February 26, 2007, - 10:10 am

Rocky VII: Stallone Raided, Caught With Steroids?

Well, now we know why, at the age of 60, Sylvester Stallone was in such great shape when I met him at the Detroit premiere of “Rocky Balboa”:
And, since we know that steroid use often affects mental faculties, as well, maybe that explains his absurd support for illegal aliens and opposition to a security fence at the border.
While we can’t say for sure if we know that Stallone uses steroids, but since Australian Customs agents raided his room and caught him throwing them out the window, I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet.

The Body of a 60-Year-Old Steroid User?

Too bad he repeatedly lied about why he was in such great shape, telling a number of interviewers about his strict exercise regimen (which also apparently included a strict injection regimen).

Customs officials raided actor Sylvester Stallone’s harbourside room at Sydney’s Park Hyatt Hotel yesterday, as members of his party were seen throwing objects out of the window.
Stallone had already denied bringing steroids into Australia after he was questioned at Sydney Airport on Friday.
It is believed customs officers visited Stallone, 60, about 3pm, and gave him a summons relating to prohibited substances. A summons normally requires him or his lawyer to appear in court.
Here to promote his new film, Rocky Balboa, Stallone flew out of Australia last night but not before customs officers searched his private jet.
“We are aware that he has left the country,” a customs spokesman said.
On Friday, Stallone and five attendants were held until after midnight after X-rays of his luggage found suspicious items, believed to be a body building drug outlawed in Australia.
Laboratory tests will identify the material before any further action is taken.
Stallone’s minders warned yesterday that if the subject was raised, interviews would be terminated. But the actor-director insisted the items were not steroids. He would not identify them other than to say it was something that he had taken for years and was not dangerous.

Believe me, when I met Stallone, he was in better shape than your average 40-year-old. And he’s 60. This explains it. There are some, though–like Jack LaLanne (whom I’ve also met–and he is, indeed, in fantastic shape)–who are in great shape and got there–ostensibly–the natural way.
Yo, Adrian. It’s gonna be a Rocky road ahead.

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13 Responses

I never understood what the big deal about steroids is. If someone wants to use them to become a better athelete or whatever, then let them, they’re the ones who have to deal with the negative side-effects.
I remember there was a big scandal in the WWE in the early 90’s about Vince McMahon giving his wrestlers steroids. What is the big shocker? People are paying money to see these guys specifically because they’re big and buff. The same goes for someone like Stallone.
It’s a free-market, and steroids have many trade-offs. For example, steroids has allowed many baseball players to shatter homerun records. The trade-off is that they suck on the field.
Does it give the people who use them an unfair advantage? Well, the only way you can guarantee a fair sport is if you select people from a specific outbred genepool. Otherwise, things such as money or genes or whatever will always give some people a greater advantage.

Jose on February 26, 2007 at 2:09 pm

    I agree with you, but the problem is that the dream of Rocky was that if you work your ass off and follow your heart, you can do anything, and we thought Stallone had simply worked out like hell to do what he did in the movie, and when Rocky fans like myself found out that it was all just a lie covered by steroids, it hurts. I personally lost 40 pounds after watching Rocky for the first time, just by working my ass off and eating right. It was inspirational. Knowing it was a lie hurts.

    BoxingFan on November 26, 2010 at 1:36 am

Let me guess, next he’s gonna blame it all on a drinking/substance problem and head up to one of the country-club rehab centers up in Malibu. “Promises”/”Betty Ford Center”, here comes Stalone. Just another Hollywood douche-bag phony.

Rich B on February 26, 2007 at 9:22 pm

Seriously Debbie? I mean, I can’t believe that your issue is that Stalone is a “phoney” for using steroids. (if in fact he did, which I think we can just assume to be true!) With all of the “steroids are bad” that we get from the media and the average person who has never researched or used steroids, why would you think Stalone would openly discuss steroid use? People in this country need to understand that steroids are like any other drug, that they cause problems if they are ABUSED, just like alcohol or prescription drugs. I don’t blame Stalone for using steroids if he is careful and has done his homework on them, and I certainly don’t blame him for avoiding the inevitable witch hunt that would occur if he admitted he use.

The Quara on March 13, 2007 at 10:20 am

Phony? You are truly ignorant. No matter what someone takes, the body that Stallone has at 60 is attributed mostly to one thing, hard work. At 60 he is in better shape than 90% of the men in the world who are a third of his age. Yet you call him a phony. Steroids are not magic, you don’t inject them and instantly get jacked, it still takes an immense amount of work.
Secondly, he wasn’t in possession of steroids, he was in possession of human growth hormone, which is completely different. HGH does not promote strength, it has a number of very positive features but strength gains are not one of them. Don’t confuse Testosterone and HGH its just lazy reporting.

you're retarded on March 13, 2007 at 8:34 pm

Phony? You are truly ignorant. No matter what someone takes, the body that Stallone has at 60 is attributed mostly to one thing, hard work. At 60 he is in better shape than 90% of the men in the world who are a third of his age. Yet you call him a phony. Steroids are not magic, you don’t inject them and instantly get jacked, it still takes an immense amount of work.
Secondly, he wasn’t in possession of steroids, he was in possession of human growth hormone, which is completely different. HGH does not promote strength, it has a number of very positive features but strength gains are not one of them. Don’t confuse Testosterone and HGH its just lazy reporting.

you're retarded on March 13, 2007 at 8:34 pm

Phony? You are truly ignorant. No matter what someone takes, the body that Stallone has at 60 is attributed mostly to one thing, hard work. At 60 he is in better shape than 90% of the men in the world who are a third of his age. Yet you call him a phony. Steroids are not magic, you don’t inject them and instantly get jacked, it still takes an immense amount of work.
Secondly, he wasn’t in possession of steroids, he was in possession of human growth hormone, which is completely different. HGH does not promote strength, it has a number of very positive features but strength gains are not one of them. Don’t confuse Testosterone and HGH its just lazy reporting.

you're retarded on March 13, 2007 at 8:34 pm

First of all, HGH IS considered a steroid. Steroids referes to a very broad category of performance enhancement compounds and is not necessarily limited to testosterone and its derivations (although the majority are a derivation of testosterone.) Secondly, HGH definitely DOES result in significant strength gains. It makes soft tissue grow which, of course, includes muscles. Bigger muscles…stronger muscles. Duh.
With regard to the use of steroids and these comments that, “they are not a magic potion and that users still have to work out very hard.” That is pretty much bunk. They ARE a magic potion – yes, the user still needs to work out and anyone who gets a nice physique has spent his amount of time in the gym. BUT, a guy can use gear and, with a steady routine (3 or 4 fairly intense work-outs a week of maybe 1.5 to 2 hours each) the gains are downright amazing. On the other hand, guys doing twice the frequency of workouts with insanely intense workouts will NEVER achieve the same gains, unless a guy is gifted with naturally high levels of testosterone which most people are not. Even then, the custom cocktails that can be put together with the right cycle of steroids waffle-stomp the results from natural testosterone alone.
Here is the dirty little secret. Steroid use is rampant in our society. Grab a copy of International Gear catalog – do you really think every single one of those guys developed those incredible physiques by watching their diet and spending insane amounts of time in the gym? To believe that is just naive as some/most guys cannot develop those types of bodies without a little help. Just as Prozac, Xanax, etc. has allowed people to customize their personalities, steroids allow people to customize their bodies in much the same fashion.
Just because someone is not built like a defensive end doesn’t mean they are not partaking in gear.
Male models, actors, atheletes, a large portion of each does the stuff. It is too hard to compete not to. Take a look at Edward Norton in American History X. What an upper body! (Note that, in the shower scene, he has absolutely no legs, however.) For a guy that came from being really skinny to absolutely buff in two or three months, he had to have help. I have noticed this with other actors as well.
Finally, the use of steroids is down to a science these days. The mechanisms to use them safely are plastered all over the web: everyone knows you have to cycle and there are precautions to avoid gynomastia and shrinking testicals. Also, a male model or someone like this does not have to megadose to get the desired effects – he doesn’t want to be a hulk – just extremely well-defined with low body fat and a nice proportion of muscle mass. There is little risk in getting help in this fashion in one does his homework.
The short of it: Steroids are mainstream. They can be used safely and anyone that really wants to look buff is cutting themselves short not to consider a well-planned program.
What can I say…better life through chemistry!

Tertius1 on March 22, 2007 at 1:18 am

I think you made some good points in your post.

teeloaple on September 27, 2009 at 8:17 am

Ru stupid? It wasnt steriods it was GH. Totally different thing.

RU STUPID on July 18, 2011 at 2:13 pm

The number of people that think steroids magically give you muscles is high. Folks, Stallone did not get all those muscles by just sitting at home and doing nothing. In order to gain muscles, you must work out and steroids are just like fuels(Better and more efficient fuels). So stop thinking that steroids magically build muscles without any sort of hard weight lifting.

ItalianStallion on August 1, 2011 at 3:25 am

Technically it was HGH NOT Steroids, they’re not the exact same thing you know.

Nathan Forester on January 13, 2012 at 1:05 am

What unvarnished ignorance. HGH is not a steroid. Stallone is the most disciplined athletic actor in Hollywood. THAT’S how he keeps that body.

Wr on August 23, 2013 at 4:59 am

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