grandmother told him not to show back up in Hawaii until he had more time to spend their.
Let’s face it… she was old and most definitely not going to live forever.

Leilani on December 22, 2008 at 8:21 pm

Leilani: You spout social worker style jargon. Fuzzy thinking. I would bet you’re a social worker of some sort.

lexi on December 22, 2008 at 8:42 pm

Nope, not a social worker. I just happen to have friends from all different ethnicities and all walks of life.
Why is that fuzzy thinking if I look at both sides of the story??? And the site administrator (who happens to hold a law degree) should be well aware that there are two sides to every story. I’m sure she has seen it in court enough.
Regardless, a personal decision was made by the President elect regarding the death of his grandmother.
And isn’t it SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING if the Journalist portrays Mr. Obama as a P.O.S that has no family values than an everyday guy who happened to be busy and had prior commitments???
In journalism and PR, it’s called the “spin”… And you can spin anything anyway that you want to?
Ms. Schlussel would not have a website, radio show, columns and multiple on air appearances if she talked about the boring and mundane.
Neither would Jerry Springer for that matter.

Leilani on December 22, 2008 at 9:13 pm

Nope, not a social worker. I just happen to have friends from all different ethnicities and all walks of life.
Why is that fuzzy thinking if I look at both sides of the story??? And the site administrator (who happens to hold a law degree) should be well aware that there are two sides to every story. I’m sure she has seen it in court enough.
Regardless, a personal decision was made by the President elect regarding the death of his grandmother.
And isn’t it SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING if the Journalist portrays Mr. Obama as a P.O.S that has no family values than an everyday guy who happened to be busy and had prior commitments???
In journalism and PR, it’s called the “spin”… And you can spin anything anyway that you want to?
Ms. Schlussel would not have a website, radio show, and multiple on air appearances if she talked about the boring and mundane.
Neither would Jerry Springer for that matter.

Leilani on December 22, 2008 at 9:13 pm

C’mon Debbie you have to give nObama the benefit of the doubt. He’s acting the same way OJ did when he wanted to find the “real killers” of Nicole Simpson.

RadicalRightWinger on December 22, 2008 at 9:41 pm

Who said Obama is a P.O.S.? Obama is a sociopath. One can be a P.O.S. without the sociopathy that Obama exhibits. Plus he is not a natural born US citizen.

lexi on December 22, 2008 at 11:28 pm

I totally agree with you! Sure, he had the election and he had to pick his team and he had to cover his tracks with Gov Blago and now he is in Hawaii on holiday and he cant go put flowers at the grave site? Granny was suppose to be cremated but her ashes buried with her husband at punchbowl cemetary so you would think he would make a big deal and get his msm worshiping fools to do a big PR spot for him. The Hawaii media said she died 2 days before the election but it wasnt announced until the night before. why?

Holly on December 23, 2008 at 12:02 am

Sociopath?? Maybe we should both refer to the DSM-III to justify a diagnosis…
not learning from experience
no sense of responsibility
inability to form meaningful relationships
inability to control impulses
lack of moral sense
chronically antisocial behavior
no change in behavior after punishment
emotional immaturity
lack of guilt
Hmmm… don’t most sociopaths exhibit criminal behavior? Don’t most sociopaths have documented or suspected behaviors in the past such as killing animals???
Please re-acquaint yourself with the TRUE psychological meaning of SOCIOPATH and then get back at me?
There might be a few things that one may choose to call Obama… And I highly doubt a well-educated Psychologist or Psychiatrist would deem him as such…

Leilani on December 23, 2008 at 1:33 am

He has all the signs of a narcissist. He has all the signs of a lier. He has all the signs of a socialist.

Holly on December 23, 2008 at 8:10 am

Can’t you give this guy a chance? Sometimes you show a very ugly side that shadows an otherwise intelligent intellect. Everyone mourns in their own way. What’s wrong with playing a round of golf. Further, how do you know what Obama did privately to honor his grandmother? It is really none of your business. I also wonder….Do you like anyone? Would you rather have another 4 years of the disasterous leadership we’ve had in Bush? Give Obama the opportunity to lead. But I wonder, if he is able to pull us out of this economic toliet, will you credit him for it or find yet another trivial complaint. C’mon Debbie, it is time for us all to come together, for a collective recovery of a once majestic country.

musiccgirl on December 23, 2008 at 9:51 am

BHO, BHO Can’t lead he does not know how. Empty speaches , that do not say anything, failed big government polices that do not work, total destruction and removal of the Constitution,yea give superman a chance, a chance to destroy the USA.
OBAMA Superman – who is really Clark Kent !
How in the world do you look at what Obama’s stated plans are and some of the wacko extremists in his cabinet…
This notion that Joe Biden and Obama have a magic formula to help the middle class do something with targeted government spending, is absurd. It’s been tried throughout history. It doesn’t work. Capitalism is the only thing that’s gonna work; unfettered, just-get-out-of-the-way capitalism, allowing the fruits of one’s labors to be realized, reinvested, and so forth. Even Fareed Zakaria, wrote in the Washington Post yesterday: “For Obama to be remembered as a great president, he has to do nothing less than rescue capitalism.” Tell me something. How in the world…? Fareed Zakaria is supposedly, by reputation, one of the smartest guys ever. Newsweek, CNN, Washington Post columns. He’s got a book or something out there about how it’s all over, the end of American dominance, because the rest of the world is rising up all around us, something like that.

Johnny V on December 23, 2008 at 11:54 am

I am still trying to find out when Grandma actually pasted away. It was annouced that she died on November 3rd by the media but the newspapers in Hawaii say November 2nd. Then today I read that someone at the coroner’s office said she actually died on October 21st and was cremated on Ocotber 24th.
If that was the case( and I am not saying he did), then he did nothing but use her death for sympathy votes and that is a really sick thing to do

Holly on December 24, 2008 at 11:10 pm

Below are two official emails that dispute the public version of Obamaís Birth and his motherís marriage to BHO Sr.
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008
Subject: Re: Stanley “Ann” Dunham 1960 to 1970 class registration
Ms. Stanley Ann Dunham (BHO IIís mom) was enrolled at the University of Washington for:
Autumn 1961
Winter 1962
Spring 1962
The records responsive to your request from the University of Washington are above as provided by the Public Disclosure Laws of Washington State. This concludes the Universityís response to your Public Records request. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.
Madolyne Lawson
Office of Public Records
From: Stuart Lau []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008
Subject: Re: Inquiry
The University of Hawaii at Manoa is only able to provide the following information for Stanley Ann Dunham:
Dates of attendance:
Fall 1960 (First day of instruction 9/26/1960)
Spring 1963 – Summer 1966
Fall 1972 – Fall 1974
Summer 1976
Spring 1978
Fall 1984 – Summer 1992
Degrees awarded:
BA – Mathematics, Summer 1967 (August 6, 1967)
MA – Anthropology, Fall 1983 (December 18, 1983)
PhD – Anthropology, Summer 1992 (August 9, 1992)
Sincerely, Stuart Lau
Stuart Lau
University Registrar
Office of Admissions and Records
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Ph: (808) 956-8010
Commentary on University Emails:
For the BHO II Hawaiian Aug 4 1961 COLB to be accurate the following improbable events needed to occur:
1 month after starting classes, Stanley Ann Dunham, Barackís mom, at age 17, got pregnant by the only black African man on the entire chain of Hawaiian islands.
2 months after getting pregnant, she drops out of college.
3 months after getting pregnant, she marries BHO Sr.
10 months after her first day at the U of HI, she delivers BHO II and immediately leaves her parents, her new husband, and her home, to fly alone with a newborn 2800 miles to Seattle to start college at the U of W.
Stanley Ann Dunham does not return to Hawaii until AFTER BHO Sr left the islands for Harvard.
This is an implausible series of events made even more nefarious because Obama II in his 2 bio books never mentions his mom left Hawaii when she was married to BHO Sr, nor does he mention she was in Washington State during this time.

No Free Lunch on December 26, 2008 at 11:07 pm

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