December 22, 2008, - 12:12 pm

Our Civilized Muslim “Allies”: 8-Year-Old Girl Must Wait for Puberty to Divorce 58-Year-Old

By Debbie Schlussel
Ah, the “Religion of Peace for Muslim Eight-Year-Old Girls.” They claim to be our “allies in the war on terror,” but they actually terrorize eight-year-old girls no differently than their buddy Bin Laden would. No difference between them and him:

A Saudi court has rejected a plea to divorce an eight-year-old girl married off by her father to a man who is 58, saying the case should wait until the girl reaches puberty, a lawyer involved told AFP.
“The judge has dismissed the plea–filed by the mother‚Äîbecause she does not have the right to file such a case, and ordered that the plea should be filed by the girl herself when she reaches puberty,” lawyer Abdullah Jtili told AFP in a telephone interview after Saturday’s court decision.


“Religion of Peace”: Married Off at Eight, Must Wait for Puberty to Divorce

The divorce plea was filed in August by the girl’s divorced mother with a court at Unayzah, 220 kilometers (135 miles) north Riyadh just after the marriage contract was signed by the father and the groom.
“She doesn’t know yet that she has been married,” Jtili said then of the girl who was about to begin her fourth year at primary school.
Relatives who did not wish to be named told AFP that the marriage had not yet been consummated, and that the girl continued to live with her mother. They said that the father had set a verbal condition by which the marriage is not consummated for another 10 years, when the girl turns 18.
The father had agreed to marry off his daughter for an advance dowry of 30,000 riyals ($8,000), as he was apparently facing financial problems, they said.
The father was in court and he remained adamant in favor of the marriage, they added.

So, how many speeches will President Bush be making in this country after he leaves office? How much money will his library get from these barbarians (just like the Clintons and Papa Bush)?
And what if his twin girls were married off when they were eight?

17 Responses

What a wonderful religion. But, why should this be of any surprise…the guy who invented islam was a pedophile, himself. He married a six year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was nine…he didn’t even wait for puberty.
And this barbaric tradition occurs all over the primitive muzlum world.
Only the muzlum mindset would find such depravity normal.

Thee_Bruno on December 22, 2008 at 1:01 pm

Hello Debbie Schlussel and All
Everybody needs to watch this 5 minute video titled “Child sex normal in Islam and Quran”. This is originally from MEMRI TV PROJECT and I got it from a great web site everybody should check out at
Debbie you should put this video under the article you wrote so everybody can watch and see how the true muslims treat their young girls.

INFINITE on December 22, 2008 at 1:03 pm

We can’t say homosexuality is morally wrong in the West. And we’re not allowed to censure Islam for depriving little girls of their childhood. So when will we be allowed to talk about the need for moral absolutes? If the people who lead the Western World today have it their way, the answer to those questions and others like it will be: “NEVER!”

NormanF on December 22, 2008 at 1:21 pm

In Hadith – sacred to muslim carpet humpers – Islam’s fake “prophet” is recorded interrupting his 6 year old fiance’s playtime with dolls. In 2002, Iran had to raise the age of female marriage from 9 to 13 because legalized male pedophilia had resulted in a population explosion.
I attacked the Oil Patch President within hours after he puked, “Islam is peace” (Sept 16, 2001). I never trusted that platitudinous thief.

supercargo on December 22, 2008 at 1:47 pm

Very disturbing and sick. And she will probably have her clitoris cut off. It would be wrong for a woman to have pleasure during sex. Bizarro world indeed.

californiascreaming on December 22, 2008 at 7:10 pm

Again, the parts are making the whole here? So there’s a case of ONE Saudi Arabian making headlines because he took an 8 year old bride? I’m sure that is representative of the whole entire culture – NOT!
Do I think it’s sick and disgusting??? You bet I do. Again, I am wondering if this is the norm there? I would think not.
I mean, I have a Saudi Arabian friend and as far as I know, he does not have an eight year old bride back home. In fact, I know for a fact that he prefers older women – “Cougars” if you will.
Does Saudi Arabia have some different and sometimes disturbing aspects of their culture regarding women and children?? ABSOLUTELY!! Do they seem backwards and discriminatory??? Without a doubt in my mind. But is this man’s sickening obsession with an eight year old the norm for this country? I should hope not.
And may I remind you, there are still states in this country where the legal age to marry was not raised to 18 until the last twenty years.
While we are on the subject of pedophiles, according to this marriage contract, this man is not allowed to have sex with this girl until the age of 18. The vast majority of American girls have already had sex by this time.
How many pedophiles are in American jails and prisons for multiple offenses and get out after only serving a few years? How many Arab countries WILL KILL YOU for the molestation of a child?
This is just one example of your inability to present the most sensationalistic side of the story? I wonder what the penalty is for molesting child in Saudi Arabia? Do they cut off your hands? Your penis?? Or do they shack you up and give you free medical, dental and food???

Leilani on December 22, 2008 at 8:39 pm

Thee Bruno
Mohammad did not invent Islam, Islam was here before Mohammad.
Also Mohammad was not declared prophet by Allah but by a bishop who was his wifes cousin. who declared Mohammad the prophet of Isalm.

dong_ha68 on December 22, 2008 at 8:52 pm

In all appearances, slavery was denounced as being atrocious in the West, however, is alive and well in the Middle East, Muslim nations. So what in the hell is the difference between a slave trader selling human flesh, and a Muslim father selling his toddler daughter off as human flesh???

Jackson Pearson on December 22, 2008 at 8:58 pm

To dong_hang_your _balls_are_small,
You pulled the following gem out of your ass: “Mohammad did not invent Islam, Islam was here before Mohammad.
Also Mohammad was not declared prophet by Allah but by a bishop who was his wifes cousin. who declared Mohammad the prophet of Isalm.”
You not only have no idea about who invented islam, but you also have no idea about what islam is all about. Do yourself a favor – walk into the nearest mosque you can find in any city in America that’s overrun with muzlums, on a Friday during afternoon prayers, and tell the assembled carpet-humping, devil-worshipping vermin what you just told all of us here. Don’t be afraid…just tell them like it is. Tell them what you just told us here….just remember to bring about a dozen bodyguards armed with Uzis.

Thee_Bruno on December 22, 2008 at 9:27 pm

Carpet humping? Devil Worshipping? What exactly is a Carpet humper? And what does Allah have to do with the Devil?
Allah is the Arabic word for God. Kinda like Dios is the Spanish word for God. Or Dieu in French.
And really, what exactly does going into a Mosque on a Friday afternoon and interrupting prayers have to do with Uzi’s and bodyguards? You’d probably get about the same reception as if you interrupted my Sunday church sermon. You would be asked to leave.
Likewise, rule Numero Uno (that’s Number One for those of you don’t know any other languages besides English) is that the BEST WAY to lose a debate is to personally attack the person who spoke before you.
Your free usage of racial insults does nothing more than prove to any educated reader that you are basing your argument on opinion and not fact.

Leilani on December 22, 2008 at 9:53 pm

Hmmm… Just saw this comment:
Very disturbing and sick. And she will probably have her clitoris cut off. It would be wrong for a woman to have pleasure during sex. Bizarro world indeed.
I really can’t say that I know of one woman with a Muslim BF or husband that has been told that he would like to give her a clitorendectomy. In fact most of them like pleasuring her – orally.
Is that a norm in Islamic society or a small sect?? Is it about as representative as the KKK is of Christianity???
Think about it…

Leilani on December 22, 2008 at 11:12 pm

Spare me your pious muzlum outrage.
I find it very interesting that out of all the other posts on this thread, you singled out mine for your misguided anger. It’s apparent that you have a problem with anyone who speaks the truth about islam. That is what you muzlums do – silence those who won’t be propagandized and who speak the truth about your demonic religion. You are no more a Christian than that muzlum pig is who sold his 8 year old daughter into an arranged marriage.
As for your queries, I will address them.
Carpet-Humpers = all muzlums who are prescribed by their religion to use a carpet to pray on while using alternating positions of kneeling and bending over, kneeling and bending over, kneeling and bending over. If that’s not carpet-humping, I don’t know what is.
Devil-Worshipers = all muzlums who follow a religion that prescribes the wholesale murder and subjugation of all those who do not believe in islam. Only Satan could deceive people into following a person who claimed to be a prophet of god, who then committed mass murder on behalf of his “god”, allah, who just happened to be named after the Arab pagan Moon god.
As for going into a mosque during prayers and causing a disruption…well, since those people have no aversion to violence, and who have proven as such on many occasions anytime someone draws a cartoon about mohammad, or defaces the Qur’ an, you can expect to be the victim of assault, if not murder, if you walked in and told the “faihful” that mohammad wasn’t a self-declared prophet who founded islam (as the other poster said). In fact, a few ywears ago, a couple of NYC police officers entered a mosque in Harlem while responding to a false report of assault. Upon entering the mosque, the “faithful” who were gathered in prayer proceeded to assault and seriously injure both the officers. Some religion of peace, huh?
The last sentence in your first post was this; “Your free usage of racial insults does nothing more than prove to any educated reader that you are basing your argument on opinion and not fact.”
Let me ask you something: Since when is islam and those who follow it called a “race”? Islam is a religion, and muzlums are followers of that religion….what has that to do with race? It appears that YOU are the one who is not educated.
Lastly, clitorectomy is a WIDELY used barbaric practice whose practitioners are solely muzlum. No other religious group can lay claim to such brutality and indignity.
I appreciate your demonization of me and anyone else who speaks the truth about islam. After all, once educated people who have not been brainwashed since birth discover what islam is truly about, the barbarity and savagery of that religion becomes apparent and abhorrent, and rightfully so, its followers are ostracized and the religion discarded as the demonic cult that it is.
Have fun at your mosque…oh, and, make sure that carpet is clean from any bodily fluids before puuting your ugly face on it.

Thee_Bruno on December 23, 2008 at 12:03 pm

Thee Bruno:
For starters, I was born and raised in the Methodist church. Baptized, confirmed and married in it as a matter of fact.
Secondly, the truth about Islam??? So, you’re saying that EVERYBODY that is Muslim has committed murder??? Everybody that is Muslim is violent, eh?
And so you’re a “carpet humper” if you kneel and pray??? Apparently Catholics using their Prie Dieuxs are preparing to give head???
Likewise, as with Judaism, Muslims believe that you are born a Muslim if your father is a Muslim. Regardless, calling a person any sort of name that implies a definition of a race such as carpet humper is racist. Do you call caucasians carpet humpers?
Solely Muslims that practice female mutilation? Really?
According to SEVERAL Internet sources:
Female genital cutting predates Islam.[44]In Saudi Arabia, in the area known as the Hijaz, where Islam originated, FGC was already being practiced during the lifetime of Muhammad. Female genital cutting is not commanded by the Qur’an[45] and is not practiced by the majority of Muslims.[44] In Egypt, mufti Sheikh Ali Gomaa stated: “The traditional form of excision is a practice totally banned by Islam because of the compelling evidence of the extensive damage it causes to women’s bodies and minds.
So, tell me how can a practice that predates the invention of Islam be solely Islamic???
And, exactly, how did I demonize you? Did I call you names? Uh, no. Did I personally insult you? Again. No.
You are the person who is demonizing me for not agreeing with your hatred.
And I certainly will have fun next time I go to CHURCH!!!!!!!!

Leilani on December 23, 2008 at 1:02 pm

“For starters, I was born and raised in the Methodist church. Baptized, confirmed and married in it as a matter of fact.”
When did you convert to islam? You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“Secondly, the truth about Islam??? So, you’re saying that EVERYBODY that is Muslim has committed murder??? Everybody that is Muslim is violent, eh?”
Never said that, you lying twit. However, those who commit murder and engage in violence on behalf of their religion have been muzlum.
Nice try at distorting what I say…but that’s what muzlums like you, do. You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“And so you’re a “carpet humper” if you kneel and pray??? Apparently Catholics using their Prie Dieuxs are preparing to give head???”
How can Catholics be labeled Carpet-Humpers if they don’t use carpets to kneel and bend over? Nice try. You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“Likewise, as with Judaism, Muslims believe that you are born a Muslim if your father is a Muslim.”
What does that have to do with anything? You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“Regardless, calling a person any sort of name that implies a definition of a race such as carpet humper is racist.”
That makes no sense. Islam is not a race, twit. You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“Do you call caucasians carpet humpers?”
Again, that makes no sense. You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“Solely Muslims that practice female mutilation? Really?”
That’s a fact. You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“According to SEVERAL Internet sources:”
Those sources are Islamic propaganda sites engaged in lies and disinformation. Name those internet sources. You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“And, exactly, how did I demonize you? Did I call you names? Uh, no. Did I personally insult you? Again. No.”
You attack me for speaking the truth about your religion (islam) and you display your pious outrage – hence, demonization. You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“You are the person who is demonizing me for not agreeing with your hatred.”
No, you are demonizing me for speaking the truth about islam. You live in Detroit, don’t you?
“And I certainly will have fun next time I go to CHURCH!!!!!!!!”
I find it funny that a self-proclaimed Christian like you would be such an vehement defender of islam. You live in Detroit, don’t you?

Thee_Bruno on December 23, 2008 at 1:44 pm

Thank you for saying so, Debbie. I just finished responding to one of her posts on another thread not realizing you already banned Leilani. It’s obvious she engages in lies and deception, and I applaud you for banning her. This site cannot be a repository of lies, otherwise, all credibility is gone.

Thee_Bruno on December 23, 2008 at 2:10 pm

Islam is not a religion in any sense of the meaning. It is a cult dedicated yo evil, destruction, intimidation, terrorism and death. The west must wake up and see what it really is. It was not hi-jacked by the Isalmists, but handed to them. If it wants to be recognized as a religion, those that disagree with the radical Islamists had better step up and defend what is right and openly condemn these murderous Mohammidiam thugs.
Bob A.

Bob A. on December 23, 2008 at 6:25 pm

thats jst sick wat would a 58 yo want with an 8yr old

prettiest girl evr on August 14, 2010 at 4:32 pm

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